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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.19096894 [Reply] [Original]

How do we improve the absolute state of YA literature? In the past YA books meant
>Jack London
>Arthur Conan Doyle
>Lewis Carroll
>Grimm brothers
and many other high quality novelists and writers. Today YA books are basically elaborate Harry Potter fanfics. Is there any avenue for change? Are there any contemporary writers who write books for young people that are more in line with what London et al. were doing?

>> No.19096906

Not as long as female 20 somethings keep buying them and publishers keep catering to them instead of actual young adults. I personally think it's gone too far to ever return to what it once was.

>> No.19096913

YA literature for women used to be of better quality as well. Contemporary shit can't compare to Anne of Green Gables, Little Women and so on

>> No.19097377

They need to be written and published by people in a different country from a different culture. The cultural rot of the elite in the west has taken hold of YA and there is no salvaging it.



>> No.19097408

Can we genocide these human beings already? Is killing these twitter cultists the only way to save humanity?

>> No.19097418

I have a feeling that those books were the exception back in the day as well. I have no knowledge about this.

>> No.19097577

The fact that a "YA" label has been coined and embraced is a defeat in itself.

>> No.19097581

Forbid women from learning how to read

>> No.19097588

Atleast it works as a containment label for all the absolute retards and social justice cultists out there.

>> No.19097635

Men rarelly go to bookstores to buy newly published titles. So the only way to sell new books in to catter to the femoid audience.
The only way to fix YA is if men started writing and reading YA.

>> No.19097761

By writing books that don't suck. Simple as

>> No.19097876

This is the way

>> No.19097929

Vicious cycle innit
>be man
>walk into a bookstore on occasion
>immediately bombarded with racks full of titles like White Rage, White Stink, White Refusal to Buy This Book
>maybe this whole book readin' ain't my thing
>turn 360 degrees and walk out

>> No.19098259

Some of these are children authors