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[ERROR] No.19089924 [Reply] [Original]

>Similar expressions can also be found in the early Qing work Bude yi 不得已 (I Cannot
Do Otherwise, 1665) by Yang Guangxian. With the fast growth of Catholic communities in
the earlier decades, Yang and his followers could learn more relevant information about the
Christian religion. They refuted all major Catholic doctrines, including those about Mary. In
his work, Yang develops a critical view on Mary’s virgin birth of Jesus,

>If the Lord of Heaven is Jesus, who holds him and puts him in Mary’s womb? Even
among the strange stories in Qixie 齊諧, one can hardly find any nonsense like this. The
male-female sexual intercourse is the way all things are born, and it is also the general
principle in the human world. If the son has both a father and a mother, he will not feel
ashamed. But if there is only a mother but no father, the son will lose his dignity. … For
a man with a mother but no father, I am afraid that he cannot even teach people in his
own country. How can his fatherlessness be known to all nations under heaven! Only the
beasts know a mother than a father in the world, is it true that believers of the [Christian]
religion do not know their fathers? Otherwise, why would they worship this fatherless
ghost and respect him so much? The way they regard a fatherless son as a sage indeed
opens the opportunity for those women who do not have a husband.

>If Mary gave birth to Jesus, one cannot say that she has kept a virgin body. How come a
virgin girl would delightfully accept the [serious] matter of pregnancy? Moreover, who
could verify whether she kept a virgin body or not? In the Book of Rites, it is said that
“words of the inner chamber shall not be passed out,” and, “there should be no talking
about women at the courtyard in front of the ancestral hall.” These [statements] are to
exhort a sense of shame. Even the beasts would not speak of the virgin body of a mother,
how come this so-called sage would speak of it, and his disciples would announce it to
all nations under heaven? The disciples of Jesus were therefore worse than the beasts!
The two words “virgin body” must have been used as an excuse for fatherlessness. What
they do not know is that whoever excuses himself accuses himself!

>> No.19089933
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>mundane crap
>but asian

>> No.19089946
File: 24 KB, 1000x419, KENNY XLI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19090028

Celsus did it better.

>> No.19090039

More like Chink bugman gets filtered.

>> No.19090063

Why are you obsessed with Christianity?

>> No.19090073

>and it is also the general
>principle in the human world.
Does he not understand what a miracle is?
> How come a
virgin girl would delightfully accept the [serious] matter of pregnancy?
Because it was a mission from God.

>> No.19090087

'Jesus didn't know his father'

uh yes he did that's kind of the point chief

>> No.19090135

>>If the Lord of Heaven is Jesus, who holds him and puts him in Mary’s womb? Even among the strange stories in Qixie 齊諧, one can hardly find any nonsense like this.
Truly brilliant refutation.

>> No.19090183

Midwit tier thread.

The Chink clearly is filtered by both cultural, philosophical and social differences that a foreign religion like Christianity is importing.
He clearly has not studied it properly enough.
>Le “Yin/Yang balance” is absent therefore LE BAD!
>Virgin birth is “LE NON-SENSE”, yet doesn’t understand what a miracle is.

>> No.19090260

Why were Christians obsessed with Christianizing non-Christians?

>> No.19090425

Somebody had to bring shitskins some western civilization

>> No.19090439

You see, it is all to put light on Jesuses sagehood. Born of a virgin? Impossible! But he was!

>> No.19090475

>another anti-Christian Discord trannythread

>> No.19090512


Because God told them to do so.

>> No.19090711
File: 379 KB, 1000x661, Chinee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some retarded gook doesn't understand the Trinity
Why is it that out of all the world religions, only Graeco-Roman pagans ever offered actually compelling critiques of Christianity?

>> No.19090840

Because they understood Christianity. Since st. Paul Christians used Greek and Greek philosophy, classical pagan shared the lenguage and mentality of Christian so the debate has a lot of common ground.
The chink right here did not have a clue about the evangelios brought to China.

>> No.19090939

Damn, he was absolutely filtered by christianity.

>> No.19090943

What this anon >>19090512 said
Sacred mission by God.

>> No.19090956

>BTFO'd Christianity
Picking on retards never goes out of style

>> No.19090970

Reading non-White critiques of Christianity is always so cringe

>> No.19091036

Totally filtered, but
>The way they regard a fatherless son as a sage indeed opens the opportunity for those women who do not have a husband.
This is unironically true, the Christian destruction of filial piety has lead to modern decadence

>> No.19091097

I hate christfaggots so much.
>why are you OBSESSED with christianity LOL
>why are you getting in my face with your religion?
>I BELIEVE I’m supposed to LOL (can you believe these pagans? minding their own business?)

>> No.19091114

Anon, notice that all of this began with someone asking why OP was obsessed with christianity, I will assume OP was the one that replied and tried to play the "no u" card by answering the question with another question, of course this guy did not expected a real answer.
Don't be an arrogant seething fool.

>> No.19091227

>The way they regard a fatherless son as a sage indeed opens the opportunity for those women who do not have a husband.
All in all, proto-bugmanish, but this passage stands out as possessing some wisdom and truth.

>> No.19091318

Take the log out of your own eye, christfaggot

>> No.19091339

Again, you are missing the point.
By the way, quoting the scriptures of the same religion you don't believe in will only reveal your hypocrisy and arrogance.

>> No.19091352

I’ve missed the point because you lack one.

>> No.19091369

Ok let's try this again. Look, the point here is you stop being an arrogant seething fool, at least for this thread.
During all of this "discussion" the only thing you have revealed is that you are capable of getting angry, call names and repeat the same insult over and over again.
Come on.

>> No.19091384
File: 37 KB, 381x380, 1627531031303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only the
>beasts know a mother than a father in the world, is it true that believers of the [Christian]
>religion do not know their fathers? Otherwise, why would they worship this fatherless
>ghost and respect him so much?
Absolutely savage rmao

>> No.19091395

You seem incapable of reading.
I made a very coherent point.
All you have done is call me “an arrogant fool”.
I suppose I have touched a nerve.
You deserve it. You fucking loser.

>> No.19091402

>I suppose I have touched a nerve.
>You deserve it. You fucking loser.
Anon, have you ever heard the concept of irony in your life?

>> No.19091403

It's a religion of color sweatie

>> No.19091470

I’m on so many layers of irony right now.

>> No.19092273

>The two words “virgin body” must have been used as an excuse for fatherlessness.
>What they do not know is that whoever excuses himself accuses himself!
They were never using it as an excuse, dumbass.