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File: 25 KB, 246x405, Halo_-_The_Fall_of_Reach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.19099394 [Reply] [Original]

Aside from the fact they're "video games" books, I thought these did a really good job with the story telling, as well as world building for the universe itself. Has anyone else read any of the Halo series books?

>> No.19099456

i read them when i was young, and i'm planning on re-reading them. there are a couple trilogies that sound more interesting

>> No.19099497

I once read a Doom book. It was my first experience with really bad writing.

>> No.19099506

the Doom3 novels by Costello are much, much, much better

>> No.19099551

The worst book I ever read was a Borderlands book they released before the 2nd game came out I think.
Even 13 year old me knew how absolutely fucking awful everything about it was.

>> No.19100315

I'm a complete sucker for the halo series in general, I've read the first 3+ kilo-five triology, really enjoyed all of them and look forward to the next ones. God I hope infinite is good bros... Halo 5 story was a disgrace.

>> No.19100396
File: 140 KB, 1000x1000, 9ac3d95a787e4ecb3766eded25a93cd4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the black sheep of the original trilogy, I understand why people don't like it, but it's still my favorite. All the parts that aren't just a retelling of the game are great, especially the Covenant storylines.

>> No.19100418

They are so good. The Halo books and Call of the Arcade are the best video game books I have ever read

>> No.19100506

The Halo books, and to an extent the games as well, are unironically the best military sci-fi made in the past couple decades. Mainly due to a lack of it, however.

>> No.19102410

COTA. Is underrated. I preferred it to COTC.

>> No.19102417

man, the halo books were so cool in middle schoo. I loved the whole selection and train up process.

>> No.19102910

I just realized Halo is a space opera

>> No.19103974

Any other game novels that are good?
I've read doom, halo, resident evil, dead space.

>> No.19104061

The witcher short stories are pretty good, does that count? Just avoid the main series as it gets quite a bit worse after the first book or two.

>> No.19104320

i guess technically it does, but I'm looking more for sci-fi than fantasy