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/lit/ - Literature

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19078090 No.19078090 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there so no great right wing writers? I've read almost all of them and they all have terrible prose or they're extremely schizo. 95% of the modern right wingers write in the French postmodernist style which not readable at all. Every single one I have read has fit into one of these boxes. Not one would I consider a great, readable non-schizo right wing writer.

Benoist, Spengler, Evola, Faye, Heidegger, Hegel, Gentile, Nisbet, Guenon are examples of this French style. Some are not even close to as bad as the French but you get my idea. It's a lot of invented philosophical terms which doesn't make for very enjoyable reading
Nicolás Gómez Dávila is a great writer but only has one book of Aphorisms
Roger Scruton has good ideas but his writing style is extremely boring.
Charles Murray has good writing but is a libertarian which is gross.
Burke, Maistre etc. all those old 18th guys writing about French revolution were probably good back then but it doesn't make for great reading now
Schmitt, Strauss, MacIntyre are good but they write in an academic style which is good if you're into that but doesn't make for very enjoyable reading.
Condreanu is a good writer but too extreme for me.

>> No.19078101

theyre too busy playing factorio to write books

>> No.19078104

Anthony "Alex 'Icycalm' Kierkegaard" Zirbas.

>> No.19078188

I honestly have no problem with the style employed by several of the men you mentioned.

>> No.19078192

Because right wing ideology is intrinsically anti-aesthetics, anti-reality and anti-human. Everything in right wing 'thinking' revolves around mindless obedience to some retarded hierarchy, even though hierarchies are completely made up. Thus the right winger's mind becomes stunted, and begins to live in an unreal world, surrounded only by what he agrees with. Good art takes trail and error, and this process doesn't work if you don't believe that what you obey can ever be wrong in the first place.

In short, right wing ideologies will always fail. In fact, the survival of humanity depends on their continued failure and embarrasment

>> No.19078193

Try Moldbug. The way he writes is, like, totally chill dude.

>> No.19078207


Tolstoi and Dotoyevsky?

Also, Right wing and left wing are concepts derived from middle ages Theology, the Right Wing represents the idea that humans do bad things because of the absence of god (basically we should conserve certain values and shit to preserve the human race) and the idea that people do bad things because they are far from god (so we should evolve the human souls in a progressive way to assure a better tomorrow)
Having this in mind, we can find a really good percentage of writers in history that we should categorized as "right wing"

>> No.19078211

The only real problem I have is with the first category because I hate the French style but the problem is that there are no really great writers like they are for the centrist/leftist writers or even just apolitical philosophers.

>> No.19078212
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>> No.19078214

Do you think the left is pro-aesthetics? All the greatest artists in history were Christian conservatives.

>> No.19078215

Everything you wrote down is a lie. You just string together a bunch of words you dont understand and pretend you said something meaningful.

>> No.19078218

This is highly refined bait

>> No.19078221

>tl:dr let your kids watch two guys fisting each other at a gay pride festival

>> No.19078224

It's not bait I've made the thread before and it's obvious if you've ever read these writers that I've put them into the correct boxes.

>> No.19078227
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>even though hierarchies are completely made up.
*blocks your path*
always interesting to me how leftoids need to delude themselves into an alternate 'reality' by projecting their schizophrenia on others

>> No.19078230

Sounds like an opinion, for example Junger and Pound where rightwing writers.

>> No.19078232

The core of leftism is hierarchies.

>> No.19078233

I can't even think of a left wing writer let alone a good one. The left produces no art.

>> No.19078234

I am not surprised that you've made the thread before, for your bait to be as highly refined as it is

>> No.19078235

you're responding to the laziest bait i've ever seen on here, you people make it so easy

>> No.19078238

>right wing, left wing
They keep using these words...

>> No.19078240
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leftism has no core, it's decentralized mass hysteria-schizophrenia

>> No.19078241

They both wrote fiction. Junger talent was in his novelistic writing not right wing political theory/philosophy which is what I'm looking for. The times he did try that he wrote terribly and in the French style.

>> No.19078243
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>let your kids watch two guys fisting each other at a gay pride festival

>> No.19078248
File: 128 KB, 1195x960, Tedpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know

>> No.19078249

It's not bait. Can you tell me why it's bait?

>> No.19078255

The Pedophile left everyone

>> No.19078257

Who do you consider to be a 'good' writer?

>> No.19078260

Highly contentious bold statement that preempts all likely responses and plainly only exists to make other people put in effort responding

>> No.19078261

What incel wrote this?

>> No.19078262
File: 451 KB, 900x1200, 1499937388584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga you stupid ass fuuuck. Read sum Hegel then kill yoself.

>> No.19078264

The best right wing thinkers are making gigachad/soijak dialogs not writing boring treatises in hideous florid style (OP is correct about this tendency). The only long form writer on the right who's a good stylist is Andrew Anglin. Cope, seethe.

>> No.19078265

You might have heard of him, a guy named Vladimir Lenin?

>> No.19078267

I'm putting in the effort too. You could easily name a right wing author that fits the description of what I'm looking for. The fact A that you can't do that and B that you don't think I mischaracterized anyone just proves that I'm right and it's not bait.

>> No.19078271

please, cabin dweller, tell me what rebellion is.
thought so.

>> No.19078273


You're a faggot for spelling his name like that but also how exactly is Tolstoy "right wing"? He was all for the proletariat

>> No.19078274

Lenin was a fucking garbage writer lmao, he was also disingenuous as fuck. Read Trotsky, you pseud

>> No.19078278
File: 113 KB, 557x336, kantbot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kantbot is the best writer in the last 100 years. Inb4 he's a leftist, he's a cool Nazi like me. Just because we're trans doesn't mean we're fucking leftists.

>> No.19078279

Yes Heidegger, Spengler and Hegel are french postmodernists: this how I know you haven't read anything in the post and I shouldn't even be replying to this shit tier bait

>> No.19078280

That must surely be an Icycalm original

>> No.19078283

>but also how exactly is Tolstoy "right wing"? He was all for the proletariat
The first step here to find the answer is to obviously read Tolstoy, which you clearly haven't.

>> No.19078284
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Unironically read Mike Ma

>> No.19078285

I'm not playing your game, nor am I the target audience of your bait. Ironically I seem to now be baiting you.

>> No.19078290
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A word used sincerely only by glowies and middle schoolers whose religion is communism.

>> No.19078292

But I am a master baiter, and this was my plan all along.

>> No.19078294

>reading Russel
lmao cuck!

>> No.19078295

Schopenhauer, Barzun, Tom Wolfe are some. A lot of random analytic philosophy and politics has been enjoyable and enlightening. I don't even really need like extremely poetic great writers I just need someone readable. Charles Murray is a good example. He isn't some poetic philosopher but he writes extremely readable and useful books. Not that I wouldn't take poetic writers I'm just using an example.

>> No.19078298

>He isn't some poetic philosopher but he writes extremely readable and useful books. Not that I wouldn't take poetic writers I'm just using an example.
Give one example of how you've 'used' his writings. I'll wait, lmao.

>> No.19078299

Tolstoy was a Georgist and left wing Anarchist. And those are both mainly fiction writers. I'm looking for right wing philosophy/theory not novels or biographies.

>> No.19078301

Kantbot is a leftist. I follow him and have debated him. I think he is just a grifter

>> No.19078305

You aren't baiting me. You aren't educated enough and you know I'm right. I'm just waiting for someone well read to give me some names and then I won't have to make the thread again. It will happen eventually

>> No.19078306

>they all have terrible prose or they're extremely schizo
>good ideas but his writing style is extremely boring
>doesn't make for great reading now
Make up your mind, you child. Instruction manuals are not written to be amusing. Especially so that every single text has a target audience in mind, and it seems you fit into no target at all, hence those texts weren't written for you personally.

>> No.19078307

>this religious fundamentalist and czarist is actually left wing, trust me bros, he believes in human rights, and right wingers are ALL EVIL SCUM FILTH SCUM FILTH SCUM who don't, so obviously he's left wing, like me
seems legit ngl

>> No.19078309
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tldr and not funny. A better old Kbot one was "I don't care about the welfare of children because I'm not a pedophile". Anyway, people seethe about twitter because of the e-celebs and their shills on /lit/, but if you can't write a good tweet you'll never be a good writer.

>> No.19078310

Get off your highhorse faggot. I wasn't being literal and I said that in the OP. You understand exactly what I meant

>> No.19078311

He's very intelligent but he has a lot of anger he cant seem to let go of

>> No.19078315
File: 227 KB, 510x788, 1390142878566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf I love slavery now

>> No.19078318

Useful as in understanding of the world. What do you think I changed US policy because of him retard?

>> No.19078321

You will never be a real woman.

>> No.19078324

I know you're trolling but for anyone interested the information is readily available on his wikipedia or wrote nonfiction books about Christian Anarchism that you can find.

>> No.19078325

>it's useful
>well no I haven't actually used it for anything
so this is the power of leftoidism
>but if you can't write a good tweet you'll never be a good writer.
There has never been a good tweet, coincidentally there have also not been any good writers in the last 20 years. You might be on to something here.

>> No.19078326

Yeah, I'm a man. Great post anon

>> No.19078327

What does /lit/ think of NRx writers?

>> No.19078329

He is just a grifter looking for money and attention. He started off on the right because he thought that was the easiest way to make money until he realized the left is the only who pays for patreon so he spends his days posting bait posts to get more attention to his patreon. It's the most obvious grifter shit ever. Not saying he isn't smart but it's obvious what he is doing.

>> No.19078330

I'm not trolling, I made this thread with perfect sincerity. I don't know why you retards have ruined it.

>> No.19078334

What book have you read that is useful and what did it do for you?

>> No.19078335

I don't really care about the category "grifter," maybe because I'm like thirty years old so I understand people have to make money, it's just kind of a mundane fact of life and the least interesting point of contention to have with someone

>> No.19078339

That's pretty bigoted of you. Gender is fluid. Just because you are something doesn't mean you can't or won't be something else, at least in principle. It's especially problematic to contribute to the hierarchical gender paradigm of our society when women are everywhere being raped and underpaid for it. If you weren't a Nazi fuck you'd stand in solidarity with us on the right side of history, women's rights are human rights.

>> No.19078341


>> No.19078342

>Junger talent was in his novelistic writing not right wing political theory/philosophy which is what I'm looking for.
Dam, then read one of the many other philosophers, most of whom would be called far right if they lived today.

>> No.19078344

12 Rules for Life. I'm literally in the middle of creating the Fourth Reich right now thanks to it empowering me with agency and a clean penis.

>> No.19078347

It's not about having to make money it's about being authentic. He went from far right to far left in two days changed his name and started a patreon. He is obviously just trolling and looking for the most money. Not saying there is no value in his posts. I follow him and enjoy the posts but I don't take him seriously at all.

>> No.19078350

Problem with this debate is that rightwing /lit/ is defined in a very narrow and specific manner and leftwing /lit/ to broadly. For example a modern leftist can not risk being to elitist and eurocentric, so leftie lit ends up being harry potter, game of thrones, marvel comics, lgbtq lit and colonial lit.

>> No.19078351

how so?

>> No.19078352

inconceivably based, if I dare say so myself

>> No.19078353

73 posts and not one serious recommendation of a well written right wing political book.

>> No.19078357

Yes you were being literal, you are a literal retard

>> No.19078358
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Pic related has helped me construct an ever less basic AI for posting on 4chan alongside other bots. Ironically pretty much everyone that produces anything real or tangible is right wing.

>> No.19078360

It's bait dude lol

>> No.19078361

it's actually right there in the second post, but everyone ignored that and the thread just got worse and worse as a result

>> No.19078362

You've done it! You've proven it at last, the Nazis are defeated forever on the grounds of having not talent discernible any.

Thank you so much.

>> No.19078366

Alright, lets take it apart.

>right wing ideology is intrinsically anti-aesthetics

What the hell does this mean? Do you think punk rock is the hight of aesthetics and futurism, or the baroque masters are inferior.

>anti-reality and anti-human
Vague and meaningless terms that literally do not mean anything. Go ahead, explain their meaning.

> right wing 'thinking' revolves around mindless obedience to some retarded hierarchy

You mean like Stalinist russia, the victim hierarchies in modern universities, or the vaccine hysteria?

Everything you say is just meaningless garbage meant to manipulate other people.

I also love this statement.

> In fact, the survival of humanity depends on their continued failure and embarrasment

Yes mate, if we want to survive, we want to constantly fail at survival. This is such a ridiculous statement, that you are either insane, or evil.

>> No.19078368

Untrue, my plumber is left wing, but he also lets me pay him with blowjobs (I'm trans btw if that matters).

>> No.19078370

I literally mentioned junger and pound........

>> No.19078371
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>12 Rules for Life. I'm literally in the middle of creating the Fourth Reich right now thanks to it empowering me with agency and a clean penis.

>> No.19078373

And I already responded to you. I'm not looking for novels

>> No.19078376

>73 posts and not one serious recommendation of a well written right wing political book.
How about you learn to read? The OP post is full of them. You tripped on the very first hurdle in the thread and then complain, truly hilarious.

>> No.19078380

Their problem is they don't really latch onto any sort of philosophical tradition so there isn't much continuality. Leftists use Marx as their backbone

>> No.19078381

The irony of this post given not a single communist alive today thinks Marx is relevant or applicable outside of inbred academic exercises.

>> No.19078382

Show me where? All I've seen are bait posts and people giving me novelists which I specifically said three times I'm not interested in.

>> No.19078387

Show me where you've said that.

>> No.19078390

>entire publishing industry and academia is run by left wing marxist jews
>gee why don't right wing writers get published

>> No.19078392

come now anon

>> No.19078393

or the fact that everyone I posted in the OP wrote nonficton political books

>> No.19078399

It isn't as easy for great minds like Tolstoy to characterise them as simply "left" or "right". Tolstoy wanted to stand in for the common serf, but socially he very much represented conservative values, if not downright reactionary, just read the Kreutzersonata. He certainly wouldn't be in favour of prostitution, gay marriage, or abolition of marriage in favour of everyone screwing everyone. He would obviously be fine with everyone becoming ascetic monks dedicating their lives to God, but that isn't inherently a very left-wing concept, is it?

>> No.19078401
File: 108 KB, 855x1360, sun and steel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl + f
>no sun and steel
really guise?

>> No.19078403

>And I already responded to you. I'm not looking for novels
If you dont know Junger didnt just write novels, you know very little.

>> No.19078407

Which is why I said he wrote novelistic writings. He didn't really write political theory/philosophy and when he did he wasn't in the same style

>> No.19078410

I'm not interested in novels, I told you already. I just want authors, not novelists.

>> No.19078412

Not Marx solely but all that came after Marx and even the rejections/rethinking of Marx.

>> No.19078414

This isn't me. This is a guy trolling for some reason

>> No.19078419

>read philosophy and non fiction
>dude why aren't they writing good prose
Obviously not saying it doesn't happen(Carlyle) but you're a bit mistaken in your way

>> No.19078420


>> No.19078423

>Which is why I said he wrote novelistic writings. He didn't really write political theory/philosophy and when he did he wasn't in the same style
So, your claim is basically just bulshit, rightwing lit is good, you just want one not in the french style, not novelistic and not classical.

I mean, you are free reading Frege's begriffsschrift, but you wont read that.

>> No.19078434

>Right wing and left wing are concepts derived from middle ages Theology
No, it's from the French estates/revolution and whether they supported the king or not.

>> No.19078439

Both can be true. The actual division is from the french revolution but the underlying ideas can be traced further back

>> No.19078444

I mean it's one of the biggest genres especially in the modern day. The fact that no one writes in a basic readable analytic style is concerning. Novelistic writing isn't useful for political theory/philosophy. Classical writing isn't relevant for the modern day and French style is just boring and difficult.

>> No.19078450

Kek go read The raid you bait fag

>> No.19078454

>Novelistic writing isn't useful for political theory/philosophy

>> No.19078458

OP, you are just stupid, thats it, you admit it yourself, you want very clear and superficial anglo manuals that dont require to much thinking.

Too bad, rightwing /lit/ is for the elite.

PS. I love how novelistic style of writing is bad because its modern and then you say a classical style isnt relevant for the modern world. lol

>> No.19078461

It's not. I don't care about the time you took a shit in the trenches

>> No.19078464


>> No.19078466

It's funny you guys talk about how Cultural Marxism destroyed the world but then it's also your biggest influence.

>> No.19078468

>It's not. I don't care about the time you took a shit in the trenches
lol op showing himself to be dumber and dumber.

He good luck with being a nice anglorobot, with a job in some law, economics or information related business.

>> No.19078472

>Ironically pretty much everyone that produces anything real or tangible is right wing.
This is why we need to seize the means of production.

>> No.19078475

>It's funny you guys talk about how Cultural Marxism destroyed the world but then it's also your biggest influence.
>You guys

Literally making shit up.

>> No.19078477



>> No.19078481

This writing style you guys use was made by Jewish Marxists in the 19th century.

>> No.19078486
File: 126 KB, 553x798, opfaggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be OP
>Flaming homosexual
>Make thread saying rightwing /lit/ bad
>Why is it bad OP?
>He man its just too difficult and boring and my autism cant handle novels well
>You can try classical works
>No thats not relevant.

>> No.19078488

lol i just got ironized haxxor111

>> No.19078493

Prove it, go ahead, dont claim it, prove it.

>> No.19078501

Proof doesn't exist, Marxist Jews told me so.

>> No.19078503

How is the squabbles of 1700s of men talking about French local politics useful in 2021? This is why you guys are nothing but larpers

>> No.19078509

You tell me where the influence is from then? Who were Benoist and Heidegger influenced by?

>> No.19078511

>How is the squabbles of 1700s of men talking about French local politics useful in 2021? This is why you guys are nothing but larpers
I dont know, can you give me concrete examples. I am just stupid and ignorant, thats why I am asking you.

>> No.19078517


>> No.19078520

>they didn't even have twitter then! how can anyone read this fake stuff

>> No.19078521

>You tell me where the influence is from then? Who were Benoist and Heidegger influenced by?

But seriously, you cant give me any examples, so you turn the question over to me.

>> No.19078525

Read more then

>> No.19078529

>make claim
top zozzle m9

>> No.19078530

>How is the squabbles of 1700s of men talking about French local politics useful in 2021?
You'd know if you read them.
Jesus christ, you know that you know nothing then have the confidence to say something so retarded as if truth or humanity has changed significantly at all. We are the same.

>> No.19078531

How is French road politics going to help you when the culture war

>> No.19078534

We should put students in concentration camps

>> No.19078535
File: 22 KB, 505x450, gsed_0001_0031_0_img9756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everything in right wing 'thinking' revolves around mindless obedience to some retarded hierarchy

>> No.19078536

>Read more then
He, you cant awnser a simple question, that means you where lying, have a nice day.

>> No.19078540


Let's switch to this topic. It's easy to get you to understand why you guys are larpers

>> No.19078541

>How is French road politics going to help you when the culture war
I dont know, give me some concrete example why its outdated.

>> No.19078546

Not spoonfeeding a baiting retard

>> No.19078553

>Not spoonfeeding a baiting retard
ah right, instaid of writing down a simple reply that makes me look stupid, you are now going to spend the next 5 posts making snarky remarks.

>> No.19078557

We're switching topics. Tell me why it's going to help you win the culture war

>> No.19078560

>We're switching topics. Tell me why it's going to help you win the culture war
No idea, you tell me.

>> No.19078564

It's useless to talk about real works with people who haven't read them.

>> No.19078568

That's what I thought pussy. You know it's useless

>> No.19078569

>It's useless to talk about real works with people who haven't read them.
Thats snarky remark number three, still not going to give me a simple explanation.

>> No.19078572

We're changing topics. Answer the question or stop posting

>> No.19078573

>That's what I thought pussy. You know it's useless
I dont know, I am completely ignorant about the subject, could you explain why its useless.

>> No.19078574

The best example of culture war winner is China. Not only that, they are also winning the economic and political wars!
>Here are some of the books Xi has referred to in public: Chinese classics:
>Xi has widely read Confucius’ works including Great Learning, Doctrine of the Mean and the Analects.
>He has also studied the writings of the philosopher Mencius and other classics such as the Spring and Autumn Annals and Sun Tzu’s Art of War. Most of the books were written more than 2,000 years ago and require knowledge of ancient Chinese language to read.
I can't wait for China to kill all of the useful idiots in the west, I welcome our extirpation, we deserve it for letting faggots like OP live.

>> No.19078579

>We're changing topics. Answer the question or stop posting
Snarky remark number four.

>> No.19078580

Ok but Xi is left wing so it doesn't count, plus I bet some of those are novels not books

>> No.19078585
File: 63 KB, 980x1200, 1615926520072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never too late to make a change for the better

>> No.19078597

They weren't really discussing topics relevant to the modern day. It's good for historical value and you can get some value out of it but it's not the most engrossing and useful read.

>> No.19078599

Thanks for conceding

>> No.19078601

based, if you want to understand today's world you need to read Twilight

>> No.19078602

Tolstoy was clearly was a Far-Leftist even in contemporary sense of the word:

>The Scientific-Humanitarian Committee (German: Wissenschaftlich-humanitäres Komitee, WhK) was founded by Magnus Hirschfeld in Berlin on 14 or 15 May 1897, to campaign for social recognition of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, and against their legal persecution
> They sent thousands of letters to key figures such as Catholic priests, judges, lawmakers, journalists, and mayors. August Bebel signed the petition and took copies to the Reichstag to urge colleagues to add their names. Other signatories included Albert Einstein, Hermann Hesse, Thomas Mann, Rainer Maria Rilke, and Leo Tolstoy.

>> No.19078603

>They weren't really discussing topics relevant to the modern day. It's good for historical value and you can get some value out of it but it's not the most engrossing and useful read.
Give me a concrete example please, stop talking in this vague manner.

Either you can poop out examples and you know the material or you dont.

>> No.19078608

>Thanks for conceding
Snarky remark number 5

>> No.19078615

Hart Crane has been called the Christopher Marlowe of the machine age. Thoughts?

>> No.19078630

Burke writing 300 pages on the Townshend Revenue Act of 1767 or King George III or de Maistre writing about the Spanish Inquisition and the Pope is a waste of hours of your life unless you're interested in history. The small amount of passages that are relevant or enjoyable in a 700 page book are tiny and not worth the effort until you have real world knowledge that will be useful to the right.

>> No.19078643

Why, because we dont tax good anymore, nor are their fundamentalists in our government or universities persecuting us? The pope's still here.

I mean you did your best, but these are still not concrete examples.

>> No.19078649

You're just trolling now 500 pages on 17th century tax policy is not useful. Especially when you don't even know basic economics.

>> No.19078653

I don't see what terrible masturbatory poetry aping beatnik mediocrity has to do with machines.

>> No.19078656

lol those are taught to primary school kids, this is like bragging than an English politician has read Romeo & Juliet. Sinosimps are the dumbest.

>> No.19078661

The overwhelming majority of 'dated' literature isn't so particular. Of your own example, retarded from the onset, isn't even a real one either and completely exaggerated.

>> No.19078669

Dostoevsky was technically on the left too. He just despised communism is all. He was all for scientific innovation and free speech and protection of minorities. The very fact that he was deeply Christian means he cannot be on the bigoted right. Also see Sonya, that girl from notes from underground, Alaya and yes, even Yukio Mishima was technically a leftist. Maybe not in the Japanese sense of the word but Mishima was all for self expression and absolute free speech so... yeah.

>> No.19078673

The petition particularly seems to only be directed for decriminalising homosexuality, which makes Tolstoy seem more leftist at first in this regard, but does not change the fact he was a sexual puritan. Again, check the Kreutzersonata. I don't see how decriminalising homosexuality is far-left by todays standards.

>> No.19078676

It's not about it being particular although large amounts of it are. We're just talking about usefulness per page and I don't think anyone who is serious which you aren't would say these are.

>> No.19078687

You missed out on tranny part. You must have tons of copium supply.

>> No.19078691

Crane died in the early 30s and has nothing to do with beatniks you absolute moron.

>> No.19078694
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>> No.19078702

Show me the part of the petition where it says "I also endorse people chemically castrating themselves".

>> No.19078708

Hierarchies are not completely made up other than that I agree

>> No.19078721

It was the first petition in history which spoke about lgbt community.

>> No.19078727

171 posts and not a single recommendation that does not fit in one of the categories. The right is hopeless

>> No.19078730

>It's not about it being particular
lmao that's exactly the argument here

>> No.19078735

>wtf why don't people respond in earnest to retarded bait?! I guess I'm too smart for them, heh

>> No.19078740

Even if it's not particular the language is mostly archaic. It has it's value but it's not the only thing you should read. Most of what these classic authors are revered for is usually just a few passages here and there.

>> No.19078741

kys OP

>> No.19078742

oh, wait, I'm trying to look for the text of the petition which Tolstoy signed, and surprise, I cannot find it. And on the discussion page of the linked Wikipedia article, someone asks for sources to no avail.

>> No.19078744

I've literally gone over 5 times how it's not a bait. No one has been able to tell me why it's bait and no one has been able to answer my questions. Being unable to answer it does make it bait.

>> No.19078745


>> No.19078746

Poe's law says you are a retarded third worlder or that it's bait, deal with it summerfag

>> No.19078756

>180 posts
>30 posters
yeah thread discarded.

>> No.19078757
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*backtracks some more and further obfuscates the point*
I honestly don't know if this is a bot, a retard, or a third worlder. Either way no-one is going to respond to you with earnest investment when you're so clearly dumb/disingenous.

>> No.19078758

yup SAGE

>> No.19078760

further proof how pathetic the right is just running away from intellectual challenge

>> No.19078768

I explained it all in the OP. I don't even know why we're debating this because it's irrelevant. I don't care what you think I just want recommendations for a specific style of writing that no one has been able to give.

>> No.19078829

>right wing/left wing
Only midwits think like in this false dichotomy.

>> No.19078834

>Spengler, Evola, Heidegger, Hegel, Gentile, Nisbet are examples of this French style.
You’re fucking retarded

>> No.19078842
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The left is built on self fellating lies that would not survive the reality of the world outside their censored safe spaces. That's fact. Reality is Fascist.

>> No.19078858



>> No.19078864

You are retarded OP

>> No.19079253
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Op is a faggot

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https://oeralinda.nl/order/ (Newest Oera Linda English translation by Jan Ott)

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Pdf downloads:

>> No.19079272

Why do rightist publishers have such amateurish typography? Just compare to Verso books for example.

>> No.19079662

I'm OP literally own books for 4 of these places and they still fit into my box above. I literally wrote Benoist in the OP who is sold by Arktos.

>> No.19079746

>schizophrenic ramblings


>> No.19079785

Holy fucking shit when will you retards stop using garbage vague tribalistic terms such as right and left wing. Just say conservative/catholic/libertarian/monarchist when you mean it.

>> No.19079815
