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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.19107512 [Reply] [Original]

>make video about your book collection
>pose like an insta whore
why are women like this?

>> No.19107542

why do men enable the behavior?

>> No.19107554

ngl I'd act interested in whatever she said for a chance. She looks pretty good

>> No.19107557

Simps aren’t men

>> No.19107558

women were a mistake

>> No.19107562

She looks smart

>> No.19107565


all trash

>> No.19107573

I have a question for you, anons. Have any of you ever had an intellectually stimulating convo with a woman?

>> No.19107580

>why yes stacy i fucking love your YA collection please tell me more

>> No.19107586
File: 2.79 MB, 640x360, Horton hits a Whore.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abhorrent taste, unbelievable. Stupid woman.

>> No.19107587

never experienced it myself

>> No.19107604

>I left a cooked and seasoned steak on the floor and my dog ate it
Why are dogs like this?

>> No.19107616

I have. Now that I think about it, there was a girl that I talked with a lot about a ton of interesting topics, but I kinda blew off those conversations constantly trying to flirt with her - unsuccessfully too. It's a shame too, since she was "only" kinda cute, while I actually shared a lot of interests with her.

For the most part though, girls that I have "intellectually stimulating" conversations with, and girls I try to date, are separate groups lol

>> No.19107630

>tranny voice
>australian accent

>> No.19107637
File: 1.65 MB, 898x900, queen of booktube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all women

>> No.19107642

>>tranny voice
I feel like it's a sign of fragile masculinity to call a woman a 'tranny' if she doesn't exude the most extreme, stereotypical 'female' traits

>> No.19107651

>this woman who attentionwhores on the internet is different from the other women who attentionwhore on the internet

>> No.19107671
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True I like her
I also like Ruby because she is my future wife and very cute

>> No.19107708

>my stepdad

Don't blame her. Part of her life she was raised by a single mother.

>> No.19107714


Not all women

>> No.19107718

la creatura

>> No.19107758

Except no one did that you huge retard. All he said was she sounds like a tranny, which is true.

>> No.19107831

>All he said was she sounds like a tranny, which is true.
Talk to a woman and try again

>> No.19107870

oh come on bro, you just know all that shit is harry potter and hunger games. Women don't actually read unless they can get attention by doing it.

>> No.19107873

>step dad
daddy issues confirmed we hit the jackpot coomer bros

>> No.19107879

>BTS shelf

>> No.19107883

>fell for the dark academia meme

>> No.19107891

what's fascinating about zoomer women is that their voices are so off-putting. They didn't spend nearly enough time crafting attractive voices because all these bitches do is text.

>> No.19107918


>> No.19107928

>while I actually shared a lot of interests with her.
If you are able to actually relate to a girl about 'interests' for more than 5 minutes without feeling immense despair then you legit have nothing but a shallow understanding and will be able to communicate with any girl effectively, even the hot ones.
In a way you're lucky.

>> No.19107936

>not all women
>as he posts a woman who is clearly dressed in a meme aesthetic because it exudes literati instagram vibes

>> No.19107945

I agree. Women are dogs

>> No.19107949

>so yeah

>> No.19107951

it makes you realize that being good with girls actually means you wasted a ton of time listening to roasties talk. why bother subjecting yourself to such inanities? le pussy xD? Fucking pathetic. Just buy it if you care so fucking much, don't dedicate your life to pleasing women of all people.

>> No.19107952

Still won't help you fuck them though and that is what matters. If I didn't need to have sex with them I would never communicate with a woman ever again.

>> No.19107953
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she grew out of it

>> No.19107959

Why are you losers obsessed with watching teen booktoobers review YA?

>> No.19107961

>create a thread in /lit/
>it's shit and doesn't directly involve literature
Why is Op like this?

>> No.19107962

the worst thing you can do is talk about interests if you want to fuck
in fact whenever they bring up interests or friends or god forbid, pets, you should change the subject asap because they wont stfu

>> No.19107993

I don't have intellectually stimulating conversations with most people, she just happened to share a lot of my interests (mostly film, I'm more of a film person anyway). And that's also not a prerequisite for hooking up or anything, far from it actually.

>> No.19108059

doesnt actually read and is just a faggot coomer needing his dopamine fix

>> No.19108184

>no hips
>trash accent
still would

>> No.19108446

>For the most part though, girls that I have "intellectually stimulating" conversations with, and girls I try to date, are separate groups lol


>> No.19108450

Yes. I met a girl who had the same birthday as me only born a year younger. We had a few good conversations about what she thought about doing acid. I learned women’s are kind of like kelp, they just want to latch onto a rock of a man but there are not rocklike men today. Sometimes I wish I dated her instead of my current gf.

>> No.19108469

Alright for a /lit/izen to have a thing for redneck stoner girls?

>> No.19108479

you will never be a woman

>> No.19108486

All women are whores. It's simply their nature. It would be equally pointless to bemoan dogs barking.

>> No.19108491

There is no such thing as "having a thing" for women. I don't "have a thing" for pizza, I like to eat pizza because it tastes good. Some guys like pizza more than hamburgers, but they don't simp for either, because both are just consumables. Women are consumables to be bought and sold from reliable sources dispassionately. A hamburger actually has more agency than a woman.

>> No.19108503

Yeah, it was a “far” cousin during a family gathering.
My close family told me she was flirting with me. Honestly, I just thought we were having a great conversation.

>> No.19108510

I like Emmie but she reads a lot of YA shit

>> No.19108522
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Why do they read such shite?

>> No.19108532


>> No.19108569

I am a 33 year old Man who adopted the Dark Academia aesthetic to pickup young College hoes.

On Tinder I set the age range to 18 and I am pretending to work at a University. Now I have had more than one girl enquiring as to which University I work at and I know I'm going to get rumbled.

>> No.19108575

Extremely insanely rare, and then the problem is that even those rarer than a genuine mystical experience intelligent women are still just women, so they don't take anything seriously, so you can't talk about much as equals and you still end up "leading" in a thousand little ways.

Maybe very smart and well put together women with high IQs would seem inexhaustibly impressive to a midwit man, but if you have comparable or even slightly lower processing power than a woman, you will exhaust her originality more quickly than she exhausts yours. A brain that would make a great companion in a male seems to make for a slightly melancholy, detached, "smart but not engaged" companion in a woman. I don't really know what that means for the essence of femininity or gender relations.

Midwit "smart" women, reddit smart I mean, are always the self-conscious careerists, but the few uniquely brilliant, completely singular women I've met were all world-weary and wanted kids and a quiet family life more than the average basic woman did. Sadly, the men they dated tended to be basic bitch midwit "trad" guys with chips on their shoulders about their gf being smarter than them, who developed complexes about bringing their woman to heel and subtly enforcing a tradgirl LARP dynamic within the relationship.

For my part the disappointment always came when I realized this unique brilliant person didn't want to do anything in particular with it, just take shelter from the world, and support me if I wanted to do "big" things out in the world. But I wanted a partner in doing things, not a silent sidekick. It's like they rejected the slightly less intelligent than them trad guys for trying to force them to be second fiddle, but when I didn't even want them to be second fiddle at all they wanted to be second fiddle.

Now I don't know what to think of women. I want an equal friend, but maybe that can only exist between men.

>> No.19108599
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>bookshelf tour bad
>shelf thread good

>> No.19108610


>> No.19108622

Nigga what the fuck is you even saying?

Re-read what you wrote and think about it.

Sorry you got your heartbroken btw. Doesn't matter if a Woman is smart or dumb she is still a Woman.

>> No.19108631

> Now I don't know what to think of women. I want an equal friend, but maybe that can only exist between men

You need a man partner anon ;)
Surprised butterfly hasn’t come to piss on this thread yet

>> No.19108636

>when you've been the midwit redditor all along

>> No.19108672

Mark Corrigan??