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[ERROR] No.19094222 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever fallen in love with a female character?

>> No.19094232

On more than one occasion, and am still in love with a certain 'dead' female poet.

>> No.19094241
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who are they?

>> No.19094242
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>> No.19094249

Anime is for the feeble-minded and doesn't count.

>> No.19094288

Eula Varner. Faulknerchads will understand.

>> No.19094386

Yes, with an anime character. I still love her.
I don't even watch anime, it was just one of the few I watched.
The funny thing is, I am still in love with her. You know how it is. Starts with infatuation, chest pains, want to look at her all the time, think about her. Then a bit quieter, then making sacrifices, still feeling chest pain, longing for her and so on, and here I am, loving her after many years. I can't even imagine being with someone who is not her.

But she's not real. It's hard. Like being alone in a beautiful valley; when loneliness or lack of food hits, it's hard. But sometimes you see beautiful places in this valley and it's nice.

>> No.19094394

>dull country lass with big tits
wow amazing

>> No.19094502

take it back
also if she was do DULL why was Gavin Stevens so interested in her and her daughter. Every one in Frenchman's Bend and Jefferson knew Gavin pined away after them.

>> No.19094565

I've fallen in love with a male character. No homo.

>> No.19094578

its just a book. what the fuck is the matter with you guys

>> No.19094591


>> No.19094630

pretty much every time I read a classic novel

>> No.19094746


>> No.19094761


Usually wanting is better than having

>> No.19094770

First rule of love? Protect it.

>> No.19094811

Gavin Stevens was an aesthete and ironist, probably a closeted gay to boot, so of course he would be fascinated by someone like that. Everyone in town just liked her big titties. Linda Snopes on the other hand is a beautiful, troubled woman and I want to save her in some sort of time machine.

>> No.19096984

i've fallen in love with a male character

>> No.19096994
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Kate Blackwell from picrel.

>> No.19097051

I'm gay so I'll contribute a male character: Rasmuhikin from Crime and Punishment.

>> No.19097067

Flippovna from The Idiot, could totally fix her bro, i swear

>> No.19097085
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>> No.19097097

That image reminds me of something. I can’t help myself from loving mentally ill white girls

>> No.19097215

Grace Kelly is literal perfection.

>> No.19097327
File: 52 KB, 720x831, Grace Kelly High Noon Makeup Test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you ever fallen in love with a female character?

Every time, obviously. And not just the romantic lead. Her sisters as well. And her mother, if she has one. And her cousin. And her friend who only appears in two brief scenes. And her bitter enemy who is made as wicked as the author can manage. And a bevy of minor characters, some of whom don't even get names.

I love the pretty ones (because they're pretty) and the ugly ones (because it's easier to imagine having a chance with those) and the virtuous ones (because they would make good life companions) and the evil ones (because I know they could be redeemed through the love of a good man i.e. me) and the timid ones (because I would protec them) and the headstrong ones (because they would protec me) and the healthy ones (because we could go on vigorous walking holidays together) and the sickly ones (because I could tend them selflessly and be rewarded with a wan smile) and the blonde ones (because they're blonde) and the brunettes (because I would never mock them about their inferior hair colour) and the curvy ones (because duh) and the flat ones (because I would feed 'em up).

I'm as bad as Rider Haggard's Horace Holly. HH is a university professor who narrates the adventure novel 'She'. He's strong and intelligent but incredibly ugly. Having been shunned by women all his life, he has perforce renounced the pleasures of the flesh and thrown all his energies into the joys of SCHOLARSHIP. He has a younger friend who is a uber-chad and gets all the girls. All well and good. But then the two of them go on an adventure to Africa and encounter this woman who's lived for two thousand years and is something of a minx. Holly assesses her SEDUCTIVE CHARMS with stern objectivity and resists her steadfastly, until suddenly he stops resisting and falls to his knees dribbling and asking her to sit on his face. (OK, this is a mainstream Victorian novel, so he doesn't literally say that, but it is what he's thinking.) She laughs and says "I knew you were going to do that, but to be honest I thought you would hold out just a little longer".

I disgust me.

>> No.19097356


>> No.19097364

I fell madly, deeply in love with Kolya from City of Thieves by David Benioff. First and only time it's ever happened.

>> No.19097530

Nah. I like Hipatia but nah. My experience is that they're just good at being cute and pretty and it's temporary and not truly deep

>> No.19097545

It's fine if the character is Jean Valjean

>> No.19098798
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Eustachia Vye in pic rel; interesting that she has the same initials as Eula Varner; Lilith-like characters whose names neatly contain Eve's.

>> No.19098825

good call

>> No.19098890

Nastenka is my waifu
>inb4 other anons point out she's 17