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/lit/ - Literature

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1908119 No.1908119 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /lit/,

I haven't been on 4chan in a few years, so forgive me if my post feels awkward.

I am an artist and also a fatass. I loved listening to audiobooks while I'm working out or painting.

I'm trying to find free audiobooks, because I am poor.

I really enjoyed all of Steve Martin's books, especially ones where his characters are artists. An Object of Beauty and The Pleasure of My Company were my favorites.

In high school, I went through an existentialist phase and read a lot of Plato and Albert Camus. I don't think that it'd be very fun to work out to.

I also enjoy Chuck Palahniuk, not all of his work, but some. Fight Club (duh), Snuff, and I especially loved Diary. I didn't like Lullaby, because I really don't like things that aren't realistic. (Diary is an exception, the end hit me with the weird reincarnation thing but I'll forgive that one for keeping me hooked the entire time)

I am not a fantasy or sci-fi type of person. I don't really dig cheesy romance, but I like twisted or kind of depressing shit. Gay, lesbian, straight, whatever. As long as it's dark, funny, and/or art related it's good with me.

I heard about House of Leaves, but I can't find the audiobook for it anywhere. I am also trying SO hard to find "Geek Love" by Katherine Dunn, but the only thing I've found was a very slow torrent with an ETA of infinity and no seeders. :(

My problem is finding fiction books that actually interest me. The second hardest part is finding audiobooks to go with it. I love going to the library, but I mostly check out non-fiction art books, photography, medical books, etc. and I'm absolutely clueless when it comes to fiction.

So any help is appreciated- reccomendations, links to good audiobooks, or even a point in a good direction is welcome!

pic is a self portrait. Enjoy my obesity.

>> No.1908126


oh, I thought it was a Lucien Freud.

Keep it up, I like your work.

>> No.1908138

This site has all the books that are in the public domain in audiobook form for free.


Examples to look for.
H.P. Lovecraft
The Odyssey
Dantes Inferno
Sherlock Holmes Collection

Just check it our, you are bound to find some audiobooks there you will enjoy, they have tons of shit.

>> No.1908141

Oh, I also wanted to mention that I don't have any type of e-reader, only a laptop and a shitty ipod nano.


>> No.1908156

I do not like your application of paint nor do I like your taste in literature.

>> No.1908167

Thanks, that was very useful.

>> No.1908172

I do however like the hint of fluid brush strokes within the face reminiscent of Samuel J. Peploe.

>> No.1908176

That's a bit better. I actually did that one in about 2 hours (rushing to turn it in for an assignment). I normally don't paint like that, it was fun to do.


However, I'm not going to apologize for my taste in books, but you're welcome to recommend me something that might be better.

>> No.1908181
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lol I was going to say you were trying too hard to be the next Jenny Saville

>> No.1908191

She's my favorite painter, but I'm going to be an illustrator. Painting is for fun (and a degree).

>> No.1908211

try pandora, they have comedy channels, and now audio books too.
Im thinking even TV shows as well.

>> No.1908237

would I be able to dl them and put it on my ipod (nano)?