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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 852 KB, 1203x750, Space battle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19095308 No.19095308 [Reply] [Original]

Space Battle edition

Previous Thread:>>19083798

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent

Never going to be created.

>> No.19095333
File: 866 KB, 1403x1600, 8abbace6b4a9d6881f51ad4cee713d73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whines about others creating the thread before the bump limit
>literally creates a new thread with the old one at 308 replies
what else would I expect from a animenigger

anyways boys, I was going to create a nice thread with some kino Alan Lee artwork but the tranny beat me too it, here's the art I was going to use, for your viewing enjoyment instead of that purple and pink digital eyesore

>> No.19095358
File: 1.24 MB, 981x1765, lee-nargothrond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

digits of power
i love alan lee's middle-earth art especially the first age work.

>> No.19095359

>wish there were some Aztec/Mayan based S&S
>randomly find a book of exactly that today

>> No.19095367

>His father was a much better character
Although I think the original trilogy is far superior, I don't think I agree with this, if only because Orso has a better end to his arc. Jezal and Orso actually go through similar arcs in their respective trilogies, but Orso's ends up much more satisfying.

They both start out as insufferable, self-centered rich kids who go on journeys that inspire them to become better people and better leaders. The main difference is that Abercrombie subverts expectations by making Jezal into a weak and ineffectual failure of a leader with no real power or agency. Orso instead gets to die with dignity as a changed and much better person than he started out as. Although it's more tragic, I much prefer it to Jezal's twist on the hero/warrior king archetype.

>> No.19095369

I actually prefer the space battle picture as the OP than yours.

>> No.19095378
File: 39 KB, 304x367, king of sffg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19095381
File: 595 KB, 870x659, celegorm-luthien-curufin-huan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i also love the first age paitings of elena kukanova, similar aesthetic as master alan lee

>> No.19095387

I agree, the one they say is anime always has better pictures and it doesn't look that anime.

>> No.19095391

based. Which do you guys like better though, Lee or Howe?

didn't ask, faggot

>> No.19095412

>didn't ask, faggot
acting like the thread revolves around his questions

>> No.19095413

Lee for landscapes.
Howe for characters.

>> No.19095434
File: 489 KB, 1200x1702, bimbo-on-the-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bimbo on The Cover is an intelligent, ambitious and complex recount of the beginnings of the great holy war that threatens the lands of Bämbwa. Throughout its pages we embark on a crusade and witness events unfold through the eyes of multiple characters of highly varying backgrounds and beliefs. While the people of the land are focused on each other, an ancient group of magi lurks in the shadows and tirelessly works to bring about the return of an evil most no longer believe in. Of all the mysteries draping over Bämbwa, a strange and enigmatic monk travels to the Holy city of Pimpmeh, seamlessly intertwining himself in the lives of many, his true intentions hidden beneath a refined and charming mask.

>> No.19095652

can you guys rec some comfy fantasy? sure, i want the adventurer doing his adventuring, but i also want to read about him chilling with the various townsfolk and eating and drinking by the hearth and all that

>> No.19095683

i like Lee the most. i have a hardcover of the trilogy that has tons of paintings of his peppered throughout. got lost staring at those when i was a kid

>> No.19095702
File: 281 KB, 1366x1320, Frank-Frazetta-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love staring at these muscles

>> No.19095873
File: 975 KB, 1996x2808, Glorfindel & le Balrog - 1989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lee and Howe. Hard to say, I love them both. The only reason Peter Jackson's movies look any good is because of the vision of those two painters (helped by weta workshop). Jackson's own aesthetic is far too crude to capture the mythic beauty of Arda.

>> No.19095955


>> No.19095959

partly true, its not only gayyyy, its HARD gayyyy

>> No.19095964

Nice muscles on that Balrog hand

>> No.19096001

>not!Book Club
sep 26: the scar https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/68497.The_Scar
songs of a dead dreamer and grimscribe https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/24611567-songs-of-a-dead-dreamer-and-grimscribe
the dark eidolon and other fantasies https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18143067-the-dark-eidolon-and-other-fantasies

>> No.19096034
File: 48 KB, 853x543, kellhus spurdo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 posts
>no Bakkerchads

They really should just rename this place /thinking/...

>> No.19096045
File: 27 KB, 232x256, king of sffg2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over bakkertard, this is a Jim general now

>> No.19096051 [SPOILER] 
File: 105 KB, 752x423, 1632289427730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who needs Bakker (ﷺ) when we can just get the Bellard text synth AI to finish the No-God books for him? It would be much faster, and probably just as a good desu.

>> No.19096057

A hecking AI generated No-God books? count me in bucko

>> No.19096062

Anyone seen the new Dune movie? Does it respect the book?

>> No.19096077
File: 116 KB, 783x510, bellard_no god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, it came up with this madness after typing in the last paragraph of TUC.
>tfw an AI is a better fantasy writer than you are


>> No.19096082
File: 34 KB, 774x353, Screenshot (46).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is hecking beautiful

>> No.19096090

>no one on this board is troon pilled
based /lit/ AI

>> No.19096102

>you are not our kind, you are a boy, you are a girl, you are trooning pilled

>> No.19096129
File: 175 KB, 1470x772, Screen Shot 2021-09-22 at 4.02.25 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way to spoil my fantasy... this AI is no fun.

>> No.19096133
File: 77 KB, 745x435, based ai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19096236

Fuck off.

>> No.19097156

>0 ratings
>0 reviews
>female author
>deviantart-tier cover art
This might be the second worst book ever posted about in this general.

>> No.19097261

>city of PIMP ME

>> No.19097697
File: 22 KB, 306x400, Brandon Sanderson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your favorite Brandon Sanderson book?

>> No.19097701

> love manga
> hate science fiction and fantasy novels
What books will change my opinion of these genres?

>> No.19097708

shit ones since you have shit taste, unironically read sanderson

>> No.19097716

Full Metal Daemon Muramasa

>> No.19097721
File: 84 KB, 766x843, TWOW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19097724

Why the fuck are you retards shilling that shit edge fest? even fucking crombie is less edgy just for edges sake.

>> No.19097735

https://1drv.ms/w/s!AqOy5_EwlhljqmicyTiM88j4HQ64 my book is in spanish sorry

>> No.19097736
File: 148 KB, 1280x720, screenshot12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with edginess?

>> No.19097748

Anything edgy in Muramasa has a definite point to it.

>> No.19097764

So nothing and you can’t change my opinion?

>> No.19097774
File: 34 KB, 665x574, 768745764580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a realistic chance of The No-God ever coming out, or should I just give up hope and save myself the trouble?

>> No.19097782

No it doesn't and you know it. Even in the inferiors translated version it's clear it tries to hard to give some depth to what is in actuality just torture/gloom porn.
No matter what surface level "eastern philosophy" aspects it touches it just uses it as a disguise in order to justify the grotesques imagery and retarded logic in the universe.

>> No.19097790

Torture porn is just that, torture porn, it doesn't make a work good just because you managed to finally "feel" some emotions in your jaded head after being desensitized by the internet.

>> No.19097793

You have not read it.
>grotesque imagery
Such as? The game has no depiction of gore at all.

>> No.19097796

its Way of Kings and everything else is pure fucking garbage, especially the sequels.

>> No.19097797

It's not an emotionally cathartic work, it's about the author's ethical philosophy, which is the point of anything "edgy" you're referring to.

>> No.19097820

Ah wait, I forgot it does have one or two CGs. They're pretty tame though.

>> No.19097822

>imagery has to be visual.
Godddamn it you are a bloody retard, no wonder you like it. In the very first scene you have a depiction in writing of men, women and children being burned alive, having their heads cut open and being disembowed.
Trough out the game there are other vivid description of rape torture and Dismemberments which you should have know if YUOU had played it.

>> No.19097831

Ah, I see. So in a story dealing with the philosophy of war you cannot depict war, even just in text? Is that your position?

>> No.19097864

That is not the point, of course you can depict was and brutality, but that is not just what the work does.
It glorifies and put's the brutality on a pedestal focusing almost solely on it, making it the main point of the work as a whole. Explaining the texture of the brain while it falls from someone head after being bashed in is not just "depicting war".

>> No.19097870

I'm quite sure that the point of the work is to demonstrate that all killing is wrong and cannot be justified under any circumstances. How far did you read before you dropped it? It doesn't lay it out immediately.

>> No.19097887
File: 177 KB, 773x685, war.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19097902

>I'm quite sure that the point of the work is to demonstrate that all killing is wrong and cannot be justified under any circumstances.
That is a very common excuse used by those who have weird or immoral fetishes. Same thing happened to cuties, it was sold as a "anti pedophilia work" but it was clear to most people that was just an excuse.

>> No.19097903

until you get 2 generations removed from the conflict and all horror has faded from memory

>> No.19097914

That is only true for modern warfare, in the past war wasn't nearly as deadly or brutal as it was during and after ww1.
Before it was somewhat glorified, and with reason.

>> No.19097932
File: 327 KB, 1280x720, war2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19097939

i like that it addressed that. war will never go away

>> No.19097943

You can just admit you dropped it. The game goes into all of this at massive length. To deny that it's disingenuous or not actually the point is absurd to anyone who has read it. I can understand if you thought otherwise if you dropped it early, though.

>> No.19097947

>To deny
To say*

>> No.19097962

I did drop it, I never claimed otherwise. I think I finished the first about half the second route, I don't know why I bothered not dropping it after the first one seeing how shit it was.
Other people who played and liked it told me i needed to "play all the routes specially the true route to get it" but that is just backwards. If you can't grasp and keep your readership after quite a few hours of reading you fucked up.

>> No.19097967

Which route did you finish?

>> No.19097979

I think it was the hero route, it was the one in which he didn't directly "kill the evil" and resorted to other means in order to avoid having to kill the good, but still stopping them. but in the end that was also "bad for the balance" or some other retarded shit and therefore bad.

>> No.19098002

Ichijo's and Kanae's routes are about reasons for which people kill others, justice and revenge, respectively. The point of the Hero route was to show the folly of killing for the sake of justice.

>> No.19098081

That was very clear and bashed over your head over and over again. It doesn't make the route any less retarded.

>> No.19098090

Weren't you just claiming that the game is about glorifying violence, though? That's what I've been trying to address.

>> No.19098121
File: 860 KB, 700x1089, 978607167018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it actually gets better the more you read it

>> No.19098131

Chachamaru best girl desu

>> No.19098178

>glorifying violence
Yes, not violence per se but torture and brutaly. Again it's like takign picture of naked kids in order to make a campaign against pedophilia, no matter what you claim or how you frame it something is wrong.
This "look at this continuous graphical depiction of murder, torture and rape, is isn't it bad? lets go trough several more" just doesn't seem very convincing to me.

>> No.19098253

Maybe you're just a pussy, anon.

>> No.19098523
File: 67 KB, 596x900, arab-man-his-wife-men-white-34665087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got 100 pages into Thousandfold Thought today, I already fucking hate Esmeslut, also cried a little when Xerius died RIP you beautiful angel Bakker did you dirty

>> No.19098675

>Try to fuck your mom
>She turns out to be alien futa shapeshifter
>Die horribly
Now that's a Bakker moment if there was ever one, at least in first part.

>> No.19099575

All this talk about Full Metal Daemon Muramasa made me curious. Any sites that sell it so I can buy it?

>> No.19099584

i hope foundation isn't garbage. would be nice to have some more sci-fi kino shows

>> No.19099605

At the moment it's only available from the publisher, JAST.

>> No.19099646

characters > story > world building >>>>> magic system

>> No.19099672
File: 241 KB, 813x618, appendix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also when you download it from them, make sure to download the Appendix PDF, which has around 10 pages of translation notes.

>> No.19099698

I'd rather read about dull characters in an interesting world with cool magicka than vice versa

>> No.19099723

dull characters are the worst. like why care?

>> No.19099727
File: 1.36 MB, 1091x1497, 25708577-_uy1500_ss1500_-e1504212977567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"science fiction" with some horror
>parallel dimensions, gods and all that
>moderately grimderp
>good prose
Is there anything that checks all those?
Gave this Soul Cycle series a chance and while it had the aesthetic I was looking for, I ended up finding every single character in the second book insufferable.

>> No.19099736

Not him but I don't always mind it either. It's fine for the character to just be a vehicle to tour you through the world if the world is done really well.

>> No.19099756

Any good sci-fi or fantasy that heavily feature cooking and eating?

>> No.19099794

Dungeon Meshi

>> No.19099823

I have already read it and several other like nobugana no chef, toriko, addicted to Curry, Mazumeshi Elf to Youbokugurashi, etc. I know my way around cookign manga's.
which is why I'm not looking for manga, if I were asking for manga i would go to /a/.

>> No.19099859

looking for a book I read, my google searches always lead to unrelated books.

people are born with superpowers, each one twice as strong as the last one.
government conspiracies, wars, secret agencies, breaking the laws of physics set up by higher dimensions beings and apocalypse.

this guy published it on his site-blog where he has other stories.

>> No.19099870
File: 49 KB, 640x640, george-rr-martin-game-of-thrones-1592946055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTFO by an AI
This is unironically better than anything GRRM has written (jklol) in the last seven years.

>> No.19099915

Yes I actually laughed out loud reading how hard Xerius got Consulted by his trap mom. Also, you didn't mention the last bit
>unimaginably horrible psychedelic torture by the hungry Ciphrang in the Outside for the rest of eternity

>> No.19099923

Good, eh? That's always a plus in my book. Post a passage you liked

>> No.19099952

>complaining about anime on bangladeshi kite surfing fansite

>> No.19100027

Fuck worlds, all worlds suck. There's no such thing as a good world.

>> No.19100041

I like worlds that are nietzchean and full of rape

>> No.19100070

Even this retarded shitpost has nothing to do with the world. The nietzchean interracial gay rape is a character/plot thing, it could happen on a world that looks like a seabed with giant coral and all the birds are descended from stingrays or on thousands of tiny islands floating in the clouds with an industrial revolution / early aeronautics aesthetic going on.

>> No.19100111

if everyone is raping it's not a character thing

>> No.19100205
File: 114 KB, 791x1200, m bison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if everyone is raping it's not a character thing
It's just Tuesday.

>> No.19100512

Post the shitty scifi or fantasy series you're writing so I can read it

>> No.19100627

I knew this humongous faggot would shill his shitty Muramasa edit here. Fuck off.

>> No.19100891

I can't remember who but someone I read absolutely loved his meal scenes, might have been Modesitt in Imager

>> No.19100905

Kill yourself you fucking piece of shit, every general you create has some shitty "artwork" with some shitty female. /Sffg/ is science fiction and fantasy general, it is not female/anime female/strong waman/ general, fucking kill yourself you fucking nigger

>> No.19101131

Yeah we hate Females, we want Hard Men with Hard Muscles!

>> No.19101167

And Hard Cocks!

>> No.19101178


>> No.19101191
File: 779 KB, 1242x1489, F4433FC2-B8C6-4695-8AC4-57D8BA9A4D7E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off abomination

>> No.19101193

Vittles, my favourite food blog to read is named after a Redwall reference lol

>> No.19101202
File: 73 KB, 200x209, RWGWoZZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting angry over not being the OP

>> No.19101207

I'd say to just ignore the retards but that would leave maybe 2 posts left in /sffg/

>> No.19101318

>Janny leaves the entire discussion up and only deletes the two posts with screenshots

>> No.19101454

Is there any scifi out there with the spirit of stuff like warhammer where they just ignore any thought of hard rules and instead just throw every single cool or fun thing/race/concept they can think up into one universe.
There's loads of stuff like that for fantasy but outside of deathstalker I can't really think of any scifi where it's like that.

>> No.19101721

My guess is reports don't come with context, so only posts that are blatantly off topic at first glance get deleted. Either way, VNs have absolutely no place here. No clue why you spergs insist on discussing your young adult porn games here when you have an entire board and several generals dedicated to them. Well, that's not true. I do have a clue, but sharing it would break doxxing rules, so let's leave it at that. I'd take Bakkerposting over this shit any day of the week.

>> No.19101732

based hard gay CHAD

>> No.19101743

I’ll take VN discussing fantasy and science fiction than you bakkerfags shitting up the thread with the same shit and repeated gay over and over again.

>> No.19101747
File: 661 KB, 1676x2553, 1610623159844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best fantasy novel of 2021
Too bad it's a trilogy and now we play the waiting game.

>> No.19101752

Haha did the anime fag seriously make a new one before the bump limit after DOZENS of times posting butthurt about that? That shows he's getting desperate lads, let's triple down and resolve to keep fighting him forever if need be.

>> No.19101759

You can stop samefagging.

>> No.19101765

the kitchensink approach to worldbuilding is for retarded children

>> No.19101767
File: 71 KB, 636x1000, 1621462391691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite book of 2021 is a tie between this one and Bear Head.

>> No.19101771

That was my first post in /sffg/ in 2 weeks, I haven't been here since the threads went to complete shit. Doesn't matter either way, point stands, fuck the anime spammer.

>> No.19101782

>fuck the anime spammer.
>but constantly posting about the anime spammer in every single fucking thread is completely fine
You're just as bad as the troon and I wish you'd both fuck off and never come back.

>> No.19101787

>since the threads went to complete shit.
it went to shit because you keep spazzing about imaginary shit

>> No.19101792

BASED Ghormenghast poster

>> No.19101794

another anon spazzing about imaginary troons, no wonder it went to shit

>> No.19101809

nooo the troons came back, they are trying to troon me out!

>> No.19101815

Take your meds.

>> No.19101821

>1 post in 2 weeks replying to another person I agree with
>10 "troons troons am i right troons gay hard gay i love big cocks am i right troons" asspained replies from animesamefag
truly the same

>> No.19101880

Needs more grass-squatting

>> No.19101942

this troon wants me to take estrogen, noooo not again

>> No.19101964
File: 1014 KB, 2268x1500, aeronalfrey7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good non-soi short story horror collections by a single author come out fairly recently? Or am I the only anon here who reads those?

>> No.19101985
File: 37 KB, 333x500, B0113S6BNW.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_SX500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the camp slut collection

>> No.19102016
File: 82 KB, 750x458, 1385805930342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Thousandfold Thought has some of the most brutal cucking I've ever read. It's painful to read.

>> No.19102024
File: 51 KB, 333x500, 2ED29B64-9958-4450-B5B7-5C8037C8C8E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone read these books? Pretty good imo.

>> No.19102068

cucks are sjw, but we are BRUTAL KEKS! and it's based

>> No.19102073

Do you fags only talk about cucks, trannies and anime these days? It hasn't even been a year since people discussed books here. What the fuck happened?

>> No.19102089

the newfag /pol/ mindset will infect every single thread on every single board. it's only a matter of time. if you post anything other than stories written by white men about white men killing fags and darkies then you're an anime loving troon. it's simple math.

>> No.19102100

holy shit shut the fuck up

>> No.19102103

The general has long been unusable. I hate the fucking trolls for ruining it.

>> No.19102107

but it's based now that we've run the troons out and made it manly and lily white for our pure white brethren

>> No.19102108

>f you post anything other than stories written by white men about white men killing fags and darkies then you're an anime loving troon
God I wish

>> No.19102143

Seems to be one guy off his meds screeching about "troons" and cucks all day if he can't talk about his porn games. Congratulations, you've all but killed the general and turned it into your sperging ground.

>> No.19102173

You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. You should probably stay out of the conversation.

>> No.19102185

Nice deflection, tourist. Consider medication.

>> No.19102245
File: 64 KB, 600x800, 137593505136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's been the same autistic shithead all along, spamming the general constantly with his stupid bullshit. It gives a mentally ill incel a little taste of power to abuse this unmoderated public forum, so he runs with it. It's quite sad.. and the worthless jannies do nothing about it.

Congratulations troll, you have ruined the thread for everyone. I hope you feel proud of your "accomplishment" since you clearly have nothing else to live for. I'm leaving and I won't be back; I get the sense many others have already left. Expect post quality and volume to decline even further from here on out.

>> No.19102262
File: 24 KB, 330x440, r-scott-bakker-143917-330-540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19102288

Doesn't trouble me at all.

>> No.19102376

this is a bakkerchad general after all

>> No.19102802
File: 1.16 MB, 1684x2616, claw of the conciliator monke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be reading BoTNS
>read part about the eating of thecla
>look up the feast of thecla
>it's today

I'm a little scared, seems too coincidental

>> No.19103862

What’s so good about them?

>> No.19103975

Got the answer, replying for archive purposes.
"Fine Structure".

>> No.19104108

>Well, that's not true. I do have a clue, but sharing it would break doxxing rules, so let's leave it at that.
Take your meds schizo

>> No.19104149
File: 307 KB, 438x650, Earth Abides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finish this. Thank you to the anon who recommended it. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

>> No.19104495
File: 17 KB, 301x289, pals face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19104630
File: 51 KB, 780x670, 1632404292983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19104635

What's a good sci-fi where humans have colonized Mars and built societies, but still not reached beyond our solar system?

>> No.19104683
File: 217 KB, 307x475, 25203687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finches of Mars. I wouldn't call it good exactly, though. Brian Aldiss really lost the plot towards the end.

>Set on the Red Planet, it follows the stories of a group of colonists and the problems they have in setting up a new society. Life can be sustained by new life will not prosper - the women on the planet only ever give birth to stillborn children.

>> No.19104950

That's too early, i want at least a few generations later.
I'm looking for something where the colonies are not only established, but very much considered "societies", even nation(s), self sustaining

>> No.19104974
File: 2.06 MB, 4032x3024, MG_0613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the books came
I was surprised at the quality, it looks like the binding is sewn instead of glued, and all of the covers (except for the Misc Writings) are like a buckram cloth, like the ones on the Everyman's Library hardcovers

>> No.19104988

you'll also notice that the title on the spine of vol. 4 is in gold instead of white, which is kind of upsetting because it doesn't match
also the "A" in the title on vol. 3 is a different font/typeface than the rest of the script, which is weird
I don't care too much because I don't like the dust jackets anyways (the artwork on the fronts are awful IMO) but they look really nice and clean without them

>> No.19104996
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the inside layout is nice, the font is a good size and they used the Minion typeface (the same one Penguin used in their Collected Fictions of Jorge Luis Borges paperback edition)
I was worried about the font being too big or too small or just ugly, like in the Del Ray Conan reprints where its way too small for a 6x9 book

>> No.19105074

No one cares you fucking woman

>> No.19105353

I haven't read an actual physical book in years.
Ebooks are just so much more convenient (and free).

>> No.19105470

fuck you, moron. I just responded to someone about a book not fitting what i'm looking for.

>> No.19105487

Shut the fuck up or I'll fucking kill you and rape your mother

>> No.19105492

Martian Time-Slip maybe? Haven't read it, but Philip K Dick is a solid author

I have read Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch, which takes place partly on Mars that's colonized by settlers living in miserable hovels who take drugs to escape the monotonous, awful conditions. Many of his novels involve colonies across the solar system, whether implied or actually explored

>> No.19105507

More power to you-I hate ebooks, I prefer holding a physical copy as opposed to looking at a screen, which I get enough of

I have some pdfs downloaded but I have trouble reading on devices, they're much more distracting. I vastly prefer owning a physical book, plus I have the book for life as opposed to the setbacks with electronic files

>> No.19106194

I pirated ebooks constantly to save money in college, as a result that's what I associate ebooks with: reading for class. I prefer reading physical copies for anything I want to actually enjoy.

>> No.19106232

I grew up reading Redwall, Rats of NIMH, Call of the Wild/White Fang, Gary Paulsen stuff, My Side of the Mountain + others, and basically every piece of nature-centric adventure fiction I could find. The BONE series, though a comic, was also extremely influential.

I can't seem to find any continuity of this genre. Am I correct in assuming it's dead?

>> No.19106858

is discworld good

>> No.19106919

I thought it was unironically reddit, but since this entire site is just a companion to reddit now I'm sure that doesn't sound like an insult to most of this thread. You might also like: The Martian, or Fawlty Towers, or Rick and Morty.

>> No.19106995

I also think it's reddit, like Douglas Adams, but come on, it should get some credit for being reddit like 20 years before reddit was reddit. At the very least it shouldn't get the full brunt of the reddit slur. It was a different time.

I only read a little bit of Pratchett as a kid but it was fun. The PSX game was fun too.

What about Watership Down and the Tarka the Otter books?

Those are real nice, I hate dust jackets too. Ignore the schizo.

>> No.19107015
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If it wasn't for proto-reddit, there wouldn't be a reddit audience. If there was no reddit audience for science fiction and fantasy it might not be in the state it's in, what with women writing gay YA and all.

>> No.19107017

I hadn't heard about the Tarka stuff, but Watership Down isn't exactly new. Unless there's something more recent I'm unaware of.

>> No.19107053

I can't remember ever favoring one over the other when I used to read both ways tbqh, but it's been a while since I read an actual physical book so who knows maybe I'll like it more.
It's the opposite for me. I mostly pirated fantasy books and read them on my phone when I got bored anywhere. Anything school related was physical, but I switched to ebooks ever since I started uni.

>> No.19107062

I pirated everything I read in college, whether it was fantasy, or novels for class, or text books. I grew to hate reading so much I didn't pick up a novel for almost 2 years after I graduated. I'm in my 30s now and have a nice physical book collection, in part helped by inheriting a two shelves of old books from my dad when he passed.

>> No.19107079

Damn that sounds tough. I'd hate for my hobby to get ruined by uni shit. Kudos to you for getting back into it.

>> No.19107098

What do they look like under the jackets?

>> No.19107104

He peaked with Way of Kings.

>> No.19107116

A word of advice if you decide to go into English lit as a major: avoid taking 4 upper division English courses at the same time. I did that one term and I spent on average 14 hours a day on campus working.

>> No.19107129

he never peaked. all his characters are soulless

>> No.19107150
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Looking recommendations for books similar to pic related.

>> No.19107175
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>> No.19107233
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Ah, I see you are a man of taste as well.

>> No.19107243
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seconding this
>tfw when you don't have big amozoness wife and never will

>> No.19107316

Any good /sffg/ books depressing as Zambot 3, Ideon, Tekkaman Blade, VOTOMS, or Neon Genesis? I'm in the mood for something along those lines also giant robots

>> No.19107350


So I finished The Darkness That Comes Before and loved it, but I have to admit I'm finding The Warrior Prophet to be a slog.

Even though we are in theory following a tighter plot/set of characters geoghically since they're all part of a single front of the holy war, but the frequent "who the hell is this character?" moments are far more of an issue than in book 1 and I'm kind of losing interest. Anyone else experience this and does this issue improve?

>> No.19107402

Ordered this one. Wanted to see what the hype was about though going in with an open mind

>> No.19107495

The genocides

>> No.19107513

Yes, the peaks are some of the best writing in the genre and the lows are still fun books.
I'd start with either the death books or the guards books

>> No.19107937

You might like Aztec by Gary Jennings. It's not fantasy, but based in pre-columbian Central America. It's pretty much an exploration/adventure novel with a lot of historical accuracy, but it's also written as pulp with lots of sex and violence.

>> No.19108091

>with lots of sex
Go on...

>> No.19108097

and violence.

>> No.19108487
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Really enjoyed Anno Dracula more than I should. The Steampunk & Vampires gave it a certain charm.

>> No.19108823

Has ended after 2451 chapters
Bit of a shame how they rushed the ending and just jumped forward 8000 years

>> No.19108891

At least four of the Flashman novels, possibly seven depending on what you consider sufficiently "black", and eight if you count the Chinese.

>> No.19108902

Good job spoiler to where no one has to read it. I applaud you.

>> No.19108915

No one reads weeb novels here anyway despite how hard the sperg shills them.

>> No.19109573
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What you guys consider writing that is too detailed when writing/reading sci-fi and fantasy? How in-depth should the world building be before it gets disgustingly bloated. How much do you, personally, like to learn about the world before you start wondering if when the story is going to get moving again? Kind of a vague question, I guess, but I’m not sure how else to get it across.

>> No.19109657

So I've found that there are a lot of people who like A Song of Ice and Fire because it's light on the magical bullshit. But I still find it to have too much magic for my tastes. Setting aside your thoughts on ASoIaF I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for fantasy that's like that, but without stuff like magic and dragons and zombies?

>> No.19109660

i think it works best when it's dropped naturally into the story as if you already know what it is, and then draw context and inferences as the plot unfolds. although i don't mind long examinations on important concepts either

>> No.19109685

I haven't read the book in question but I read House of Blades by the same author and it was anime as fuck, fuckin' dudes cutting portals in the air with their swords, running so fast it looks like they're teleporting, smug anime girl dolls that talk to you with their mind, some dude that is literally made of swords that you have to beat in a sparring match in order to get fruit from the tree he's guarding, stuff like that. Never got around to the other books in the series because he was doing some subversion thing where the protagonist's friend is the "chosen one" who gets all the overpowered shit for free and the protagonist has to put in all this hard work, and I thought the friend was annoying as fuck. And I had a feeling it wasn't going to go in the direction I wanted it to. But I should still try it again someday.

But anyway, if it's anything like that, which it probably is since it has some random-ass Japanese letter on the cover, then I can see there being an audience that would appreciate it.

>> No.19109777

>I want fantasy without anything fantastical
You're a retarded faggot, but my suggestion would be The Warlord Chronicles by Bernard Cornwell.

>> No.19109828

if it successfully builds an immersive experience for the reader as the story unfolds then it's good. if it's just worldbuilding dumped in or too particular then it's bad. in general, the worldbuilding should serve the book rather than the book serving the worldbuilding.

>> No.19109856

I guess I'm looking for historical fiction recs, but there's not a historical fiction general so this seems the next best place to ask. Though does it really count as historical fiction if the setting is fictional too, I don't know what you'd call that. Regardless, thanks for the suggestion.

>> No.19109867

You're looking for Guy Gavriel Kay. His works are known for hewing close to medieval European history, and for having very little magic. While magic is always present to one degree or another in his novels, it usually remains in the background, and plays a small role in the outcome of the events depicted. That said, this is not universal. The Fionavar Tapestry, which is High Fantasy, is an exception to this rule, while Tigana is something of a transitional book that sits on the edge between High and Low Fantasy.

>> No.19109989

>for fantasy that's like that, but without stuff like magic and dragons and zombies?
Swordspoint, might think of more later

>> No.19110007

Last of the Amazons by Steven Pressfield.
Tides of War by Steven Pressfield.
Steven Pressfield in general really and Bernard Cornwell too.
David Gemmell's Troy trilogy.
The Steppes series and The Swords series by Harold Lamb for some classic historical adventure fiction.

>> No.19110084

Try some KJ Parker. The folding knife or Sixteen ways are good choices.

>> No.19110179
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I had a dumb idea for a PKD-style short story which I will now share, because I can't and don't care to write.

Sleep can be bought and sold. The rich buy more waking hours from a poor underclass who sleep their lives away. But the protagonist was a sleeper all along, dreaming of being part of the waking world

The limit is always how well you can tie it into the narrative. Only autists like reading encyclopaedias

Looks cool

>> No.19110461

>World in which I can stop working and just sleep all the time having good dreams
Sign me up

>> No.19110863

Any good villain protagonist books the thread would rec? Urban fantasy preference, but I'll take anything. Evwr since I read Dresden Files I just keep thinking it would have been a way cooler story if Harry decided to work with Marcone at the beginning.

>> No.19110909

Not really a villain but the protagonist of >>19097716 is an extreme example of an antihero

>> No.19111043

Not a book, retard.

>> No.19111062

>but I'll take anything
Dare you fault me for interpreting you literally?

>> No.19111066

Also it might as well be, it's longer than the Lord of the Rings.

>> No.19111079

He is talking about any genre you giant retard.

>> No.19111090

Is Prince Apropos of Nothing like this?

>> No.19111093

"Not a book" is a genre

>> No.19111222

Except in the sentence before he said he was looking for a book specifically. So that - incorrect and deliberately misunderstood - reading of the word genre is ruled out.

>> No.19111240

I don't really feel like shitposting back and forth about this, do you?

>> No.19111254

Why bother being a pedant then? The guy is obviously looking for a book, why try and force feed him your favourite back-to-front comic he obviously isn't asking for?

>> No.19111291

On the off-chance he might read it. That being said,
Feel free to ignore recommendations you don't want to read. No one is forcing you to do anything, you histrionic child.
>back-to-front comic
It's a visual novel not manga. Visual novels are software similar to a video game. They're advanced by reading text.

>> No.19111386

>On the off-chance he might read it
You want to offer him a brick too? Y'know, on the off chance he might use it.
>similar to a video game
"What books do you guys think I should read, here is what I like ___"
>"Check out this vibeo game..."

>> No.19111420

>You want to offer him a brick too? Y'know, on the off chance he might use it.
If he asked for wood to build a house and I thought brick would suit his purposes, I might indeed do that.

>> No.19111432

But he wasn't asking for a video game heavy on the reading. He was asking for a book. What you're talking about isn't a book.

>> No.19111438

Really all it is is reading. Thanks by the way for drawing out my single off-topic post into a long chain, I do appreciate it.

>> No.19111536
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What is a really good Scifi-Horror book? Kinda looking for something scary about finding unspeakable horrors while exploring the vast emptiness and remotest places in the universe.

>> No.19111571

I want to recommend Blindsight but it's not really a horror novel. It definitely has those vibes though at times.

>> No.19111623


>> No.19111803

Nothing from E William Brown for 2021.
Believe it.

>> No.19111868

Thanks for the help. General consensus seems to be to let the story be the one to tell you about its world rather than the author. Hopefully I can manage since I already have an idea of having the main character of my sci-fi go to a military academy where I planned on having him and the reader learn about the larger galaxy through his classes, professors, and classmates.

>> No.19111883

The Farseer trilogy is fucking great, how come all of Hobb's other books are such trash

>> No.19111923

You want a spoiler? Han Li ascends to the immortal world
I have spoiled A Record of a Mortals Journey to Immortality

>> No.19112037

He's just taking his time to REALLY get it right haha

>> No.19112560

I already read the flashman series and loved it.
Looking for more books set in the colonial era with a young ambitious mc.

>> No.19112711
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/lit/, I'm going crazy, do any of you remember a Goosebumps book about a guy with a tentacle growing under his arms, and hairdressers?

>> No.19113058

As a PKD reader, I like it. It fits his themes well.

>> No.19113197

Much appreciated everyone, I'm looking these up and they sound good. This list will likely keep me busy for a very long time.

>> No.19113389

What makes a good fantasy world?

>> No.19113427

>David Gemmell's Troy trilogy.
I quite like gammels works but they are very... Samey. At least the dranei saga.
Is this any different? I felt like reading the same book over and over again, with minor modifications, at least with the ones I have read.

>> No.19113505
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Buy his books.

>> No.19113535
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Cass from Supernatural?

>> No.19113594

Pls. Not even Joe is as gay as Cass

>> No.19113672

Joe isn't gay. He has a wife and kids.

>> No.19113724
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Based and Bayaz pilled.

>> No.19114100

Are any video games novels good? Like for example Halo, Resident Evil, etc, etc.

>> No.19114187

Some halo ones apparently get close to warhammer novels in terms of quality which is basically the most you can hope for

>> No.19114217
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I have never read a tie-in novel but I will say with absolute confidence: no.

>> No.19114335

>Some halo ones apparently get close to warhammer novels in terms of quality which is basically the most you can hope for
You don't happen to have the name for them?

>> No.19114384

What is the comfiest fantasy book you've ever read? Hard mode: no lotr

>> No.19114412


>> No.19114417

He is alright

>> No.19114428

Any good sci-fi or fantasy about a horde of creatures/robots/undead killing everything and expanding while the sentient races try and fail do deal with them?

>> No.19114430
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Decent pulp

>> No.19114677

What's it about?

>> No.19114702

The Golden Compass. Sequels aren't comfy but are still great

>> No.19114783

Unsouled is my favorite book in the series, but for most fans its usually one of their least favorite. "It gets better" for most people means it gets more quippy and over the top in the sequels, whereas Unsouled is purely just about the MC getting kicked while he's down and being a conniving cheat to get ahead. I think the series has some definite pacing issues over all but the books are very quick reads, I read the first 10 in a week. I recommend them if you just want anime in book form.

>> No.19114855

>10 books in a week
>52 weeks
520 books/year.
Nice pace.

>> No.19114872
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I wish I could find 500 books I wanted to read in a year

>> No.19114908

Not pulp.

>> No.19114953

I hate dream chapters in fantasy. Especially prophetic dreams. I don't think I've ever read a single one done well or one that I liked. Fuck dream chapters and fuck authors who do them.

>> No.19114978

The dream chapters from from A song of ice and fire were the only decent ones.

>> No.19115001

Fuck you. I like prophetic dreams especially when vague and containing masked future spoilers.

>> No.19115015
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>It's a prophecy that seems to go completely wrong and only makes sense when you think about it

>> No.19115036

Fate/Zero was a hell of a ride, anon.

>> No.19115064
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>> No.19115186

I agree. Also: flashback sequences suck ballz

>> No.19115249

see >>19114412

Lyonesse is so comfy just by reading the synopsis you can feel the mug of hot chocolate in your hand and the warmth of the hearth on the soles of your feet

Except for the first half of Suldrun's Garden, that shit is pretty miserable

>> No.19115333

Any books similar to Garret PI? Modern fantasy with private investigator?

>> No.19115486

Divine Cities and Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett.

>> No.19115551

Thanks. I’ll check them out when I have the time.

>> No.19115563

Gimme some books that take place in snowy regions. More snow the better. idgaf scifi or fantasy

>> No.19115584

I'll meet your flashback sequences and raise you kidnapping arcs and amnesia arcs. Try to find anything worse than those.

>> No.19115617

The Icerigger Trilogy by Alan Dean Foster
Winter Be My Shield by Jo Spurrier
Winter's Tale by Mark Helprin
The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K Le Guin
The Terror by Dan Simmons
The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman
The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey

>> No.19115629

Winternight Trilogy by Katherine Arden
Iron Ghost by Jen Williams
Dark Matter by Michelle Paver
Stranded by Bracken McLeod.

Last two are more horror than sff

>> No.19115662

Ice Forged by Gail Z Martin
The Making of the Representative for Planet 8 by Doris Lessing
Shaman by Kim Stanley Robinson
The Winter of the World Series by Michael Scott Rohan

Hope I could be of some help, anon.

>> No.19115664

I finished the three sun triology from cixin liu, and i mostly loved it - what to read next?

>> No.19115673

Ball Lightning by cixin liu

>> No.19115691

Do you have anything in mind?

>> No.19115767

>three sun triology from cixin liu
Is it as good as the reviews say it is?

>> No.19115786
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>> No.19115790

Not him, but I found the the series as a whole rather middling. Sure, it has tons of interesting ideas, but not all of them are explored in a satisfying manner.

>> No.19115798

I’m just glad I could be of some help, anon. Hope you enjoy the stories.

>> No.19115800
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The Godless World trilogy. Probably the first and last time I'll ever recommend it to somebody.

>> No.19115804

Is it terrible?

>> No.19115806

One that's created for the sake of telling a story rather than one created for the sake of worldbuilding.

>> No.19115810

More just lacking really strong characters I would say.

>> No.19115828

Hm my use of words was exaggerated, i didnt "love" the whole series, Irealy enjoyed the first book. The setting of cn cultural revolution and world/ china "today" interwoven with a first contact and the "mysterious" three body problem made me lust for more which then got served in book two and three at room temperature

>> No.19115834

Does it have anything going for it?

>> No.19115840

Needs to feel mysterious. Basically all my favorite fantasy series made me feel an intense curiosity about the world they were set in. The trick isn't really obscuring information from the reader, it's doling it out in bite sized pieces to whet the appetite for more, and to never spend too long in exposition that doesn't tie directly to the story. It's fine to flesh out the world a bit with "flavor" but just do a little here and there, don't bog down the story with pointless fluff.

>> No.19115842

Strong worldbuilding. You don't know how many times I've been read fantasy stories only to realize they focus on either telling a story or focusing on characters.

>> No.19115846

I read it a long time ago, but from what I recall it was loosely inspired by Norse mythology and had a pretty interesting world. Humans were one of 4 races created by the gods long ago, and there's also "woodwights" I think they were called, sort of like elves, and a couple other races. It's very much in the grim and gritty school of fantasy. There's also a political conflict among the humans going on that occupies a lot of the first book. Talking about it is making me want to give it a reread.

>> No.19115854

>Weak characters
>Yet another series inspired by norse mythology
>They're totally not elves
>grim and gritty school of fantasy
>muh GoT politicking

From the sounds of it, it's basically everything wrong with modern fantasy combined together. Well, almost everything, it wouldn't happen to have cringe teenage lesbian romance drama in it, would it?

>> No.19115857

Not that I recall. I think I read it nigh on 15 years ago when it came out. From what I recall, the main character was the son of a noble human family and gets caught up in the larger conflict between the races. I can't really recall where it all went though, a sure sign I lost interest in it over time. I do remember being super invested in the first book, but clearly the latter ones bored me so badly I don't even remember where the story went.

>> No.19115860

>>muh GoT politicking
What's wrong with having political intrigue in a fantasy story?

>> No.19115866

Go read a DnD book then you worthless faggot. People like you have ruined fantasy.

>> No.19115872

It's overdone and played out and it's utterly fucking uninteresting. If I wanted to watch assholes, con artists and traitors do politics, I'd go out and buy a television. "Political intrigue" is a misnomer, because there's nothing intriguing about it.

>> No.19115877

>Go read a DnD book
I've already did, while I like Drizzt Do'Urden, I want more.

>> No.19115878
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>while I like Drizzt Do'Urden
Yeah, you have absolutely horrendous taste.

>> No.19115886

There’s nothing wrong with reading the classics anon.

>> No.19115891

There's nothing classic about the Drizzt novels, they're bottom of the barrel trash, they're not even good enough to qualify as schlock. He's literally a *teleprts bhind u* character who dual wields katanas and exists in one of the worst fantasy universes ever created.

>> No.19115892

I meant an actual tabletop manual.

>> No.19115893

>He's literally a *teleprts bhind u* character
Like Kellhus? He does that in TTT.

>> No.19115894

I'd still rate him above the typical Chinese power fantasy /cultivation "novel", or even most isekai web novels.

>> No.19115898

>typical Chinese power fantasy /cultivation "novel", or even most isekai web novels.
But those are better than the trash being published right now.

>> No.19115906

I'd have to disagree.

>> No.19115913

I'm sorry anon, but I have to agree. Being traditionally publish means nothing.

>> No.19115920

>exists in one of the worst fantasy universes ever created.
Objectively wrong.

>> No.19115932

Is Half a King by Joe Abercrombie worth reading.

>> No.19115941

This was an OK YA fantasy. That's all I have to say for it. So, I don't know if that's good or bad for you.

>> No.19115945

Is anything written by Abercrombie worth reading?

>> No.19115950

First Law

>> No.19115953

What about his most recent one? The age of madness.

>> No.19115956

I don’t know.

>> No.19115962

new thread

>> No.19115966

Unironically? probably.
If Bakker actually wants to write a sequel to TAE, I can't see his autism allowing him to not put anything out due to something like publisher problems or ego.

>> No.19115997
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I am honestly curious as to what you would consider worse than the dungeons and dragons universe.

>> No.19117217

I'll butt in and call the Muramasafag a retarded.