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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.19105791 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for recommendations for the /fit/lit/ master race. Any books about pushing yourself to be better. Fitness books, self help, pop science, fiction where the main character has to grow and persevere, samurai bushido (fiction or non) where warrior and philosopher are one in the same.

Bonus points if somebody can hit me with the source for that quote from some philosopher saying what a pity it is for man to grow old without seeing the beauty his body is capable of.

>> No.19105820

nice bait but bodybuilders aren't that dumb. they know they know nothing and they don't care.

>> No.19105855

Sun and Steel

>> No.19105871

> bodybuilders are warriors
They are also delusional

>> No.19106118

All societies separate the scholars from the warriors, for the simple reason that nearly nobody has a potential for both.

>> No.19106123
File: 35 KB, 450x250, +_b8156c31a2ad2f0b8ab5f2042fde10a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up all the references in Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.19106132

Lmao wrong people are just generally lazy.

>> No.19106149

knowledge-fags are the worst

>> No.19106154

Is there a law saying that if you lift you can only read books about big muscles? Read whatever you want, this /fitlit/ stuff doesn't make sense and sounds a lot like posturing from people who neither read nor go to the gym.
>B-but Plato sai-
Go read Plato then, there's your answer.

>> No.19106165

Start with the Greeks

>> No.19106199
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/fitlit/ just means getting /fit/ and getting /lit/ which includes reading books about muscles so you know how to write about them, obviously.

>> No.19106315


>> No.19106518

If getting fit is just about lifting, then why must getting lit involve reading specific books? It would be equally absurd to say that getting fitlit means you have to build your muscles by lifting tomes.

>> No.19106556
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Because it's shilled to undermine the right. No one wants them to think about problems. Just pretend you look like a man while the west dies

>> No.19106569

yeah bro going to an air conditioned room and picking things up and putting them down to boost your confidence so that you can talk to girls is the same thing as fighting in the peloponnesian war

>> No.19106590

fuck the west

>> No.19106605
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>fuck the west

>> No.19106632

..... Storm of Steel(?) It has alot of personal struggle, so....
shut up you dumb retard

>> No.19106672

>posts western sóyboy who loves the west

>> No.19106705

I'm just looking for book recommendations you fatty

>> No.19106725
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Bought the book of five rings today. Gonna read it tomorrow. What am I in for?

>> No.19106729

need you look further than Bronze Age Mindset lol. Call it a meme book or derivative or whatever, it's the perfect introduction for millenials/zoom zooms

>> No.19107096

Is that inspirobot?

>> No.19107119
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Well hello fellow anons I here for the Mishima hangout.

>> No.19107272

>Take for example the epigram that introduced the House Armed Services Committee’s 2010 report on professional military education, clearly intended to encapsulate the committee’s approach to the subject: ‘The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools. Thucydides’. In fact this line comes from a nineteenth-century biography of Gordon of Khartoum by one William Butler, with no reference to Thucydides at all: ‘The nation that will insist on drawing a broad line of demarcation between the fighting man and the thinking man is liable to find its fighting done by fools and its thinking done by cowards.’

>> No.19107335

The truth is that you should mostly focus on one or the other, not balance the two evenly. You’ll never become truly well-read if you’re lifting all the time and you’ll never be an Adonis if you sit around reading all the time. Just be a gym rat who reads 10ish books of light philosophy and modern literature a year or be a bibliophile who does mild workouts to stay in shape

>> No.19107352

this bodybuilder-as-warrior larp is rather obnoxious

>> No.19107354
File: 36 KB, 593x656, j4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recommend right wing authors for "self-improvement" and "inner self-cultivation" reasons for ten years
>glowies tag me as the most dangerous right wing ideologue in human history, worse than ten hitlers and ten mussolinis combined leading an army of yukio musashis
>never do anything
>really was just sharing self-improvement and self-cultivation books
>some secretary has to spend a week shredding 967,000 now useless spy pictures of me working out and tending a window garden

>> No.19107355

Just learn to shoot a gun.
Going to range for 1 hour is worth 5 years of weight lifting these days.
No one gives a shit about your shit muscles in an age where you can blow someone's brains out for threatening you.
Extra points if you get a carry license and walk around with a concealed firearm.

>> No.19107368
File: 181 KB, 775x681, fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sit on twitter and discord all day
>larp that you're taking action
>write shitty deconstructed essays on twitter and anonymous forums
>thinks he can defeat mechs with buster sword

>> No.19107382

Yeah you glow

>> No.19107388

Becoming fit killed sam

>> No.19107400

He has never been fit

>> No.19107478

>/fit/lit/ master race.
oh dear
