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19078084 No.19078084 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19078110

Couldn't you wait until it was page ten or something? Christ, why is it always a race for you faggots?

>> No.19078111

I shit my pants.

>> No.19078120
File: 14 KB, 633x758, fat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ate too much today

>> No.19078121

Atheists are a hinderance to human society and should all be culled.

>> No.19078128
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I'm wasting my efficiency, leadership, and honest hard work on people that never deserved it. I don't have a family to talk to anymore. I have no one to talk to about what I really think about anymore. They're not on my prestige, or character, or strength. They all give in too easily and conform to what they think is the right thing. They talk about things that poison their soul and wonder why they're not feeling good. They don't know what real struggle is outside these menial difficulties that could have been simply avoided with better choices.

And they won't sacrifice for you or reciprocate even if you do better then that for them. You aren't like me. I'm nothing like you. And i'm tired of pretending that we're alike.

You're beneath me.

>> No.19078129

I am religious, and I believe religion is good for the person. But government must follow secular atheism. That is the only way to ensure religious tolerance and a government which is focuses on the material world, which is all a government ought to focus on.

>> No.19078135

>I am religious
>But government must follow secular atheism
No religious person, someone so sincere in their faith, would ever fucking dare to utter what you just said in a serious matter, let alone joking. Not that Anon by the way either

>> No.19078136
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>heh...whats that about science and logic? nah screw that, believing in jewish sky daddy fairy tales is real progress, now lets go oppress women and LGBTQ2S+ people, repress sexuality and generally set back human progress by thousands of years

>> No.19078147

Why not? I value religious freedom more than a state which would enforce my faith's values. A religious state inevitably leads to repression of religious minorities.

>> No.19078149

I feel a lot of shame for not loving my country at all. I think the fault is in having spent so much time alone in front of the computer. I never related to anyone and only consumed media from other countries. I guess I'll keep faking it until I make it.

>> No.19078152

Grow up, weeb.

>> No.19078154

The one word that's become so perverted with agenda that it no longer means what it use to stand for. Everyone wants freedom but they don't want the responsibility that that freedom carries. Also it's already been tried and failed quite fucking miserably at that, it was called democracy. There can be no true melting pot of different faiths unless you were a globalist looking to destabilize a homogenous community. There can only be one faith under which unites the people in a nation.

>> No.19078157

>There can only be one faith under which unites the people in a nation.
And what happens to the people who disagree with that one faith?

>Deport/kill them
That is not an atrocity I am willing to see committed in the name of God.

>> No.19078166
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My town has a huge Korean and Japanese expat community. Everywhere I see them go, they all look so happy. They go shopping in big groups, they have barbeques, go to work, go to the beach, go surfing, go out to dinner. It makes me wish I had friends to travel to another country with.

>> No.19078172

>And what happens to the people who disagree with that one faith?
Expulsion. Unless they committed violence/rape/kidnapping. Then it's retaliation.

>That is not an atrocity I am willing to see committed in the name of God.
God is not the man in the sky that watches you in silent judgement and tallies up your sins to passively aggressively decide on whether or not to let you into the Divine Kingdom of Justice.
God is not all loving.
And God is not all merciful.
It took Jesus Christ to sacrifice himself for our sin. You fucking remember that whenever your pastor preaches equality or civility or "love". Christ Himself wouldn't stand for such subversion of His and His father's words.

>> No.19078189

huh. i guess maybe i DO write like stephen king

>> No.19078199

I have a text from myself. Thursday at 2 in the morning:

"The idiots get the power because the kind of power yythese preople want, only idiots get. smart peoplre stay s away because yjru see what idiots do with it and saay away"

The only good thing that's come out of the last year is that you can drink on the stoop of the bar now and the bouncer doesn't stop you. There's chairs an tables out there now. He didn't care in the first place but anyway--

"I would kill you," Jeff says.


Jeff says, "I would kill you if I knew I could get away with it. Fuck you. My dad, he died a hero you fucking faggot. You've never had to work a day in your life. Fuck you. Fuck your mother. It's nine fucking eleven okay? If you ever bring my dad up again, I swear to fucking God you won't fucking live,"

"What did I do?"

"If you say one more fucking word you're fucking dead. I will fucking murder you,"


>> No.19078222

running out of copes

>> No.19078228

Christians are truly barbaric and uncivilized people huh

>> No.19078247

A girl tried to escape the hospital today.
it was a sad sight to see her cornered by so many.
she didn't fight back, just seemed angry that no one understood her.

after she got her medicine she asked me, " do i still look like my self, because i don't feel like my self anymore"
i gave a look and smile that i hope could show through my mask, and told her she still looked like her.
that seemed to make her happy.

I think she has schizophrenia but i wouldn't know, im just the janitor.

>> No.19078258

thanks for making me sad, anon

>> No.19078288

I'll put it this way. There was a Welsh priest named John Donne who wrote Meditation 17 (link: http://www.luminarium.org/sevenlit/donne/meditation17.php)), and to me that work exemplifies the type of thinking which is holy.

>No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were; any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

God is not a man in the sky, God is not all-loving, God is not all-merciful, God simply is. God is the ocean and I am a water molecule lost within It. How can you expect me to harm someone else who is also nothing but a piece of God, another molecule in the cosmic wave, simply for seeing the water from a different viewpoint? If I do so, I have hurt myself in a deep way. I admit to struggling with hatred, to sometimes wanting revenge for the persecution of people of my own faith. But that is flawed, that is a failure on my part, because in that I draw a division between the us and the them, a division which does not exist in reality. There is only One, one God, and all of reality is Him. To oppress another is to oppress God and that is to oppress ourselves, for we are God and those who we oppress are God. Would you cut off your arm and see the pain and misery you have caused yourself as honoring God? Oppressing another is the same exact thing.

>> No.19078302

Religious faith in the west is declining for every generation and that makes me very happy

>> No.19078317
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miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe

>> No.19078320
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Bro, Voltaire is like Destiny and Rousseau is like Hasan. Has anyone else realised this?

>> No.19078346
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god is autistic

>> No.19078372
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What's some literature with/about horny pubescent kids jerking off?

>> No.19078377

How concerned are you with global warming?
What about chemical pollution?

>> No.19078378

I'm tired of everything in life being such a disappointment. I used to see so much hope in myself, in society, in industry, in technology. now I just want to burn the world down and hope I die of smoke inhalation

>> No.19078379
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I feel a lot better about dealing with people now that I exclusively reply to anyone and everyone with irony and sarcasm. It's like I'm a teenager all over again.

>> No.19078383

I grow more creatively bankrupt with each passing year. I wish I knew how to reverse this. I wish I had more time.

>> No.19078395

I want to have a firm and big ass. I guess i'll start doing bodyweight squats in the morning.

>> No.19078397

Why is it that the better you get at creating something the more you hate what you create? I excel in my field of work, but feel it feels more hollow and hopeless with every step of progress and success I achieve. Now I've spent nearly a decade building a career. If it is impossible to attain perfection in your work, why excel at all?

>> No.19078402

>Why is it that the better you get at creating something the more you hate what you create? I excel in my field of work
I guess the fear of getting fired is a good motivator to do well.

>> No.19078411

I have a fat flabby ass and it sucks dude. I'm a guy but I'm shaped like a(n out of shape) chick. I like arching my back I'm not going to lie. I have to lose weight asap.

>> No.19078416

Im a fatass too (need to lose 50 lbs) but not ass.

>> No.19078417

I finally have an idea for a book.

>> No.19078421

ever increasing, hyperchondriac risk aversity at every level of society is a sign of women and the merchant class tightening the grip on the balls of man
I want to go bow hunting

>> No.19078424

I live in a third world country. I am the only one earninga and have to support my brother and sister so they can go to college. But however hard I try, I am failing to do so.

>> No.19078778

Please anons, if any of would could help me, I would be eternally grateful.
I’m living my life completely aimless, and am tired of hearing platitudes about how some day I’ll find myself. An entire decade living like this, accumulating traumas and failures with no end in sight. I mourn for the version of me from ten years ago, because - although we have the same set of problems - I know where he ends up: with a head full of lies and judgement and his confidence destroyed alongside the hope that a better future awaits.
Everytime I dedicate myself to something, I go all in. Heart and soul, focusing all of my time on energy on it. But sooner or latter it comes back to the same question: “what is the point?”
What is the point of extensive physical training? What is the point of cultivating friendship? What is the point creative work? Of self improvement? Of dating? Of learning new things? Yes, these experiences brought me temporary enjoyment, but so what? Enjoyment doesn’t equal meaning, and the hedonistic pursuit of “feeling good” never managed to fill my soul.
Sometimes I think maybe things would be better if I went into medicine or another are centered around contributing to society and human improvement, but at this point it would probably be my thousandth fool’s errand.
I’m completely lost. As lost and purposeless as I was a decade ago, and the clock keeps ticking.

>> No.19078783

The lonely cath twinks in the homolust thread.

>> No.19078793

I'm curious about Butters' taste in women, let's say the hottest women she can think of instantly, i like Eva Green, Monica Vitti, Catherine Deneuve and Monica Belluci

>> No.19079030
File: 2.04 MB, 276x250, dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dance of the cosmos shows
The stitches of space that slowly come and go
The dance of the cosmos shows
As above, so below

>> No.19079032

a translator or publisher's commentary on a text should be separate from the introduction and included after the content of the text
commentary on the translation is fine for an introduction
information that gives context is also acceptable

>> No.19079067

Can you tell us more about your life, anon? It seem interesting.

>> No.19079120

What do you think it was Williams intention in stoner with the character of grace? Did he intend just making the reader sad by developing her into a alcoholic turbo slut? It was the 60s so maybe he was making a critic of sexual mores of that period but at the same time he was a Second World War vet so I think he was at least somewhat conservative, I don’t know

>> No.19079146

Sunshine is such a good movie, holy shit

>> No.19079149

this is really good, anon

>> No.19079299

Having a dynamic IP can be pretty amusing when you check iknowwhatyoudownload website. Apparently I "downloaded" a shit ton of anime and porn.

>> No.19079335

JS Bach had blue eyes.

>> No.19079342
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What is the deal with modern Anglo Christians? Why do they cuck themselves out so hard for Jews, a total reversal from traditional Christianity?
Saint John Chrysostom, an important early Church Father, wrote very harsh words against the Jews. But now in modern times, Anglicans like James Parkes bend over backwards to apologize. Who do they think they are, going against the Church Fathers?


I even heard of an Anglican priest removing all crosses from the church because it is offensive and a symbol of oppression to Jews.
This is absurd! Why do they even say that they are Christians at this point???

>> No.19079368

>even heard of an Anglican priest removing all crosses from the church because it is offensive and a symbol of oppression to Jews.
well don't believe everything you hear, anon.

>> No.19079447

We're all going to die
The universe will fade away into nothingness
There is nothing I need to do
Pretty chill really...

>> No.19079460


>> No.19079472

It is often more effeminate and "gay" to be heterosexual in 2021 than it is to be an actual gay simply because of the way sexual dynamics have castrated men. How many young straight guys do you know that have to act like absolute fags just to get a shred of pussy, singing and dancing and jumping around? There is no value in marriage anymore and keeping a girlfriend around is more trouble than it's worth.
Take the twinkpill.

>> No.19079481

If I absolutely despised Siddhartha and Steppenwolf, should I just give up on Hesse?

>> No.19079495

>havent read Narcissus & Goldmund, Demian and Glass Bead Game.

>> No.19079575
File: 783 KB, 3630x1615, 89A47E13-E311-4AF0-8D18-691592FDEC64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least post the real one, underage anon

>> No.19079593

Cope fag

>> No.19079611

This midnight, I had to convince myself not to order Domino's.
It worked.
Also, I hate the mask mandate at my school so much.

>> No.19079616

The Greeks knew love between men and beautiful youths as more powerful than that between a woman and a man, which serves the species and the state rather than the spirit. Schopenhauer would agree that woman is the agent of the species and I will not allow her to take my seed or entrap me in a loveless marriage

>> No.19079654

Yeah no shit. I literally just said that. Thanks for not answering my question though.

>> No.19079670

Space is a larp for gullible manchildren, and even if it were possible it would be a disgusting abberation centered around an empty void with no qualitative values and a general materialisn that would reduce the human experience to that of animal survival with the inconsequential boost of a spaceship. We're not supposed to live out there you fucking idiot.

This is bait

>> No.19079711

The Savage Detectives. Also, seek professional help.

>> No.19079780

Turned off the phone wifi and found walking dead downloads and only 1 porn download. Some girl's first glory hole video?

>> No.19079786
File: 61 KB, 666x632, 1471996098536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niceness is no different from pedophilia. It is, in fact, a socially acceptable equivalent, indoctrinated at a mass scale, on conscious and subconscious levels. Both have to be taught at early ages, to "innocent" children too young to have even finished developing their rational thinking faculties, creating a long-lasting bias towards meek, passive, overly-generous attitude which is the opposite of what any person grounded on logic would ever want to choose. Both allow for all forms of further abuse and manipulation from adult authorities to be pushed onto them, be it raw or under a guise of "love", and their learned response will not be justified anger, but either self-pity or a dead, complacent forced smile. Both end up creating the most fucked up sorts of adults you see out there, completely useless, lacking initiative or natural trust, conformist, and yes, ironically "good children" are often the ones that turn into pedophiles as adults.
Once someone has been groomed into being a pedophile, it takes years of therapy to undo the damage.
Once someone has been groomed into being kind, It takes up to decades of undoing the programming and learning to break all the mental barriers hardwired into you to become a functional human being.

>> No.19079885


>> No.19079886

Imagine thinking you’re smart because you notice patterns

>> No.19079994

I wonder how you become a high school teacher in America? Do you need a master’s degree? Some certifications? For sure, I’d prefer to teach college courses but the colleges are a mess and the competition absurd. Plus, you most definitely need a master’s degree. Basically, I need to figure out if I’m going to do something like teach, or join the military like I always planned.

>> No.19080001

>You're beneath me.
Yet here you are only making scapegoats...

>> No.19080014

I went outside yesterday. It's scary out there bros. Eyes everywhere. People of all kinds. Strangers. Do they know who I am? Are we the same? Doesn't feel that way.

>> No.19080062

There's a chance I might lose my virginity tomorrow, pretty nervous not sure if I should tell her or not. How long does sex normally last? I don't even know how to mae out properly, the 2 I kissed a girl I was fucked up on alcool and other drugs. Anyway, I should probably npt wprry too much its just sex at the end of the day

>> No.19080063

Christianity is a scapegoat for the dark ages. If what this chart claimed was true, other civilizations like those in Asian and the Americas would have blown past Western culture through virtue of time. The real reason for the stagnation of western society has to do with the consolidation of power within a handful of monarch families who focused all their resources on hedonism and maintaining the status quo. If Christianity wasn't used to establish the divine right to rule, it would have been another local pagan deity.

>> No.19080069

I awoke with intense shoulder pain today. I may not survive
You can be a nice persona without a "passive, overly-generous attitude" you retard.
>to become a functional human being
By being kind you are already acting as a functional human

>> No.19080078

is this real

>> No.19080079

>pretty nervous not sure if I should tell her or not
How do you know her? Is it a hookup or someone you've been seeing somewhat seriously?
If the latter, then tell her. It may help your bond if she knows
If the former, she'll probably be able to tell anyways.

>> No.19080087

>its just sex

Sex is a big thing, hope you want to be with this girl.

>> No.19080109

accidentally sent my post early

>How long does sex normally last?
depends but i go from anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes, being your first time you may just explode on contact, I did not last long.

>not sure if I should tell her or not.
If you're having sex for the right reasons, yeah, if it's just some whore, who cares man.

>I don't even know how to mae out properly, the 2 I kissed a girl I was fucked up on alcool and other drugs.
Don't think you're having sex for the right reasons lmao

>> No.19080240
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I live with my parents and we go to the local southern Baptist church. The people are very nice and I think they are sincere, and they generally have "conservative" views, but they are total normies who believe the establishment and follow the status quo. In my Sunday school class they were talking about how they all got the covid jab and one of them was sort of poking fun at so-called "conspiracy theorists" who believe that 9/11 was an inside job and things like that. They are totally blinded by the world. They believe many of the same lies that the leftists and the secular world believe. They are all part of the system.
They are really nice people but they seem so milquetoast and lukewarm to me.
It seems so clear to me that the jab is at least a preparation for the mark of the beast. I don't know why they can't see that. I feel very out of place among these people.

>> No.19080242

One of the worst aspects of information technology, which I’ve never heard anyone speak of, is the difficulty it brings in regard to detachment from bonds. Children are always a text message away, and as such, will be compelled to bear their parents’ burdens until they’re in old age. You can’t just leave and write a letter every now and then. You now actually partake in their problems, they bring them to you, their divorces, their quarrels, their financial worries, and you do it until you’re old and they die. I’m sure people who have troublesome parents know what I mean here. You can’t escape them unless you totally disconnect.

>> No.19080272

Meaning starts from physical stimuli, the world outside the organism. (Meaning in terms of understanding something) The meaning of our lives can swell inward but we are always tied to the physical so long as our bodies can be injured. We would need to become like ghosts to cease to derive meaning from the physical. Could we bootstrap such a ghost mind? How long in isolation could a mind keep sane? The ghost might need to get it's meaning from other ghosts, and what a world it now lives in, or rather doesn't. What do social connections mean if they become everything outside of us?

>> No.19080274

>It seems so clear to me that the jab is at least a preparation for the mark of the beast. I don't know why they can't see that. I feel very out of place among these people.
What makes you think that?
And a follow-up: Why would any government give it's citizens a shot that they know will cause harm (or fertility issues or whatever shit is being spouted this week)

>> No.19080295


>> No.19080313

>And a follow-up: Why would any government give it's citizens a shot that they know will cause harm (or fertility issues or whatever shit is being spouted this week)

Pharmaceutical companies pay them off with the ridiculous payday they got from the covid vaccine. Very few people in America get into the government for the sake of helping people.

>> No.19080331

I had just forgot about c*vid for the first time in 18 months and you fucks have to bring it up again.
Just ignore it all; it's not real.

>> No.19080348

Making up various contingencies regarding a distant potential love and stressing over them. I also have to write a memo for class today. Oxytocin is obsession inducing - now I've been obsessing over the millions of ways it can go wrong, pouring over hypothetical conversations between characters that don't exist and may never exist but all draw from theories about her trajectory. I wish I knew how to quit it - but I don't want to lose this severity of feeling.

>> No.19080351

>If one can be healed by existing means, why would one risk injury and death from an experimental drug?
>shows a picture saying "20,525 DEAD" without elaboration, after also showing a graph with worldwide deaths in the millions
Couldn't his first statement about "existing means" have been used in the past to caution against treatments that would have saved someone's life?
He's well-spoken so I'll keep watching the vid but his reasoning so far isn't hitting it with me.
Despite that, no government would want to sterilize it's people. Any half-brain can figure out that that would quickly lead to a collapse of their civilization.
Have you been to a hospital at all recently?

>> No.19080374

Because the amount of people that will(as they know now) be harmed by it is not large enough to create those kinds of problems.

>> No.19080397

It may not be meant to kill everyone, but rather, to mark everyone and prepare them for the beast system of the Antichrist where no one can buy or sell without the mark. It may also be mind control; there have been numerous papers over the years talking about the potential of mind control through this technology.

>> No.19080412

>>It may not be meant to kill everyone, but rather, to mark everyone and prepare them for the beast system of the Antichrist where no one can buy or sell without the mark
Why would those in charge want less people to be able to buy things and keep the economy moving?
>It may also be mind control
Ah yes, ever since I got my COVID-19™ vaccination, I haven't been able to stop myself from buying Microsoft™ brand products and praying towards Bill Gates 3 times a day

>> No.19080422

I want to fuck my sister so bad

>> No.19080432


>> No.19080519

i think i can

>> No.19080649

This vacation is shit. We spent a thousand dollars to be here and she won't get out of fucking bed to go do things. I wanted to go see Chicago, but considering I saw a decent bit yesterday and it was just busted and ugly and full of bars we can't afford, I'd be happy to just finish going to this gay music festival that she wanted to go to. But no. She won't get out of bed. Most of the bands she wanted to see canceled. That's fine, there's still a handful she wants to see, but now she doesn't want to go because there's not many bands. Great. Now I get to miss the one band I actually wanted to fucking see. We spent a thousand dollars to stay in a hotel by the airport and sleep all fucking day.
At least in New Orleans when she slept all day we walked around and saw some cool buildings. And went out to eat. What's the fucking point.

>> No.19080745


>> No.19080746

Sounds awful. Is she usually a boring person?

>> No.19080764

I’m so fucking lost. Still.

>> No.19080791

She does not sound like she's okay mentally.

>> No.19080795

Correct. Religious pluralism is logically inconsistent. Opposing worldviews cannot simply "coexist" without the people conforming to secular society in some way and diluting their religion.

>> No.19080845


I don't think it's likely that you know how much God loves you. I think maybe I've seen some part of it lately and I don't think you could ever guess just how much He loves. It does not matter what you did.

>> No.19080852

I love how pre-diluvian babylon was so high but got rektd by a water-flood that wouldn't rektd modern age.

>> No.19080901

after I had KILL ME tattood on my chest, my wife and parents became concerned, especially in light of the fact that I was 32 and this was my first tattoo. I explained to th the philosophical implications of the words and the act, but they didn't fully understand my lies. The truth is Really really want to kill myself, but don't want people to think I want to. I told them that the words were a challenge to the world and to God. I was daring them to kill me, I claimed. In retrospect the tattoo was a poor choice, and the font was much too large to be read as anything but a cry for help.
My choice of Ariel font was also lost on them. I felt helvetica would be too pretentious for such a transgressive tattoo, but Ariel would add a bit of nihilistic irony. Nobody seemed to appreciate this when I explained it to them

>> No.19080920



>> No.19080932


this is mine. It used to say 49, i cut the rest out with a knife

>> No.19080938
File: 1.64 MB, 2736x3648, IMG_20210919_202846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fk. forgot pic

>> No.19080955

Anyone seen londonfrog recently??

>> No.19081004

My post was a work of fiction, something I imagined in the shower. I didn't realize this was more if a journal thread

Ouch.. Why did you get it and why did you remove it?

>> No.19081049

it was a magic flood

>> No.19081102

how to take less shit from people?

>> No.19081139

Avoid them, make yourself unavailable from time to time; you need to realise that there are some people who are just of lower breed and there is no way for them to comport themselves in a respectable manner. If you're still in your twenties, you have a lot of time to grow into someone who does not take shit

>> No.19081141

Yes but we are still in a religious state, just the religion and the enemy has changed.

>> No.19081147

La Palma has me worried...

>> No.19081162

I hate seeing so many women with big, donkey booties everyday but still being a virgin. it's like constant emotional torture.

>> No.19081190
File: 2.15 MB, 377x326, unnamed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


t. also virgin

>> No.19081230

am i the only one that thinks english has only gotten more poetic over time?

>> No.19081404

I need to quit the job before I just kill myself, but what am I so afraid of? Well, it’s the fact that I’m too inadequate to anything else in particular and there’s nowhere to run really. I’m 28 and living with my parents for fuck’s sake. What is it exactly that I think is waiting for me? Nothing!

Man, I just want to run off into the woods or something…

>> No.19081417

I feel stuck! Like I’m a fucking slave! The worst kind! I’m going to snap.

>> No.19081427

The only person.

>> No.19081493

Watched a thing on childhood hunger a few weeks ago and while it was all very sad it didn't end up affecting me until they showed this absolutely beautiful woman with her two small children. Her face had worn, mid 30s and her clothes were nice but very clearly old. She had to walk to the foodbank because her and her husband lacked the money to repair her car after it had broken down. He was working a manual labor job now that he had gotten laid off and they were struggling to survive as their family's income had been cut by more than half.

From there my perspective shifted to that of the husband. Imagine having this absolutely beautiful, good woman, she loves you so much so that she wishes to marry you and have your children and she does. And then you can't provide for her the life you promised, you can't even pay for enough food to eat. That must eat you up inside.

>> No.19081591

>My post was a work of fiction
i know, the bit about the font was too obvious

>> No.19081596
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>> No.19081633

does the j stand for jew or something?

>> No.19081696

I'm sure in a more liberated society she would already be chatting on him, employment problems or not. Shame she hasn't yet. 30 is the new 20 and cougars are very popular with young men these days

>> No.19081739


>> No.19081746


>> No.19081758
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No he didn't. He was an earthy German (like Luther) and had brown eyes.

>> No.19081773

u sure?

>> No.19081806

death is looming large in my mind, ever since norm mcdonald died, i cant stop thinking about it, and it really feels like in no time at all i will be wittnessing the deaths of my parents, my siblings , and then myself. i feel unsafe and i feel terrified

>> No.19081838

So explain this to me, right? We Americans have one of the greatest militaries in the world, and these dudes are sent off to random deserts and foreign countries. Meanwhile, BLM burned down half the country for a summer and the Republicans literally rioted in the Capitol, the heart of the nation. Why on earth aren't our soldiers defending the streets?

I saw the preparations being made for the upcoming right-wing rally at the Capitol on the news a few days ago. Today while driving I saw a group of military vehicles on the road, soldiers inside. This might sound weird, but those things made me feel safe, protected. My government is protecting me. Why not do stuff like that more often? Online I see fascists dreaming about killing people like me for not being white and communists dreaming of killing people like me out of spite for our prosperity. People even openly talk about balkanizing the country! Maybe if every so often a tank rolled down people's streets, if military personnel in uniform patrolled every American city on a daily basis, people who want to hurt America from inside would be scared off. And we have technological capabilities too. Set networks up so all messages/tweets/posts can be scanned and analyzed, and any radicalism of any political flavor can be tracked and if needed, addressed. We already have lots of cameras on the streets and in people's houses. Use them to protect the country, to keep tabs on tankies and neo-Nazis and the like. If the government did this and was honest about it, I'm sure most Americans would support them. I would.

>> No.19081843

un rumor anónimo el deseo intenso
de que esa voz sea también mía

>> No.19081846

>BLM burned down half the country
that's a bit of an exaggeration

>> No.19081883


>> No.19081914

el cope...

>> No.19081917
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You guys brought some valid points, I will tell her since its something serious. Well, at least from my side, not sure how she feels exactly but it will be our 3rd date tomorrow and there was a sexual tension at the second one, I was just too much of a pussy to act upon it.

Anyway, the whole debate about whether or not I should tell her mostly comes from the fact that I am really embarrassed to be still a vrigin at 22. I'm sure you guys figured it out that I am not the most mentally adjusted person since I am a user of this shithole of a website. I suffer from a lot of anxiety and depression since my early teen and the social aspect of life is what scares me the most.

I've made a lot of progress mentally these last few years hence why I have this opportunity before me but I still have this side of me that gets scared in events like these.

>> No.19081994

Just realized the often hypothesized future where AI makes human artists irrelevant is impossible. The AI ethics field is booming and mostly exists to lobotomize AIs so that they don't give offensive output. The creation of anything that rubs against social justice standards of the time will indefinitely be the exclusive domain of humans.

>> No.19082004

It's nothing to be embarrassed of, you should only be having sex with a woman you intend to be with for a long period of time. Unless you're one of those people who has fried their brain cooming sex has a profound effect on your affections for the other person. Usually the advice I give younger people is to not sleep with someone for a while if your intention is to be in a serious relationship with them because it will cloud your judgement especially when it's your first time. You'll find yourself bonding to a dumb cunt and miserable. Good luck in all things, hope you make the right choices for yourself.

>> No.19082032

I’m 28 and I’ve been mildly successful in my work since I graduated college, but I’m still so directionless. I work from home now so I just moved back in with my parents. I hate the work, hate the people. I have no interest in at all. I’ve let all my friends fade away. I’m just doing nothing with my life, have nowhere to go, and nothing to do. I’ve gotten fat, old, ugly, unkempt. What’s worse is I don’t know how to change anything. There is sincerely nothing worth doing. I think I might just kill my self to be perfectly honest. It’s not an emotional decision. It’s more like I just want out of this situation.

>> No.19082069

It can be both anon. And you're post was great.

>> No.19082073

I used to laugh at the idea but maybe getting a gf will really solve some of my problems

>> No.19082150

Have youyou drawn hatred to something by simply liking it? I have, and oh lord forgive for the harm I've caused for liking somethig. The blood is on my hands

>> No.19082335

Well, apparently I can’t even be an officer in the military because my grades are too bad. I went to college almost a decade ago. I’m a fucking joke. I should just get this shitshow wrapped up already.

>> No.19082555

I really really hope my BPD ex-gf finds a boyfriend who is emotionally caring, supportive and makes her feel happy but can't give her an orgasm like I could

>> No.19082565

Can't you boost your GPA somehow? Maybe take more courses now

>> No.19082748

How did you break up? I’ve been dating a girl that has gone through a lot of shit and is clearly unwell, and despite no longer nurturing romantic feelings I can’t manage to break up due to caring for her.

>> No.19082752

kava tastes like month-old piss but it’s the best air freshener if you leave a cup lying around

>> No.19082780

I have decides on a suicide date

>> No.19082788

You're gonna die someday anyway, don't be so eager to do so

>> No.19082797

i think work from home is not a good idea for someone in your situation. at least for me my move improved a lot when i could go back to work and see people even if i don't necessarily like what i do. i hope things get better for you anon.

>> No.19082799

my mood*

>> No.19082809

This, frankly.

>> No.19082847

>no Bronze Age collapse
>no growth at all for a thousand years

>> No.19082898

Stop watching so much news. Literally, nothing will happen.

>> No.19082903

I’m in the same boat. I want to be somewhere else, but I have no idea where that would be.

>> No.19082947

I was in a similar situation at 28. I had a good job but my life was directionless and seemed meaningless. It's totally cliche, but getting into weightlifting and finding a great girlfriend pulled me out of the situation I was in. Even if you're extremely introverted, you're not going to find any sort of lasting happiness without a partner.

>> No.19082992

> I used to laugh at the idea but maybe getting a gf will really solve some of my problems

Getting a gf will probably will solve a lot of your problems. Women are more skilled than men in social niceties, and having a gf usually solves most of the problems that single young men have with shyness, social anxiety, etc.

>> No.19083001
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I appreciate and am grateful my mom would sometimes buy me books randomly but 3 out of 5 times they were abridged version.

>> No.19083084

4chan is cancer

>> No.19083116
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I am deep in a phase

>> No.19083120

I think I am bi-polar. For as long as I can remember, I've never been able to find a "happy medium" with things. Too much, too little. I went from being the boring quiet kid in high school to getting kicked out of college.

I went from being incredibly religious (at one point had a goal of reading the Bible front to back and praying every day) to being an atheist, then experimenting with the occult, to being an agnostic, to being interested in spiritual practices again.

I went 8 months without masturbating this year and proceeded jack off twice this week.

I constantly tell myself that I would love to be in a relationship, but many women I don't know look at me as though I was deformed, and the the ones that do know me well tell me I'm an attractive solid guy, but ofc they're all in relationships.

My goals for my career and life are lofty and I daily flip from feelings of despair, as though I'll never be able to accomplish them, only to experience a singular event in that day that gives me hope and the power to press on.

I just wish I knew what I really wanted out of life.

>> No.19083121

somehow better than every other form of social media

>> No.19083131

yes went thru it at 19. great to read him alongside Geuss's lectures on YT.

>> No.19083141

Tried that and it was an absolute disaster. Be very careful who you allow yourself to become emotionally involved with.

>> No.19083148

Yes and no. It'll solve some, bring out another.

>> No.19083161

You can't expect somebody else to just solve your problems like that. It's unfair on them.

>> No.19083187

I'm insane, I have been Legitimately insane for a good while.
My mind suffers from it, parts of it, being super adaptive and convincing, what does that mean? I'm the only person in my mind but not the only voice, I share it with a monster who loves to repeat fears and torment me with them.


Any activity that it doesn't want me to do it won't let me
Recently, I was playing a videogame, told me to stop playing, the urge or otherwise fear presents itself, that X thing, X fear is a thing.
What should be done?

>> No.19083250

It scares me that people can think this way.

>> No.19083261

Hadn't heard of him, I'll check it out

>> No.19083265
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I'm beginning to be driven mad by nausea and contempt. How could it be that most people are so base and disgusting, and stunted in development? Why does nobody even act like an adult? Why is it that most people need to be taught "good manners" and idols of reverence, they need to be "educated" on what it is to be human otherwise they always go astray. But it's not even universal, some of us are just born human while others have to be taught and exhaustively so. The nausea of being forced to try and squeeze water out of a fucking stone. Every time it manages to come to that point. I'm not truly mad, I'm not imagining things. I'm just exhausted. Dear normie faggot rabble, do you realize how tiresome you can be? What a chore it is to be forced to put up with you? Solving your silly problems, hearing you out as you seek pity and reconciliation. How hard it is to even conceal the disgust and contempt you make me feel. If you knew what I really thought, and you even knew I was right, I know you wouldn't even care because you have no sense of shame or pride. You must think I love the smell of your breath when you dare touch me. Although I would love the authority of a cruel brahman and have you killed, just for touching me or making eye contact, I would never do so. The humiliation of taking it all out on you. Like going into the wilderness or taking up and flying into the night sky just to get revenge on a mosquito. But oh god why is there so many of you, how did it end up this way?

>> No.19083279

I understand completely, Anon. You're not alone.

>> No.19083299
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hehe development bank goes flop

>> No.19083303

Did Evergrande collapse

>> No.19083316

not yet

>> No.19083319

I've been slowly degrading for years and haven't accomplished anything. I blame my internet addiction and useless doctors

>> No.19083326


you're a fucking faggot

>> No.19083336
File: 69 KB, 498x482, 1448179621343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please don't use the "f" word it's hate-speech.

>> No.19083337

I don't think it will. The CCP will not let it.

>> No.19083339

I know. I'm basically blind from staring at screens all day

>> No.19083354

perhaps, they were given 14 billion. Once the fall starts, even if there is enough of a legitimate business to restructure, it's very difficult to regain confidence.

there is also the question of moral hazard

>> No.19083368

I can't help that I love trashy pop music

>> No.19083376

every year i recognize fewer and fewer popular artists

is this what growing old feels like?

>> No.19083394

Based, same honestly.
What other ones do you like?

>> No.19083408

Ariana Grande is an obvious one. also Doja Cat

>> No.19083425

i like Katy Perry

>> No.19083437

When you're young you're immersed in new stuff because of the social environment, as you get older it requires effort on your part to stay plugged in

>> No.19083491

i want to buy a laptop but i owe a friend some money. do i pay back my loan or do i get a laptop which could help me make some money?

>> No.19083501

Is she hot?

>> No.19083512

Not him but the only way I got rid of BPD ex's was waiting for them to break up with me. You try breaking up with them and they'll put on a full performance of swan lake and try to blame you for their suicide and all kinds of bullshit to keep you. You let them break up with you and suddenly they're too proud to beg. Got rid of the last one within six months by just waiting til she tried the "be nicer to me or I'll break up with you to prove a point" thing. Hilariously, the comment that made me "not nice enough" was verbatim what she'd said to me a few months before.

>> No.19083513

You know with complete certainty that you will not use the toy to earn money. You just want to rationalize your possession of it. If you aren't mature enough to settle your debts, then don't acquire debts. Your best outcome is to not pay him back for so long that he comes to resent you for it and then you can justify that as a means to break off contact, thus never having to pay him back. Terrible. Social structure would crumble fundamentally under jurisdiction that imprudent.

>> No.19083517

Ariana is cool, can't into Doja though, vastly prefer Dua.

>> No.19083535

Not joking or trolling, guys help?
Can someone at least post it on /adv/ for me, my condition won't let me

>> No.19083540

Seek help from a medical professional.

>> No.19083564

Imagine having absolutely no control over your own Will. Learn to tell your inner demons "no" dumbfuck.

>> No.19083565

You should get 8 hours of sleep a night while it's dark, be awake during the actual daytime, try to get at least an hour of outdoor time a day, eat properly, stop drinking and using drugs, etc. If that doesnt solve your problems or if it's not even possible to do that, you should try to get psychiatric help.

>> No.19083577

I can't, it told me not to.
I also can't, it's like a parasite in my mind.

>> No.19083590

Trying to play Advance Wars again to relive some childhood memories. It's not as fun as I remember. I'm better at it now because I don't try to guess my way through things, but that has only revealed to me the real secret of the game, which is that there is a single perfect route to S-rank every mission, and everything else is for scrubs. There's not much in between S-rank and scrub. The developers assume you're either poopsocking it or you're retarded and just scraping by.

If you aren't perfectly planning the minimum number of moves and unit placements to manipulate the enemy AI into letting you win, you are shit. The level designers clearly expect you to color between certain lines, use your units efficiently in the specific way they intended.

Fog of war maps are especially tedious. On a normal map you have to make a plan on how to juggle the enemy unit composition for maximum efficiency, but on fog of war maps you have to do that while also not knowing what the enemy unit composition is. So the only real method is trial and error. Playing it safe isn't really an option since you need to scout aggressively, which is another word for poking out and praying your unit isn't killed. If you play fog of war maps the normal way, you're basically trading units in a war of attrition. The only way to do well in them is to take your lumps on a few botched attempts and memorize all the enemy placements.

I would rather get fist fucked than do that. I'm not sure what younger me was thinking.

>> No.19083594
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"Subaru" spelled backwards is "u r a bus"

>> No.19083638

Blogposting in the blogposting thread:

My ex-gf who I dated for 3 years is posting a lot of things on her instagram story about fortune tellers saying dumb shit along the lines of "you and your ex will get back together", and some slightly less dumb shit of poems proclaiming love.

We broke up due to going long distance and not being able to maintain it (and largely me being unwilling to move across the country to live with her for a year or two, while my family here is growing and changing by the day). If she still lived here, I think it's very likely we'd still be together.

I think she wants me to respond to her or her stories online, but the last time we talked she explicitly said that she didn't want to talk again unless we could make it work. So I think it's best if I let her initiate first contact, but I hate that she's posting shit instead of just talking to me directly about what she's thinking. She's visiting her friend that lives here in 2 months. Last time she did so we hooked up and it led afterward to me crying the hardest I can ever remember. I won't make that mistake again.

>> No.19083657

I've been thinking recently about what someone said in one of the last threads that people who become trans are often pretty smart, and it does seem true. There are lots of them into programming, lots into niche technical video game genres like fighting games and so on. Maybe for a lot of trannies, gender identity issues go hand in hand with the "weird stuff" about them that makes them above average.

>> No.19083691

I just quit my job and I feel happy.

>> No.19083700

My bodily functions seem to work less effectively as I age.... I think I'm slowly deteriorating.

>> No.19083809

It's mostly nerds, right?

>> No.19083872

For the love of God don't hook up with her.

>she didn't want to talk again unless we could make it work
I don't understand women worth a fuck but that means it really really hurts her I think. From my outside experience of ex-gfs dealing with painful emotions I learned that sometimes their emotions about a thing are so extreme that it is actually viable to shut it out entirely. It's not like me or most men I know (I assume) where the problem is either solved or it isn't, or you divide the situation into hard choices. Women have to do that too of course but they really seem to get hit by tidal waves of raw feeling in addition. Kind of scary desu glad I'm male.

>> No.19083894

I find life to be unbearable. It's an endless conversation. I want to escape the tyranny of the mind and its ideals.

>> No.19083905

my god what a weak and imperfect fool I am! I can't wait to be dead

>> No.19083923

Crack, rush, ye mountains, bury your rills!
Spread your green glass, ocean, over the meadows!
Scream, avalanche, boulders amok, strangle the dale!
O ships in the sea’s power, O horses
On shifting roads, in the earth’s power, without hoofhold!
This is the earthquake, this was
the great earthquake of Genryaku!

The chapel fell, the abbey, the minster and the small shrines
fell, their dust rose and a thunder of houses falling.
O to be birds and fly or dragons and ride on a cloud!
The earthquake, the great earthquake of Genryaku!

>> No.19083998


The origin of trannyism has to do with the peculiar character of the American upper middle class. Our puritanical and cult tendencies, and also the inclusion of wahmen into academia and other positions of cultural influence. And women are more religious than men, these "aggressive conformist" type cunts. Very common in America, especially in more educated circles women become more and more religious the more intelligent they are. Intellect in women normally manifests as advanced forms of "social negotiation". So women are natural bureaucrats, lawyers, liars, spies, poisoners, they love to pry into your head if they can. So the problem is of "intelligent" "educated" wahmen and America's native tendency for horrible religious zeal. It gives birth to an incredibly gay and disturbing form of liberalism.

And trannyism, despite having very little scientific or philosophical support and having no appeal at all to beauty or common sense would manage to happen here first and most prominently. Since it's unreasonableness makes it serve as a conformity and status shibboleth. And that is really it's primary function, Americans hate elitists and hermits more than any other Western country because in America "freedom" really means a harsh contract of universal slavery where every man is servile to every other. "Freedom" only means "equality" in the worst sense and anytime you challenge it you rattle a hornets nest. This is what it means to join the mob, you increase its power by increasing its bulk mass therefore its superiority in number (its single and only advantage) and you help neutralize threats by abandoning your freedom, independence, and personal ambition. The mob's biggest weakness is how easily influenced they are by a stronger will and skilled oration. But the American mob is peculiarly resilient to being dominated by ambitious outsiders for special and fucked up American reasons. And a popular and socially legitimate but completely insane shibboleth or "shit test" like trannyism is the type of thing you should expect. God I hate women and Americans so much

>> No.19084001

Why is it people brag about playing video games on hard mode but get all upset at the notion that their life is basically "hard mode" irl?

>> No.19084035

What are some good books about Napoleon?

>> No.19084053

They didn’t. The Greeks wouldn’t have killed an emasculated faggot like you before you hit 13

>> No.19084056

They WOULD have killed you*
I don’t know why this faggot keyboard changed my text

>> No.19084062
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>> No.19084064

I can't believe I read all this shit. You didn't give me a real explanation for the phenomenon.

>> No.19084065

haha sperg go reee

>> No.19084066

I have a cold but I'm double jabbed. fortunately I have some food

>> No.19084067

O'Meara's Napoleon in Exile. Irish doctor who befriended him in exile wrote about it and it's generally considered the most human version. If you want stuff on campaigns or something then not that.

>> No.19084072

>How many young straight guys do you know that have to act like absolute fags just to get a shred of pussy, singing and dancing and jumping around?
Wtf is this guy talking about?
And even if that is the case, just go to whore.

>> No.19084079

Thanks anons :)

>> No.19084136

There is a moving scene in the film The Last Samurai: At the beginning of the film, we see the last samurai in his garden. He looks at the blossoms of a cherry tree and says: you can search for a thousand years, you will never find a perfect blossom. And at the end of the film, the last samurai lies dying on the battlefield, the last moment of his life, and he sees a blossoming cherry tree above him and he says: every cherry tree blossom was perfect all along.

All our lives we try to leave the worldly goods alone and strive only for the heavenly goods. We look into the future, over the edge of the world, and reach for paradise. But maybe when we lie dying on the battlefield of love, we will look up to heaven and say: every good deed was a moment in paradise. I am already here.

>> No.19084237

Music won't take you higher unless you're a moron.

>> No.19084303

My natal chart sucks

>> No.19084310

Absurd prison we live in

>> No.19084328

go talk to them anon

>> No.19084330

After nearly 3 years of going down the schizo religion and esotericism rabbit hole I'm starting to become an agnostic atheist again.

>> No.19084372

I work in a Korean enclave and all my coworkers are Korean. They love it here because they can make a living without the stress of the Korean lifestyle. As a result, they seem a lot more relaxed and grateful about things than the locals.

>> No.19084386
File: 18 KB, 260x257, 1630745217904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half the people here are in jobs that make them want to kill themselves. The other half here are NEETs who hate their lives because they have no routine or direction. It really is as Morrisey sang: I was looking for a job and then I found a job, and heaven knows I'm miserable now. There is no winning.

>> No.19084387


well sorry dude I'm drunk and wrote that shit as fast as I could. I truthfully do not know exactly why American culture is so vulnerable to zealous libshittery. Probably our lack of a ruling class and lack of "high culture". Or the relative lack of distinction in social class. But if you mean "I failed to explain why gay nerds adopt the trend of pretending to be women" I would say they do it because they feel sexually inferior or tolerated but unwelcome in the culture which also manifests as a kind of impotency which may inspire them to act gross and gay. But I vaguely outlined the mob mentality which is what causes trannyism to be so easily accepted, Americans are passive fucking herd animals. Again, probably because our relative lack of class distinction means we do not customarily respect social elites and do not revere or tolerate high culture. So social civic life amounts to nothing but an entertainment circus and a dumb disgusting niggercattle stampede. American society is best understood as a body without a head, there is no competent and well meaning executive discriminating between right and wrong, everything is collective, spontaneous, and emergent. The niggercattle stampede, all the commotion they make. It's the rhythm and pulse behind absolutely everything in this shithole faggot trashgarbage nigger worshipping dumping ground. The "tranny thing" is truly just random bullshit invented by dumb women. Sorry dude, did you want it to be something more dramatic and evil?

>> No.19084395

I'm a NEET and honestly I'm pretty happy. Might get a part time job in the family business for more money but overall I like my life.

>> No.19084408

Man I need to find a calling, fast. I'm gonna burn out pretty quickly otherwise.

>> No.19084431

No, I'm scared. And I'm working most of the time when I see them anyway.

> As a result, they seem a lot more relaxed and grateful about things than the locals.
Seems to be. They're all darkly tanned (which I know is sometimes a taboo in Asia, the boys grow beards and long hair, and the girls all wear beautiful sundresses. I never see them not smiling. They seem to be having a good time.

>> No.19084475

I just quit fapping; and since thinking of women makes me sad because I still haven't touched any, I'll focus on something else. My art, my expression. That's what makes feel powerful. If a man don't have physicial strength(such as myself) he has to find strength in his mind and heart.

>> No.19084488

stop using drugs

>> No.19084494

All I use is caffeine.

>> No.19084505

well what are you doing then to burn out? is it like you feel you have a youthful energy and that it will go away as you age?

>> No.19084571

War and Peace
(mistranslation: actual title should read: War and the World (not to be confused with War of the Worlds))

>> No.19084579

>(mistranslation: actual title should read: War and the World
that's a myth; Tolstoy approved the French translation of this work that meant Peace, not World
both are миp in russian, yes, but it's peace

>> No.19084594

>lets go oppress women and LGBTQ2S+ people, repress sexuality and generally set back human progress by thousands of years
I'm all for that

>> No.19084601

Akshually he meant миp as in local community, neighbourhood

>> No.19084627

I'm in love. I feel sick, I cannot concentrate and a feeling of dread and uncertainty looms over me sunrise to sundown.

How is this desirable for people? Why would anyone want to be in love. I have no control over my thoughts or actions any more. This woman could tell me to slit my wrists and I would.

Oh how awful is the life of a young man.

>> No.19084669

woooohoooo a zoom seminar with a bunch of vapid women voicing their opinions

>> No.19084672

sorry, you are a f***ing faggot

>> No.19084676


>> No.19084688

It's more that I have nothing to care about so I don't ever really try in life

>> No.19084874

Sometimes I wonder how easy it would be to go missing.

>> No.19084886

Is it really true you find someone as partner who are similar to your family members? I seriously would not and do not want to date/marry a woman who has semblance with my mom or sister personality wise.

>> No.19084972 [DELETED] 

i'm vaxxed so i didn't care about vaxx passports in nyc, but now i realize it effectively means you must show id to enter any business or other venue in nyc. they have to check your passport against your state issued id. so now to go to a library, church, or grocery store i have to show an id? how do people go for this shit?

>> No.19085001

Not American but if I'd say optimistically, this will probably be a norm till the spread of corona becomes miniscule.

>> No.19085011 [DELETED] 

dude it's endemic the shit isn't going away and it's a single strand rna virus so it's always going to mutate

>> No.19085123

oh fuck the chinese housing bubble is crashing and it's taking our stock market with it. too bad the government already shot their stimulus load last year on the stimulus, and now have nothing in the chamber. oh no, this could get ugly.

>> No.19085175

why do women take so well to everything degenerate about the modern world

every time some new bad thing happens i just have this gut feeling like "yep i'm gonna be trapped in a room full of women loving the fuck out of this as my new job"

>> No.19085242

Oh what's that? You're a woman reading this post right now? *WAPOW* Now you got a black eye. Don't come round here no more

>> No.19085336

is this a thread for sharing quotes from books or should there be a separate thread for that

>> No.19085555

I had a dream that I latched onto liking Houellebecq so much that after enjoying one of his novels I ordered 6 of them before reading a second one. It's kind of a joke but it does reflect how I feel in a way. I guess I latch onto pessimists because they're the only ones who I can really identify with. It's kinda like walking around in world full of people faking it and only a rare few people will admit how the world is burning all around us. Of course I'm drawn to that. How could I not be?

>> No.19085564

if a quote from a book is on your mind it is

>> No.19085575


Anytime I'm in a situation like that I vividly imagine myself manhandling some of them and brutally dominating them with my cock. Always gives me the confidence I need

>> No.19085607


Well I would have tried to have sex with her somehow

>> No.19085634


I would recommend less faggotry and more mirth and anger

>> No.19085656


If we stay on this rock we are eventually dead. Obviously "space is the final frontier, to infinity and beyond!!!!" is not a good sentiment but our survival as a species absolutely depends on space travel and perhaps terraforming and colonization.

>> No.19085673

Why do people cheat on each other? Basically everyone i know has divorced parents and nearly every single time its because one or both were stepping out. I feel like I'd really like to believe that people aren't just animals chasing fleeting needs but I'm almost always proven wrong.

>> No.19085676


Have them eat less food

>> No.19085703


Why do these guys not just work long hours at horseshit jobs just to help stay afloat? Is it that they can't apply to a restaurant or warehouse with a real job on their CV because HR is worried about overqualification and turnover? Idk if I buy that, horseshit jobs have really bad turnover to begin with. I sympathize with hurt pride but geez dude you have a family to provide for

>> No.19085733

>our survival as a species
Who gives a damn

>> No.19085746

It depends where you live, in some areas there really are no jobs

>> No.19085770

It's also about the fact that based on your existing standard of living a warehouse job likely will just not cover your existing costs. If you're making 6 figures getting knocked down to slightly above minimum wage wont be enough to maintain your standard of living.

>> No.19085779


Holy shit take your gay posturing to Facebook or something. And stop pretending to be afraid of things. Pretending to be afraid of the "unreasonable people" does not in turn make you seem like one of the "reasonable people" it just makes you seem dishonest and cowardly. I hate how in America posturing as a coward or a victim is now taken so seriously. And fuck you pajeet, you think I couldn't tell? You faggots come in here and try to blend in like chameleons. That weird stilted "I too am an American citizen and blah blah blah and this countries goin' to hell in a hand basket I tell ya". You freaks observe American media and what normies ramble on about at work and fucking repeat it like parrots trying to blend in. Your post has that same uncanny insincerity.

>> No.19085794


Well yeah of course but that guy's family was starving. But I agree if he doesn't live in or near any urban center it is tough

>> No.19085811

Did you miss the part where the OP says that he was working some shitty manual labor job?

>> No.19085842


I guess yeah I did

>> No.19085847
File: 413 KB, 764x1080, 93D9B831-9AAC-4D30-A140-957E8D450DA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She. She's on my mind.

>> No.19085852

Anon I'm with you, you've described me too accurately. Are you a neet? What are your hobbies?

>> No.19085869

how does this have 25 million views but i never heard of it
i like it though
i can enjoy some pop music, but i hate the fascist culture around it, especially wrt women artists

>> No.19085897

this but less trashy and more intense and aesthetic

>> No.19085906

Political radicals are the only ones who would have to fear anything. I’m not saying to go after such people. Just keep a eye on them, track their movements, and when they decide to do something dangerous, stop them. Look at the January 6th riot. If we could have collected the data needed to extrapolate the events which would have happened, we could have prevented it. Not “arrest them for something they have yet to do”, just make such a thing impossible. Create flight delays for planes carrying would-be rioters, traffic jams for people traveling to the Capitol by car, etc. You could repeat a similar thing for the BLM riots or if the communists try something. You hear about things like school shooters who the government knew were a threat, right? Put a drone 24/7 on them, and when they head towards a public area, have law enforcement in the area on alert. And maybe a few uniformed soldiers in the area if he/she decides to do something violent.

>But that’s a surveillance state!
Is that a bad thing? Look at China, a massive surveillance state. Nobody in China is trying to destabilize the nation, no Chinese is anti-Chinese in the way so many Americans are anti-American. There are no riots in China, no one can ever storm the Great Hall of the People. Just be honest with the American people. “This is what we are going to do and this is why.” Most people here would be okay with it. It’s not a racial thing like you think. People want to be safe, they want the political radicals to be weakened. People are tired of white nationalists and the tankies.

>> No.19085915

I'm tired and i think i'm depressed. Each day I go to my menial job, then home and get high on oxy. I can't bring myself to fix the slightest thing about my life, my routine, my apartment. There's a fruitfly infestation going on in my kitchen but I just can't be fucked. I've lost the sense that I have any real agency. The things I want I dont have faith I can get. I dont like the people around me, I don't like myself. My ruminations go around in the same old circle forever. I feel numb and I'm barely functioning anymore.

>> No.19085967

I’m not a communist but the CCP is too competent to allow their economy to collapse. We will all be fine.

>> No.19086002


>> No.19086047

eating with dogs
sleeping with dogs
having sex with a good bitch (doggy style)

>> No.19086050


>The Finno-Korean Hyperwar was an ancient war fought between the two most powerful empires of the world, the Ancient Finnish Empire and the Hwan Empire. It is well known for bringing the end of the Hyper Era and bringing the world into a "dark age". The war was fought from between 8245 - 6172 BC. It is commonly debated how great of a role the secondary powers played in the war, as it is suggested that the Wewuz, Kang and Shied technocracies allied with the Hwan to stop the Finnish.

>Wewuz, Kang

Even the ancients were shitlords.

>> No.19086101

Die and suffer then. You won't though because life is truly a gift. Accept with humility the life youve been given, be nice to your parents and find somebody to love. Work and Love is essential for life.

>> No.19086130
File: 103 KB, 1024x646, 8A369875-BA31-46CB-BE14-0C79888D557A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a crush on my neighbor for years. Met her today out in the sunlight and I noticed her upper arms were covered in thick stubble, her skin was pretty awful, and her face suddenly looked ugly. It was like I was broken free from some kind of enchantment and my mind is clearer than ever before. Imagine being shackled to a woman for life, sleeping in the same bed, eat together.. it gives me the heebie jeebies. From now on I’m now a volcel for life

>> No.19086167
File: 83 KB, 669x768, 58mLWRubMdUSVgAdZFKSJ0_v0HwTRJU7-uCfSr1thKU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I fucked my sister lads... Its a good read
It started when I was around 12 and stopped when I was 16. She was 4 years old than me. Someone heard me talking to myself, due to being stoned at a free period; and it spread all over my year at school. I genuinely deluded myself into thinking it didn't happen- I would mediate in my room for about an hour a day. But not because I felt bad! No, so I could survive my remaining time at school and withstand the constant harassment was the sole reason. I was very happy with how I brushed off the (true) slander:
At school, when I was with my friends, some assholes would try to taunt me and say I fucked my sister. With a smile on my face, I'd said "yeah and its the best sex ever. You only jerk your penis to incest!" Sounds kinda lame when I write it but when I said it, I didn't give a shit and felt no remorse. If anything I enjoyed my school life more, because I was becoming increasingly handsome and would notice girls gawking at me. More importantly, my four bros always had my back. We'd do loads of drugs together and soon I was open about what I did. I've always had close an insanely close group of friends, and I would recall how hot it was and that they should be jealous- thank god/ jews for incest porn as well! Still remember being on the skype call when they asked me and I was excited to finally let them in on my secret.

I was friends with a girl (pretty based for a girl) who had a crush on my for years. She was a reverse tsundere: she'd hit and punch all the other boys but me. Unfortunately, I stopped hanging out with her when I started smoking weed with the bois. We, however, would still talk at school- I must admit our conversations were vary engaging and comfy. When she heard the rumour, she turned quite neurotic and bereft of jest, started teasing me; I assume with the motivation to ascertain to ungodly truth.
I quickly grew tired of her. And I simply stopped coming to school! Not because I was a pussy, but because I was a smart son of a bitch! With my mother as my proxy, I navigated around the teachers in an astute manner. My mother relayed the "rumour" to the teachers and said I was being picked. I sort of strong-armed the teachers to quell the rumour: I straightforwardly refused to come to school (which is a huge menace for the administration). Meanwhile, I was happily playing dota 2 at home. When I ventured back, everybody stopped the jokes at school, as they were scolded. I waltzed back in to school like nothing happened microdosing on lsd listening to music on quiet days.

However, all was not fine and dandy....
Due to complicated auxiliary reason, my family fell apart and my home life suffered tragically. The people I once knew and so dearly loved, slowly became very distorted and abhorrent to me. It was only here, that I lapped up Buddhism slave-morality and started to feel bad. With the oncoming of acne and a shitty family life, my world quickly crumbled... cont.

>> No.19086182
File: 972 KB, 746x617, bugs_life_grasshopper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3/4 of my bros dropped out of school but I chose to take my studies seriously. My only respite in life, at this point, was studying maths in solitude and lifting weights.
Even though I was ridiculously ripped, my acne was really bad and thus(ly) I withdrew from people and the world at large.
I found my new place in books, video games, fitness, and programming. Unfortunately, I grew more eccentric and lost the ability to converse with people.
Even my bros...
It pains me greatly to write it but: I admit I was a loser!

It was agonising to unsuccessfully remember my teenage years- I thought weed was making me schizophrenic. Why could I not remember
4 years of my life adequately? Why am I a loser?
Only after reading crime and punishment (about a 7 months ago) did I piece together all the fragments, which I gradually uncovered.
I shall continue to read Nietzsche and never look in bad light against myself and my actions.
I am incredibly grateful to have fucked a beautiful woman with utter confidence in the ass whenever we could (maybe I will go into the glorious details) and have the friends I did.
After rediscovering the truth, I harbour no regrets. I take solace in my past. Only the appetite for life that I have rediscovered remains in my mind.
I will go into details at a later date, coomers. Feel free to ask questions.
Onward and upwards, my friends!

>> No.19086209

>Became a strange solipsist
>Reads Nietzsche and crime and punishment
Look kid, just live normally and listen to your parents because you aren't as special, profund or smart as you might think or not think you are.

>> No.19086229

>Look kid, just live normally and listen to your parents
I speak to my mother, but I had a physical fight with my father. I have an ok relationship with them.

>profund or smart as you might think or not think you are
lol imagine being on /lit/ AND insecure over on dostoevsky and nietzche

>> No.19086315

recently got a shit job which I plan on quitting in 2 weeks. ive made enough money these past month to make my NEET life a little more enjoyable. cant wait bros.

>> No.19086347
File: 124 KB, 1536x1133, Joseph_Mallord_William_Turner_-_Norham_Castle,_Sunrise_-_WGA23182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The woman I love is always excessively equivocal with me. Previously, while I managed to make it quite clear that I had an inclination for her, she acted very enthusiastically, saying that she liked my way of speaking, my culture and my compliments, which she generally returned, so that I managed to persuade myself that she liked me too. However, when I told her explicitly and after a moment of reflection, she told me that she was not in love, although it was not impossible that she would become so later. We continued to see each other and not only did she not cool down except for the first few days, but she showed new ardor to the point of inviting me to spend a few days at her home so that I could introduce myself to her family. At the beginning of the school year, when we were talking about madam and misses, she told me that she did not want to become a madam for the moment (which is ambiguous). We continue to see each other regularly and she always puts goodwill into the relationship.
What should I expect? She is not the type to manipulate for attention and I think she is very ingenuous in all that I have reported.
Also I think she's very indecisive, she told me she's considering going into a convent but I also know she's considering a lot of schooling and maybe finding a trade. Maybe I'm putting myself in this opposition between religious life and secular life. Maybe I'm just being a good friend and she's being especially friendly to me for no special reason.

>> No.19086377

cycle, crescent currents curve as sickle,
cyclical the cymbal trembles the skull,
idyll-ghyll-beguiled the waves gull The child;
swannish, wantoned, gamboled-wan then wrinkled

ruined, rue-scent, rue reborn rubescent,
oh pleasant pendant, heaven-dependent,
O-adjacent malkuth phosphorescent,
naught but ruddy red and azure raiment.

displays each disorderly displacement
another order formly-formally
arranged, very strange but careful-arranged,
this name, this name, this my name it changes,

and all returns from thurible-tremble,
boundless planets terrible, sensible,
each made bearable, a new parable,
incomprehensible made sensicle.

>> No.19086407

Praise never feels real or meaningful, yet even the lightest critique makes me feel like shit. Even if five people tell me they like what I do, it only takes one saying they hate it to get me down. It fucking sucks. I hate being so thin-skinned, holy shit.

>> No.19086547

should you ask a girl her favourite dinosaur on a first date?

>> No.19086554

I'm surprised there hasn't been a rise in Choose-Your-Own-Adventure books with the rise of digital media. VNs are becoming normalfag-tier levels of acceptable and pdfs mean you no longer have to manually turn to page 46 to see the result of your decision. Even the ai dungeon is further proof of interest (even if it's mostly for smut). I like CYA books and I'm starting to think it might be an untapped market.

>> No.19086564


>> No.19086570
File: 94 KB, 256x256, 18116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help. Please. I'm 25, single. I have a good job, and I live with my family. I do more than my part to support them, so I feel no shame being with them, it's the least I can do for the folks who raised me. They're far from perfect, but they're not terrible people (though we do have fights from time to time, and some of them are very difficult to bear with). Materially, I'm doing fine. The problem is... everything else. I'm lonely. I have friends, long-time friends, even, but I haven't seen them in over a year, and even before then it was maybe 2-4 times a year for a while. Outside of work and errands, I never leave the house, there's nothing in this country that could interest me at all, and I genuinely tried to be too. I don't like my job. It pays well, but I don't like it. I spend most of my time with nothing to do, on a desk. And while I could opt for a more active and hands-on role on the field, the pay and opportunities there are considerably worse, and I have so many commitments to take care of. I'm friendly with some of my co-workers, but they don't interest me as people at all. Then there's the other side of this issue: I'm a STEMfag who's completely in love with the humanities. I don't want to be here. Not in this job, not in this country. I want to move out and study philosophy and literature abroad, but I'm not gonna have the money for it any time soon. It'll take me at least 7-8 years to get enough to do so, and even then there's the issue of trying to find part-time work on an engineering degree on one hand, while juggling those courses on the other. The prospect of continuing to live this miserable life for the next maybe 10 years, for a goal I might never even get to achieve, it's fucking harrowing. Books are the only thing keeping me sane. And worse than all of this is that I want to get married. I am confident that I can seek out a woman and have her hand, but whoever she might be, I can't take her where my dreams would. I live in a society with a very strong family culture, and I appreciate it, but it means that if I get married now, I can't ask my would-be wife to drop her everything she has and live abroad with me so I can study phil. So this goal of mine is also preventing me from committing to shit, and now I'm in this paralysed state where I don't know what to do with myself. Should I stop chasing my dream and try to make-do with what I have here, miserable as it is? Should I really go into my mid-30's unmarried and without any meaningful connections in hopes of achieving it? And even if I get to do it, I'd be in my 40's by the time I'm done studying philosophy. I'd be too old to accomplish anything in that field, all philosophy majors start young, they'd be writing and getting published at the age I'm at right now, and by THEIR 40's, they would be professors and senior researchers. No matter which way I look, it's fucking bleak. I'm so lost. I don't know what to do.

>> No.19086577

didn't read

>> No.19086615

I'm starting to develop a hatred for women. Every single one I met so far is either incredibly dumb or vile, at the very least showing a callous disregard for others. Seems like they almost enjoy tormenting others through their feelings.

>> No.19086619

I used to enjoy listening to "Youtube essayists" who critiqued shit like MauLer. Safe to say, I'm glad I'm over my phase watching him. I realize now that it's so much better to watch videos of people talking about why something is GOOD rather than why something is bad. Don't get me wrong, the Star Wars sequels are bad, but I think it's more productive and inspiring to read about what works and how to create something rather than what doesn't work and just seems like complaining for the sake of clicks rather than constructively criticizing something as to avoid making the same mistakes.
Youtubers like HelloFutureMe are what I like now, because he talks about creating things rather than just saying something is bad and why. It is satisfying to hear him rip something to shreds, but he at least tries to rebuild when he takes something down. Saying "Game of Thrones post-season 5 is bad" is one thing, saying "Game of Thrones post-season 5 is bad, but here's how I'd fix it" is better.

>> No.19086634

You have to go back

>> No.19086639


>> No.19086643

You are most likely over estimating how much you would like academic life. With your expectations, you are bound to be disappointed even if you go for. This is not to say you should necessarily stay where you are. As a stemfag, you have a good chance that if you move abroad to where you want to, you'll have a decent life. If you are really that interested in the humanities, you'll still probably have a better time devoting yourself to it outside of an academic setting. The trick is to meet people interested in the same. No idea how to do that.

>> No.19086661

Could I really find my way into the humanities outside of academia?

>> No.19086676

What happened anon? did she respond?

I said this maybe 4 or 5 threads ago, but the reason no one cares about global warming is because it's the northern hemisphere that benefits and gains habitable land from an increase in global temperature, with Canada and Russia being the biggest winners. I wouldn't be surprised if they were merely pretending to care about climate change while actively increasing their CO2 emissions

>> No.19086691

After finding out Doja Cat's a /pol/tard, I'm really curious how many celebs are on these websites.

I had a classmate say Sneed the other day and I had to try hard not to laugh.

>> No.19086711

Very. It is the single biggest stress in my life. It’s fall now, and every time I see the lovely red leaves I wonder if the climate will be such that this will continue in the future. I feel bad because the sea will rise, people will die because of famine and food chain collapse, etc. Not to mention the chaos climate refugees will cause. It’s very stressful.

>> No.19086716

Hey, at least you won't be alive to see it.

>> No.19086721

I’m a zoomer, I’ll be around to see it.

>> No.19086732

It's pretty horrific thinking about the stress we're putting on the world.

>> No.19086744

My mom's obsessed with birth order. Like, it's practically her version of horoscopes. She says that if you only have an older sister, you should date a girl who has a younger brother, or if you only have a younger sister, you should date a girl who has an older brother. This is because you're already used to the relationship dynamic.

She also told me that what Washington, Napoleon, Lenin, Hitler, Castro, Ho Chi Minh, and I all have in common are that we're all second sons, pointing out that most rebellions were started by second sons.

>> No.19086761

>She says that if you only have an older sister, you should date a girl who has a younger brother, or if you only have a younger sister, you should date a girl who has an older brother. This is because you're already used to the relationship dynamic.
I think she wants you to marry your sister

>> No.19086762

It's just weird to me that everyone's freaking out about it yet no one wants to just use nuclear power. But hey I live in a non-coastal state that will improve from climate change so that's on you guys. As such, border security is the most important political issue in my opinion.

>> No.19086769

No, but my mother is the oldest child in her family (with a younger brother) and my dad has an older sister, so she partially attests the success of their marriage to that.

>> No.19086773

Just because someone sees something as illogical, it doesn't mean they're free of the effects of illogical thinking.

>> No.19086778

What do you mean by that? Be a teacher, write papers in philosophy and so on? Most likely not, unless you produce some amazing work. Meet people interested in the same things and have a group of friends where you can talk about philosophy and so on? Yes, but of course it's hard to build those groups.

>> No.19086789

lots of people want to use nuclear power, its more like there are interests involved suppressing the development of nuclear energy as a viable alternative.

>> No.19086823

>What do you mean by that? Be a teacher, write papers in philosophy and so on? Most likely not, unless you produce some amazing work
Yeah, that's what I'd like to do, ideally. I wish I had more time in this life. I wish the human body wouldn't start wasting away so quickly. I have never been so uncomfortable with my mortality as I am now. What a sick joke.

>> No.19086948

Any of you guys ever try cold approaching a girl before?

>> No.19086969

Well, for that you would either need to do something truly amazing or go through all the hoops, get into a good college, get your Bachelors and Masters, get into a good program for your PhD, make all the right connections, publish good stuff and have lots of luck to land a teaching position. It's an absolute pain in the ass and it might take decades to get there. More importantly though, you probably wouldn't like it. Turning a hobby into a tortuous career is asking for trouble.

>> No.19086970


>> No.19087269

>tfw 105 IQ