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[ERROR] No.19104388 [Reply] [Original]

Was Foucault based? If so, where should I start? (My philosophy professor recommended him.)

>> No.19104395


He was a pedo who banged Tunisian boys in graveyards at the evening.

>> No.19104453

Based it is, then.

>> No.19104457

Your philosophy professor is trying to bum you, sorry I had to be the one to break this to you

>> No.19104459

damn wtf

>> No.19104473

Based fr

>> No.19104486

Jokes aside, why would this fact make someone less interested in reading Foucalt - even if this behaviour goes against their ethics?

>> No.19104492

Foucault was influenced by Bataille, who happens to be the human incarnation of Basedness, so read him instead

>> No.19104502

Crime and Punishment.

>> No.19104550

Nothing Foucault did was orginial. Even shaving his head was done before by Genet- Paglia

>> No.19104561

His take on biopolitics and power relations in S O C I E T Y is based. He influenced pretty much every important thinker after him so in that regard, he is important to at least understand basic concepts. But tbqhwyf I find his work a bit too convoluted for what you get out of it. Just read some secondary shit on him then read Agamben and D&G instead.

>> No.19104584

Find a new professor who won’t recommend the performance art that has masqueraded as philosophy in France over the last fifty years,

>> No.19104633

Jew religion

>> No.19104856

Heidegger was in the NSDAP - does that make his thought any less valuable? Also, all of the pedo allegations were made by just one guy.

>> No.19104897

The Order of Things
The History of Sexuality

>> No.19104905

>Heidegger was in the NSDAP - does that make his thought any less valuable?
Since everyone who followed him was just using philosophy to advance some sort of wacky political agenda, yeah, it kinda does.

>> No.19104910

>does that make his thought any less valuable?
No, it makes them MORE valuable.

>> No.19104916

He's one of the most popular philosophers among polish academics, what wacky political agenda do you think they use him for?

>> No.19104919
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he is
The Order of Things
The History of Sexuality
then anything else by him after that

>> No.19104949

I’ve only read the History of Sexuality. It was based.

>> No.19104986

Thanks broski

>> No.19104992

Communism or some type of Polish nationalism.

>> No.19104998

he's very popular among academics anywhere

>> No.19105009
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>> No.19105014

It’s strange how one argument can be totally reasonable in normal life and then so easily identified as bait on 4chan…

>> No.19105031

If by that you mean “philosophers” working outside of the Anglo world and literary critics and cultural studies scholars within it, sure. But let’s not overstate his influence.

>> No.19105069

>what wacky political agenda
he is literally like, the libshit philosopher's favorite philosopher lol

>> No.19105077

hes a faggot

>> No.19105097

Foucault is the reason discourse analysis as a pseudoscience method is used in humanitarian courses in uni, and why so many women are graduating easily, getting higher positions than mediocre men that don't bother with humanities fluff but are too dumb for STEM. Women thus are getting a bunch more power in society. All thanks to this faggot.

>> No.19105105


>> No.19105181

Joyce is overrated garbage that we have to pretend he is hot shit because everyone says so. He is the equivalent of a mouse trying to rationalize that hitting the cocaine button 1000 times and dying from overdose is as good of a life as any other.

>> No.19105263

Eh, in the Anglo world it’s either Mill or Rawls. Outside of the Anglo world there are no real philosophers.

>> No.19105486

Yes. Most of the people who dislike him, do so only because he is associated with sjws. DP and History of sexuality are approachable, great books

>> No.19105757

Nietzsche, Marx, Sartre, and Foucault create the paradigm we live in today.

>> No.19105801

>forgetting the Frankfurt school
I'll forgive you if you intended them to be a footnote to Marx and Nietzsche

>> No.19105831

Once you break the idols it all flows from Neetsh.

>> No.19105922

Genuinely powerful institutions are making decisions based on utilitarian calculations. Marx and Foucault have had a significant social impact, but Nietzsche is practically irrelevant compared to Mill and his followers. I think you’re making the mistake of believing in a singular “paradigm” (whatever that’s supposed to mean in this context) I’m which we live. I doubt Foucault himself would agree with that.

>> No.19106678

>Was Foucault based?
He was a libertarian; no.
>where should I start?
«Birth of Biopolitics» is a series of lectures at Collège de France, so not a particularly hard book to start with.
>Heidegger was in the NSDAP
that makes him based

>> No.19106726
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Well, 18months ago he wasn't based because he was influential in gender studies, critical race theory etc .... but now he is based because he influenced agamben (who also didn't used to be based) who doesn't like vaccines.

Chuds are a fickle bunch. Even the ones who read books.

Mitchell dean didn't used to be based .... but he probably is now. Same goes for nikolas rose

>> No.19106749

its hard to imagine his overwhelmingly subhuman character wont be reflected in his works

>> No.19106771
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Foucault is unironically based. Despite the political mileage wokescolds get out of using his name for a veneer of intellectualism, his works are strikingly free from of moralizations. Foucault is from a time when the political left was actually radical and subversive, rather than petulant and servile.

This is also true.