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[ERROR] No.19108077 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19108080

old man's war

>> No.19108088

read it a few months ago... sci-fi trash for children like ender's game
I'm asking for a GOOD book

>> No.19108105

david gemmell's deathwalker

>> No.19108109

I like to describe Aliette de Bodard's Obsidian & Blood trilogy as "this is cosmic horror, but for the characters it's mostly an average Tuesday." Aztec mythology is just like that. The gods died to create the Fifth World (there is an amazing scene where the main characters go to Teotihuacan and stand above the tombs where their physical bodies are) and generally view humanity as interesting pets, the stars are actually demons that hunger to kill us all, the main character's patron deity is a giant skeleton with a necklace of eyeballs and a flint knife for a nose, human hearts keep the sun in the sky, and that's just the world they live in, nbd.

>> No.19108118

Call of the Crocodile

>> No.19108120

fantashit really?

>> No.19108124

you are a child though, when you get older come back and I will recommend more adult books

>> No.19108152

The Baburnama. Absolute kino book. I especially like how he calls various commanders and princes, fat, useless, and ugly.

>> No.19108157

The War of the End of the World

>> No.19108176

Marai - Embers

>> No.19108234


>> No.19108397
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Here you go Paulie

>> No.19108400

Peter Kingsley - A Book of Life. (The best book of the 21st century).

>> No.19108401


>> No.19108407

Anon's Collected Taliban Poetry is very good, they say. kek

>> No.19108476

The Art of War by Sun Tazoo

>> No.19108482

Story of the Eye

>> No.19108502

The Holy Bible.
The 1611 King James Version.
People who don't approve of this are related to Pharisees and think the New Testament is "antisemitic."

>> No.19108682

War for Armageddon

>> No.19109279

In A Lonely Place
The Deep
Too Loud A Solitude
The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer
Great Expectations
Moby Dick