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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.19097618 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get an overview of literary genres? How do I know if a work is modernist or realist or whatever?

>> No.19097625

Please don't post pictures of Asian women; it's very distracting. White women are fine, just not Asian ones.

>> No.19097626

Those aren't genres.

>> No.19097632

>Asian women
She's Russian.

>> No.19097636

How come white ones are okay?

Yes they are. Maybe you call them literary styles.

>> No.19097640

looks exactly like this married chick i banged once
tightest pussy ive ever had and she forced me to cum inside her

>> No.19097643

Racially shes asian. You know about 25% isnt slavic, right?

>> No.19097650

asian people are white

>> No.19097655

up is down
strawberries are V8 engines
you arent a fag

>> No.19097657

The absolute state of /lit/

>> No.19097660

they have white skin, i don't see what the complication is

>> No.19097669

I think you may need to consult your ophthalmologist.

>> No.19097693

No, Waldun, you are not white.

>> No.19097695

>implying a good chunk of russia isn't completely asian

>> No.19097705

Russia is in Asia

>> No.19097710

how old is your kid by now?

>> No.19097740

she was near 40, didnt take

>> No.19097762

They are yellow

>> No.19097768

Our slug

>> No.19097773

The fuck you're talking about thats Seulgi, a korean

>> No.19097780
File: 600 KB, 1536x2048, komo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19097863

>How come white ones are okay?
They have no effect on me

>> No.19097875
File: 326 KB, 2048x1536, 40B48348-3392-4943-87B4-3D2A0E5EC8C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I know if a work is modernist or realist or whatever?
You shouldn’t even care

>> No.19097899

To understand what‘s literary you first have to know that there’s this thing invented by conmen called literary science, which is no science at all. They make up a bunch of types which they call categories they determine of common features and themes in multiple texts and in the time of these texts and give it a name.
It’s not actually like they what it means but they do it regardless.
They’re not actually wrong and such themes and times do and did exist, styles vary with time etcetera, all in some vaguely dialectic fashion, but you really shouldn’t take them seriously. For example many anons on here have studied or study literature. They’re all pseuds but I‘m still glad they at least study something.
To determine whether something is, for example, modernist or realist, or whatever, you can only need to know what those words mean and read the text yourself, see if something matches. You can also further learn what they think is realist or modernist, which works and features, and simply parrot, looking for matching shapes, circle in circle, square in square hole etc. This is what art students of any kind and literary students do.
I also suggest learn everything about a chap named Walter Benjamin. He’s rather important to them. “Das Kunstwerk im Zeitalter der technischen Reproduzierbarkeit” —and so on.

>> No.19098186

She obviously identifies as Sudanese. Stop dead racing her you fucking bigot!

>> No.19098448

For me it's Joy

>> No.19098463

realist: this reads like a blog
modernist: i don't get this
postmodernist: i'm not supposed to get this