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[ERROR] No.19097893 [Reply] [Original]

>work 40 hours a week
>write 40 hours a week
>read 40 hours a week
>meal prep all food for an entire week
>abandoned every other hobby
>ignore all friends and family, maybe give them a couple words every month or so
Does anyone else live like this? It feels unnatural but it's the only way I can make progress.

>> No.19097906

I only work, when I have some free time I read books, that's all my life.

>> No.19097917

Post work

>> No.19097926

Progress to what end?

>> No.19097987

I only post it on /wg/. I'm the anon writing a utopian post-singularity novel. I don't think that the scenario will happen or that it should, I wanted to explore what I think humans are in a kind of culmination of history scenario that reads more like normal, rural life than cyperbunk or pluralistic nonsense.

>> No.19098006

I used to be like that. Glad I snapped out of it. I was doing 15-18 hours a day directed to the form of art I was pursuing. Such a vain and vapid pursuit.

>> No.19098051

>vain and vapid
why are we here on /lit/

>> No.19098063

I know why I'm here, but I hope you figure that out for your own sake.

>> No.19098064

I’m trying to get out of a similar loop. I have free time during weekends for a very small group of friends and I’m struggling to get my love life back together.
Quarantine reinforced my seclusive side and made very complacent with my solitude

>> No.19098069

About as good a use of time as anything else

>> No.19098078

All a matter of perspective and what you seek to get from this life. I had a shift in perspective and thankfully was given the proper help to get me out of the trap I was once stuck in.

>> No.19098111

I used to hang out with my coworkers and play games with my highschool/university friends, but over the past two years I've just stopped interacting with them. I feel 10x more productive too, as I don't waste the only free time I have left after work on unproductive stuff. I've finally reached a point where I don't need to constantly reference a dictionary for Latin, and I finally broke my college era lifting record. On the one hand I miss interacting with friends, but I finally feel like I'm achieving something and don't want to give it up.

>> No.19098182

What do you spend your time on now? I just find it odd and a little dishonest to decry the pursuit of art as vain on a board dedicated to discussing art. Some artists may have selfish reasons for pursuing their craft, but even so art can be a great comfort to people

>> No.19098189

Got a link from the current or previous threads?

>> No.19098192

If you perceive it as me being dishonest I'm okay with that. I'm being genuine but I don't feel the need to explain myself in these matters either. If this is something you truly care about, I congratulate you on your discipline.

>> No.19098201

Why do you consider it a trap?

>> No.19098207

Willing to bet this guy now spends all of his time praying

>> No.19098209

If I were to explain that, you'd think I was crazy. That was just a realization from the shift of perspective I had, which in fact wasn't much of a shift of perspective at all. Just qualities and morals I had always held that were intentionally (attempted) stripped away from me.

>> No.19098233

>15-18 hours
definitely an exaggeration. nonetheless i experience this feeling every couple of months mainly(although perhaps not explicit to myself) because of how miserably I've failed in attaining anything with my pursuit. if not for this, id still say the act of creation and containment and distribution of subjective experiences is far from vain and vapid if done in earnestly.

>> No.19098244

I kid you not. 15 hours was average. Sometimes 12, sometimes 18 depending on whether I had a seriously good idea that was riding on that level of inspiration you don't always get. 12 when it was a meh day. There'd even be the rare occasion where I wouldn't sleep at all and would work all throughout the night till morning. 7-8 am morning.

>> No.19098255

And I just want to explain something to you, this is the mindset the pros have. This is the level of dedication and devotion they adhere to. This is one of those secrets they keep to themselves to keep the competition at bay. They love upkeeping glass ceilings in these industries.

>> No.19098268

No, I'm in the middle of 2nd draft and my 1st is stream of consciousness from an outline. Barely readable at the moment, but Im checking the harder to change things like character motivation, plot holes etc. When I start working on 3rd draft with more wordsmithing and literary devices I will share a pastebin of a few scenes.

>> No.19098275

what industry?

>> No.19098276

I look forward to it

>> No.19098277

And if you don't believe me, there's even a video with steven king and some other author and steven king talks about how he writes every single day for a certain period of time. The other author was a heavy, old man with white hair and white beard. I don't know if this level of discipline is something that authors tend to harbor, but it was most definitely the average/norm in the pursuit of art I was devoting myself to.

Me personally? Music. But I feel this is a universal discipline amongst the entertainers of the world.

>> No.19098289

I'm sharing this simply to level the playing field. They only want people who they can control and manipulate to push certain ideas in the media. They want puppets, they don't want free thinkers.

>> No.19098299

Do with this information what you will. I'm being honest and genuine, not only in the level of discipline I devoted myself to in pursuing what I once valued, but to show that ultimately, it means nothing.

>> No.19098301

makes total sense, thanks.
literature is different in how you can just build things in your head for half a year and then actually write, in leisurely speed, in a few months (like Nabokov)
or, on a smaller scale, thinks about a page and how you'd write it and then just execute it, like Joyce
there is still a social price to be paid here: you will have to dwell in the fairy tale of your own making, not the current and present reality, for every moment of inspiration

>> No.19098303

This is what most normal people do except there's 50 hours of youtube, 10 hours of Netflix and 10 hours of socialising

>> No.19098308

Kanye, put on a tripcode

>> No.19098309


conye is a puppet himself.

>> No.19098320

I remember you from a writing thread; you answered my question about time management. Your passion and dedication are commendable, but I wouldn't wish to have your lifestyle.

>> No.19098346
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It's not that bad and actually satisfying to spend time with things I actually want to be than daydream of who I could have been.

>> No.19098358

Wait until it becomes genuine work rather than a creative pursuit. It will become that by the way, only a matter of time. And then it eventually becomes a matter of material pursuit. It basically becomes a job.

>> No.19098359

I'm also in music and I've also spent 12-18 hours a day but only in the beginning/intermediate stages because I knew I had past a threshold once I was able to do a ton of work in half the time it used to take. I'm aware of the level of discipline it takes but you're comments on control and manipulation make you sound like you are coping. not only is dedication required but (a lot) of luck and persistence as well.

>> No.19098371

It is a matter of gate keeping positions of power. If you can't see how or why this is done, then let me say this. If they just let anyone be at the forefront in front of the entire world and say whatever they wanted, things would get bad, quick. If you don't think there's a level of script these entertainers are upholding then you're fooling yourself. I mean there's even classes on how to approach social media as an entertainer. I recall grimez tweeting that she had to take them.

These people have an entire team surrounding them. They are basically a business themselves, and a giant investment. They have PR agents, they have a management team, some even have a personal group of people writing them music. A lot of this stuff is just playing pretend.

>> No.19098375

>the pros
Pro at what?

>> No.19098379
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>luck and persistence as well.
Oh my. You have no idea.

At entertaining and distracting the masses.

>> No.19098395

>stay up for days on end high on meth making trap beats
>develop paranoid delusions about the music business
>freak yourself out and quit

>> No.19098399

And I haven't even taken into consideration the fact that a majority of these people are signed to record labels, and thus are representing that label as well. So there's pressure on these entertainers by their record labels, their PR team, their management, social media team, and all of that to upkeep a false image to maintain the spotlight and try and do whatever it takes to not only garner a bigger following, but to maintain it as long as possible.

This isn't even taking into consideration the idea of secret societies or cults that offer a step up in the playing field in return for huge investments in that secret society/cult.

No drugs, I follow a strict diet and exercise regime. Drugs get in the way. Pure motivation was driving me.

>> No.19098400

i totally agree but you can spot those people easily. the distinction between 'artist' and 'entertainer' is hard to discern for most common people but it is still possible as they get rarer over time.

>> No.19098403

I'm not denying that there aren't people who are passionate but you should know better yourself. There is clearly a glass ceiling preventing certain people from reaching certain heights in the industry. It's all heavily controlled.

>> No.19098408

>write 40 hours a week
>read 40 hours a week

Replace those two with lurk on 4chan(nel) for 40 hours a week and the other with masturbate for 40 hours a week.

>> No.19098417

yes and that glass ceiling exists because the actual thing you're up against is more powerful, and deep than just the music industry alone.

>> No.19098420

>don't do drugs
>still come up with all this illuminati nonsense

>> No.19098429

Ah, so you see it yourself. Powerful, yes, but even they are not at the top of the "food chain" so to speak.

Other than mentioning secret societies/cults nothing else I have said pertains to that and is information anyone can search for themselves and see it is true. Not only that, but it makes logical sense. Nice try though.

>> No.19098447

You're making it seem too sinister. Record labels want to make money, that's why they want artists to act a certain way and project an image

>> No.19098466

The point I wanted to make ultimately is that this stuff is heavily gate kept and it matters not how good or talented you are. Ultimately it all boils down to how good of a puppet you're willing to be. A lot of these entertainers don't even write their own music. They're rich kids who pay people to write it all and they just use their face to sell it.

It's all fabricated for the most part, it's not real. It's not a matter of
>work hard and you'll get there
There's a lot of other things necessary to truly be successful in these endeavors. If you're okay with a mid-level success, then none of what I'm saying here will matter. But for those who are aiming big, just be ready to toss integrity and morality out the window.