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19084726 No.19084726 [Reply] [Original]

Should I read Dune before the movie comes out on october 22 or it's not enough time?

>> No.19084732

could read it in like 3 days desu depending how slow u read

>> No.19084742

The film only adapts the first half of the first book. There will be another film for the second half.

>> No.19084749

Haven't read the Dune but I went to see the movie. It's aimed at complete brainlets and the movie has to explain everything so that even the most retarded viewer knows what is what. The movie has some neat visuals and aesthetics but otherwise it's cookie cutter garbage. Just your basic collection of wow so cool cgi action scenes with some filler in between. Also the whole premise of the plot is absolutely ridiculous but I have no idea whether the books do it better. I'd imagine they do.

>> No.19084757

If you intend to see the movie then yes, read it before.

>> No.19084762

How the hell could you be such a slow reader that you can't read a 500 page book over the course of an entire month? That's 17 pages a day. Even if it takes you 3 minutes to read a page, and I sure hope you're not that bad at reading, that's less than an hour a day to read Dune over the course of an entire month.

>> No.19085953

If I can read the first in the Wheel of Time, you can read Dune

>> No.19086012
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I know nothing of Dune except what I've picked up through cultural osmosis and having seen the 1984 movie when I was 10.

Considered trying to read the entire saga written by both Frank Herbert and his son.

Is there a specific reading order?

Or should I not bother with anything other than the first Dune book? I heard the sequels aren't as good and the stuff by his son is trash.

>> No.19086023

Read 1, then decide if you wanna read more, then stop after 6, or don't. It's your time, not mine.

>> No.19086026

Also read the Butlerian Jihad 20 years ago. Recall thinking it wasn't bad, but I recall nothing about it either.

>> No.19086057

most of the exposition in the novel comes from discussions or thoughts of the characters. the book itself does a lot of telling rather than showing imo

>> No.19086065

The stuff by his son is fucking shit. Don't bother ever.
The first Dune is worth reading, the next 5 depends on what you got out of the first. If you enjoyed the space opera and overall plot, you'll probably like Messiah, and if you like Messiah you'll like Children and the rest. If you only liked Dune for it's unique ecological setting and the cultural backdrop of the natives that survive in it, Messiah will bore you to fucking tears.

>> No.19086070

You can stop at Dune, God Emperor of Dune, or Chapterhouse Dune. If you really want to know how bad the knock off sequels/prequels are you can read Hunters of Dune, in which the heirs to the Dune IP assume you've read the prequels they shat out, even mentioning characters from them, in order to read the first of two sequels to the original six books. Clearly, Frank Herbert intended that fan fiction tier characters invented after he died would play a role in the unfinished conclusion to Dune. The fact that the authors of nu-Dune did that makes them on par with a Disney-SW-Marvel scriptwriting committee.

>> No.19086074

read the first 4 books, and no further than that

>> No.19086173

Why didn't he just uh finish Dune instead of dying

>> No.19086186


>Clearly, Frank Herbert intended that fan fiction tier characters invented after he died would play a role in the unfinished conclusion to Dune


Thanks anons. Book 1 or bust. Got it.

>> No.19086523

but then you'll miss out on the vaginal pulsing

>> No.19086548
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I had an insight the other day, Dune is actually peak Orientalism
The fremen have an Islamic syncretic religion and use Arabic words, but really there is nothing fundamentally Islamic about them. Herbert has no particular insight into the fundamental essence of Islam, it's worldview, it's relationship to the divine.

The Fremen could have just have easily been Navajo flavored. They are just Herbert's interpretation of a noble savage, enacting his revenge fantasy against a degenerated white society.

>> No.19086552

If you can't read it in a day the world filtered you.

>> No.19086638

>Herbert has no particular insight into the fundamental essence of Islam, it's worldview, it's relationship to the divine
Yeah it's about ecology, hydraulic despotism, and blind faith in messiahs, not tradlarp phantasy

>> No.19087143

I started reading yesterday. It reads like a YA novel. The prose is incredibly simplistic, and the dialogue is laughable. It's not difficult at all.

>> No.19088376

This is unironically much better. Have you ever watched the original movie? They directly do the internal monologues and voice the character’s inner thoughts, it was fucking terrible.

>> No.19088387

Read up to God emperor. They're all by Frank and all good. It just depends on if you want to see more of the story

>> No.19089615

I've read up to the part when Paul and Jessica escape their assassination attempt in the desert, after Yueh's betrayal

I'm really enjoying it. Feudal houses conspiring against each other is peak comfy for me. It's like ASOIAF but on a micro-scale (or macro-scale, depending on what you're focusing on). The Harkonnens seem like saturday morning cartoon villains so far, thou. Easily the weakest part.

>> No.19089624

Also: Paul seems a bit of a Mary Sue, with very little internal conflict, I hope the book doesn't simply play it straight with him being Space Desert Jesus and that's it.

>> No.19089636

he's kind of OP but he's not straightforwardly a hero particularly if you read the sequels

>> No.19089646
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>> No.19089650

>hurrdurrr i'd rather watch talmudic hollywood re-tellings of a scifi literary classic because im too much of ac onsumer brainlet vaxxmaxxed cattle to think for myself
OP you should just get a lobotomy

>> No.19089670

I see, that's good. That epigraph about greatness being a sort of collective fantasy/manipulation hinted it was going in that direction. As well as Duke Leto having a breakdown in front of his son, basically admitting he's a fraud as a leader.

>> No.19089695
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<spoiler>I'm not sure if i misunderstood but I think he's having a breakdown because he originally didn't want to be a leader but did it for the sake of survival. Which created this supposedly "golden path" that he did not see as a positive thing and avoiding it by "dying" then seeing his kid realize this path which he did his best to avoid.</spoiler>

>> No.19089703
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I'm not sure if i misunderstood but I think he's having a breakdown because he originally didn't want to be a leader but did it for the sake of survival. Which created this supposedly "golden path" that he did not see as a positive thing and avoiding it by "dying" then seeing his kid realize this path which he did his best to avoid.

>> No.19089718

Well, I can't really comment on that at the point I'm in, but the general idea I got was that most of his greatness as a beloved leader was a sham, a result of manipulation of public opinion. Behind closed doors he was scheming and giving morally questionable orders to maintain his power and control. He knew he was a hypocrite at some level and that tortured him. The whole ''ruling with consent from the ruled'' was cheap PR, he was part of a feudal system, not some sort of Ancapistan. It was even hinted at some point that he poisoned his adversaries while ruling Caladan, or at least considered the possibility.

>> No.19089725

im at god emperor right now. Where are you?

I'll be back in 3 or so hours going to the movies to watch the movie

>> No.19089749

I'm this anon: >>19089615
I'm roughly 35% into the first novel. I'm gonna finish it before watching the new adaptation on cimena. Good luck, anon. Hope you enjoy it.

>> No.19089765

what are you doing, get out of this thread and finish the book
if I see you again I will spoil the ending

>> No.19089769
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>> No.19089774

don't test me faggot

>> No.19089775

I liked it. I think GRRM took a lot of inspiration from the book

>> No.19089902

Ah oke my bad for the spoilers then.

What I understood from friends, who watched it already, the movie doesn't tell a lot more than Book 1 in the first book so you are almost ready to watch it yourself.

(that is if i remember correctly where book 1 ends)

If this thread is still up when I'm done watching I'll update again

>> No.19090461

Watched the movie. Here's my diary entry:

Overall a good movie for people who just want to see a decent movie. Visuals were really good, shields were made to seem like real shields, and personally i think Leto's actor was really fitting.

However, here are a few things that I found a bit lacking or weird:

-The movie was 3 hours or so and it honestly didn't tell that much at all

-Leto's kindness was not shown that much at all even though in the book he is displayed as one of the kindest. He's humble but also kinda boring here.

-Idaho actor had some weird ass stare for like several scenes. Idk just something that felt kinda off. Other than that he was cool.

-Eyes were kinda bright imo but still better than older movies lmao

-Besides the visuals it was kinda boring now I think of it.

-Dr. Yeuh didn't give Paul the tiny bible which was also kinda cringe ngl

Thx for reading my diary entry :)

>> No.19090476

Reading slower allows one to get more out of the story. Try it. And force yourself to stop for the day on cliffhangers. Watch how vastly your experience improves.

>> No.19090607
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the movie isn't even about the entire book its more like ~250 pages and that means you only have to read 8 pages every day for a month.

If that is not possible then that might be because the words in the book are too hard for you and you should start with something easier.

My suggestion is image

>> No.19090632

Why is the house Atreides supposedly defeated by just one surprise attack on Arrakis? Don't they have whole other worlds, like their homeworld? Why isn't there a war of any kind? It just seems so silly that there's this one quick attack and then apparently Harkonnen has control of everything everywhere.

Only saw the movie so I have no idea whether the book is as retarded aswell

>> No.19090674

it's just under someone else's control because they had to take control of Arrakis

>> No.19090678

Why are they not contesting Arrakis?

>> No.19090687

It's not controlled by House Atreides. And the attack is purely just to take out House Atreides. The baron wants Arrakis for the money and doesn't care about Caladan at all

>> No.19090700

Yeah but why isn't Atreides trying to take control of Arrakis back? Or atleast the spice gathering operation if not the whole world. Why go there in the first place if they're willing to just hand it over to Harkonnen again?

>> No.19090717

The attack was so successful that it basically wiped out Atreides. Even if they wanted to go back at that time they pretty much couldn't because of Paul's plan/vision.

They will get control of it back just not in this book