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19084912 No.19084912 [Reply] [Original]

>Having two wives and two servant girls and you are expected to be having sex with all of them regularly to keep creating babies
Mother of God…
Is this what life was really like for men back in Biblical times?
This man had more sex than anyone in history

>> No.19085680

Actually if you read it within context then you'll see Israel having sex with his wife's maids because they werent producing children of their own... and his first wife wasnt the wife he initially bargained for with his uncle since he wanted her younger sister but his uncle refused because the eldest daughters were to be given up for marriage first

Just read genesis, its quite the tale

>> No.19085768
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Yeah it's called bigamy and it's kinda based ngl.

>> No.19086490

It’s the same as what is happening in Mann’s story, he just extrapolates it out a bit for the sake of a novel. In Joseph and His Brothers Jacob is basically pressured to have as much sex as he can and I thought it was funny and also radically different from modern society where having a child is something you plan due to the strain on resources, rather than something you do because it will create resources

>> No.19086622

Western world nowadays is too deterministic, too dictatorial. It created tools which progress man but also limit him, like public schools. Its not even about resources, its needlessly complex. To feel "adequate" today you have to prioritise being part of all these unnatural man-made processes, childhood, adolesence, college, 9-5, pop trends etc. Whereas the past didnt have them, as having children was a priority if you wanted a status symbol

>> No.19086663

>Jacob is basically pressured to have as much sex as he can
That sounds based, I should read this.

>> No.19086800

I highly recommend it. Thomas Mann considered it his Magnum Opus. It’s extremely long though. 1500 pages. I checked and it’s like one of the top 10 longest novels ever published