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19076497 No.19076497 [Reply] [Original]

books that filtered you?

>> No.19076513

start with the greeks

>> No.19077600


>> No.19077605

Tacitus in Latin

>> No.19077634

i imagine the bible would filter me unless I went really slowly and took it in bites

>> No.19077641

Booger Aurthur and Cumshots in Gibraltar part 3

>> No.19077650
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Anal by Aleister Crowley

>> No.19077656

The Green Face

>> No.19077662

The second half of Sergius Bulgakov's essay on Judas filtered me, hard. I was with him until he started explaining his concept of the supratemporal creation of man and everything after that made me feel like a retard.

>> No.19078862

Aristotel's Metaphysics. To be fair, I didn't read anything from him before. What should I read to better understand Metaphysics?

>> No.19079012

Seconding this question, I want to read Metaphysics.

>> No.19079220

The Silmarillion

>> No.19079232

The Prince by Niggerless Maccaroni

>> No.19079491

Plotinus was just too hard
Physics is a good gateway, but metaphysics is a very hard book and you'll have to get some help from commentaries

>> No.19079671

The Sound and the Fury. I'll get back to it some day.

>> No.19079685

Archetypes and the collective unconscious

Why does he keep going off topic ?

>> No.19079697

Actually he doesn't. Eat the mushrooms before reading Jung so you'll get it.

>> No.19079700

The view from flyover country by Sarah Kendzior. Being from a small town and going to college in city, I learnt a lot of things really fast. A good red pill for early teens trying to pursue a career.

>> No.19079718

Steppenwolf semi-filtered me. I guess its main message was not to take life too seriously (?). Plus all the Jungian shit went over my head.

>> No.19079911

Leviticus will filter you, and 1st Chronicles

>> No.19080588
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I used to think my English was pretty good for a non-native speaker, but this might as well be French.
Loved House of Leaves minus the junkie shizopost passages, so perhaps I've been filtered by the same author twice? Not sure about the consensus on House of Leaves.

>> No.19080607

We had to read that in early high-school, maybe 8th or 9th grade and I remember having no clue what the fuck was going on except I disliked the protagonist for some reason.

>> No.19080713

Blood Meridian got repetitive and boring after they leave the feast and I stopped reading.

>> No.19080734

Some of Camus. Not because it was hard, but it is just so fucking depressing.

>> No.19080808

None. I don't read.

>> No.19080872

the denial of death by ernest becker. a mix of disagreement, boredom, and fear.

>> No.19080881

I've never been filtered.

>> No.19080931

I'm borderline suicidal but also terrified of death :^)

>> No.19081089

I don't think you understood the assignment.

>> No.19081123

The Waste Land, but I would never say this in public because it makes me look like a retard.

>> No.19081423

Heart of Darkness. Thought my English was native-speaker level but Conrad's writing had my scratching my head.

Rereading it helped a lot though

>> No.19081438

I filtered myself myself. I also don't really read books.

>> No.19081439

Imagine lying on an anonymous image board.

>> No.19081447

Pretty much all philosophy just sounds like convoluted gobbledygook to me.

Also Finnegan's wake.

>> No.19081450

Notes from underground. The first part filtered me hard, I don't want to read schizo ramblings, I have no idea what that guy is talking about. It's too hard for me to comprehend. Maybe I should try rereading this one day.

>> No.19081463

Probably par for the course, but I tried reading Heidegger Being and Time and was gigafiltered almost immediately. Idk if reading it's supposed to be a months-long journey or if I skipped prereqs, but holy dick did I lose to that book

>> No.19081469

It's because most philosophers are retarded dumbasses who take simple ideas and use them in long overcomplicated words embraced in their own terminology to make it even more confusing, almost all philosophy ideas and books can be simplified to simple terms and sentences
t. PhD in philosophy

>> No.19081937

Isn't there a difference between an explanation, that could be condensed and simplified, and a demonstration that ideas are correct or justified? Isn't the point of original philosophical works to do the latter? Also, sorry about the PhD

>> No.19081969


>> No.19082176

Dosto was a reactionary against Western/socialist/materialist ideologies eg utilitarianism

>> No.19082189

Imagine getting butthurt over a random post

>> No.19082276

Nostromo filtered me hard. I tried getting through it three separate times, restarting each time because too much time had passed. I barely ever broke 100 pages

>> No.19082281

Crying of Lot 49. Read the first few chapters for college, had no idea what the fuck was going on, so I restored to SparkNotes. I got an A in the class, but I've come to accept I'm a brainlet that should stick to fantasy/sci-fi.

>> No.19082604

>and a demonstration that ideas are correct or justified?
Do philosophers really achieve that?

>t. PhD in philosophy
What is your thesis about?

>> No.19082785
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>> No.19082804

thus spoke zarathustra

>> No.19082819

I just posted but it didn't go through for some reason. Guess I'll write it again.
Snow Country. I consider myself decently knowledgeable on japanese lit and have read other novels by Kawabata, but this one went completely over my head. I couldn't understand what the characters were thinking at any point or grasp any symbolism or had any idea what the point of all of it was other than having pretty prose.