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[ERROR] No.19103819 [Reply] [Original]

Why does God keep giving beings free will fully knowing they will fuck up? What's the next step in his master plan?

>> No.19103885

giving them free tickets to hell obviously

>> No.19103890

There's no free will. Everything is planned by God. Jay Sambho

>> No.19103900

whoa they're FREE?

>> No.19103903

crashing this plane

>> No.19103906

To send you to Hell for questioning his authority.

>> No.19104004

>what is the next step in his master plan
Conquering death itself, with no survivors.

>> No.19104027
File: 750 KB, 1725x1800, marco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brother, the world is blind, and you come from the world. You living ones continue to assign to heaven every cause, as if it were the necessary source of every motion. If this were so, then your free will would be destroyed, and there would be no equity in joy for doing good, in grief for evil. The heavens set your appetites in motion; not all your appetites, but even if that were the case, you have received both light on good and evil, and free will, which though it struggle in its first wars with the heavens, then conquers all, if it has been well nurtured. On greater power and a better nature, you, who are free, depend; that Force engenders the mind in you, outside the heavens' sway. Thus, if the present world has gone astray, in you is the cause, in you it's to be sought; and now I'll serve as your true exegete.

Issuing from His hands, the soul, on which He thought with love before creating it, is like a child who weeps and laughs in sport; that soul is simple, unaware; but since a joyful Maker gave it motion, it turns willingly to things that bring delight. At first it savors trivial goods; these would beguile the soul, and it runs after them, unless there's a guide or rein to rule its love. Therefore, one needed law to serve as curb; a ruler, too, was needed, one who could discern at least the tower of the true city.

The laws exist, but who applies them now? No one, the shepherd who precedes his flock can chew the cud but does not have cleft hooves; and thus the people, who can see their guide, snatch only at that good for which they feel some greed, would feed on that and seek no further. Misrule, you see, has caused the world to be malevolent; your nature is not corrupt, not prey to any fatal astral force. For Rome, which made the world good, used to have two suns; and they made visible two paths: the world's path and the pathway that is God's. One has eclipsed the other; now the sword has joined the shepherd's crook; the two together must of necessity result in evil, because so joined, one need not fear the other: and if you doubt me, watch the fruit and flower, for every plant is known by what it seeds.

>> No.19104037

obviously, retardddd

sorry that was hate speech.
problem with human personality anyway is that theyre prone to motivations i guess

>> No.19104068

>cringe text
if you have free will then anything can be refused

>> No.19104071

free will doesn't exist

>> No.19104080

If he does exist then he is all knowing and all powerful so everything is predestined. So chill bruh

>> No.19104349

Can, but don't. In you is the cause, in you it's to be sought.

>calling Dante cringe

>> No.19104491

>What's the next step in his master plan?
Crashing this plane of existence.


>> No.19104573

There is no contradiction in the idea that it's necessary to make something happen only if you don't know the results. A being of pure will just does things. I'm not a Christian but I think you're not supposed to anthropomorphize the behavior of God. He doesn't get upset because he's temperamental, he gets upset because what you did made him upset. The behavior of God is more akin to the laws of physics, even down to the covenants he establishes it's all very this for that. I think a lot of the basic Christian theology doubts would be fixed if people stopped thinking of YHWH as, say, Zeus.

>> No.19104631
File: 219 KB, 800x1000, Arthur-Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>If freedom of the will were presupposed, every human action would be an inexplicable miracle—an effect without a cause.

>Everything acts according to its nature, and its acts as they respond to causes make this nature known. Every man acts according to what he is, and the action, which is accordingly necessary in each case, is determined solely by the motives in the individual case.

>The consciousness of self-determination and originality which undeniably accompanies all our acts, and by virtue of which they are our acts, is therefore not deceptive, in spite of their dependence on motives. But its true content reaches further than the acts and begins higher up. In truth it includes our being and essence itself, from which all acts proceed necessarily when
motives arise.

>In a word: man does at all times only what he wills, and
yet he does this necessarily. But this is due to the fact that he already is what he wills. For from that which he is, there follows of necessity everything that he, at any time, does. If we consider his behavior objectively, i.e., from the outside, we shall be bound to recognize that, like the behavior of every natural being, it must be subject to the law of causality in all its severity. Subjectively, however, everyone feels that he always does only what he wills. But this merely means that his activity is a pure expression of his very own being. Every natural being, even the lowest, would feel the same, if it could feel.

>Consequently, my exposition does not eliminate freedom.
It merely moves it out, namely, out of the area of simple
actions, where it demonstrably cannot be found, up to a
region which lies higher, but is not so easily accessible to our
knowledge. In other words, freedom is transcendental.

>> No.19104651
File: 149 KB, 600x750, 44571EFD-3613-4BBA-BAC1-7B875EC87D1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just made me sad with that image, OP