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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.19089381 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, I need literature that will get my mindset ready for suicide, I already know about the void so please, no religion.

My life is worthless yet I'm unable to terminate it, I'm not yet ready.
What should I read? The current deadline would be some weeks after the release of the latest Matrix, a guilty pleasure.

>> No.19089409

Yes there is a thread called Suicide Lit but again, fantasies like reincarnation cheapen the issue, the reality of the end. As such, my mind would not be ready and tempered, no, I'd be applying the last bandage, the last cope.

>> No.19089747


>> No.19089751

tranny shill thread
Life is great
fuck OP and his psyop

>> No.19089757

how would anyone know what a good mindset for suicide is? everyone whose committed suicide died before they could tell us their honest last feelings. unless youre gullible enough to believe suicide notes and wills are enough to represent someones mindset at the minute they kick the stool