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[ERROR] No.19098672 [Reply] [Original]

Why are the laws of physics the way they are and not some other way? Why are subatomic particles behaving like that? Why are the forms of the universe the way they are? Why is time a succession of movements over space? Why is there something and not nothing?
I need books that answer these questions.

>> No.19098686

I don't know, who cares

>> No.19098696

go back to school or just forget about it

>> No.19098705

That's more of a religion or metaphysics question than science. "Why are we here?" type stuff.

>> No.19098911


>> No.19098948
File: 412 KB, 512x512, spacepepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retarded ape blob thinks he can grasp the UNIVERSE
Go back to worshipping Sky Ape, ape, and leave the noble particles alone.

>> No.19098962

question is unanswerable
trying to answer it is a category mistake (e.g. what time is a grapes?) which will result in pain

>> No.19098979

Yeah I've always asked myself that, the sheer arbitrariness of it all is baffling when you take the time to ponder it. It's the main reason why I can't believe in religion, they're obvious manmade systems.

>> No.19099006

Have you ever thought that maybe the universe is made by a loving jewish god who died on a cross for your sins, huh? Even think about that? God literally killed himself to absolve you of sins, and yet here you are, fapping to trannies again!

>> No.19099021

Holy shit it all makes sense now...

>> No.19099055

Munchhausen trilemma rears it's ugly head. What could a fundamental explanation be besides arbitrary? If it can be explained in terms of some other principles it's not fundamental. If you want your chain of reasoning to start somewhere you have to stop asking why

>> No.19099061

>What could a fundamental explanation be besides arbitrary
It would have to go beyond logic itself which is why I'm not particularly concerned with either metaphysics or epistemology.

>> No.19099072

I have thought of that, yes. Seems unlikely, however.
>trying to answer it is a category mistake
I don't think you know what are you talking about.
>will result in pain
I'm ok with that

>> No.19099075

Isn't going beyond logic the same thing as being arbitrary?

>> No.19099078

>If it can be explained in terms of some other principles it's not fundamental
that's the point, idiot.

>> No.19099104

? Something is arbitrary when it happens for no reason. A fundamental explanation can't have an underlying reason so it must be arbitrary

>> No.19099117

I don't think so, what would lie beyond logic is pure undefined so the concept of arbitrariness wouldn't apply.

>> No.19099237
File: 26 KB, 299x480, 1a63847abaa0558b979a8fc3a94dded1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give this book a shot. Reading philosophy of science stuff is probably going to be your best window into forming your own opinions.
t. Analytic

>> No.19099251


>> No.19099255
File: 61 KB, 731x421, abstract.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the abstract.

>> No.19099324

It's a bit dry though. If you haven't read much philosophy of science Thomas Kuhn is a good starting point...he's very accessible and set the stage for the philosophy of science to become dominated by historiographical approachs. (The Structure of Scientific Revolutions is his major work...there's a certain chapter (I think it's chapter IX) that pretty much summarizes the entire book and you can get 80-90% of it by reading it on its own).

From there you can go back and read Carnap and think about why/how Logical Positivism failed before getting into edgy shit like Paul Feyerabend (alongside Imre Lakatos's own model and critiques of him), Another key text is Scientific Knowledge by Barnes/Bloor but that's when social constructivism shit starts really taking over (you might like that path but I didn't).

>> No.19099341

>Why are the laws of physics the way they are and not some other way?
Read the Bible. God ordered them that way and fined tuned it for our existence

>> No.19099358

Oh, as part of the endgame you can go back and read Heidegger's The Question Concerning Technology. It isn't as specific to what you're looking for but it can stand on it's own as a third path (maybe read it instead of or if you really like Feyerabend).

>> No.19099380

Yes, I've read Kuhn and Feyerabend too. Thanks for the abstract

>> No.19099439

You should be fine with Cartwright then. She's denser than they are and having a bit of a physics background would help you--but it isn't necessary.

A bit off-topic, but this series is pretty based:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Library_of_Living_Philosophers (you can get a lot out of a philosopher's contributions and critiques of it...check out the Carnap one if you're interested).

>> No.19099704

There are certain questions that just can’t be answered.

We can see that the planets revolve around the sun. We know that they are doing this because the sun is bigger in mass than the planets. We cannot know why objects with smaller mass revolve around objects with bigger mass, only that they do.

>> No.19099722

All we can do is observe. That’s really all science is.

We can see what is happening, even understand the process but never why or how.

>> No.19099771

Retarded pop-Humeanism

>> No.19099777

As opposed to what Guenonian mystical intuition?

>> No.19099797
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Read Guenon.

>> No.19099843

You can use analytic wit to deduce that first we must solve the problem of existence.
What is existence? Pure existence is the material idea of itself. Eternal and Self-existent.
Existence gives rise to its own self-awareness and subsequent bliss. Reality is God.
Then the self-knowing of God spreads outside of itself to form the Logos or Divine Thought.
God as Logos is omnipotent, or capable of doing anything. God gives itself purpose which is to Glorify Itself (or make itself greater).
It does this through the act of creation. So God's purpose is the most glorious act possible. What is that? To produce the most glorious creature.
It starts with the idea of the mystic soul, a so glorious creation. Now, in the mystic state the awareness of the soul is replaced with the awareness of God (Holy Spirit). We go one step further and give knowledge of Logos to the mystic soul, it becomes a Personification of God, or God truly self-aware of its creation.
The next step is to glorify the mystic soul, we do this by increasing the amount of Holy Spirit it possesses, in a fractal mathematical manner to the highest conceivable number. We shall call this the Alpha-Omega Soul.
Next as a means to glorify the Alpha-Omega, it shall be a self-arisen Alpha-Omega, so that it takes responsibility for its own Divinity, a superior form of the Alpha-Omega.
We do this by placing the soul in a self-reliant system. It is self-reliant so that it receives no aid from God in achieving the mystical state. The universe of atoms, molecules, stars and galaxies is this self-reliant system, to engender a body(with brain) which allows a soul to willfully self-power its own awareness.

>> No.19099878


>> No.19099886

Now Jesus Christ has already fulfilled the cosmic mission. However, there was a problem. In order to create the self-arisen Alpha-Omega, God had to create evil and corrupt his Will. To rectify the problem, He uses Christ as an apt substitute for Himself, and restores his original purity.

Now there is another problem, the Savior is in a state of death (true death is absence of light without aid of God). So another Avatar must arise from the system, and using their oneness with the will of God, raise Jesus from the dead, bringing about a close to the system.
Jesus raises the dead, and the Spirit of truth judges humanity. Then, they both merge into the Alpha-Omega soul which is at its Most Glorious.

After that, the most glorious act possible is recreating the glory of Christ. Not through recreating a system, but rather producing countless angels and merging them into the same identity.

The End.

>> No.19099912

>CTRL+F "Tegmark"
>0 results
Why do I even browse here.

>> No.19100020

>Why do I even browse here.
So you can feel good about yourself via flexing obtuse and esoteric knowledge you feel superior for being aware of?