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[ERROR] No.19108073 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, what is authenticity? He just throws it in. What's the difference between an authentic life and a good life? Did I get filtered?

>> No.19108079

" The word we translate as ‘authenticity’ is actually a neologism invented by Heidegger, the word Eigentlichkeit, which comes from an ordinary term, eigentlich, meaning ‘really’ or ‘truly’, but is built on the stem eigen, meaning ‘own’ or ‘proper’. So the word might be more literally translated as ‘ownedness’, or ‘being owned’, or even ‘being one’s own’, implying the idea of owning up to and owning what one is and does (for a stimulating recent interpretation, see McManus 2019)."
-https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/authenticity/ ch 3.

>> No.19108085

inauthentic life:*heidegger seethes*
authentic life:*heidegger nods at you respectfully*

>> No.19108096
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Should have learned german while I was still young, thanks lad
Raising someone else's kid is an authentic life then

>> No.19108292

>Should have learned german while I was still young

>> No.19108334

Inauthentic life = The Bluepilled, he lets others decide for him, becomes the mass and gets lost in the crowd of people, being like everyone else, acting like everyone else, or Das-Man as Heidegger says

Authentic life: The Redpilled. He makes his own decisions without blaming others for her, he lives as he wants. He takes life by the neck like she's a cheap whore, he fucks her ass like a Chad

>> No.19108368

Maybe take some time off the internet.

>> No.19108425

Are there any good books about authenticity not written by Heidegger or Sartre?