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[ERROR] No.19090893 [Reply] [Original]

Is it fair to judge the philosophy of philosophers based on their personal life?

>> No.19090904


>> No.19090907

That's what Nietzsche did. And if you do the same for him you can disregard everything he says.

>> No.19090933

if an obese tranny tells you that 2 + 2 = 4 does that make it false?

>> No.19090937

Yes because 2+2=/=4

>> No.19090938

yes and no
it's very hard to live up to your own ideals. on the other hand, they are (or other people are) holding them up as an authority in their field. someone who puts themselves into a position to be followed needs to be able to lead.

>> No.19090952

Yes, why not?

No you can't. Nietzsche lived according to his philosophy.

>> No.19090960

No he didn't

>> No.19090978
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>> No.19091005

Because its ad hom and doesnt actually criticize the arguements themselves

>> No.19091022

Ad hominem is something else. It's when you bring up a personal characteristic that has no bearing on the argument / topic. Nietzsche doesn't do that, instead attacking faults in character that directly relate to why and how they think a certain way. He's playing a psychologist.

>> No.19091039

Aspired to be the very priest class he criticized.

>> No.19091045

He's more warrior-poet than priest. Also, he respected priests, even if he thought they were poor leaders and largely to blame for modern social ills.

>> No.19091088

>even if he thought they were poor leaders and largely to blame for modern social ills.
That's the exact opposite of hwat he said. Priests are the mediating and redirecting power which stand between a complete slave revolution and some semblance of aristocracy. They basically prevent ressentiment in the oppressed classes from becoming dangerous to humanity at a greater level

>> No.19091129

Neet also made things up.

>> No.19091146

>They basically prevent ressentiment in the oppressed classes from becoming dangerous to humanity at a greater level
That doesn't mean they are good leaders, just good shepherds. He still blamed Christianity for almost all modern social ills.

>> No.19091147

>Priests are the mediating and redirecting power which stand between a complete slave revolution and some semblance of aristocracy. They basically prevent ressentiment in the oppressed classes from becoming dangerous to humanity at a greater level
> They basically prevent ressentiment in the oppressed classes from becoming dangerous to humanity at a greater level
Interesting how this is all his “philosophy” accomplishes.
He collapses in on himself in absurdity.

>> No.19091166

Shepherds are a type of leader.
>e still blamed Christianity for almost all modern social ills.
That's becasue Christianity was a slave revolt led by women and slaves, not priests. Priests were a later rectification in the Apostolic Churches which prevented it from going too far and collapsing in on itself.

>> No.19091171

>man pick thing up
>he ubermensch
Twitterfags are so retarded.

>> No.19091179

A leader like Caesar or Napoleon is not merely a shepherd.

>That's becasue Christianity was a slave revolt led by women and slaves, not priests.
This isn't Nietzsche's view. Zarathustra considered the priests his enemies.

>> No.19091192

>Zarathustra considered the priests his enemies.

>> No.19091226

Source me a quote on this, because your interpretation is totally opposite of my impression mine. I can't recall Nietzsche ever saying that priests do anything at all that preserves the aristocracy.

>> No.19091228

Because, while he respected the heroism in worshiping that which afflicted them as God, they lived like "prisoners" and "corpses" and drowned themselves in pity on account of that. They are not great leaders.

>> No.19091250

>another thread for people who haven't read N to debate people who didn't understand him about whether it is based and redpilled to agree with him or not

>> No.19091261

>another thread where another person who doesn't agree with another person's interpretation of Nietzsche decides to post this dull old pasta again

>> No.19091268

It's a major point Genealogie, have you read it?

>> No.19091276

nietzsche is actually incoherent.
an angry, petty, emasculated man lusting after his ideal of the “strong” and encouraging men to be so to satisfy his aesthetic sense

>> No.19091280

>encouraging men to be so to satisfy his aesthetic sense
Right. He started with the Greeks. Did you?

>> No.19091290

>future generations should be miserable like me

>> No.19091293

I’ve read the greeks.
I am unimpressed with them too.

>> No.19091301

You mock?
No, slave, you are merely dependent on a comfortable state of affairs.
You should plunge headfirst into discomfort just for the sake of it, because I’m horny and want to watch you be a real UBERMAN

>> No.19091314

>accuses Nietzsche of being angry, petty, and emasculated
>acts like a passive aggressive piss baby
0/10 but it was amusing for a moment

>> No.19091315
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>nietzsche lived according to his philosophy

>> No.19091321

It's sections 15 and 16 of the ascetic essay, if you want to look it up quickly, I just checked.

>> No.19091334


>> No.19091335

I’m acting consistently with my philosophy.
More than one can say for Nietzsche.

>> No.19091336

>I’m acting consistently with my philosophy.
The piss baby philosophy?

>> No.19091345

You could call it that, but there are more accurate names.

>> No.19091367

That's a made up story.

>> No.19091371

No, critics of nietschze ad hom

>> No.19091405

>no u ad hom

>> No.19091467

It's retarded and gossip girl tier

>> No.19091476

>bro this guy was a manipulative little snake in his personal life
>but don’t you dare criticize his ideas

>> No.19091499

Lmao you're losing it, keep it up

>> No.19091500

How was he a manipulative little snake? Stop talking out of your anus

>> No.19091504

first good reply in this thread.

>> No.19091513

I never implied Nietzsche was a snake, but it says it all that you think I did.

>> No.19091539

hows the opiod addiction guy?

>> No.19091595

The thread is obviously about mustache man

>> No.19091610

The moustache can’t hide his incel physiognomy

>> No.19091613

Reminder that Nietzsche was himself so weak that his landlady once reported that any small change in his daily diet could send him back to bed for the day.

>> No.19091629

Truly a NEET aristocrat. Needs his daily tendies to shitpost. I respect him more than any other philosopher

>> No.19092186

I remember back when I was a newfag and no one replied to my post except you... I wanted to kill myself...

>> No.19092215

You should remember a way to commit suicide and proceed with it you newfaggot

>> No.19092592

Cause it's what seals the deal if I am arguing the philosophy of the author. If they can't live up to the standard they set themselves then it is a point against that standard.

>> No.19092644

That's not weakness. He was literally ill.

>> No.19092715

An illness that made him weak. Lol.
Couldn't hack the army.
Couldn't hack his own professorship.
He was a weak man.

>> No.19092744

Why did that "weakness" never come out in his writing, then?

>> No.19092877

It did. And the only reason you don't identify it is because you're a weak man yourself.

>> No.19092975

Then why did he name Cesare Borgia as the ideal ubermensch?

>> No.19093032

This faggot judged Socrates and Mainländer on behalf of their lives. And yet both of them lived and died by their philosophies and even took their own lives. But no this faggot never refrained from plagiarizing their work or throwing shit at their personal lives.

>> No.19093108

Because Borgia was an immoralist who imposed his will on others

>> No.19093184

Who's a strong writer, in your opinion?

>> No.19093215

It is fair to judge/evaluate things objectively, not contingently, or notionally, although any sapient person is capable —at least on an intuitive level— of discerning between the general type of experience, and that of imperience —and of recognizing the overponderance, or equilibrium, of either/both—, that informed the author's work, with which he is in personalistic uniformity.

>> No.19093619

The strong don't write books. Feminine pursuit.

>> No.19093685

Do they write 4chan posts, by chance?