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19081547 No.19081547 [Reply] [Original]

Was anyone here converted to Christianity by a book? What was it?
>inb4 the bible

>> No.19081553

yeah it was The Bible, namely the New Testament haha

>> No.19081564

What a dumb question. You can't be a christian without being at least acquainted with the bible.

>> No.19081565

Yeah, I started reading apologetics to be better in owning the Christians online and now I'm converting to Catholicism, not joking.

>> No.19081566
File: 133 KB, 599x898, CEB3BA16-ABC7-48B6-9897-565F948CA07F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book solidified my views on the plausibility of the resurrection, though most of the major changes for me involved talking with Christians, praying, looking into other religions and general apologetics

>> No.19081572

It happened as I was reading through the New Testament for the first time. As I was about halfway through John I realized I was reading a book unlike any other book.

>> No.19081573

He’s asking whether anyone was convinced by a book that is not the Bible. Everyone knows that the Bible is important and crucial.

>> No.19081579

I found God through reading the Bible and having a personal relationship with the creator, rather than the product of a book. This is my testimony.
>bible is the truth
>bible was written by man
>you must be saved by grace not man

>> No.19081916

Either Left Behind or Battlefied Earth

>> No.19081953

bruvvas karamazov

>> No.19081988

Reading the God Delusion made me realise how retarded Atheists are

>> No.19082018

He would have been more awake if he said he doesn't need his forgiveness and then dismembered and mutilate the disgusting kike.

>> No.19082061

I was skimming through Matthew out of curiosity and realized just how based Jessus was. I felt an indescribable power coming from those words and I've realized that they could not have been written about a mere man.

>> No.19082095

>>bible was written by man
If you have a relationship with the creator and a general understanding of Scripture you'd know that those that wrote it were divinely inspired by the holy Spirit provided to them by the Lord. If you refuse to acknowledge this, then there's nothing to base the truth of the Bible on.

>> No.19082123
File: 137 KB, 231x388, Alyosha Karamazov.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Brothers Karamazov. Alyosha blew my mind.

>> No.19082129

St. Augustine's Confessions

>> No.19082136

What parts in particular convinced you?

>> No.19082149

Another thing I wanted to point out
Mathew 13:15
For this people’s heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.’

Jesus makes a point that their hearts becoming calloused closed their ears and shut their eyes. That had they repented and sought to soften their hearts, Jesus would not hesitate one bit to heal them. Though grace is important, it isn't the only way to be saved. The Lord judges the depths of the heart, so genuine and sincere desire is required, not a lackluster, halfhearted desire.

>> No.19082173
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Augustine teaches that a life of debauchery can be prayed away. Jesus will save you whenever you're ready.

>> No.19082184

As does the parable of the prodigal son. Again though, He seeks the depths of the heart and a genuine desire is required.

>> No.19082199

Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis

>> No.19082214

No, human writing is a spook made by and for weak willed people who have no desire to truly believe.

>> No.19082243

are you saying we're supposed to read the bible and just "know" it's true and know that every other religion's holy books are bullshit?

>> No.19082256

I am not fully converted, but I am on my journey.

I truly don’t think books alone can convert you. I’d recommended having conversations with Christians, priests, friends, whatever. Also attending mass can be an INCREDIBLY powerful experience—even if you don’t partake in the Eucharist.

>> No.19082293

If you had to read any text or hear any word of men to believe it, you're not a true believer. Reject the influences of men and trust divine inspiration.

>> No.19082312

Prove divine inspiration

>> No.19082315

Right so have a life of enjoyment and pleasure, and when you're done go to church and ask for your afterlife insurance policy.

>> No.19082320

crime and punishment for me

>> No.19082333

That's not how it works. Genuine desire is a requirement. What part of
>the Lord seeks the depths of the heart
did you not understand? The church doesn't judge the souls of mankind, that is the Lord's job.

>> No.19082341

Do you think God will forgive your half-assed ‘repentance’ after a life of sinning?

>> No.19082383

Also Brothers K but it didn't last for more than a year

>> No.19082396

I got spiritual after critique of pure reason by kant, was atheist before

>> No.19082405
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>after all I've done
Why were all Christians such depraved perverts before they converted?

Is it even possible to convert to Christianity if you're just a normal human bean? Or is having homosex a prerequisite?

>> No.19082406

Cope. All are saved in Christ. The church cancelled all the mystery religions and esoteric philosophies. You are no better than anyone else, all are leveled before God.

>> No.19082407

I am the Truth by Michel Henry

>> No.19082422

Nah, you can be a war criminal or non-homo pedo too.

>> No.19082428

>All are saved in Christ
Matthew 7:21
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.

Matthew 10:38
Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me.

>> No.19082436

Normal human beings commit plenty of sin regularly, they are too busy flattering themselves with vain delusion to see it.

>> No.19082442

unironically, because of reading plato.

>> No.19082448

if you don't think you have ever done something terrible, you are probably wrong

>> No.19082450

Maybe but they don't do the sorts of sin that Christian converts did. Not the sort of sin that would make them fall down on their knees with sissy tears in their eyes thanking Jesus for forgiving them

>> No.19082470

Christianity is the religion of inversion:
Slavery is freedom
Weakness is strength
Life is death

Naturally they would also invert natural functions, and be easily duped or fooled into thinking they are awful deeds worthy of lifelong, continual repentance.

>> No.19082482

Neither verse refutes the doctrine of universal salvation in Christianity. One says you have to follow his dad's orders, a distinction with little difference, while the other (obviously) says you just need to follow Jesus. You can't even read your own texts; you're in no shape to cite them.

>> No.19082490

No they do something worse. They fall victim to pride which is the worst sin.
Better to be an ex degenerate falling on your knees in humility then to think of yourself as above other Christians because you're "normal" and don't do _____ sin

>> No.19082495

>Christianity is the religion of inversion:
idk, i dindt get that from my reading of the old testimate. it was more that in lacking a particular boon you are better able to appreciate a more transcendental absolute good.

even in its praxis, it wasnt an inversion. It was powerful wealthy religious organizations giving to the poor rather than becoming poor. And the few that did become poor tended to go off into ascetisim and controlled their own fate.

>> No.19082500

How do you know they are proud? They do not necessarily think themselves above Christians (I can think of Christians who think themselves as better than those "proud, unrepentant heathens," but I do not use those to represent all repentant Christians).

But as always, pride can be defined and redefined to mean anything. Perhaps thinking God cares about your puny repentance is pride, and that, too, is vanity of vanities

>> No.19082510
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The prodigal sons of the world realize the need for Christ more than anyone else.

>> No.19082519

The problem is that there can exist a more "transcendental absolute good" in presence, as well as in absence. Or perhaps there is not even any transcendent good in weakness, slavery, and death. No such "spirituality."

Praxis isn't anything, humans will always try to interpret/practice their religion in such a way as to make it tenable and liveable, or more capable of controlling others (depending on corruption).

>powerful wealthy religious organizations

>> No.19082527

>you just need to follow Jesus
There's more to it, you have to deny yourself as well. Both point towards action.

>> No.19082556

Right so just deny yourself once you're old enough to no longer enjoy anything, like Saint Augustine

>> No.19082571

I’m a cradle Christian, so I wasn’t converted, but I was thinking of leaving and the Divine Comedy convinced me to stay

>> No.19082578

But if we're going to take scripture into account
Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.


1 Samuel 16:7
But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”

So we know from scripture that He judges the heart. A person doing what they want and then going to church because they want a get out of jail free card goes against everything Jesus speaks of. Repentance must be genuine for forgiveness and salvation. There's more to denying yourself than what you think it is. You accused me of being in no position to cite them, but according to how you are going about this discussion, it just shows how little you understand about anything in regards to Christianity.

>> No.19082606

meant new.
>>powerful wealthy religious organizations
>wut is the catlick church
>humans will always try to interpret/practice their religion in such a way as to make it tenable and liveable, or more capable of controlling others
SO the point of saying what the essence of something is is kinda moot then if what it is shifts by person and demography.

>> No.19082613

What bearing does that have on universalism or that anon's specific post?

>> No.19082614

meant to reply the second part to >>19082519

>> No.19082618
File: 710 KB, 1703x2560, SelectSermonsOfGeorgeWhitefield-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just becoming interested in Christianity for the first time since I was a kid and fell into KJV-onlyism for awhile. Some guy I followed on youtube recommended a bunch of books on people who were hated for preaching the gospel or something. One of the books was Selected Sermons of George Whitefield. It had a picture of Whitefield preaching on the cover and I remember him pointing out a guy with a horn trying to drown out his voice.

Anyway I bought that one. Interestingly the guy who recommended it was a rabid anti-Calvinist and I guess he didn't realize Whitefield was a Calvinist. I didn't have a clue what Calvinism was at the time I read it either, I skipped ahead to the first sermon The Method of Grace. I had never heard a sermon like that before and it greatly affected me so I looked up information about Whitefield and learned he was something called a Calvinist and I began reading about Calvinism and became convinced of the truth of the doctrines of grace.

>> No.19082620

That just because you say
>I'm sorry Jesus
doesn't mean it is genuine. If it's not genuine, then there is no real desire for salvation.

>> No.19082628

>wut is the catlick church
A pagan mongrel that mixes worldliness and universalism with some judaic legends, which is normally impossible, but is held together by assuming God's will for ourselves. "God wills that the clergy owns more land than the secular powers." "God wills X, God wills Y, and our proof is the keys, Peter and Paul, so on and so forth (non sequiturs, reinterpretations).

>SO the point of saying what the essence of something is is kinda moot then if what it is shifts by person and demography.
No, the essence is one of inversion and denial of what is healthy. It is just that, recognizing the unhealthiness of their religion, humans alloy it with all sorts of allowances, leniencies, and interpretations. The essence is clear- the primary message of the Bible is clear to see. But we add on traditions and use mental gymnastics to make Christianity livable- a legalistic, talmudic approach.

>> No.19082641

Luke 5:31-32
31 Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 32 I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”

>> No.19082654

How fitting that the sick are never truly healed, but only transfer and spread their sickness through Christ. Especially if you transmute a vice into a virtue (transform arrogance into a becoming, "Christian" elitism- we are the Israelites, we are saved, we are the lost sheep, and God does not care about the many who will be damned, only about us, etcetera).

>> No.19082655

>A pagan mongrel that mixes worldliness and universalism with some judaic legends,
Ok, doesnt make it NOT a wealthy religious organization. So was a lot of buddhist temples/orgs from patronage by chinese/jap/korean nobles, or particularly important mosques.
>no, the essence is one of inversion and denial of what is healthy
didnt seem as such to mean since the language of the tome is suffices with naturalism and paternal/ father-son duty allegories. Id say its pretty naturalistic to a near eastern people. the one revolutionary thing is the higher focus on acsetic/communal teachings, which is not an inversion in the least, they were common worldwide. I would say it was notible in saying it was the most virtuous calling though.
>a legalistic, talmudic approach.
Isnt that the exact opposite of what you just mentioned in terms of how it is manipulated?

>> No.19082656

>How fitting that the sick are never truly healed
Says you.

>> No.19082669

>the essence is one of inversion and denial of what is healthy.
Weird, the Bible I read tells me to be fruitful and multiply, that having many children and a long life is a blessing, and that it is good to have self-control and to refrain from unnatural sinful acts, and to abhor what is evil, and to love my neighbor and God.

This sort of Nietzschean critique has always fallen flat.

>> No.19082673

I thought no one was righteous

>> No.19082678

Why would a righteous individual need to repent?

>> No.19082686

>A person doing what they want and then going to church because they want a get out of jail free card goes against everything Jesus speaks of.
But this is how the religion works? So if that's impossible there was never salvation to begin with. Are we not all sinners? Do we not all come to Christ for redemption? Do 4channel Christians really think they can get away with gatekeeping a religion of universal salvation?

>> No.19082687

>But this is how the religion works?
Read the Bible. Salvation is entirely possible, but one must genuinely seek it out.

>> No.19082700

The guy you are responding to is confused. He accuses some Christians of being pagan and some of being Jewish. But the essence of Christianity is the worship of a Jewish Dionysus.

>> No.19082703

God has infinite mercy and will forgive everything except blaspheming the Holy Spirit. If it is not sincere repentance though, there will be no forgiveness. And before you ask, only God knows what is sincere and what is not.

>> No.19082708

Was Augustine not genuine? He got to do all the sins, "genuinely" repented, and now is revered as a saint.

>> No.19082710

>Isnt that the exact opposite of what you just mentioned in terms of how it is manipulated?
In that they have to work their way around untenable laws, which create that essence I spoke of.

>the one revolutionary thing is the higher focus on acsetic/communal teachings, which is not an inversion in the least, they were common worldwide
Is worldwide commonality a sign that something is not an inversion? That seems nonsensical; I provided other reasons in my original post.

>Ok, doesnt make it NOT a wealthy religious organization
No, I was saying that it should be paradoxical for there to exist a "wealthy" and also "spiritual" institution. There exists too much possibility for corruption, and if you read the history of that church, you will find that there was ample corruption.

You see the same vices, just sanctified or transmitted to God (do not avenge yourself, have God avenge you- in other words, do not gloat over the vengeance you will wreak on your foe, gloat over the eternal vengeance your God will wreak on your foe- a far greater, more massive capacity for vengefulness and unfounded triumphalism).

Where is that to be found in the NT? We are told that it is good for a man not to touch a woman, and that marriage is a compromise, and many, many more such verses.

Besides, we have to look at what kind of love is prescribed, what acts are called sinful or evil. Cite verses from the NT in the vein of "being fruitful and multiplying," I, too am curious to see where you got that impression of the NT.

>> No.19082711

>And before you ask, only God knows what is sincere and what is not.
Amen, which is why I shared the scripture pointing that He judges the heart.

That's not for me to decide. I never even knew the guy.

>> No.19082718

dunno they supposedly don't exist so who cares

just pointing out the retardation of Jesus

>> No.19082723

Point being by definition a righteous human would be in no position to seek repentance, for there would be nothing to repent. It's not a direct statement towards anyone in particular, but rather a way to reinforce the idea that only those that sin would have reason to seek repentance.

>> No.19082730

How genuine could any of God's lab rats be in the experimental trial of pulling the lever to get eternal cheese? You mean to tell me even after pulling the lever we might not get the reward? Saying it is up to God who is genuine is little better than Pascal's wager. For if someone else has to decide if you were genuine in following the rules it is little better than a dice throw, a dice throw before the god(s) as it were, the life of man a drama for them to consume.

>> No.19082739

Yes, entirely up to God. Again, He sees things in us that no one else does, or that we ourselves tend to lie to ourselves about.

>> No.19082743

I am aware of the nonsense of Jesus saying he have only come for sinners and not the righteous when they don't exist, which is why I made a notice of it.

>> No.19082756

Why is it nonsense? Jesus Christ used the pharisees as an example of what ones righteousness must surpass to enter the kingdom of God.

>> No.19082766

Your distinction between the NT and OT as somehow radically different is artifical and a non-Christian attitude. There is perfect continuity in the Bible. Paul talks about celibacy as a higher ethic but realizes that for the vast majority it is not an option, and that marriage is the way to go for avoiding sexual immorality. Paul spends much more time talking about the relations between husbands and wives in a marriage in multiple letters. Paul never says having children is bad or that marriage is evil or anything. Therefore the natural conclusion is that children are a blessing and that we should be fruitful and multiple like the Bible says, unless we are one of those rare men and women who have the ability to totally dedicate their lives to God in a higher way like Paul did. Paul also writes how men and women have mutual conjugal rights towards each other and should not deprive one another. What acts are condemned are homosexuality, sexual immorality, adultery and similar things. Loving monogamous relations between a husband and wife resulting in many children is a good thing.

>> No.19082811

Ok it really is Pascal's wager all the way down then. No knowledge of what is efficacious, only a hunch. And in that case there is hardly a difference in when one decides to convert, since we have no way of knowing which conversion is more genuine because it is up to God.

>> No.19082815

>Loving monogamous relations between a husband and wife
What about with your slaves and concubines like in the OT?

>> No.19082854

The more you go down the path, the more is revealed. The Bible is just a map and guideline, the real stuff is experienced.

>> No.19082861

That's law that reflects the old covenant. A new covenant was established.

>> No.19082869

Enneads of Plotinus opened the door for me to understanding Catholic philosophy. The Gospel according to John did the next step, and the rest of the New Testament and Hebrew Bible did the heavy lifting to an intellectual understanding of man's relationship to God. What has sealed the conversion is belief, brought on by prayer. Pray, anons. Pray for faith.

>> No.19082880

>Was anyone here converted to Christianity by a book?
>What was it?
The New Testament

>> No.19082888

Of course, that's more of the reinterpretation and added traditions to establish some measure of leniency.

If there is a higher ethic, why the Hell would you follow the lower ethic, and consider yourself righteous in that filth? Haven't you read Augustine? Nothing imperfect will enter the kingdom of Heaven, there is no excuse for the "vast majority."

Marriage is only a way to avoid sexual immorality, but it would be wiser simply to fix the state of sexual immorality itself than to try to palliate it with marriage (which will only fix that state of lust, of material, passing passion, within marriage rather than in polygamy or promiscuity).

Of course having children is not evil, nor is marriage evil, but they expose you to temptations and are lesser goods; that is, not what a proper Christian should choose. They are just concessions made to allow Christianity to be a universally-appealing religion.

Besides, Paul made all of these concessions because he believed the end was imminent. Normally, he would not have made those concessions. Obviously the end did not come, and Jesus did not come to judge everyone.

>the natural conclusion is that children are a blessing and that we should be fruitful and multiple like the Bible says
>Psalm 51:5
>Ecclesiastes 4:2-3
Why would you bring a distraction into birth? Just practice asceticism. If you think you can't, or that it's not your calling, then you are of little faith.

And no, the natural conclusion is not that children are a blessing. They could be completely neutral, but within the context of the Bible, even the neutral should not be favored over the actual good.

>unless we are one of those rare men and women who have the ability to totally dedicate their lives to God in a higher way
All men can be that way, don't make excuses for your comfort's sake.

>Paul also writes how men and women have mutual conjugal rights towards each other and should not deprive one another.
Yes, and how those who are married should remain married, because he believed the end was near. And also:

>But if you do marry, you have not sinned; and if a virgin marries, she has not sinned.
Pay attention:
>But those who marry will face many troubles in this life, and I want to spare you this.

>From now on those who have wives should live as if they do not; 30those who mourn, as if they did not; those who are happy, as if they were not; those who buy something, as if it were not theirs to keep; 31those who use the things of the world, as if not engrossed in them. For this world in its present form is passing away.
Know of many Christians that still live like this?

>An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord’s affairs—how he can please the Lord. 33But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world—how he can please his wife— 34and his interests are divided

A compromise with the Satanic world made under fear of the end does not make it good.

>> No.19082902

Funny how you left out this surrounding text. Not the person that post was directed to btw

26 Because of the present crisis, I think that it is good for a man to remain as he is. 27 Are you pledged to a woman? Do not seek to be released. Are you free from such a commitment? Do not look for a wife. 28 But if you do marry, you have not sinned; and if a virgin marries, she has not sinned. But those who marry will face many troubles in this life, and I want to spare you this.

>> No.19082944

Experience is usually treated with hostility and suspicion by the orthodox (lower-case) clerical authorities. Need to have the experts certify you aren't a heretic for being a mystic. But once again, you can't have it both ways here, we are either saved or we aren't; Christianity extinguished the esotericism of the pagans in the name of universal salvation.
Kind of obnoxious that the scientist can just change the experiment whenever he wants and the lab rats don't know when it will happen.

>> No.19082954

I saw that part of the text, and I mentioned it in my post.

>Yes, and how those who are married should remain married, because he believed the end was near
Once again, it's a concession due to the believed proximity of the end.

>Are you free from such a commitment? Do not look for a wife

>> No.19082963

>Experience is usually treated with hostility and suspicion by the orthodox (lower-case) clerical authorities
Trust me, I know. I know exactly what you're talking about. I gave them a chance and they did weird shit. Never again will I attend mass at a Catholic church. Anyone who truly turns to Christ is saved. Keyword being truly. Nothing I speak of has anything to do with pagan beliefs either. The Bible literally speaks of a holy Spirit, it speaks of a lifestyle to follow and it speaks of the potential of developing a personal relationship to God. If that makes me a mystic, then so was Abraham and everyone that God spoke to personally in the Bible.

>change the experiment whenever He wants
It was prophesied long before it took place. The prophesy is found in the Old Testament, and the prophesy of Jesus Christ also is found in the Old Testament. Have you even read the Bible?

>> No.19082971

>because he believed the end was near
Are you sure that was what Paul was implying?

>> No.19082972

I was converted from Chistianity by reading the bible.
I still hold fairly Christian values/philosophies but I stopped believing the mythos after reading it.

>> No.19082979


Your Pic rel is an incredible insider joke. 900 iq required to understand.

>> No.19082995

That is what the commentaries in the Bible tell me, and it is very evident that it is what Paul expected if you read the rest of his letter, his other letters, and Jesus' words to the apostles. Every expectation hinged on the end being near

>> No.19083012

How do you reconcile the Grand Inquisitor?

>> No.19083018

well considering how long we've gone since then without the end, "near" might be another 2000 years for all we know

>> No.19083022

>For this world in its present form is passing away.

>present form

Not necessarily the end of the world, but rather the world in its current state is passing away. Mind you this was in a letter directed towards a certain people who were already adhering to a certain way of life that reflects what Christianity entails. Anyone who seeks the kingdom of God is one who acknowledges the abandonment of attachment to this world for what is to come, which is the kingdom of God.

>> No.19083037

*kisses you

>> No.19083045

In other words, Paul was wrong. You know how people are when they get prophecies or expectations wrong; they just hunker down in their belief and put off the date a couple more millenia, conveniently.

But hey, if you love God, that doesn't matter. You'll give everything up now, even if the end will never come!

That is how you exegete it, but it is clear that the world that is "passing" is the material world- with its marriages, property, and "things of this world." So you better sell your books and give the money to the needy.

So my point- asceticism- still stands. Unless the kingdom of God is a material one in which we will be doing the same things we do here, only multiplied in grandeur.

>> No.19083061

>NT is a fulfillment of OT prophecy
>hey just so you know, I, your one true God, am going to break the covenant at some point and become the God of all mankind instead of just Israel and redeem all the nations by sacrificing my son to myself, which will be pretty expedient for you guys since the Romans are going to destroy my temple and make the old faith I told you to keep meaningless. Oh don't worry about that yet, they're from a continent across the sea, they're a bit like Babylonians I suppose, but with ships, oh and they like nailing people to boards, that's going to be important too—anyway as I was saying, keep this covenant for now but I'm going to break it later and write up a new one. Just... do what I tell you okay?

>> No.19083081

Seriously, read the whole Bible to truly understand why the new covenant was prophesied.

Romans 10:16-21
16 But not all the Israelites accepted the good news. For Isaiah says, “Lord, who has believed our message?”[h] 17 Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ. 18 But I ask: Did they not hear? Of course they did:

“Their voice has gone out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.”[i]

19 Again I ask: Did Israel not understand? First, Moses says,

“I will make you envious by those who are not a nation;
I will make you angry by a nation that has no understanding.”[j]

20 And Isaiah boldly says,

“I was found by those who did not seek me;
I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me.”[k]

21 But concerning Israel he says,

“All day long I have held out my hands
to a disobedient and obstinate people.”[l]

>> No.19083094

>citing the NT to prove it was prophesized by the OT
Needs to be the other way around since I don't agree with you in the first place. Give me some concrete citation that God will take on flesh like a Greek (h)ero born of mortal woman to teach mankind virtue.

>> No.19083095

>That is how you exegete it, but it is clear that the world that is "passing" is the material world- with its marriages, property, and "things of this world." So you better sell your books and give the money to the needy.
The world passing away is just a statement that all this is temporary, it's not permanent so there's no need to be attached to it. it is not necessarily pointing to the apocalypse itself.

Asceticism is for those who can do it, but Paul is just pointing out, and as that other anon had already mentioned; not everyone can do it. Paul understands this too. He is saying that by being married you are going to have to deal with worldly things, but that doesn't mean that due to this any hope of the kingdom of God is lost. He is just basically saying
>Hey you are going to have to struggle more for it
But for those it was intended to, without marriage, they'd be struggling far more due to their inability to deal with their sexual urges. So either way they'd have to struggle, but for some, one may be more difficult of a struggle than the other.

>> No.19083101

>Needs to be the other way around since I don't agree with you in the first place
If you actually knew anything about the OT, you'd know Paul was referring to OT scripture here and was simply quoting it. There's literally parentheses to make that clear. You clearly are in no state to argue these things if you don't even know these simple understandings of Biblical events.

>> No.19083109

Paul is engaging in pilpul as those passages from the OT do not say what he believes at all, which is that God will take on flesh... to teach mankind

>> No.19083117

Nonsense, you just lack the clarity of mind to understand what he is saying.

>> No.19083139

>it is not necessarily pointing to the apocalypse itself.
This is not the verse I was using for the nearness of the end.

>Mark 8:39 - 9:1
>Mark 13:30-33
>Matthew 16:28
>Matthew 24:34
>Luke 9:26-27
>Romans 13:1

>not everyone can do it
False, but concessions can be made when the end is believed to be near.

>But for those it was intended to, without marriage, they'd be struggling far more due to their inability to deal with their sexual urges
Seeing as the end is not near, we have time to fight against our sexual urges, which are unnatural. Besides, couldn't you say that sinning with your wife is only a little less bad than sinning with an unmarried woman, or prostitute? If your problem is lustfulness, marrying a woman is just going to create a lustful marriage, when you should be more like brothers and sisters, agape love only.

Christianity is not about making the struggle easier.

>> No.19083143

Begging the question, as usual. The anon was right, you can eisegete any reading of any holy text you like, and reconcile any contradiction, and establish any continuity, and do anything you'd like. The Bible is an extremely malleable book. So much for objectivity

>> No.19083162

I suppose there are hints he is tired of the people he chose. But that is all the more reason not to enter into contract with a fickle superhuman personality.
Paul engages in a very honorable tradition of jurisprudence, which is unfortunately the very sort of thing the canonical Jesus seems to have railed against

>> No.19083188

There is no Mark 8:39, which translation are you referring to?

> And he said to them, “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see that the kingdom of God has come with power.”
the passion and resurrection.

>Mark 13
Not saying the end is near, simply saying it could happen at any time. A timeless speculation made by God in the flesh.

Matthew 16:28, Matthew 24:34, Luke 9:26-27, same for Mark 9:1

What does Romans 13:1 have anything to do with any of what is being discussed?

Quite literally true. Not everyone has that form of discipline. Just like not everyone has the discipline to become a boxer.

>seeing as the end is....
1 Corinthians 10:13
13 No temptation[a] has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted[b] beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted,[c] he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

>And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted[b] beyond what you can bear

>> No.19083195

>I suppose there are hints he is tired of the people he chose. But that is all the more reason not to enter into contract with a fickle superhuman personality.
I strongly urge you to read the entire Old Testament so you can get a first hand account of the extreme disobedience that Israel put to practice.

>> No.19083205

Why do devout Christians in an English speaking forum act like other participants are unfamiliar with the Bible? The expression "were you raised in a barn" would not even apply here to capturing your ignorance of English-speaking cultures, since someone raised in a barn is far more likely to be Christian anyhow.

>> No.19083207

>Besides, couldn't you say that sinning with your wife is only a little less bad than sinning with an unmarried woman, or prostitute?
Sex within marriage is not a sin. Your arguments are starting to get weak.

>> No.19083210

>Why do devout Christians in an English speaking forum act like other participants are unfamiliar with the Bible?
I'm not acting, you are making that clear with the arguments you are presenting.

>> No.19083215
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The Cathars were one of the few Christian sects to get it right. Doesn't make it right but they got it right, if you get it.

>> No.19083217

I don't concern myself over tradition of the multiple branches. My main and only focus is God.

>> No.19083221

Dosto was a degenerate pulp fiction writer who was paid by the word to fuel his insatiable gambling addiction. You are the literary equivalent of a soccer mom picking up a harlequin romance novel in the check out line at the local super market if you like his tripe.

>> No.19083224

What's not to understand? People who break oaths are not to be trusted, that includes men and superhumans. So if the OT is evidence of the former's violations then the NT is evidence of the latter's violations.

>> No.19083228

>People who break oaths are not to be trusted
God thinks differently. That's one of many things that separates God from man.

>> No.19083229

Well they took celibacy seriously as far as the instructions given are concerned.

>> No.19083231

Good for them.

>> No.19083237

>God thinks differently
Right that's why he just voids the old contract and writes up a new one. Signs it in his own blood, which he took on flesh in order to do. A weird flex to be sure. What will he come uo with next? I guess Revelations is a hint

>> No.19083251

>Right that's why he just voids the old contract and writes up a new one
For good reason. Read the Old Testament to understand. It is not done from one mistake, or two, or three, or a hundred. His patience is shown very clearly.

>> No.19083280

So what was the point of doing the whole chosen thing for thousands of years? Just an experiment with a specific batch of lab rats? And they did so poorly he went back to the drawing board? Didn't he make them in the first place? We'd overlooked this earlier but the very people who he has under contract and then broke the contract with were also made by him—just as the non-chosen were—and given that he has omniscience and omnipotence how could he not know he had made them defective and that they would not uphold their end of the bargain? And then he makes a new deal with all mankind by sacrificing himself to himself to fulfill prophecies about breaking the old contract, contained in the old contract's fine print? It's all very screwy. Someone is lying. Either God or the writers of the texts.

>> No.19083284
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Required reading for all christcucks.

>> No.19083288

What chosen thing, the covenant made with Israel? A promise God made to Abraham. That was when the covenant was established.

>> No.19083293

and the people were made by Him, but mankind at this point was in a fallen state. If your claims are true, you should already know this. But the further this discussion progresses, the more you make it clear that you never actually read the Bible, or you didn't understand much of anything going on.

>> No.19083324

Yes he breaks that covenant later, and he must have known he would do this, so from the Christian perspective the OT is sort of a sick joke against the signers of that agreement. But they are so confident he will not break their contract! Why?
>you just didn't read/understand
I get that you're having trouble defending dogma but that doesn't mean I haven't read the Bible or that unofficial interpretations are wrong. The fact remains that God ran some trials with a batch of lab rats, threw them out, and started over. This is what you'd have to believe to go along with entering into a contract with the omniscient creator of the universe to receive your afterlifetime supply of food pellets, that you're His lab rat, he changes the rules of the experiment when he wants, and you better keep up or you'll be like those unfaithful rats of the last batch who lost faith in the scientist.

>> No.19083344

>Yes he breaks that covenant later
Who, Abraham? When? A recurring theme in the OT and NT is God's patience, forgiveness and mercy.

No trouble at all, I'm still here aren't I? No trials, God didn't throw them out either, the new covenant was firstly created for them but eventually was opened to everyone else when they denied Him in the flesh.

>> No.19083348

And you'd know
this is you actually read the Bible.

>> No.19083361

NT strips the OT of its exclusivity. Why would God do this? It would be like buying a house from someone only to find out they had a bad title, that's effectively what happens to Israel when their covenant gets ended (or as you'll likely claim, fulfilled, even though nowhere in the OT suggests this unless you are creative in your exegesis) by not-Dionysus.

>> No.19083365

>Why would God do this?
I already answered that. Reread my response again.

>> No.19083371

What's it about?

>> No.19083378

Ok he's patient enough to break his contract and ask you to sign the new one. Very cool, God.

>> No.19083384

Try reading the Bible again, there's a lot you seemed to have overlooked.

>> No.19083392

>god makes deal
>god breaks deal
>god makes new deal
What comes next? What's his problem? You're looking at this like a lab rat if you think the food pellet is coming.

>> No.19083395

God didn't break any deals, there's a reason why the new covenant was established. Try reading the Bible.

>> No.19083402
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>> No.19083409

>new covenant
Yes that would break the old one. And the terms and parties to it are completely different. And you can tell this if (You) read the Bible.

>> No.19083412

>Yes that would break the old one.
No, because the one who created the first one is in full authority to establish a new one, again for good reason. Try reading the Bible some time.

>> No.19083418

There’s no pellet coming.

>> No.19083421

Good, I already ate enough food today.

>> No.19083422

>he can rewrite it whenever he wants, it's in the bible
Confirmed oathbreaker. No deal. Glad I ran a credit report on this volcano demon.

>> No.19083430

No oaths were broken, read the Bible to understand why.

>> No.19083442

Christianity co-opted everything from other cultures and religions. It has been a political movement from the start and nothing more.

>> No.19083446

all have sinned and come short of the glory of God

>> No.19083458

I don't believe that

>> No.19083468

>the two divisions of the bible are literally called "the first contract" and "the second contract"
Not feeling any cognitive dissonance I take it? Knock knock?

>> No.19083473

No divisions, they continue and have a multitude of cross references. You should read the Bible sometime.

>> No.19083483

Pretty sure Jesus Christ is a big division between the OT and the NT but sure, God coming down to earth and being born of a mortal woman like a Gentile god is no big deal.

>> No.19083490

No division at all, again both OT continues into NT and again, many cross references between them. I know your comment referring Jesus to a woman was meant to aggravate me but I'm just curious why you're so desperate to get under my skin. I'm all for discussing these things but something tells me you have ulterior motives in this discussion. I just want to let you know that if your intentions are to get me angry you're wasting your time.

>> No.19083497

watch this gospel video if you want to receive God's free gift of eternal life and be 100% sure of going to heaven /lit/

it's easy to be saved and get to heaven because salvation is not of works. it's so easy that you don't need to lift a finger to get to heaven. Jesus paid it all.


>> No.19083503

Faith without works is dead. Not works of the law, but works of the Spirit that attest to ones faith.

>> No.19083507

Did you ever hear the tale of Ahura Mazda? It's not a tale the Christians would tell you.

>> No.19083510

These people are blind to the Spirit. They will never understand or know God.

>> No.19083514

I'm not out to get you but the NT is so totally opposed to the OT that any correspondences are most probably due to conversion attempts by the NT authors against the OT followers. I am not arguing from belief so that is the only conclusion that can be discussed without "just read and believe." And it is indeed the case that efforts were made to convert the old faith to the new, by a prophet born of the old and bringing the new, a new so new it was more at home in the myths of the Greeks and Egyptians than anything in the OT. How repulsive for the formless noetic god of the OT to become a scourged and bloodied corpse! What a revolt there must have been among the new to do this to the old god.

>> No.19083524

>I'm not out to get you
Riiiiight, who are you trying to fool here? Your wording is clearly coming from a stance of trying to aggravate someone. Don't play coy, be a man and be direct and straight forward with your intentions.

I don't know how many times I need to repeat this but there are many cross references between the NT and the OT. Jesus Himself makes many, and that's just the Gospels alone. OT speaks of events that occur in the NT and the NT makes many connections to prophesies and such that speak of the events that took place in the NT. I swear, you never actually read the Bible. You may have read a couple scripture, or skimmed through it. But your arguments clearly show you have little to no understanding at all of things happening.

>> No.19083559

Am Christian, but made me chuckle. Thanks, anon.

>> No.19083592

Mere Christianity by CS Lewis
It seemed so reasonable at the time. I was convinced.
Gave my time and energy to being a Christian for about two and a half years then it kind of fizzled out.
I look back now and wonder what the fuck I was thinking.

>> No.19083600

Yes of course if I just read the bible like a manly man I'd necessarily have to agree with you. This hasn't caused all sorts of problems and led to dozens of official versions of Christianity.

>> No.19083606

You see? You are so snarky and desperate for dissension between the both of us. I have been nothing but respectful to you this entire discussion and yet there you are so desperate to get a rise out of me. Grow up.

>> No.19083609


>> No.19083610

Have you made a single post that didn't end with "just read the bible and agree with me"? What sort of response does that warrant if not snark?

>> No.19083613

The snark came before that. The entire thread is right before your eyes, follow the discussion.

>> No.19083622

I dont like how jew created ideologies like christianity or marxism have monopolized so many minds so i am not interested in following them.

>> No.19083633

Well the problem is quite simple. You think "evidence" of the NT prophesized in the OT is a reason to believe the NT completes the OT. (The NT citing the OT does not count; that is a blatant attempt at subversion/conversion of the old religion to the new religion and hardly admissible proof of anything other than these attempts being made; you'd have to already believe the NT to argue this anyway and assume the target believes the OT). Now the way I see it is, if the OT predicts the NT, which is to say, the old contract with God gives him a right in the fine print to just tear it up and do a new one, that is a strike against going along with the new contract. If it is right there in the text that he's going to change the rules when he feels like it, it's not a good deal, you're being jerked around here. And when I point this out you hit replay and go back to prophetic correspondences between the NT and the OT, which even were I to grant those to you, should at least give you pause that to expect the NT to not get cancelled like the OT means it's all going over your head, a bit like the lab rat.

>> No.19083634


>> No.19083645

The old covenant was not torn up, it was basically reformulated to point towards something else. You refusing to acknowledge the legitimacy of the New Testament and its claims just goes to show that you don't believe what is being said. You are under no obligation to believe, but by no means does that mean that because you personally don't believe, that suddenly it is not true. I don't care that you don't believe, I know for a fact my faith is true.

>> No.19083649

It's ok anon. Christians are lost in their own deranged mental condition that they NEED to impose it onto others.
You should read this sometime.

>> No.19083650

I don't need to, because my faith comes from direct experience. Something you will never understand.

>> No.19083656

>direct experience
You should read this sometime.

>> No.19083658

I'll pass, but I appreciate the offer.

>> No.19083664

how does one reconcile direct experience of god with the impossibility of verifying the external as detached observers. it seems like this conflict would produce endless agnostic suspension

>> No.19083666

Back at it with the snark. Next up: fake concern.
This isn't even some reddit atheist tier debooonking. It has excellent arguments. You should read it sometime.

>> No.19083668

>The old covenant was not torn up, it was basically reformulated to point towards something else.
Imagine buying a house and ten years later the county clerk calls you and says your cousin now owns the house because he voted for the new mayor. Kind of sucks doesn't it?
>You refusing to acknowledge the legitimacy of the New Testament and its claims just goes to show that you don't believe what is being said.
Right I am debating it because I don't believe it. Why do you people come here and act all incredulous when someone disputes Christianity? And this is always followed by a pointless self-reassurance that you believe such and such. Yes I know you believe that. Your pellet awaits you.

>> No.19083671

Experiencing what others in the NT have experienced, and those experiences sharing very similar qualities and similarities is all that I need to know.

I have my beliefs and you should be able to respect that. I'm not trying to force you to accept anything, am I?

>> No.19083674

I won't even argue with you on this point. It's everything else that is up for grabs.

>> No.19083678

Christians are in such a conflict. But the smart church fathers say any doubt you feel is the work of satan, making you preclude such thoughts and double down on your "faith", which translates to a warm cozy feeling of self-righteousness.

>> No.19083679

Thank you.

>> No.19083686

What does the prophecy say in regards to the new covenant being established, and what does that symbolize in comparison to the old covenant?

>> No.19083687

>I have my beliefs and you should be able to respect that. I'm not trying to force you to accept anything, am I?
Lmao Christians saying they aren't trying to force their beliefs onto others. If there is one thing Christians absolutely can't do, it is leave others alone. They ABSOLUTELY MUST IMPOSE their own beliefs onto others.
You should read this sometime.

>> No.19083693

Quote me any time in this thread where I have tried to force my beliefs onto you. You choosing to engage in this discussion means that you are going to have to come across my beliefs, but that is simply in defense of my stance, not in any way to try to convince you to believe in it yourself.

>> No.19083694

>Experiencing what others in the NT have experienced, and those experiences sharing very similar qualities and similarities is all that I need to know.
does the fact that you presumably live in a culture heavily influenced by Christianity perhaps cast suspicion as to whether the experience drew upon preconceptions of God, rather than isolated instances of divine revelation which share shocking similarities?

>> No.19083698

That's what I am trying to find out to no avail. Where does the OT explain that the imageless infinite God is going to come down as a Greco-Egyptian avatar and teach a new covenant, that he will be killed for this, and that by this act of autosacrifice all sins will be redeemed for all mankind?

>> No.19083699

>They ABSOLUTELY MUST IMPOSE their own beliefs onto others.
How do you not se the hypocrisy in this statement you have made?

My decision to seek God came through a long search which entailed many other belief systems/ideas/paths before deciding to read the Bible. Had I not gotten tangible results, I wouldn't be here having this discussion with you today.

>> No.19083702

If you can't answer that then you are in no position to argue these things. You have an internet search engine at your disposal, you can figure it out any time you want. But you're not here to learn, you're here to "stick it" to the Christians.

>> No.19083704
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Guy's posted the same link 4 times. Pretty forced

>> No.19083705

This is why I don't read Dawkins or other meme atheists. I bet they turned more atheists into Christians with their smugness and autism than the Bible.

>> No.19083708

>Quote me any time in this thread where I have tried to force my beliefs onto you
Ooooh we jumped straight to deflection. Don't act coy. You know exactly what you people do. You feign concern, impose your beliefs onto others via seemingly innocuous arguments like you have been posting throughout this thread, then when you get called out, you throw your hands up and say "I'm not imposing them on you, I'm merely defending my stance".
But christcucks like yourself can't think. You could never just say "this is what I believe, let's move on". No. You must then resort to all kinds of mental gymnastics and apologetics to disguise your evangelism.
You should read this sometime.

>> No.19083717

I don't believe the OT predicts that and am yet to see anyone make a solid case that it does. I don't think (re)reading it would help since no one else has seen it well enough to explain either.

>> No.19083721

I can't force you to see that I am simply defending my faith. You came into this thread knowing full well the main subject of this thread is Christianity. So by default you are going to have to read through posts pertaining to Christianity. But I never once tried to force it onto you. You are just angry for no reason and seek to release that anger onto me. Go find something better to do with your time if this discussion is aggravating you.

>> No.19083722

>I don't believe the OT predicts that
Which proves my point perfectly. You are in no position to argue these things. Go educate yourself and return, I'll be waiting.

>> No.19083728

Now we're back to feigning concern for my mental state.
You should read this sometime.

>> No.19083734

>can't truly argue against something unless you believe it
Unintentionally profound keyboard smashing but not what you were getting at I'm sure

>> No.19083738

I never once said you have to believe it. I'm saying it's there and if you took the time to educate yourself you'd know that it is actually there and that you're wrong in claiming it isn't.

>> No.19083746

It shows how you're wrong about the discrepancies between the OT and NT. You should read this sometime.

>> No.19083755

But you either don't know or won't say where, and thus far relied on a quote from NT's Romans, which takes horribly vague OT passages and comments on them.

>> No.19083759

I do know, I just refuse to spoonfeed you anymore. Now it's up to you if you want to keep this discussion going.

>> No.19083761

I was firmly turned away from Christianity by a combination of reading the Bible + seeing these threads all over the board

>> No.19083763

>another "go read the entire bible and agree with me" post
I leave you to the other jackal

>> No.19083771

No, I already said. You have a search engine that can provide you this information in less than a minute if you actually cared, but you don't. You just want to argue. So I'll leave it up to you. You want to continue this discussion? Put a bit of effort on your end. I refuse to waste any more time on an individual who is arguing things they themselves do not understand.

>> No.19083776

Translation: "I'm at my wit's end. So I will feign concern, act coy, heck, use every rhetorical trick under the sun to deflect from the fact that my "faith" is based on a complete lie and is merely a political movement to rile up and unite the entirety of Rome".
Another translation: "I will keep pretending to win this argument to sustain the illusion of my faith to myself".
Yet another translation: "Oh fug my evangelism has been found out, time to act righteous and feign intellectual and moral superiority. When that fails, time to resort to "oh i'm just defending my faith is all, you're just angry"".
Hey, this even goes into your argument with the other anon about OT and NT. You should read this sometime.

>> No.19083780

>Argument # 6: The Historicity of Jesus Argument.
>1) His existence has not even been historically proven. None of the secular historians of Rome or Israel between 1 AD and 33 AD even mention Jesus. He is not mentioned in any historical documents or accounts of that time period either.

wtf is this? this fact is not even disputed in academia. Fuck off with your cheap bait.

>> No.19083782

Is that your blog or something? Real sigma grindset in action ITT

>> No.19083786

Wrong again. You don't understand it yourself. You merely believe it and invest your entirety into that belief. So you make all kinds of post rationalizations and feign concern, etc to sustain the illusion. All this while disguising your evangelical motive.

>> No.19083787

I'll leave you to your ignorance now. Good day.

>> No.19083797

Fuck off with this attempt at deflection and trying to make the whole body of work seem wrong by bringing up a wrong point about one thing it.
Yet again another attempt by a christcuck at deflection via self-righteousness.

>> No.19083806

Just goes to show you yourself haven't even read the shit you are trying to argue. That seems common amongst you and your friend.

>> No.19083810

No it isn't. It's just a convenient summary of the arguments. It isn't reddit tier deboonking garbage either. It has very good arguments.
Oh and we circle back to feigning intellectual superiority.

>> No.19083812

I have never met a single intellectually honest christian on 4chan. They are all petty, passive aggressive liars and proselytes like the guy you're responding to.
On the other hand I've met some christians who were hypocrites in real life, but also a lot who were sincere and good people. There are none of those here; there are no christians on /lit/, only larpers who would've been militant atheists instead of thomists had the political climate been more conducive to it as a form of contrarianism.

>> No.19083813

Thank you for the energy.

>> No.19083816

Just goes to show you have an ulterior evangelical motive and are using every rhetorical trick under the sun to deflect this fact and the argument, and place yourself in a position of self-assured righteousness.
You can't think for yourself or even follow a simple line of argument without resorting to cheap tricks. This is common amongs you christcucks.

>> No.19083820

I too want 2016iggers to leave

>> No.19083833

Me too, but they're here to stay.

>> No.19083834

>there are no christians on /lit/, only larpers who would've been militant atheists instead of thomists had the political climate been more conducive to it as a form of contrarianism
Exacty. It is merely a means to that oh so warm cozy feeling of self-righteousness without having to back it up with action, or even logically sound arguments. Anyway, gotta sleep. Bye bye.

>> No.19083956

Which apologetics?

>> No.19084026

Modernist and postmodernist novels probably made me more religious as a way to cope.

>> No.19084040

>For this people’s heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes.
holy shit man this reminds me of how I found god
>be depressed and edgy atheist teen
>join kung fu classes
>after 2-3 years I attend a training camp
>learn how to do zen meditation
>mind feels happy and content for the first time in like 7 years
>meditate an hour every night for two weeks some time after the camp
>mind calms down, thoughts and emotions become really quiet, notice how preoccupied I am with myself all the time
>some day after training I walk the usual way home
>mind becomes as quiet as it's ever been, at this point I'm like an open vessel, simply seeing, listing, feeling the world
>never been so awake, never been so aware, never seen, heard or fealt so clearly and open
>everywhere I look is god, every tree, every house, every being, in my heart
>become religious

>> No.19084070

We're talking about sinning in expectation of forgiveness, which is completely different.

>> No.19084096

> The Brothers Karamazov has had a deep influence on many public figures over the years for widely varying reasons. Admirers include scientists such as Albert Einstein,[9] philosophers Ludwig Wittgenstein[10] and Martin Heidegger,[11] as well as writers such as Virginia Woolf,[12] Cormac McCarthy,[13] Kurt Vonnegut,[14] Haruki Murakami,[15] and Frederick Buechner.[16]
>Sigmund Freud called it "the most magnificent novel ever written" and was fascinated with what he saw as its Oedipal themes.
> Franz Kafka felt indebted to Dostoevsky and The Brothers Karamazov for its influence on his own work. Kafka called himself and Dostoevsky "blood relatives", perhaps because of the Russian writer's similar existential motifs.
> James Joyce wrote:

[Leo] Tolstoy admired him but he thought that he had little artistic accomplishment or mind. Yet, as he said, 'he admired his heart', a criticism which contains a great deal of truth, for though his characters do act extravagantly, madly, almost, still their basis is firm enough underneath...The Brothers Karamazov...made a deep impression on me...he created some unforgettable scenes [detail]...Madness you may call it, but therein may be the secret of his genius...I prefer the word exaltation, exaltation which can merge into madness, perhaps. In fact all great men have had that vein in them; it was the source of their greatness; the reasonable man achieves nothing.[20]
> The philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein is said to have read The Brothers Karamazov "so often he knew whole passages of it by heart.”[21] A copy of the novel was one of the few possessions Wittgenstein brought with him to the front during World War I.[21]

Martin Heidegger, a seminal figure of existentialism, identified Dostoevsky's thought as one of the most important sources for his early and best known book, Being and Time.[22] Of the two portraits Heidegger kept on the wall of his office, one was of Dostoevsky.[23]
> Nobel Prize laureate William Faulkner reread the book regularly, claiming it as his greatest literary inspiration next to Shakespeare's works and the Bible. He once wrote that he felt American literature had produced nothing yet great enough that might compare to Dostoyevsky's novel.[12]
> In an essay on The Brothers Karamazov, written after the Russian Revolution and the First World War, Nobel Prize-winning author Hermann Hesse described Dostoevsky as not a "poet" but a "prophet".[24]

Or maybe you’re just a contrarian faggot?

>> No.19084184

Can someone explain what you're supposed to be saved from, I don't get it?

Why would God care what I do?

>> No.19084210

You're saved from what God was going to do to you if you didn't accept him

>> No.19084394

The only notable person referenced in that post is Tolstoy and even he admits the characters are overdrawn, overdramatic, and insane. The emperor has no clothes, all those people have a soft spot for cheap spectacle thrills that could be found in any modern smutty book. I'm sure, had some of those people read Fifty Shades of Grey they'd probably fawn over it. The truth has come out though, and The Brothers Karamazov is strictly a guilty pleasure, only publicly praised by Jordan Peterson types.

>> No.19084405

A divine revelation of hell
by Mary Baxter

I read it online btw

>> No.19084445

st. Augustine of HIPPO :D

>> No.19084468

Tolstoy’s confession converted me

>> No.19085742
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>> No.19085857

Montaigne's Essays
I don't like the word "saved" personally. Way I see it, only God is perfect, and so we are inherently imperfect. Thats okay though, in fact its opens the door to really beautiful stuff. You aren't BAD, you don't need to be PUNISHED and SAVED. I very much disagree with that kind of Christianity. However because you and I don't know shit, if you are inclined to have faith and believe in a good God, do your best etc, in effect you are being "saved" from your own ignorance and mortal stupidity. For me, to be a christian, means I want to believe. I regularly admit I'm not perfect, a real scumbag sometimes, but I want to be good and I try, I have faith in God and that I'm loved, that shit will work out. I'm saved.

>> No.19085870

Another thing I think in response to this, that I don't hear often, is that God's consciousness is far beyond ours. It isn't "do what god says or he'll punish you", it's, "by the mechanics of existence you WILL perish/be annihilated if not aligned with God". Its so far beyond that human-like decision/reasoning

>> No.19085894

>you WILL perish/be annihilated
Sign me up

>> No.19085984

>he never replied to explain his position

>> No.19086127
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here's a bunch that have helped me to at least consider the matter

>> No.19086528

based haha poster

>> No.19086543

Converts often exagerrate the sinfulness of their life before conversion because there's pressure to have a good testimony. The more depraved you make yourself out to be, the more impressive it is that God reformed you.

>> No.19086599

No but I was converted by a picture of a fat man in a fedora on the internet. I knew the moment I seen it that I should change my heathen ways and become a based and redpilled eastern orthodox tradchad.

>> No.19086684

I'm not religious but I found Augustine's and Tolstoy's confession books to be fascinating. Augustine's text I think is more profound and insightful while Tolstoy is more relatable due to him living in a similar world as we do, and occupying a similar position.

That said, I came out of both quite disappointed. The way I see it, in this regard, people's values and ways of life are influenced by two forces. On one side there's material, secular, life from which flow things like market logic, Realpolitik, M.A.D, and everything nasty, cruel and deadly that presents itself as rational and clever. On the other hand, there is religious and/or spiritual wisdom, where you get the radical morality that most religions promote. Self-sacrifice, turning the other cheek, pacifism, compassion and respect for all life, etc. etc. In the vast majority of cases, people and societies that profess religiosity are under the nearly complete sway of the former force. Of course Christianity has it's fair share of people who resist this force with all their might, but so do most religious traditions with their monks, saints, buddhas or what have you. It's always a small minority.

>> No.19086733


>be me
>be raised by ultra left wing turbo agnostics
>raised on carl segan and Science
>my diary desu
>at 32 I picked up and read the KJV Bible like you read a book, just from start to finish with out a guide, sometime I would compare scripture with the Young Literal Translation, but besides that I just stopped shit posting here and read.
>When I finished, 14 months later.
I knew that Jesus Christ is Lord.

>> No.19086925

Look, did God set up those conditions or didn't he? If he did, then it's still what God's design will do to you if you don't accept him.

>> No.19086947

You’re supposed to saved from your humility so that you can pretend to know all. They want you to reduce to the world to man’s level, so that their self-idolatry reigns universally.

>> No.19086961

Reading Lord of the Rings further embraced my rejection of Judeo-Christianity.

>> No.19087072


>> No.19087092

Bible unironically. Wonderful book.

>> No.19087880


>> No.19088014
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The other way around.after i read about the nephilim and the failed old gene-sys.i stopped being religious at all,not atheist,thats just cope/denial

>> No.19088763

James 2 starts with my brethren. just look up how many times "my brethren" or "my beloved brethren" occurs in the book of James. the entire epistle of James was written to already saved Christians, it's not talking about salvation. you're twisting the verse out of context. Romans 4:5 says clearly that you can get to heaven even if you have 0 works.

Romans 4:5
But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.

it sounds like you're believing in yourself, and not fully believing in Jesus. repent of your unbelief and believe the gospel. i'm going to link the gospel video again.


>> No.19088866

Just replace "sin" with "missing the mark." It literally doesn't matter what you call it, it's still suboptimal behavior and was a compromise before the end, and likely to draw in more converts (otherwise Christianity's just going to remain a eunuch cult, and thusly die).

I see a Mark 8:39

>the passion and resurrection.
Do be patient with me, but what within that verse and the surrounding context makes you think that it refers to the passion and resurrection, rather than, say, the second coming?

>Mark 13
Not Mark 13, but specifically the area where Christ says that "this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened" ("these things" being- "the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens")

>Romans 13:1
I probably meant a different verse, but that was yesterday, I've since forgotten.

>Quite literally true. Not everyone has that form of discipline
Then by all means, let them cultivate that form of discipline. If they cannot succeed, then it is because of their own failing, not because of the unfairness of God's law.

>he will not let you be tempted[b] beyond what you can bear
So we can define "what you can bear" as lesser, and lesser, binding it to our comfort. That verse does not contradict my statement, unless you hold to the idea that celibacy is beyond any man, which I believe is false. He also says that nothing imperfect shall enter the kingdom of heaven.

>> No.19089002

Rudolf Otto - Idea Of The Holy

>> No.19089023

Either there's a special circle in the lower or upper rooms....I'm not sure which yet

>> No.19089027

lol prot

>> No.19089033
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Yup, this dude reads