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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.19095289 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good books about the world falling apart and not being able to do anything about it?

>> No.19095302

People were saying the "world is falling apart" literally thousands of years ago. You're not special, and the world isn't ending just because you had to sit next to a black person on the bus.

Grow up.

>> No.19095306

The world isnt falling apart.

>> No.19095314

No. Go back. to /pol/

>> No.19095316

It's called getting old. Yes it sucks and no there is nothing you can do about it

>> No.19095328

I don't like OP as much as you but it (the world) is indeed falling apart. We are heading for a system collapse similar to the Bronze Age collapse only much worse.

>> No.19095562

doing lsd

>> No.19095585

Niggers are still a problem even if it's not world ending

>> No.19095600
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>> No.19095672

I stopped at book 7, but Stephen King's The Dark Tower series up to that point did seem to be about the collapsing of a multiverse.

>> No.19096070

but anon, i only go on /lit/, /his/ /tv/, and /r9k/

>> No.19097448

Humpty Dumpty

>> No.19097460

Canticle for Leibowitz, First and Last Men, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep

Shame on most of the posters ITT for turning this into a twitter thread for discussing gay culture war shit and slight shame on OP for such a vague request thread. This is why we need QTDDOT threads.

>> No.19097609

Global warming means the world really is falling apart

>> No.19097671

>The corporate newsheads and controlled scientist establishment and the politicians said so-----That must mean its true!!

>> No.19097691

You probably believe that capitalism will fall apart any minute now despite the fact that Marx and Engels predicted something like 13 communist revolutions within their lifetimes which didn't materialize

>> No.19097717

why would the corps spread awareness about something and then ignore it completely? all this to sell electric cars which everyone knows pollute more in being produced than running a 1950 toaster for 20 years?

>> No.19097731
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>> No.19098120

even worse.

>> No.19098606

awful reccs

>> No.19098868

The Holy Bible, but you can abide in God.