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19077992 No.19077992 [Reply] [Original]

I am increasingly leaning towards a disciplinarian, moralistic, law and order frame of mind, but whenever I reach for conservative literature which claims to uphold these values in order to give this instinct depth and a theoretical refinement I just find it all so terrible and shallow that I even start doubting my own political intuition and blaming it for putting me anywhere near these people.

It really is no wonder that right-wingers usually become this mishmash of retarded libertarian, religious, tribalistic and conspiratorial ideas that they just oscilate between without any regard for inner consistency, there is no coherent framework out there to work with.

>> No.19078175

>right wingers


>> No.19078178
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>I am increasingly leaning towards a disciplinarian, moralistic, law and order frame of mind
Happy 30th birthday, OP.

>> No.19078181

>Letting spooks like morality constrain your personal opportunities
Talk about being an idiot. This is what happens you fetishize conceptualization and philosophy too much. You just become a sophistry interested in abstract non-sense instead of living as any other normal creature. You're a fucking loser.

>> No.19078205

Cringe thread..

>> No.19078208

You think this comes off like contempt but it actually comes off like resentment

>> No.19078473
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It's mostly a shallow justification in defense of traditional patterns of deference and command, and higher orders over lesser orders. The strong should oppress the weak. Men should oppress women. The rich should oppress the poor. And on and on. When conservatives get enlivened, it's because of challenges to those patterns, which motivates them to "pick up the sword" so to speak, since "order" is kinda boring and leads to decadence. If you read neocons in the 90s, one of their rationales for imperial war -- which they expanded after 9/11 -- was to resolve a post-Cold War loss of purpose they felt was leading to decadence. You can see this foreshadowed by 90s movies and World War II nostalgia at the time:


Talking about the U.S. here. But what were people fighting about? An impeachment over a consensual sexual affair? We used to be involved in a civilizational struggle against the communists, or against the Nazis, and now... blowjobs!?! What's the point of this whole thing? The conservative will sit in the Applebee's and eat their sliders and stare off into the void because there's no point. And if there isn't an enemy, they will invent one.

Well look at what they unleashed. Now it's come back around and normies are emotionally processing the shock that comes from seeing that right-wing extremists can "do the scary" too with no other goal than creating even less peace and quiet through pogroms of their vaguely defined and vaguely perceived enemies (some of whom may identify as normies). The FBI's (and other authoritative groups) recent debacles instigating the very thing they themselves are designed to stop has also created some wobbling in the empire.

In the event of reactionary rebellion though, I think both the normies and the apolitical working class unite as a matter of course. History is replete with examples from the Optimates of Rome, to the Muscodin of France, to the funny mustache cultists from not-India Space Atlantis in the 1930s. All of them ostensibly seeking peace and quiet while powered by the unholy terror of "revolution" principally believed to originate on the left, to be squelched and or co-opted from above. But it's the people generally that tear down the structure of society if an only if the mode of production of the next revolution is present, available, and demonstrated as a superior alternative. The vanguard can only educate and organize the masses generally towards a real and material view of their historic legacy -- an ever increasing human dignity and the ever increasing empowerment of the people as a whole to become the subjects of history rather than subjects to history.


>> No.19078625

>pwease shame the far right into making something I can accept
>I'm an evil propagandist who tries to spin events
You one ran everyone away and two aren't going to get anywhere doing that. I mean every year is just another filler post to make.