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File: 312 KB, 960x1280, icons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.19091241 [Reply] [Original]

Converted to Eastern Orthodoxy a couple weeks ago (pic is my icon corner). Can anyone recommend me some good theology books?

>> No.19091245

That's a lot of iconolatry for someone who read the Bible

>> No.19091246

LARPing Manual: How To Level Up Your Roleplaying Skills

>> No.19091256
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>жeнcкий кaлeйдocкoп
Ortholarper is a troon colour me surprised!

>> No.19091257

You overdid an actual Orthodox native here lol.

I'd presume a decision to convert would come only after reading a lot of theology and not other way around, you did not fall for the memes how Orthodoxy will magically save your soul and give you a gf did you?

>> No.19091263

I am someone that grew up Greek Orthodox. Have lived both in Greece and among the diaspora in burgerland.

In the west it's an immigrant social club full of Reaganites and rightist conspiracy nutjobs.
In the east they are a xenophobic racist anti-semitic cult tied to intelligence agencies and organized crime.
Its converters are usually wacko prots or weird social reject racists.
>Is it the patrician form of Christianity
Not at all. I would say even prots are better. Orthodoxy is intellectually bankrupt compared to other forms of Christianity and is mostly just pseudo-mysticism. If you want to christlarp go Catholic. They have a rich intellectual and literary tradition. I myself am a Communist now. You don't know how ashamed I feel to have been born in a brainless and tasteless family and an intellectually bankrupt and backward culture.

>> No.19091270

Yes yes, leave, less we have the better unironically.

>> No.19091275
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>I myself am a Communist now.

>> No.19091297

so this is really the new larp

>> No.19091306
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>a xenophobic racist anti-semitic cult tied to intelligence agencies and organized crime.

>> No.19091307
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>> No.19091323

You are the weird social reject in the post

>> No.19091332
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>> No.19091353

Ortholarping is at least two years out of date at this point. We're already a year deep into sinosimping. Reddit Taliban had its moment, the Study Quran enjoyed a nice spike in sales but soon will come the return of Fedora Atheism and Ayn Rand.

>> No.19091355
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Definitely not pagan at all...

>> No.19091383

You can thank your shitty ancient philosophers for corrupting orthodoxy with their paganistic "Muh everything is a metaphor" bullcrap

>> No.19091398

>nooooo it's all literally true
t. angloid walmart enjoyer

>> No.19091441

So which is it, sinosimping or atheism? What's the next big trend?

>> No.19091506

The word of God isnt a trivial matter of metaphoric interpretation. Ancient greeks were too backward in their pagan practices and superstitious make belief world they deemed as "love for wisdom" to understand how revelation works.

And instead of acknowledging Christ as God's final message to humanity they just went

>Uuuuh this guy made magic and was the son of God*...uhhh so a mythical hero like Achilles? Yes that must be it he'll fit in our pre-existing pagan pantheon just fine.

>But WAIT! Didnt Plato say the highest form from the world of forms is The Absolute but which humans can never grasp and Aristotle said the highest Good is also The Absolut? Well, now this Jesus guy is the son of God! We finally found the peace of the missing puzzle of our mumbo jumbo pagan pantheist circlejerks!

>What's that, religious order on what to eat and how to behave? Nah no thanks

*Not to mention son of God means something entirely different in the bible than their pre-existing known pagan notion of a physical son-father relationship which they knew of. THAT'S how brainlet tier they were. Instead of reading scripture and observing revelation they just went ahead and co-opted Christ's religion to fit their paganistic nonsense, corrupting it in the process

>> No.19091520

>Not to mention son of God means something entirely different in the bible than their pre-existing known pagan notion of a physical son-father relationship which they knew of
Then, what does ((Son of God)) really mean in the Bible?

>> No.19091536

>be christian
>worship idols

>> No.19091538

>Uuuuh this guy made magic and was the son of God*...uhhh so a mythical hero like Achilles? Yes that must be it he'll fit in our pre-existing pagan pantheon just fine.
Nothing of this sort happened because the Greeks were wholly uninvested in Jewish fairy tales

>> No.19091554

>everyone except MY skydaddy is made up
Yes there is a reason pagans had a hard time with this; it's because every people already had a skydaddy. Monotheism is the radically bigoted idea that that everyone else's skydaddy is false except yours, because he killed his own son to prove he was real.

>> No.19091717

A man close to God, a righteous man, a pious man. Jesus was also not the only one to bear the title, see Samuel 7:13-14, Chronicles 22:10, Matthew 5:9, Job 1:6 and so on. Then we also have the opposite title, the sons of Belial which were wicked people etc, Judges 19:22. Ancient greeks took this concept and applied it to levels of extreme mental sophistry typical of their pagan "philosophies" which would define the theological battles for trinitarian orthodoxy at the first 2 synods... all because they couldnt properly understand such a simple idea found previously within the bible.

They sure made a big deal to adopt it and treat it as their own pagan fairy tale though

No, because monotheism holds onto God via revelation, and not man-made fairytales

>> No.19091727

Mongolian Tengrism. Screenshot this.

>> No.19091763

>via revelation, and not man-made fairytales
Do you read what you write?

>> No.19091772

I'm ready for this.

>> No.19091807


>> No.19091814

Repent idolater.

>> No.19091839

mein kampf

>> No.19091846

Why is it that stories about your god are "revelation" and stories about other gods are "fairy tales"?

>> No.19091896

Because one is a witnessed living experience for having felt God's presence here on earth starting with prophet Moses and ending with prophet Jesus while the other is entirely a product of someone overt creativity and imagination

>> No.19091901

>because one is my feelings and the other is other people's feelings
Riveting, tell me more

>> No.19092113

>I cant distinguish between empiric and idealistic

You have to be 18 to be able to post here. And also read some more

>> No.19092150

>I myself am a Communist now.

>> No.19092164

This image is hilarious because more than half of Greek and American Orthodox support gay marriage (more than those icky evil Catholics)

>> No.19092179

I accept your concession.

>> No.19092187

I understand your frustrations

>> No.19092204

Why would he have to read a mountain of theology before conversion? Do you think Russians were all well versed in theology before they became Orthodox? This makes no sense at all. It’s not a mere intellectual exercise.

>> No.19092254

Read bible, then also:

St Athanasios's "Against the Heathen" ("Contra Gentiles")

St Ephraim's "Hymns on Paradise"

St Basil's "Hexameron" and "On the Holy Spirit"

St Justin Martyr's "Dialogue with Trypho"

>> No.19092265

I'm about as frustrated than when a kid tells me about santa lol
You people often fail to realize how utterly ridiculous your beliefs are to others

>> No.19092272

Ok dullard. Maybe you'll figure it out eventually.

>> No.19092294

Then you are simply a very sad depressive case of a self-indulgent man

Maybe you will too if you let God in your heart one day

>> No.19092338

Don't accept that faerie stories are just man-made/fake/products of imagination. Faerie stories are a language of their own. They convey meaning in a dense way that prose cannot. Thus, faerie stories are real, because they connect us to reality. You won't catch me saying that the stories about other gods aren't real; Christians invested ample time and money throughout the ages reading, manually copying, and passing on those stories. Why would they do that? Think about it.

>> No.19092349

I am filled with Gods, not yours of course.
It is a bit odd that Christians preserved the Eddas, but one has to suspect the Norse of the north were as badly christened as the Normans of the south, who captured the pope on the field of battle outside Rome.

>> No.19092354

>angry Christian turns to insults and rage

>> No.19092366

>Faerie stories are a language of their own

More paganistic metaphoric mumbo jumbo

You are also filled with euphoria of your own intelligence yes?

Nice projection jim

>> No.19092767

<more materialistic mumba jumbo

>> No.19092789

>I myself am a Communist now.
>Thinks he's not still brainless, tasteless, intellectually bankrupt, and backwards culturally.

>> No.19092807
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Yes, I am all devouring and filled with euphoria. Fear the black maw of the antichrist.

>> No.19092894

This is not middle ages right? To convert without basic understanding is dishonest, you go from point A which you don't understand to point B. which you also don't understand.

Such an action is pure ignorance.

>> No.19093642

No, it's pretty normal in Eastern Europe. Visit anyone above 60 years old and you'll see the same thing. Most have either a little corner packed like op's pic or have at least 2 icons in each room. Also Byzantine aesthetics are kino.

>> No.19093854

Why is it that all balkaners who move abroad are either ultra nationalists or cucks who hate their fatherland?
t. Romanian whose lived in the West. Im pretty patriotic but I dont sperg out about the Hyperborean giants of the Carpathians.

>> No.19093888


>> No.19094555

r u bap

>> No.19094661

Literally no difference between the two and you already presuppose the reality of your position so it defeats the purpose of an objective inquiry into the truth

>> No.19094729

Patriotism is cringe.

>> No.19094896

where do i get cool shit like that to decorate? there was some anon who had a home office and he had all kinds of things on the wall. books stacked up so the laptop was sort of hidden amongst everything else...a very serene look for a modern office space.

>> No.19094936
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>> No.19094944

I’m starting to think that Protestantism is a deviation due to things like sola scriptura, the lack of apostolic tradition and the fact that it is clearly a more modern deviation from traditional Christianity. I’m thinking about checking out Orthodoxy since it doesn’t have the problems that make Catholicism distasteful to me—is it true that Orthodox churches are really ethnically-based or will I fit fine in if I show up and want to become a catechumen?

>> No.19094984

>I’m starting to think that Protestantism is a deviation due to things like sola scriptura, the lack of apostolic tradition and the fact that it is clearly a more modern deviation from traditional Christianity.
yeah its almost like Protestantism is a reactionary schismatic movement that's intellectually and spiritually barren at its root and only 500 years old.

>Orthodoxy since it doesn’t have the problems that make Catholicism distasteful to me
Catholicism or nothing. If you're not ethnically Orthodox, stay out. If you were raised Catholic or have Catholic ancestors, return to the faith. The villainous men who serve the Church are not the Church. Don't get it twisted. Don't abandon her.

>> No.19095010
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>> No.19095021

>a more modern deviation from traditional
So when are you moving to the Egyptian desert? Go back to the source bro

>> No.19095032

Any thing to read on Catholicism that you recommend? All my Catholic friends don’t like the Church that much for the usual reasons. They’re basically crypto-Protestants who go go Catholic Church

>> No.19095037

You will fit fine, especially if you're in america. The jurisdictions are ethnically based, just as a historical artifact. It will iron out in time, but I mean I'm a persian dude who joined a greek church together with my irish buddy, and made a scottish-polish friend there pretty quickly and it's no problem at all

>> No.19095085

Good to know, thank you, anon.

>> No.19095111
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Yeah, the shelf of Cappadocian Fathers pic above. Apostolic Fathers too. If they need the basics of a primer, the Catechism of the Catholic Church is good considering it was printed in 1993 three decades after Vatican II but some traditionalists say it contains errors.

Read papal encyclicals to understand how modernism has crept into the Church. I'm not a sedevacantist and you shouldn't be one either. But you can safely ignore Francis' cult of Laudato Si and all his Pachamama/Mother Earth movement. He is not teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ.

>> No.19095113

>I'm a persian dude who joined a greek church together with my irish buddy, and made a scottish-polish friend
Dont forget to breed your daughter to a large orthodox black bull.

>> No.19095138

Wow you guys are one generation away from being presbyterian/episcopalian/methodist tier "why are we here again oh right this is Christianity the thing we say we believe in"

>> No.19095146

Orthodoxy isn’t some White Supremacist /pol/ shit, shut up faggot

>> No.19095168

/lit/ told me it was though. Apologies if you are sincere. Has your community had any issues with future walmart attackers showing up and not making eye contact?

>> No.19095169

>worships Mary, wafers and alleged saints
>calls others intellectually and spiritually barren
Enjoy being a Babylonian Satanic pagan.

>> No.19095188
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>Can anyone recommend me some good theology books?

>> No.19095232

>"worships" Mary
Wrong. Venerates and begs for intercession, yes. Only God is worshipped.

You mean the body and blood of Jesus Christ, which he instructed us to eat according to scripture?

Read the bible. Read St. Chrysostom.

Like I said, prots are miseducated retards who cut themselves off from their own tradition and so don't even recognize it. Before the satanic "reformation" caused by German autism your ancestors venerated Theotokos just as Catholics and Orthodox do.

>> No.19095349

ask your priest first

>> No.19095372

I am fundamentally torn between Orthodoxy and Catholicism.

>> No.19095373

>You mean the body and blood of Jesus Christ, which he instructed us to eat according to scripture?
Couldn't it be interpreted allegorically, or as a command only to His apostles? And where does He say to eat wafers imbibed with wine in a church after a liturgy, rather than a meal of bread and wine? You can just add and take what you want, it seems; there's no evidence for the current tradition of the eucharist save for the tradition being brought by "God's elect on earth."

>> No.19095384

>or as a command only to His apostles?
Wew lad

>> No.19095385

>my idol corner

>> No.19095386

>if we use a different word then it becomes a different thing

>> No.19095389

holy based

>> No.19095447

I'm a seminarian IRL.

>> No.19095448

Firstly, >>19095146
but also, don't fret, there have always been converts. Even turks like Saint Ahmet the Calligrapher, and the karamanlis and the goghuz. Ethiopia converted before Rome did. This has never meant dissolution of identity. Pentecost, contrary to babel, is an image of multiplicity that does not dissolve into confusion.

>> No.19095461


>> No.19095468
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Ask your priest or maybe some of your fellow church goers.

>> No.19095525
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Can any of you anons help me to make a decision, or at least take a step towards one?
For years now, it seems as if the color has been draining out of my life. I can't concentrate on anything as long as I used to, and what I do concentrate on feels dull and drab where it used to excite and stimulate. I can distract myself for a time, with escapism, or by throwing myself into work, but the feeling always comes back eventually, and I find myself seeming to watch my life like a movie rather than participate in it, and the things that occupied me until just a second ago seem to matter as much as the things that happen to an actor in a movie. There doesn't seem to be anything satisfying or fulfilling in life.
I grew up in a Mormon household, and remember various moments of worship where this world seemed to touch another one beneath or alongside it, one that was more real than this one. I treasured these moments and took them as proofs of the faith I was born into, but over time have begun to doubt the truth as I was taught it - to me, the LDS faith seems to be some sort of anti-Gnosticism and its practitioners do not worship God at all, but some sort of powerful yet contingent being - and I've come to more or less accept the Nicene creed, and that one of the big denominations, Catholicism or Orthodoxy, is most likely the true Church. But I've hit a wall there. The issues between the two at times seem an impassable gulf, and at others very trifling things soon to be overcome, and at other times I've felt like it doesn't particularly matter which I choose as long as I choose one and commit to it, with the end result that I feel sort of paralyzed, and can't bring myself to so much as send an email to one local priest or another for fear of committing by doing so. There's also another fear, that I'll end up pursuing something like what I am trying to leave, an ultimately empty faith with good intentions but which misses the mark. Everything I've read and felt says otherwise, but I'm afraid regardless, and that contributes to my paralysis. The bent towards mysticism in Orthodoxy makes me more inclined to that side of the house, but only just.
Lastly, I have the same problems that most 20-something men in my situation have - excess Internet usage as a kid led to me growing up into a single porn addict who's never so much as held hands, and of course here I am looking for the most "based" and "redpilled" and "trad" denomination out there in the hopes that it will somehow fix me. I at least hope that unlike many who seek to convert I'm doing so because I genuinely want the truth, but it's difficult to evaluate that kind of thing objectively.
I think if I keep considering it from different angles and reading stacks of theology and the like I'll never be able to take another step forward and commit to a new faith the way I would like to. Joseph Smith prayed on which faith to join and received an answer within the hour, but I don't think I have that luxury.

>> No.19095567
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>> No.19095587

Don't care. It's funny and I'll keep posting it. My favourite is the basedjack that >>19091307 already posted.

I find this whole thing to be downright cartoonish. Bunch of extremely online dorks looking for the most based and trad form of Christianity like they're buying a gaming console.

>> No.19095614

While larpers are certainly abundant, I think as far as people online seeking the truest form of Christianity are naturally going to be deciding between Orthodoxy and Catholicism.

>> No.19095632

>most trad form
It's living in the desert in Egypt by the way

>> No.19095633

Indeed, all the while looking over the true champion, a backwoods independent primitive Baptist church.

>> No.19095695

I'm not blaming then personally. It's not like I know of a right way to choose a faith and making fun of them for not knowing it. The very concept of "choosing" the right form of Christianity is ridiculous. You're nowhere near as pathetic as the """pagans""" but this whole thing still reeks of consumerism. A bunch of rootless, atomized individuals making yet another consumer decision.
>seeking the truest form of Christianity are naturally going to be deciding between Orthodoxy and Catholicism
Sure, because the rest of them can be easily traced back to some cynical German grifter or god forbid an American. I briefly flirted with this stuff myself, and watched quite a few videos by Fr. Seraphim Aldea which I actually found to be pretty interesting but I could not go any further with it because it was embarrassing.

>> No.19095717

Keep looking for objective, universal truth that all observers can agree on, Anon. I’m sure you’ll find it, unless you’re just using the concept as a rhetorical device and don’t actually care. That would be a shame.

>> No.19095724

There are churches that aren’t ethnic, most are in OCA jurisdiction. OCA is one of the only growing denominations in America and certainly the healthiest among Orthodox jurisdictions in America.

>> No.19095733

you are a faggot Pharisee and your judgements reflect only on yourself

>> No.19095759

Quit boxing him about the ears he doesn't even know what you're talking about yet.

>> No.19095801

What a dense, intensely judgmental, and anti-Christian post

>> No.19095836
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>, and at other times I've felt like it doesn't particularly matter which I choose as long as I choose one and commit to it,
I don't believe this is true. It does matter. Yet it is better to pick even the wrong one than to be paralyzed like this. The true church will always be here, so in the meantime, do what you must, go where you must.

>> No.19095854

The holy Bible KJV

>> No.19095861

I'm Catholic and I've found myself thinking about the fact that even though it's a core part of my identity I have very little rationale for specifically believing and defending Catholicism as opposed to, say, Orthodoxy. Other than that it's how I was raised and it is the traditional faith of where I'm from. I'm scared that I see Catholicism not as something that needs to be intellectually defended (that's the easy part) or devoutly practiced (a harder part I attempt to the best of my ability). But as something I care about not because I'm trying to actually follow Christ but because I'm trying to prevent sociological entropy from destroying in my society.

I have very little in common with tradlarp converts and not even any real affinity for reactionary politics save for when they become the only possible alternative against antitheism.

>> No.19095865

Repent and return to God. Christ is calling you. I'm not advocating for a specific branch, but definitely turn back to Christ. He loves you so much

>> No.19095913
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Worth more than a library full of Orthodox "theology"

>> No.19095960
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>"I, a presumably educated young Western man, have decided to LARP as an ignorant, elderly Slavic peasant"

This is no different from affluent white women doing Hindu meditation and yoga to "find themselves."

>> No.19095969

Based truth-telling anon

>> No.19095987

The catechism of the catholic church

>> No.19096009

You don't have to specify KJV because anything else isn't the Bible.

>> No.19096021

feels good to be anglophone

>> No.19096079

Truth is not subject to trivializing discussion. Truth is seeing and living. Also

>> No.19096099

Im an old world orthodox monk. Sometimes i need to deal with stuff and i need some internet traffic on my phone then i would browse lit for a bit as well

>> No.19096441

doesn't orthodox church teach works based salvation? watch this gospel video if you want to be 100% sure of going to heaven. going to church, your good works, or water baptism won't save you from going to hell for your sins. the biblical gospel gives you 100% assurance of your salvation anons


>> No.19096442

I checked out a bunch of Orthodox "priest" social medias and every single one of them posted quote after quote from "saint" after "saint", not one single quote from Jesus.

>> No.19096660

Yeah, deference to intellectual authorities is a common problem among any priestly class. Bishop Barron, probably the most mass-media bishop in the USA, quotes Rahner and de Lubac and other heretics, trying to seem erudite talking intelligently about "new theology." Jewish Rabbis quote famous rabbinical decisions of the past. Muslims, like Jews, quote their own lawgivers and teachers. But at least they aren't this guy:


He NEVER talks about Jesus. It's always some reddit shit, or party politics, or his gayass selfies. Homosexuals need to be banned from the Catholic Church.

>> No.19096680

>I myself am a Communist now
the punchline made me lol

>> No.19096685

The Catholic and Orthodox "Churches" need banning altogether.

>> No.19097835

Me too. Converted yesterday evening, today's morning I am back to atheist.

>> No.19098768

So true. Orthodoxy is for dumb neurotics repeating the Jesus prayer and fretting over their erotic drive.

>> No.19098791

I, too, have read Dostoyevsky once

>> No.19099637
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I like the color palette on those top shelf books

>> No.19099647

You bumped a page 10 off topic thread for this, retard?

>> No.19099928
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>> No.19100757

how did you change your glasses so quickly

>> No.19100782

So true. Embrace nationalism faggots

>> No.19101014

>And so I decided to stay a rootless nihilist, a perfect corporate producer-consoomer unit specimen.

>> No.19101173

>I'm a persian dude
Traitor to Ohrmazd's Asha, dumb Christcuck fag.

>> No.19102087
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