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[ERROR] No.19096191 [Reply] [Original]

If god is benevolent and omnipotent why does he do this to children? What philosophy can explain this

>> No.19096195
File: 4 KB, 200x200, 1629526083709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did you have to post that picture?

>> No.19096196

>If god is benevolent and omnipotent why does he do this to children?
Because there is not a benevolent and omnipotent God.

>> No.19096197

Ummmm uhhh evil doesn't actually exist and uhhh the baby is tainted by sin or something and ummm you can't judge god with your standards ok, he has a good reason to do this, just trust the plan!

>> No.19096198

Children deserve that. PMW.

>> No.19096200

the philosophy of god working in mysterious ways

>> No.19096201

god does not manually distribute good and evil across the present
he simply created a universe with good and evil both possible to their fullest extent

>> No.19096202

There isn't one. It's all cope. God doesn't exist. Your picture is proof

>> No.19096203
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He is neither benevolent or omnipotent and the fact that sickly children are not immediately killed speaks to the overall spiritual degradation of humans.

Also fuck you for reminding me that those things exist.

T. God

>> No.19096204
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>> No.19096206

What do you mean? That's a perfectly healthy Lizardman baby

>> No.19096210




>> No.19096212

Then God isn't omnipotent.
>No, he could control it all, he just chooses not to

>> No.19096213

god has complete control over existence COPEGENUS

>> No.19096215


>> No.19096217

>h-he's all powerful and all loving but he doesn't intervene because uhhh reasons ok?!
kek absolute retard, kys spic

>> No.19096218



>> No.19096224


>> No.19096225

Because then you'd have no free will and everything would be predetermined, only good actions happening with no concept of an accident (a bad one, like in the OP, as well)

>> No.19096230

What does free will have to do with harlequin ichthyosis?

>> No.19096231

If free will is so important how will you be able to go to heaven, you cant do bad things there and thus there will be no free will

>> No.19096233

>he could control it all
citation needed
give me a bible verse on the fact that god has to have agenda AFTER creating the universe

>> No.19096235

>uuuh children are being raped and tortured because god wants you to be free ok?
>he's all powerful but making a world where both freedom and no possibility of evil are both actualized is impossible because... stop asking questions!!

>> No.19096238

Deformed/ugly people don't have souls. What happens to them has no moral worth.

>> No.19096239

>>uuuh children are being raped and tortured because god wants you to be free ok?
God wants child rapists to be free.

>> No.19096241

you are triggered by evil even more than christards for some reason
why are you so sensitive

>> No.19096244

Why did god create a world with ichtyosis in it OH NO NO LMAO

>> No.19096245

>the fact that sickly children are not immediately killed speaks to the overall spiritual degradation of humans.
fucking this

>> No.19096246

Holy based

>> No.19096250


>> No.19096251

Just pointing out the incoherence in their beliefs

>> No.19096252

Why should the world only be good?
Are you too much of a pussy to handle it?

>> No.19096253

>If God real why da bad thing happen?
How fucking infantile.

>> No.19096255

nice argument crosshead, maybe you're scared its irrefutable?

>> No.19096256

>>If God real why da bad thing happen?
Well? I have never once heard a satisfactory answer to this, just people mocking the question itself.

>> No.19096257

Yes, a perfectly reasonable question. Christcucks have yet to come up with an adequate answer thus far

>> No.19096261
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>> No.19096262

There is no answer. Only cope, endless cope

>> No.19096263

Why are people saying its free will that makes this happen? Are they saying its the mom's fault that she didnt kill the baby because she has the free will? Are they saying the baby itself is at fault because he has free will and doesnt kill himself in the womb? What's the relationship between free will and a deadly disease you get at birth

>> No.19096264
File: 34 KB, 316x400, Gottfried_Wilhelm_von_Leibniz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggas don't think we be living in the best of all possible worlds but we do

>> No.19096267

If God exists then he must be in eternity. Which is to say he is completely outside of the realm of time. If he is how the fuck could he have any impact on our world? Then in that case he is not much of a active God. Even if he fashioned the world and all it's makings he couldn't have direct influence on this plane. If he could be here and have influence then he would be in the sphere of time and would also be able to die which is why he supposedly sent his son who had to face death as a normie. IDK WHO CARES!

>> No.19096274

Leibniz more like Lameniz

>> No.19096276

>How fucking infantile.
How fucking infantile.

>> No.19096278

>If he is how the fuck could he have any impact on our world?
The entire Bible is about God having impact on our life. Being outside of time didn't inhibit him from destroying Sodomites and flooding the Earth. Christcuck cope

>> No.19096282

he logged off after

>> No.19096283

This sort of sickness should be detected in the womb and aborted early.

>> No.19096287

just like my call of duty team :(

>> No.19096290

you cant abort babies they have souls

>> No.19096292

Because it's psychopathy and extreme narcissism.

>I am so fucking important the suffering of billions of years doesn't matter to me when in the end I am so sure about my redemption in the immortal garden of eden. It comforts my heart during painful hours of extreme agony.

>> No.19096293

I feel like pointing to the shock value of things such as that image is just a disingenuous bait tactic to get Christians to abandon following through with their line of reasoning that God is indeed still good, omnipotent and etc, despite worldly tragedies.

>> No.19096296

It's one of the boilerplate responses they learned from Youtube videos about how to defend their religion, and they employ them without thought in the face of any criticism of their belief system, regardless of relevancy.

>> No.19096302

We should just interpret these sorts of things as a sign of witchcraft and burn both the mother and baby like they did in the Middle Ages

>> No.19096304

I didn't read the Bible

>> No.19096315

Yeah, instead of working to eliminate sickness from the world, we should focus on seeking out people who think differently, which, by the way, used to be the way everybody thought, back when I could walk down the street without worrying about getting punched and kicked to death by the utter dregs of society: poor people without religion. (Thanks Reagan.)

>> No.19096318

Case and point. You fucking man children need to grow and realize God isn't a fucking superhero in your comics that's going to swoop down and save you out of all the people on this earth.

>> No.19096321

You're thinking too narrow, at least from a Christian perspective, assuming that's the God we're talking. Death in Christian cosmology didn't exist until Adam and Eve sinned in Eden, their decision being possible because of free will. Humanity chose to disobey God with free will, and individual sins still exist in the world even though Jesus reopened the possibility of full union with God for those who serve his will. Thus death and suffering still exist, but with the potential for salvation.
>but the babies with diseases dindu nuthin
Jesus dindu nuthin either and he died.

Eternity isn't outside of time, eternity is just all of time.

>> No.19096323

Mistakes such as this one would be spared further suffering through and early death.

>> No.19096324

Still no answers from the christfag

>> No.19096325

Isnt that literally the point of christian eschatology?

>> No.19096328

Not a real response

>> No.19096329

>Eternity isn't outside of time, eternity is just all of time.
Theologians have been divided on the issue of whether God exists as an eternal being in time or outside of time for hundreds of years

>> No.19096330

>Jesus dindu nuthin either and he died.
Not an argument. Sickness isn't a consequence of free will. Cope

>> No.19096331

>God isn't a fucking superhero in your comics that's going to swoop down and save you out of all the people on this earth.
This is literally what the belief in God implies. Like you will gain immortality and you will be saved from the eternal lava pits of hell. He is a superhero to rescue for believers.

>> No.19096332

>Eternity isn't outside of time, eternity is just all of time.
Eternity is the state of being eternal. And as far as we know time influences everything in this sphere. Every atom and every proton/electron is subject to change over time. Eternity would be something that is not subject to the touch of time.

>> No.19096334

Still no rationale to this way of thinking unless you needed a daddy figure to watch over you because you're too fucking weak and lack the cortex to think for yourself without someone holding your hand.

An eschewed simplification.

>> No.19096335



>> No.19096339

You wont be saved with that attitude lmao

>> No.19096343


Again. Set the fucking comics down and get experience in the real world

>> No.19096351

Unironically is there christian philosophers that can explain this? I understand God works in mysterious ways (example, god could destroy a ship full of artifacts only for that ship to be rediscover later and used to understand that ancient culture) but I cant comprehend what end there could be for a kid to be born looking like that. It's too cruel

>> No.19096352

Too bad I already am, gaytheist

>> No.19096353

God is all good but he lets babies die from horrible diseases so that I CAN BECOME STRONGER

>> No.19096356

>Again. Set the fucking comics down and get experience in the real world
Where's the comics in that? Every single believer desire those things. What do you think is the meaning of prayer in hard times? It literally implies a superhero would somehow ease your pain.

>> No.19096361

I think that if humans collectively stopped sinning then death (and sickness/pain is just varying degrees of an overture to death) would stop being a thing. But humans are selfish motherfuckers and that won't happen until God comes down and judges shit at the end of time.

>> No.19096363

>god allows babies to needlessly suffer and be born with hideous and painful deformities because.. HE JUST DOES, OKAY?

>> No.19096365

What sin has a baby done to deserve this? Why can it equally happen to a christian family or an atheist family?

>> No.19096368

Why didn't he do that already if he is supposedly beyond time?

>> No.19096370

>if people behaved in the way the bible says then genetic diseases would stop existing
You're free to believe this but it doesn't logically follow and can be disregarded as an argument

>> No.19096372

Aquinas mentions that evil enables more degrees of goodness, thus is required in a perfect universe.

>> No.19096375

Just look up the topic "theodicy" and "problem of evil" on Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. There is a 2000 year old tradition of christcucks coping with the implications of their theology

>> No.19096376

A baby born in that state is likely to die shortly after birth so if the parents are Christian and baptize the baby validly before death then he/she will go straight to heaven.

>> No.19096377

If evolution doesnt exist, why did god create genetic diseases? Couldnt he have made humans reproduce perfectly so everyone has a fair shot at redemption and doesnt get born into a body that lacks a brain or that dies in horrible pain after a few days

>> No.19096379

>evil enables more degrees of goodness
This is such an absolute and obvious cope it baffles me anyone could consider it a good argument

>> No.19096380


>> No.19096383
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>It literally implies a superhero would somehow ease your pain.

You clutch this dullard bubble of an opinion to your chest because the reality waiting to get in would pop it so hard it would make you question what side of the faith you were on.

>> No.19096387

>the reality
That the god of the bible is a lie, most of the bible is a fabrication, and there is no grand plan?

>> No.19096389

>You clutch this dullard bubble of an opinion to your chest because the reality waiting to get in would pop it so hard it would make you question what side of the faith you were on.
Of course no being is spared from experiencing the beautiful creation of an """all loving""" being. Thank you for proving my point kind Christian.

>> No.19096395

>cope. verb. deal effectively with something difficult.
If it's a cope, then it shouldn't be hard to see why it's considered a good argument.

>> No.19096399

No one who reads this post can seriously maintain that Christianity is not a life-denying death cult.

>> No.19096400

Don't you wish with all your little heart that you won't have to answer for all the shit you pulled in this life?

>Thank you for proving my point kind Christian.
Being passive aggressive doesn't make you right, it makes you effeminate. You might as well put on a dress and call yourself Suzanna the hole with that attitude.

>> No.19096404

Stop being disingenuous, you know exactly what is meant by that in that context.
Why are christians so slippery about evil? I have not seen one (1) coherent argument ITT so far, only deflection, insults and so on.

>> No.19096410

God does what to children? That kid is cute

>> No.19096413

Ah yes, now that his nonsensical beliefs have been pointed out, the christer resorts to his main weapon: fear-mongering and threats of punishment and eternal torture.
You're aware that your tantrum is about as meaningful to me as an adult who would tell me I'm not on Santa's list this year, right?

>> No.19096419

Sorry, I forgot to add the "/s". I was making a joke.

>> No.19096420

We've been through denial, anger, bargaining and now we're at the acceptance stage

>> No.19096422

If I was being aggressive would have simply called a faggot subhuman christcuck retard.

Believe it or not I understand the necessity of faith on the face of this nightmare planet. But when they yell eternal hell, death and torments to anyone who disagree with them then it's necessary to call them out on their bullshit.

>> No.19096428

>not knowing the difference between inherently evil and concupiscent

>says believer have non-arguments before dismissing any possibility outside of his grasp as just "cope"

>> No.19096429

What is the Zoroastrian answer to this?

>> No.19096432


>> No.19096436

finally, a religion for me

>> No.19096444

It's not a threat. It's a guarantee and a promise of what's to come. But you're too stuck inside your own head to heed the warning to change your ways. So be it. Nothing off my back, that's for fucking sure :)

> faggot subhuman christcuck retard.
Don't throw a tantrum now Suzy.

>But when they yell eternal hell, death and torments to anyone who disagree with them then it's necessary to call them out on their bullshit
Actions have consequences and in this case, they're eternal. What you do, however small, matters and it will echo across time and space and the effects of those actions will reverberate throughout future generations and determine their culture, their choices, their future altogether.

>> No.19096450

>What you do, however small, matters and it will echo across time and space and the effects of those actions will reverberate throughout future generations and determine their culture, their choices, their future altogether.
This doesn't bode well for anyone on earth at the moment who gobbles up consumer products, gasoline, etc.

>> No.19096451

there's a certain class of brainlet who will never get this and he's always in this type of thread x10

>> No.19096458

>old testament pop knowledge
are you an actual 15 y old

>> No.19096461

Its the work of satan/evil trying to convince more people that god isn't omnipotent and benevolent

>> No.19096462

What's wrong with that? How is doing this to children bad?

>> No.19096465
File: 1000 KB, 1050x655, marcus1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who cares

>> No.19096467

t. ironic upper middle class suburbanite who never experienced actual suffering

>> No.19096468

Grow the fuck up, there's nothing wrong with that

>> No.19096471

Augustine argues with soul-making theodicy and that evil is just merely an absence of good. But this is my very simplistic way of explaining.

>> No.19096472


>> No.19096476


Because it's good

>> No.19096477


>> No.19096478


>> No.19096480

m8 its Plato, and it's excellent otherwise people would not still be stuck discussing it 1000+ years later
stop binging amazing atheist

>> No.19096487

Epig :DDDD (You) get 100 contrarian points thank you for the gold kind stranger XD

>> No.19096488
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>> No.19096491

>What you do, however small, matters and it will echo across time and space and the effects of those actions will reverberate throughout future generations and determine their culture, their choices, their future altogether.
What are you even saying?

>> No.19096496

>bad is good
Nice heresy

>> No.19096500

no I'm serious
you do realise that christians dont follow the old testament right? you're not seriously this stupid?

>> No.19096501

He has it easy. He's dead now.

>> No.19096502

Yep and they're too fucking stupid to comprehend even that.

>> No.19096507

why is the capacity for evil necessary to experience God?

>> No.19096510

>you do realise that christians dont follow the old testament right
but we do though, or at least we're supposed to. Only stuff ommitted is things jesus said to stop doing or contradicts OT

>> No.19096513

>it's not a thread, it's just a passive-agressive womanly "hehe ur going to hell" complete with the smiley face at the end
Again: your threats mean nothing to me. Right now I see you as a literal child trying desperately to convince others (and themselves) that they should be taken seriously. Go take a breather and stop wishing eternal suffering on people you've ever met, then go do your homework

>> No.19096522

Why isn't this thread deleted yet? Janny do your job
I don't like stoicism as a whole but this is based

>> No.19096525

He looks like he is made out of fingernails.

>> No.19096528


>> No.19096533

That was my Pontius Pilate moment of me washing my hands of you :)

Your blood be on you and your children.

>> No.19096537

C-christbros... This can't be happening... You told me that reading based orthobro daddy Seraphim Rose would allow me to btfo libtard gaytheists in online arguments...

>> No.19096538

you forgot you'r soijak

>> No.19096543

what are the most intelligent literary explorations of this topic?

>> No.19096544

>hehe repent silly boys :P
kek you're a living meme
>Your blood be on you and your children.
Don't cut yourself on that edge now, "christian" (read: zoomer meme convert with no faith who uses a dying religion as an excuse to wish suffering and death onto people he disagrees with online)

>> No.19096548


>> No.19096551


>> No.19096556

god is transcendent and eternal (not decaying), the logos, the source of the highest ideas of all virtues
we are in the empirical world, we are made of matter which is subject to change and decay, and the ideas are inaccessible to us, akin to trying to look at the sun by looking at its reflection in a puddle i.e. our world is imperfect and our moral system is also imperfect
"evil" are all lesser manifestations of good which stray from the highest form of good, God, who is inaccessible to us before death. Christians should strive to be as similar to god/jesus in life (again similar to Plato "living a virtuous life so that your soul would also be virtuous after death); jesus was tempted, jesus was loved and was also tortured, beaten, and died on a cross. So be like jesus, experience the highest "evil" (people who stray the most from good) bear the heaviest burden (like a cross) that you can take so that you can come closer to the idea of Good, and perhaps even redeem others in this sway by inspiring them to do the same
im not christian btw

>> No.19096560

So basically evil is good and satan is doing us a favor be tempting us? Because we can resist him?

>> No.19096562
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>C-christbros... This can't be happening... You told me that reading based orthobro daddy Seraphim Rose would allow me to btfo libtard gaytheists in online arguments...

>> No.19096564

absolutely SEETHING in rage, christranny

>> No.19096565

why was separation from the logos necessary to experience it?

>> No.19096566

it just was OKAY?

>> No.19096567
File: 62 KB, 643x554, soi vaccuum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>absolutely SEETHING in rage, christranny

>> No.19096568

or put another way, why was the capacity for separation from the logos necessary to experience it?

>> No.19096573

FUMING jesustroon