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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.19094045 [Reply] [Original]

I read Call of the Crocodile and I would like to read some more books that explore ideas of expanded consciousness. Give me your best suggestions.

>> No.19094073

It's so great I can't believe I didn't read it sooner. I blame the dumb asses here that call it trash. /lit/ has finally produced an important author

>> No.19094212

Yea it's legit a really interesting book

>> No.19094485

Have you read the other ones in this series btw? I only read croc. Curious if the others are worth reading

>> No.19094496


>> No.19094593

Is this true?

>> No.19094731

Anywhere I can get a pdf of it? I really don’t want to have to wait for it to arrive.

>> No.19094748

All the same person

>> No.19094755
File: 94 KB, 742x279, 63BBCB4B-4B48-461D-A121-BB438B9742F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be called many names but not a samefag. I just want a pdf I’ll find out if it’s contrived bullshit myself

>> No.19094756
File: 7 KB, 210x171, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one of those posts are mine retard. Fuck off with your conspiracy

>> No.19094810

>Give me your best suggestions.
Yoga Vasistha

>> No.19094826


>> No.19095278

finally a real answer

>> No.19095727

bump for interest

>> No.19095749
File: 145 KB, 527x848, 1620687011813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fuckers memed me into reading Call of the Arcade and it was the worst book I ever read. You had your one chance to convince me that Gardner isn't complete trash and blew it

>> No.19095763

I loved cota. What didn’t you like?

>> No.19095792

COTA doesn't make as much sense if you haven't read COTC, because COTC grounds the future narratives in the intertextuality that COTA plays with.

>> No.19095835

Back to back? Seems like it was premeditated, exactly with the enthusiasm and pride which all samefags reek of.

>> No.19095863

That doesn't even make sense you fucking idiot. That would mean those pics were already saved. Which would imply that the poster would have multiple screenshots of all his posts just in case someone accuses him of samefagging.

>> No.19096101

Strongly disagree but great pic XD

>> No.19096149

>that doesn't make sense
>describes the exact, pathetic method he uses to samefag for meme book
Dude just stop you are embarrassing yourself

>> No.19096163
File: 1.39 MB, 315x174, 1626932291460.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After all my time wasted on that God-forsaken board, I am still unable to say if you, niggers, are being ironic or not about this Crocodile book.

>> No.19096165
File: 591 KB, 802x722, yourmedsschitzo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me get this straight. You think your talking to the author of these books right now? And that every time he make a post he immediately screencaps it just in case someone accuses him of samefagging? That would mean he would have a folder on his computer with countless screenshots. Which would be impossible to distinguish apart.

>> No.19096177

It seems to have a big following at this point. I remember some anons posting youtube videos about it

>> No.19096186

Poe's law, my friend

>> No.19096227

literally what

>> No.19096270


Sounds cool

>> No.19096424

This is true. Johnnie and Mark are in both.

>> No.19096880

Call of the Arcade is still pretty self contained. Although yea it does have some of the same characters. I reread Call of the Crocodile again and it actually blew my mind when I realized Sam is in it toward the end at the castle.

>> No.19096896

There’s an insane level of depth and detail to those books. Things that might go over your head the first time. I understand the “read them in any order” meme now. They’re kind of self contained. But have nods and references to the other books in the series. You can teach a whole class on these books and go over all the allegories in them to Dante’s Inferno and The King in Yellow. I totally get why /lit/ likes these books so much after finally reading them.

>> No.19096924

Hmm I thought Gardner was just a meme but after reading all of these thoughtful comments praising him I've bought all of his books. Thanks anons