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[ERROR] No.19104545 [Reply] [Original]

Any book that incessantly prescribes 'have sex' to all of life's problems?

>> No.19104574
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>> No.19104597



>> No.19104617

Imagine her sweaty breasts

>> No.19104621


>> No.19104629

The Graduate

>> No.19104643

Worked for Odette

>> No.19104657
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Anything from Hollaback girl.

Also I need a GF like this.

>> No.19104708

Why is the male brain so easy to control?

>> No.19104734

Why do you think?

>> No.19104736

My diary desu (I'm a virgin)

>> No.19104745

Voyage au bout de la nuit/Journey to the end of the night.

>> No.19104883

Are women people? I feel like any woman who uses "have sex" as an insult is pretty much admitting she's nothing but a collection of warm holes.

>> No.19104940

projection. She's advicing that to you for your own good and has nothing to do with her

>> No.19104947

Henry Miller

>> No.19104951

You don't need to imagine lol

>> No.19104952

>advicing that to you
>implying random meaningless sex is a good thing
ESL tranny detected.

>> No.19104953

Go work, read books, talk to people, have sex. If everyone here did this only the most diehard lit people would remain, and there wouldn't be a single pol poster, guenon fag or waldunchad under them.

>inb4 your seething
touch grass

>> No.19104954

>She's advicing that to you for your own good
Why don't they give me their holes then?
I hated when girls used to tell me "You'll find the right one, anon", yeah, why not (You) then? Hypocrite

>> No.19104960
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>cute yet unknown coworker smiled at me today
>thousand of people at the office and I'm working from home
>probably won't find her again
don't care about your coffee post btw

>> No.19104962


>> No.19104963

Have sex

>> No.19104969


>> No.19104980

Why not you? Perhaps because you’re a sociopath who doesn’t see women as human.
Get yourself sorted out

>> No.19105005

what job

>> No.19105015

what's funny is that men desire sex much more than women, but every book by a male degen comes to the conclusion that sex is incredibly pointless and empty.

Women, on the other hand, push sex as much as possible and make it a large part of their identity. Of course, in reality they don't give two shits about sex, it's all a show to impress the males. In the end, just like the siren they lead men to their doom in pursuit of sex.

>> No.19105030

This is true and it hurts

>> No.19105037

>possible and make it a large part of their identity.
Jesus Christ this. I had to endure attending a music festival with a couple of roasties and all they ever had to say about any song was "oh, girl, I remember getting my puss pounded to this song when I was a teenager" and variations on that. I was just there with them as friends of mine, but by the end I couldn't even respect them as fellow human beings because apparently the extent of their life experience is getting fucked.

>> No.19105041

>Of course, in reality they don't give two shits about sex
you don't know anything about women do you?

>> No.19105052

>Perhaps because you’re a sociopath who doesn’t see women as human.
That's an interesting perspective (even if a bit uninformed? Not sure), considered that multiple girls told me how I "really understand [them]"

>> No.19105057

>apparently the extent of their life experience is getting fucked
G*D I wish that was me

>> No.19105061

roasties are pathetic, just know that they were getting their kicks making you uncomfortable. it's a sly form of cucking to tell a man about your lurid sexual experiences.

YOU don't know anything about women, dummy. le sexual liberation is nothing more than a COPE for women, it is a poor substitute for the self-esteem, purpose, and identity that they truly seek.

>> No.19105110

French shit.

>> No.19105117


>> No.19105165

Women are MUCH bigger sex hounds than men. They have been culturally conditioned to downplay their lust publicly (a good thing). That is, of course, changing but yeah pretty obvious you haven't been in a relationship or not one in which your woman friend actually was attracted to you. This isn't a jibe, you're just wrong.
>it is a poor substitute for the self-esteem, purpose, and identity that they truly seek.
This is true but it is in their nature to FUCK and constantly desire SEED. This tendency needs to be corralled and directed towards making healthy families (God's purview for women). The obsession with sex is not some show to impress men (we are the ones who do that), it is simply an unrefined expression of their animal-like nature.

>> No.19105197

>there is a equally sociopathic woman out there waiting for you

whitepilled butters

>> No.19105200

because its an effective method of passing on those very control genes. If a man was not obseesed with women, he is less likely to fuck and creat mini-hims.

>> No.19105225

I love women so much bros

>> No.19105245
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If I am for marriage but also for sexual freedom, what am I?

>> No.19105280

>hairstyle: bangs
that's a man

>> No.19105284


>> No.19105290

also, that makes you a cukk, scientifically speaking

>> No.19105301

Never show it. They will eat you alive.

>> No.19105304

>it's a sly form of cucking to tell a man about your lurid sexual experiences.

>> No.19105305


>> No.19105320

Nope, thanks for admitting you fuck damaged roasties though. If women were so hypersexual, then why isn't PLAYGIRL more popular? Why aren't male prostitutes more popular? This is something they could do in secret, so don't give me that bullshit about public image or whatever.

Hypersexuality in women is an abnormality, and was shunned just like lepers or the mentally ill. Hypersexuality in women is a form of psychosis brought about by trauma or chemical imbalances-- in the modern age, this means starbucks, the pill, and antidepressants. hypersexual women are nothing more than broken and mentally ill abominations of nature.

>> No.19105322

>only the most diehard lit people would remain, and there wouldn't be a single pol poster, guenon fag or waldunchad under them.
>implying Guenonfag isnt the most diehard lit person of them all

>> No.19105345

>Why aren't male prostitutes more popular?
Look at retarded fucking woman.

>> No.19105349

>If women were so hypersexual, then why isn't PLAYGIRL more popular? Why aren't male prostitutes more popular?

Because female sexuality isn't male sexuality you absolute faggot.

>> No.19105378

>why isn't PLAYGIRL more popular? Why aren't male prostitutes more popular?
Because women can and do get sex whenever they want. They don't need to mediate through money. Unlike men.
I never said they were hyper sexual. Just more lustful than men. Sex is literally the only cure for their psychosis (which they all ultimately possess to some degree, women are not rational creatures).
Don't know why you are so mad m8. I think we agree on a lot. I just think your characterization that "women don't care about sex" is absurd.

>> No.19105405

unironically, and i have never said this, have sex
Women aren't aware of the extent of their own sexuality, a woman's sexuality is all encompassing, when she isn't "in the mood" for sex or breeding, her sexuality is then unconsciously sublimated into whatever her female mind takes her, usually it's melancholy or a candid spirit of adventure or utter cluelessness. Woman's dillema is that she is sexual but unaware as to how may she control it or even perceive it; and it is physiologically apparent should you happen, by absolute miracle to look at a woman's sexual organ and compare it to your little willy, she can't see it, you barely can but still manage to

>> No.19105410

Are you retarded lol. Explain how women are more hypersexual if male prostitution barely exists. I'll wait.

precisely you sniveling little fuck. Now never claim that females are "bigger sex hounds" ever again.

you're wrong to believe that this is a natural state of humanity. it literally doesn't make sense from an evolutionary perspective. And I dare you to define the difference between hypersexual and lustful, because I know you can't. If women were as lustful as you claim, they would be much worse as mothers historically. There would be a much greater incidence of women having children by multiple men. We are only seeing this trend in the last 50 years. This is the same trend we see at the fall of every great civilization, women become more like men and society falls apart.

>> No.19105438

holy shit, it's hilarious how backwards you have it. You're a real fucking midwit, you know that? Stop reading (((Freud))) and get your fucking head out of your ass. Enough with the post-modern PUA garbage you fucking double nigger. Women experience sexual desire in the context of LOVE and monogamous relationships. That is supported by evolutionary theory. Any deviation from monogamy is an aberration caused by societal unrest. Read a history book you dumb fuck, you'll realize that women's liberation happens at the fall of every civilization.

>> No.19105451

Why do you think women achieve said liberation? how many jewish psyops are there, spread across the ages, maybe, just fucking maybe on top of the jewish psyop -and that is me giving you credit- there is something of the female nature that had a substantial role in that, coupled with men letting their grip lose, so to speak

>> No.19105489

>Hypersexuality is brought by starbucks
holy kek
They reduce the libido, you absolute ignoramus

>> No.19105506

>it's hilarious how
i should have stopped reading there, my bad

>> No.19105522

Um, Jews have been kicked out of 109 different societies, so yes, there have been a lot of Jewish psyops over the ages.

You are assuming that feminine nature is just being freed or unleashed, but that would be wrong. Women's circuits are merely being miswired by malicious actors, and they are malfunctioning. If women were supposed to be lustful and hypergamous, then why are women these days reporting higher levels of depression and dissatisfaction? Why are the rates of suicide higher than ever, especially for childless women over the age of 40? Don't bother trying to address my points one by one, you and I both know: women are NOT happy living like this.

thanks, brainlet who doesn't realize that starbucks was just one example of the endless hyperconsumerism that the modern woman engages in

thanks, brainlet who doesn't know jack shit about antidepressants apart from what he read on the label

>> No.19105533

>it literally doesn't make sense from an evolutionary perspective
Is this your only metric for viewing life? Have sex.
>I dare you to define the difference between hypersexual and lustful
"Hyper" implies an abnormality in regards to rate deviation. "Lustful" on the other hand is a qualitative judgement.
>If women were as lustful as you claim, they would be much worse as mothers historically. There would be a much greater incidence of women having children by multiple men.
They were kept in check by strong patriarchal institutions and men who fucked them well (something you should learn to do).
>We are only seeing this trend in the last 50 years. This is the same trend we see at the fall of every great civilization
>only in the last 50 years
>same trend historically
Yes. Also you contradicted yourself here a bit.
>women become more like men and society falls apart.
Such an oversimplification of civilization decline and collapse. These things happen for myriad reasons, among them a breakdown in distinction between socially-constructed (not to imply this is a negative) gender roles and dynamics. This has very little to do with biological sex imperatives which remain, become outsized, corrupted, and degraded. Women only "become like men" in superficial ways. Their innate lustfulness, on the other hand, simply grows, unrestrained.

>> No.19105559

I am not arguing for the emancipation of women, if you're implying that there is a certain standard which would be most optimal for women specifically and gender dynamics generally, i agree. howeverI will not entertain your "redpill" antiques, i hope you grow out of it for your sake

>> No.19105575
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>> No.19105581

>Is this your only metric for viewing life? Have sex.
Defying evolutionary roles is an abnormal state of being. But have fun with your dykes and trannies, nigger.
>"Lustful" on the other hand is a qualitative judgement.
thanks for admitting that your argument literally boils down to your qualitative opinion of something
>They were kept in check by strong patriarchal institutions and men who fucked them well (something you should learn to do).
stupid of you to think lustful roasties wouldn't defy the orders of men. If women were so truly so lustful to the point of fugue, they wouldn't give two shits about the consequences. Men, in fact, have committed sexual crimes all throughout history even knowing the consequences. Never was the case with women.
>Yes. Also you contradicted yourself here a bit.
you know exactly what I meant, dipshit. We are seeing the fall of post-WWII western civilization.
>Such an oversimplification of civilization decline and collapse. These things happen for myriad reasons, among them a breakdown in distinction between socially-constructed (not to imply this is a negative) gender roles and dynamics. This has very little to do with biological sex imperatives which remain, become outsized, corrupted, and degraded. Women only "become like men" in superficial ways. Their innate lustfulness, on the other hand, simply grows, unrestrained.
Incredibly idiotic to think that socially-constructed roles are separate from biological imperatives. If that were the case, then there would be no issue with women doing male's roles.

>> No.19105594

Someone here is going to find you, they are watching, they will find you and they are going to cut your throat open and rape your seething body as its life drains. Its going to happen soon. Keep your head up.

>> No.19105597
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>"i concede that you were correct but i don't like losing so i'm going to call you a redpill guy and act like i'm morally superior"

>> No.19105618

the argument was about the lustfulness of women you ape, you went full schizo mode with the hebrew digressions. would you say that optimal standard needs to be put forth and enforced by the firm grip of the man over the woman? you seem to think so, i agree, why do you think it should be forced and set in stone? for fear of the subverting jews subverting? i say it is mainly the lustful nature of woman

>> No.19105643

>Someone here is going to find you, they are watching, they will find you and they are going to
Regret approaching me

>> No.19105676

>your argument literally boils down to your qualitative opinion of something
Mine and anyone else's who has been in a long term relationship with a woman.
>If women were so truly so lustful to the point of fugue
Never said this.
>they wouldn't give two shits about the consequences
When it's execution or banishment they would.
>Men, in fact, have committed sexual crimes all throughout history even knowing the consequences
Man's sexual crimes are of a much different nature than woman's, whereas infidelity was less harshly judged or even accepted for men. Women could be killed or exiled for it. They had much harsher consequences, historically, for the same crimes than men. Rape is a different story. It is almost impossible for a woman to rape a man so naturally that wouldn't happen.
>you know exactly what I meant, dipshit
No, I didn't. You are not arguing your points well.
>Incredibly idiotic to think that socially-constructed roles are separate from biological imperatives.
Never said this. I said the breakdown in distinction between gender roles doesn't have much to do with our sex drives. If it did, then my case would be even stronger and it would totally refute what you are saying. Please stop, m8, you are embarrassing yourself. I really hope you do find a wife and that you remember this conversation. Fuck her good, anon. There'll be hell to pay if you don't. Especially in today's world.

>> No.19105681

nope, you were the one who first namechecked le Jewish psyops out of the blue, I just responded.

obviously, women should be held to standards, and deviant behavior should not be encouraged or supported. But is this explicitly for the purpose of restraining their lust? No, it is about restraining the greater sinful desires of humanity. Lust is one of the desires, but not the primary one.

>> No.19105693

Neo-liberal utopian who watches star trek religiously

>> No.19105711

>Stop reading (((Freud))) and get your fucking head out of your ass
>Jews have been kicked out of 109 different societies, so yes, there have been a lot of Jewish psyops over the ages
So this embarassing.
>Why are the rates of suicide higher than ever, especially for childless women over the age of 40? Don't bother trying to address my points one by one, you and I both know: women are NOT happy living like this.
Women aren't sad or miserable because they are used like sex toys as much as they are that and much more because of weak pathetic men putting them at the same pedestal as The Virgin Mary, get your head out of your ass, have sex or talk to an actual woman

>> No.19105718

>Mine and anyone else's who has been in a long term relationship with a woman.
thanks for the anecdotal evidence bro
>When it's execution or banishment they would.
Men have faced harsher consequences and yet committed crimes in far greater numbers than women ever did.
>They had much harsher consequences, historically, for the same crimes than men.
Modern day men face harsher penalties, and yet commit far more crimes than even modern day lustful women
>No, I didn't. You are not arguing your points well.
nope, your previous concessions about societal collapse show that you knew exactly what I meant. Don't get desperate now.
>Never said this. I said the breakdown in distinction between gender roles doesn't have much to do with our sex drives. If it did, then my case would be even stronger and it would totally refute what you are saying.
yawn, you're getting all jumbled up my guy. you realize that BIOLOGICALLY, women are resembling men much closer than they have in the last few decades? This is due to a variety of reasons, but one of them is that women are taking on men's roles and attitudes. You realize that the body changes to suit the context, correct? It will start producing different hormones to better equip you for the situation. So yes indeed, women's BRAINS are resembling men's more than ever. You waded in too deep, my guy. Go back to the shallow end before you get embarrassed any further.

>> No.19105724

No they wont, we know what you look like. Someone, not going to say when or where, is going to knock you over the head and demolish your body in the most brutal way imaginable. Its coming.

>> No.19105727

any book which writes that is false. Take it from a former degenerate. If you base your happiness on the conquest of your fleshly desires you just reduce yourself to those fleshly desires. You create a false image of what sex is and then worship it. you live a lie.

This is not to say that sex is secondary in life, it is not. It is just to say that sex should be treated with the reverance it deserves, primarily in marriage (although I'm not sure you can define the divine marriage of souls by a wordly act).

I was incredibly jaded about women and their role in the sexual dynamic until I just decided to wait a while before sex. Sex is epically based and the scent of woman in heat is literally divine (sent from god) so reserve it for that. Waiting allows the spiritual dynamic to take precedence over the sexual dynamic, ensuring a closer sexual one.

A degree of chastity is genuinley good for the soul

>> No.19105728

>So this embarassing.
>as they are that and much more because of
stop dilating for one second and learn to type you hysterical female brained idiot

>> No.19105749

>Female brained
>Muh (((Jews)))
>Evo Psychology gobbledygook about Biology conforming to societal pressure and Jewish psyops
>Why won't women rape men? why won't they fucking watch porn like i do?
>thinks women are attracted exclusively to physical features of a man
you are quite litteraly a caricature of a "redpill" guy

>> No.19105774

lmao. work on your reading comprehension bro*, this is pathetic. Where did I ever say that women were attracted to the physical features of a man. That's precisely why it makes no sense for a female to be hypergamous. Women experience sexual desire in the context of love and commitment, which is monogamous. Stop trying so hard to discredit me because of "s-scary p-pol memes" and fucking read for once.

*wearing a dress does not make you female btw

>> No.19105788

Cope and seethe

>> No.19105793

Dude, chill out. You are rambling at this point. We are closer aligned on important issues than we differ. It is just painfully obvious that you don't have any meaningful, real world experience with women to temper your Jordan Peterson/Steven Crowder talking points. And I'm not saying that's necessarily a bad thing. Just don't be surprised when/if a women takes a liking to you, that she will use you like a fuck toy to hit those serotonin receptors whenever she has some emotional shit she can't process like an adult. Men are more extrinsically sexual than women in that if they see a hottie they will think of sex. Women are more intrinsically sexual in that they NEED sex more because they use it as a means to deal with their internal issues. (this is why men can be successful, well-adjusted bachelors their entire lives whereas women turn into wine aunt abominations: because they aren't getting their biologically (or otherwise I'm not a pseudo-evolutionary biologist like you) developed dose of dick). This is all right in line with God and Nature but it requires understanding on the part of both sexes and the maintenance of cultural/social/gender roles that successfully satisfy, mitigate, and control these base attributes.

>> No.19105843

>Dude, chill out.
>Jordan Peterson/Steven Crowder
>dude, have sex
lmao, try to address my points instead of constant adhom, this makes it obvious you don't have an actual response

>all that pua psychobabble
your argument literally boils down to: "this is what I've observed, I can't possibly imagine that things were different in the past and I don't need to investigate because I'm correct." you're just a typical low-information dude who's better at rhetoric than logical argument. that may work in real life, but it won't work here.

>> No.19105856

>scent of woman in heat
what if you live in a cold country

>> No.19105861

La chaleur humaine, Anon

>> No.19105870

stupid nigger

>> No.19105874

I dont speak that language anon

>> No.19105888

English is bastardised French, Anon

>> No.19105904

poop head, I mean when women actually desire sex they exude a particular scent.

>> No.19105913

why am i a stupid n*gger? poopy mouth.

>> No.19105923

cute cussing

>> No.19105935


>> No.19105957

I have already destroyed your arguments logically (which depends on good rhetoric you should know). You are just getting into whataboutism at this point.
>that may work in real life, but it won't work here.
Precisely. I'm here on a mission of mercy. I'm trying to help you, la so that you can successfully navigate modern relationships and hopefully start a family (if you're white. if not please disregard everything I said). None of us can know the true nature of women from the past. I'm making inferences on yes my own experiences but also on historic evidence e.g. institutions developed to control and nurture women. You are drawing from a lot of half-baked evolutionary theory and that's fine but I contend that that stuff is extremely overrated in terms of explaining human nature. That's a different argument though and I'm not going to get into that. Again, just consider what I have said and maybe put some effort into finding a mate. We live in a society and all metrics indicate that women are having more sex than men. Chalk that up however you want. Just be wary, la. The femoids need sex (read children, families, strong men) much more than you or I.

>> No.19106020

>which depends on good rhetoric you should know
Umm, rhetoric is literally arguing using damn near everything except for logic, smart guy.
>You are just getting into whataboutism at this point.
go look up whataboutism before you try using it in a sentence, bud.

>None of us can know the true nature of women from the past.
>but also on historic evidence
come on buddy, either we can use historical evidence to inform the present, or not. Don't get into the semantics of "true nature" or whatever.

>You are drawing from a lot of half-baked evolutionary theory
you can't claim to use historical evidence and then ignore evolutionary theory. Especially because you haven't provided any counterpoints to my evolutionary theory points. You can't just handwave it away because it disproves your argument.
>We live in a society and all metrics indicate that women are having more sex than men
Why would statistics about modern life be applicable to the past lol. your bag of tricks is running low, anon.

>> No.19106027
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I 100% agree. I've had 3 girlfriends and ALL of them pretty much had sex ONLY to please me, on my initiation.

>> No.19106085

how are you not, explain yourself.

>> No.19106104

>Women are MUCH bigger sex hounds than men.
possibly, but they desire sex for different reasons. men primarily want the physical pleasure and release. whereas women find sex at least somewhat pleasurable, are more likely to seek it out for the excitement and validation it brings. how else to you explain the prevalence or hookups when very few hookups result in good sex or orgasms for them?

>> No.19106119

>Ah, jokes on you, you didn't understand my poorly phrased metaphor! No, no need for proof either

>> No.19106134
File: 37 KB, 438x600, celli_omosessualita_negli_animali_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Defying evolutionary roles is an abnormal state of being. But have fun with your dykes and trannies, nigger.

>> No.19106150

Dude, I just did. Just because it’s 4chan doesn’t mean you have to be overly combative

>> No.19106157

Where do I find the pics?

>> No.19106160

thanks for admitting that you can't challenge my statement and are angry because I exposed your autistic tendencies

and what is this gobbledegook supposed to prove lol

>> No.19106186

>I exposed your autistic tendencies
>and what is this gobbledegook supposed to prove lol
Good G*D...

>> No.19106220

Philosophy in the Bedroom - Sade
The Accursed Share - Bataille

>> No.19106256

pseud tactics 101: instead of answering the question, feign incredulity and slink away with your internet pride intact

>> No.19106268

Relax, for at least one of us the importance of this "argument" is less than X

>> No.19106286

cope and seethe, bitch

>> No.19106290

Calm down just because you’re not a woman yourself butters

>> No.19106322


>> No.19106348


>> No.19106354

Thank you, this is called normal female behavior. Apparently a few retards here only bang freaky broken feminists who blog about their sexual trauma or whatever.

>> No.19106437
File: 313 KB, 1200x1200, 57865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apparently a few retards here only bang freaky broken feminists who blog about their sexual trauma or whatever.
G*D I wish

>> No.19106459

Great thread. Kill yourselves. also have sex

>> No.19106553

Anything from Bataille

>> No.19106658

>what is female orgasm?

>> No.19106684

stupid nigger

>> No.19106694

stop watching porn you dumb nigger, women don't care about it nearly as much as much your coomtarded brain does

>> No.19106704

>If you base your happiness on the conquest of your fleshly desires you just reduce yourself to those fleshly desires
you can have all of that in marriage too

>> No.19106711

Don't get me wrong, it's a good time. But it's not normal at all. There's no such thing as a good, mentally stable woman who's also freaky in the sheets. Every freaky woman you meet is either on drugs, antidepressants, was molested as a child, has severe body image issues, was raped, etc etc.

>> No.19106756

>this is totally how the guys back in /lit/ talk, haha

>> No.19106772

the fuck would you know about /lit/ lol, go back to r/books and talk about harry potter if you can't handle it here you fucking baby

>> No.19106792

>we do a little trolling of le reddit "lol", i wonder if people suspect i'm a newfag; it's not that obvious is it?

>> No.19106815

what's obvious is that you're a fucking homo. kys

>> No.19106834

now kiss

>> No.19106861

>Apparently a few retards here only bang freaky broken feminists who blog about their sexual trauma or whatever.
Haha yeah those guys are such losers haha...imagine that lifestyle...haha just imagine.

>> No.19106886

I seriously don't get why people here fetishize that shit lol, easiest way to end up with a false rape charge. If you want to experience that kind of sex just hire a hooker ffs, she'll do it much better and will actually fuck off when after you've paid.

>> No.19106891

Kek that guy is SEETHING because he ain't getting PHENOMENAL top from a deranged art hoe kek

>> No.19106910
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>> No.19106911

Reminder that all of this is just one schizo poster

>> No.19106924

>Every freaky woman you meet is either on drugs, antidepressants, was molested as a child, has severe body image issues, was raped, etc etc.

>> No.19106928

I don't even need to read the Early Life section on wikipedia to know what this nigga's about

>> No.19106936

you mad, bitch?

>> No.19106945

give it a rest

>> No.19106959

A well-adjusted person. To have different expectations for your spouse than for any other complete stranger is completely obvious. Unless, of course, you mean sexual freedom for your spouse. In that case, as others have said, you are a cuckold.

>> No.19106969

cuckold with low self-esteem.

>> No.19107460
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Female orgasm? I mean It kind of exists, but girls primarily fuck for the idea of fucking. It's like their way of getting control in life, or they are on period.
Pretty much the only actually freaky girls i've met in my life are damaged goods (tatoos, dyed hair etc etc.) Other simple girls just do it once or twice out of curiosity. The freaks do it to satisfy some sort of idea, they rly dont need sex other than that, unlike men who literally get blue balls.
Dont be naive

>> No.19107549

Women do enjoy getting off but they're very different from men. For men sex is all one big buildup and pay off, and men are always in the initial stages of the buildup which is barely tolerable. It becomes intolerable when the buildup spikes to a higher level and then doesn't go any higher than that and onward to completion. Not just psychologically, but physically, blueballs like you say. Your body actually punishes you for getting horned up and then failing, like a woman's punishes her for not getting pregnant every month.

Think of the motivation any man has to complete the deed if he's gotten close but no cigar to sex. He knows blueballs are going to hit him, all the cravings are going to have nowhere to go. It's good motivation for a caveman to complete a rape if he's having second thoughts or for a man to take a stupid chance his brain is otherwise telling him not to take in impressing a woman, because his genes don't care about his brain or his survival, they only care about taking the chance. If he fails he didn't deserve to pass on his genes anyway, QED.

Women are different, they enjoy physical orgasm too obviously and theirs are even stronger than men's but they aren't motivated in the same way to channel all their lust and desire symbolically into the moment of climax and completion of the act. A man is thoroughly done after orgasm, a woman desperately wants to cuddle. Men can get up with new energy and do something important after sex, women joke about not being able to walk for a while. Women's sexuality is not primarily physical, the raw pleasure of their orgasm is actually less important to them than a man's comparatively meagre orgasm is to him.

The difference is in the desire and where it gets symbolically channeled. A woman's primary desire outlet isn't the moment of climax-conquest, it's the continuous validation across many moments that she is desirable, special, and protected and provided for by the man who wants her. Not in conscious sense, it's more a pure feeling they have of "I am wanted."

I have known and hooked up with plenty of girls who told me frankly that they mostly don't get off in their hookups, since most men are selfish and bad at sex. Even many girls in relationships aren't regularly getting off. Yet they continue hooking up, and can tolerate a sexless relationship, because the primary thing they are looking for in those encounters is the validation, the feeling of being wanted. More than one girl has told me that the flirting and wooing and lead-up to sex and possibly the cuddling afterward are the important parts for her, and the sex and orgasm part was "for the guy," because the average hookup guy can't be relied upon at all to get a woman off.

>> No.19107563

Orgasms are a bonus for a lot of women who are accustomed to getting their excitement from the fact that the guy is handsome and interesting. They are having one long orgasm throughout anticipating him and coping with his drama. For a lot of women the real payoff is the moment when the man they've been anticipating and having stormy this-way-that-way feelings about is groping them and grabbing them, physically showing his desire, proving viscerally that all the drama and ambiguity is being blown away and the woman's desirability affirmed in that single moment. Whether they orgasm after that is less important, if only out of necessity, because often they don't, because the guy is lousy at sex despite being tall and tortured and whatever else it is they like about him.

Women will always be women, despite all the meme talk in public nowadays about how women are just as sexual as men and women should demand being eaten out and be sassy and crude about sex, women are naturally coy and don't care about the physical sex as much as men. If a woman has to coax and instruct a guy to eat her out it's already a massive turnoff, because it's putting the crude mechanical sex above the larger and much more important symbolic act of the massive ambiguity build-up and then payoff in equally massive validation. That ruins it for most women. They shouldn't have to tell a guy how to express his desire, that's the whole point of his role, it would be destroying both roles if the woman had to teach the man his "lines."

Most sluts are really not having regular orgasms. Some lucky basic bitches who get off from pure physical pounding by a raw animal Chad are, but most are more mixed and conflicted about dumb animal Chad guys and want some guy of tortured mysterious archetype.

>> No.19107633

I have a simple question. How do you know?

>> No.19107736

Pretty fucking accurate.

>> No.19108018
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im >>19106027
I've had 3 gfs and fucked dozens. Im now at the ripe old age of 25. Girls are very talklative, and they love to talk about themselves. Even if it is sex things. Plus you can read their body and actions rather easily if they aren't hiding it

>> No.19108062
File: 548 KB, 1799x1200, 8ee0f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro I was wondering what the fuck is with all this fancy writing, turns out im on /lit/ not my usual board /fit/ haha what the fuck.
Damn i need to go sleep.
Well written tho, I guess you're well read. Since you've entertained me so much i'll let you recommend me a good book. One that is masculine and grounded in realism.
DW i've only read like 5 books in my life so I doubt I know yours

>> No.19108140

Goodnightmoon queen of /lit/

>> No.19108166

>precisely you sniveling little fuck. Now never claim that females are "bigger sex hounds" ever again.

You still don't get it because you are unironically a homosexual. Their is a qualitive difference in HOW men and women approach sex, what turns them, how they fantasize about things, and it is distinct from raw, quantitative, sexual appetite.

I understand you will not get this, because like all gay men you can only project your own sexuality out on to the world.

>> No.19108199

you're an idiot. next time focus more on the argument instead of adhom if you want to convince anyone you're not an absolute pseud. I've typed countless words ITT explaining why you dipshits are absolute morons, either respond to one of them or fuck off you absolute cunt

>> No.19108318

Very nice pic, I have a similar one with a black woman, but she's fully naked so I can't post it here

>> No.19108409
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>I've had 3 gfs and fucked dozens. Im now at the ripe old age of 25
Holy shit fucking damn

>> No.19108614
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I say it like im proud of it, but desu im not really. It feels kinda shallow after the first 2 girls but after having it, my week doesn't feel complete without having sex. Much better than fucking jerking off, hate condomless sex tho, but still prefer it to jerking off

>> No.19108788

He doesn’t know half as much as he pretends.

>> No.19108835

My diary desu

>> No.19108852
File: 53 KB, 390x650, incelbtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a french book called "Au lit citoyen! Manifeste contre la societe de la mal-baise" (To bed citizen! Manifesto against the incel society).
Not aware of it being translated.

>> No.19109695

All culture is just made by religious determinism. Discussion about how certain values and actions were caused on society are pretty much useless. Almost everything including feminism was imposed by Judaism on society.

>> No.19109704

Sex for pleasure is not natural. It's just a form of slavery that all of us in a way or other are connected to. We can't escape our wishes of slavery domination for it was implemented deep on us by Judaism and tribal slavery.
On its natural state sex is only made for procreation but nature has been gone long ago.

>> No.19109708

>I need a man dressed up as a woman

>> No.19109714

In our modern world, asian men are being enslaved the most sexually speaking. They may earn higher wages but they are considered the most feminine men. Asian woman on the other hand are being "catched" by all the slavers from other races who are considered more masculine.

>> No.19109756

whenever you see a whore, just remember that she sucked literally hundreds of cocks, some of them probably those of niggers or dogs, and many of them in exchange for money

>> No.19109760

>writen by a woman
she probably imagines incels as shy chads or something like that.

>> No.19109764

I remember that she didn't have socioeconomic opportunities. She didn't have opportunities to be modest. She was brainwashed by a Jewish social structure like almost everyone.

>> No.19109772

>She didn't have opportunities to be modest.
Bullshit. I grew up among pushers and chavs. I grew up without a father. I had people sniff cocaine in front of me and offer me shit. I always said no. I have a clean record. I never did drugs. I could have taken a million wrong turns in life and I never did. If a woman decides to suck dick for money she's taking the easy route. You can choose: advancing or dignity and integrity. Nobody chooses the latter but they always had a choice.

>> No.19109781

I fucking HATE when people check out like this
>It was DA JOOS
No it was you. Individual choices create consensus. If the majority of people have no spine and no brain of their own it's their fault. I will only justify someone "not having the opportunity" if there's an invading force literally pointing a gun to their head. Then yeah you didn't have a choice. But 99% of people's behavior is due to indolence and taking the path of least attrition. How many time I have explained shit to people and they went "but it's convenient", "but it's what everyone does". Please don't fucking blame the Jews, it's absolutely pathetic. They do not mind control you, they give you a choice that is convenient. And people pick that every single fucking time. Whores do exactly this, they do not want to face whatever difficulties they will have so their suck cock. I'd rather starve to death. People are all whores now, they all act like this, they all mock those who make pointless sacrifices for the sake of integrity or some sort of morality. They deserve whatever is coming to them.

>> No.19109847


>> No.19109852

It really is the Jews though, a lot of it anyway.

>> No.19109885

green eggs and ham.

>> No.19109899

If this is true thats pretty impressive, good job anon

>> No.19110070
File: 2 KB, 87x87, hooni bad quality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but IT IS the jews fault that im a twink homosexual

>> No.19110087

So it actually is the Jews' fault for creating an evil society, you just like posting your retarded seething about it?

>> No.19110104
File: 40 KB, 216x240, punishedgulp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on /lit/
>forgot 50 shades of gray
male sexuality ≠ female sexuality. oh, and my condolences about your love life man. my gf (of 7 years dating since 14) has literally jumped me for sex. if i ignore her for more than a week she becomes a fucking animal behind closed doors. she's a decent girl so she doesn't just advertise it. you literally know nothing about such a basic and fundamental subject. If you're over 30 you're hopeless my nigga.

>> No.19110114

>male sexuality ≠ female sexuality

Both are based on slavery.
Male wants to enslave. Female wants to be enslaved. At least in most cases.

>> No.19110122

sure but this guy openly admitting he's never turned a woman on was funny to me

>> No.19110137

americans created an evil society

your "girl" isn't decent she's a whore

>> No.19110138

Homosexuals and prostitutes have lots of sex but their life is still garbage. They are very depressive. So we can see that sex itself will not necessarily makes things better. But if you are having heterosexual sex with the person you love of course it will make you happier. But maybe you will get sad if you impregnate her. See? Life plays tricks on us. One time you are happy because you are having fucking sex, the most desirable thing on modern society, on the other you are sad because you will not be able to go the college to be brainwashed because now you need to wageslave to pay for your son's food.

>> No.19110165

seethe, kike. my girl wants my babies and there's nothing more pure than that.

>> No.19110291

He's making fun of your statement retard

>> No.19110298

But you're still young.

>> No.19110963
File: 1.30 MB, 2448x2448, 1613752547063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't make sense then. I assume he's saying that he's had more intercourse than me then? Like I say it's not something I find impressive, but I did specify the amounts of women I had sex with so he could understand my experience with girls and how I know that orgasm isn't what they are after when they go for guys.
Good thing im not asian, I just like to post asian girls, since there aren't many where im from

>> No.19111094

>olive skin
Lmao. Italians are shitskins

>> No.19111154

Myrna Minkoff's letters in Confederancy of Dunces. They might hit too close to home

>> No.19111297

you're a delusional retard and what you have said makes absolutely no sense whatsoever

>> No.19111409

wilhelm reich - the function of the orgasm (and the vast majority of reich's theory desu)

>> No.19111422

>I know that orgasm isn't what they are after when they go for guys
Lol you are literally packaging girls who you've fucked and failed to satisfy's sad post-sex responses to you to make YOU not feel like such a loser as general for all women. Those chicks you managed to fuck were very disappointed that you couldn't make them get off. Thinking they just want sex for the accoutrements of it is ridiculous. Do they like that stuff more then men? Sure but they ultimately want to get off lmao. I honestly feel bad for those women man. They had the double displeasure of going all the way with you and then not reaching climax.

>> No.19111427

It's literally cosmological and eschatological sex theory

>> No.19111430

She looks like she smells bad.

>> No.19111450


>> No.19111489

all red heads do

>> No.19111505

Weininger was a based jew, he converted to Christianity and called Jews feminine and a religion on cowards

>> No.19111511

Yeah. It’s definitely pungent. But true redheads, chubby Irish types, good god they’re horny.

>> No.19111514

Implying coomers of tuvan imageboard is represent all of men

>> No.19111521

You guys are having sex?

>> No.19111609

To be fair, I dont see most people as humans. No I dont have autism and no I dont have friends...

>> No.19111688

you're gonna get the surprise of your life when you find out she's fucking a pack of niggers every weekend

>> No.19111696

>Obsessed with black penises
Mutt's Law. Why are you being such a crab in the bucket faggot?

>> No.19111716

It's hilarious how your mind automatically defaults to an adhom instead of seriously considering the validity of my post. You are in denial, sir. Seeing your princess getting blacked is such a painful thought that you've completely blocked it out. Perhaps because it's not just a hypothetical. No well-functioning woman is obsessed with sex. There are no exceptions. Kind of you to invest time and effort into a ticking timebomb. But it's still gonna blow up in your face.

>> No.19111748

>Obsessed with BLACKED porn fantasies
>No idea what women are actually like
>Facts and logic
Yep. It's incel time.

>> No.19111773
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funny bro, i honestly couldn't care less what they think or feel in the long term, since I dont really see them as humans anyway. They are there to pleasure me, if I bust im happy.
And btw, if I rly didin't make them happy why tf stay with me lol? I sure as hell dont have any money being a student and that's when I did most of my fuckin.
You think you're some alpha chad, go ahead, share with me why you think your opinion is more correct mr stiffler

>> No.19111779

>blah blah adhom
What's funny is that YOU don't know what women are like. You're just a sad sap getting paid in cooms. How easily manipulated you are. When your girl's bouncing to the next cock I can't wait to see your reaction. I'm sure you'll shed a single tear and say "at least I came..." you're a fucking joke.

>> No.19111857
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>> No.19111866

Ya seethin, bud?

>> No.19112008
File: 4 KB, 358x107, Capture223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i wish that was me
Nah doe, i make a 6 digit salary, I dont have much to seethe about except the fact that I cant achieve immortality in this day and age :(

>> No.19112581

why'd you delete, seethebro?