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1908720 No.1908720 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/,
Was thinking about picking this up tomorrow and would like to hear your opinions on it, if any.


>> No.1908739


>> No.1908757

I've always avoided it because the cover art annoys me. It's too busy. Also, I dislike the title.

>> No.1908759


Voldemort kills them

>> No.1908763

Thanks =/

>> No.1908791


On a serious note, I liked it. Was a bit strange, but it was still gewd.

>> No.1908796

Worth a 'casual' read, seeing that it is a bit lengthy? I Don't want to be in 300 pages and feel that the story isn't going anywhere...

>> No.1908802

It's pretty awesome, for a fantasy novel.

>> No.1908806

As a litfag who's haunting /lit and reloading for the ADWD scans, people saying that GRRM is the best fantasy author since Tolkien are wrong. It's Susanna Clarke. This book is better than ASOIAF, makes Neil Gaiman look like an edgy teenage art-school meme, etc etc. This has some of the best and tightest plot resolution I've ever seen in a ~magic comes back to the world fantasy I've ever seen. OTOH, the writing style (Austen pastiche) might drive you insane with hate, so ymmv. But yes, amazing, flawless, perfect.

>> No.1908810

Awesome to hear this but... wtf is ADWD GRRM ASOIAF and OTOH?


>> No.1908857

I loved this book, couldn't put it down.

And I cannot wait for the next one. Very lengthy, but I am sure you will love it all the way.

As for the acronyms:
ADWD: A Dance with Dragons (latest in ASOIAF)
GRRM: George RR Martin, author of ASOIAF
ASOIAF: A Song of Ice and Fire, what many claim to be the best fantasy series since Wheel of Time and Lord of the Rings
OTOH: On the other hand

>> No.1908861

Thanks again!

>> No.1908873

I thought it was allright.

>> No.1908909

I really enjoyed it. It's a bit slow-moving, but I think it's worth a read.

>> No.1908920

Busy? It's some words and a silhouette of a crow.

Anyway, extremely enjoyable book with many startling images. Be aware that it's short on dashing action, if that's what you're used to from fantasies and period novels.

>> No.1910223
File: 22 KB, 237x264, 36..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I though it was too slow, no momentum, no payoff. But I was hoping for the literary equivalent of The Prestige.

>> No.1910257

I liked it but it kinda dragged on for too long
was bored of it after about 800 pages
still recommended though

>> No.1910274


It's the typeface. And also, the crow.

>> No.1910300

Tedious, couldn't get through that dry tripe past the first few chapters.

>> No.1910304
File: 107 KB, 300x449, Moore, Lorrie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some lovely ideas tucked into an amateur story. As the other comments have noted it drags on badly at points. I personally find the entire tone of the book changing by the last third.

This isn't a picture of the author.

>> No.1910328

i badly need a shit but its too late, im just lying here waiting for the tide to beat my clench

>> No.1910339

Prose = excellent
Characters = good
Plot = pretty weak

I think it's a very good book, I don't mind the slow pacing much or the lack of plot. The only sticking point for me was the last 200 pages where things got really boring, and I got a bit confused about some of the secondary characters. Shame, the book was great otherwise.