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19075997 No.19075997 [Reply] [Original]

How would you destroy the cliché "beauty is subjective" ?

>> No.19076007

She looks unsufferable.

>> No.19076012


>> No.19076044

It's true. Calling something beautiful is a value judgement which is indeed subjective.

>> No.19076063

there are features that are universally attractive
in general attractiveness is just a bunch of indicators of health and fertility
wake up mongoloid

>> No.19076078
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Ah, yes. Objective beauty. I see.

>> No.19076145

>>there are features that are universally attractive
no there aren't. some people find things "universally" attractive ugly, therefore making it not universal

>> No.19076166

Maybe not universally 'attractive' but easy on the eyes, perhaps desirable to a certain extent, there's no specific universal physical traits that everyone can agree upon are attractive.

>> No.19076225

she very closely resembles my girlfriend in a dream I just woke up from...we were both about packed ready to board a plane for somewhere in europe, but for some reason that changed beyond my control to a Japan trip. I loved sitting close beside her on the plane, feeling the delicacy of her golden hair that hung immobile in the corner of my eye, her protruding bosom just beneath, my consciousness was under her womanly enchantment. For some reason the plane we had just got on was making a stop. I got off to get a coffee but the barista held me up squabbling over notes and coins, I simply walked off only to see the plane had just launched itself a hundred metres up into the air without me...but with my powers, I think, I made it slowly move into an upward loop, then spun the plane round and round in rapid circles. The dream broke completely, I woke, I cried to dream again.

>> No.19076232

if you plucked a man from that culture he would without a doubt find white woman more attractive

>> No.19076265
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>> No.19076309

She looks stunning

>> No.19076319

These are biological, but even these are subjective to the experience of being a human. Nothing is truly objective.

>> No.19076547

by analyzing it like any other concept. your own personal enjoyment of music is completely subjective but you can still tell when production is good, instrumentation is solid, lyricism is deep, etc. same works for beauty. I might not find beyonce attractive doesn't mean she isn't objectively beautiful.

>> No.19076798

She looks fine, man.

>> No.19076831

mayhaps this mayeth be a OBJECTIVE statement I doth suppose???!?!?

>> No.19076844

Lmao, she's probably out of your league any way.

>> No.19076854

I once dreamed I stabbed someone in the neck with a screwdriver, and I liked it.

(He was trying to light the house on fire though)

>> No.19076897

True but the context of her posing for a photo makes it disgusting at least to me.

>> No.19076974

With a razor blade and white vinegar.

>> No.19077079

By demonstrating that the concepts "beauty", "is", and "subjective" are actually contingent categories that aren't solid enough to be able to make the claim "beauty is subjective."

>> No.19077107

>defending a woman on an anonymous tibetan tiger breeding forum.
(YOU) are out of her league.

>> No.19077112

Nice try, but it's not; even this statement is only relative to being A. human and B. my passing judgement. I'm not declaring that nothing is objective, I'm stating my opinion.

>> No.19077147

>l, but even these are subjective to the experience of being a human
this is true
>Nothing is truly objective.
this is not necissarily true.

Also, I was just being an anal retentive for a lul. thus was the cause of my "doth"

>> No.19077148

This isn't true, people are attracted to variable things. Skin tone, hair color and length, height, weight, facial structure, hip size, breast size, etc are all variable depending on culture and personal preference. Occasionally people might be asexual or be attracted to things that aren't inherently sexual such as feet.

>> No.19077248

No problem, friend. No hard feelings?

>> No.19077302

I wasn't defending her but yeah, I'm pretty fucking attractive and I have a long dong. Thanks for reminding me, it feels good to think about.

>> No.19077350


>> No.19077360

She's hiding her face bro. She knows beauty is subjective

>> No.19078936

Why is Renaissance art so much more loved and valuable compared to any piece of modern art?

>> No.19080089

ugh yeah, she probably only dates gym douchebags who are stupid and loud, and not sophisticated and intelligent and kind guys like me.

>> No.19080104


>Excreting is the curse that threatens madness because it shows man his abject finitude, his physicalness, the likely unreality of his hopes and dreams. But even more immediately, it represents man's utter bafflement at the sheer non-sense of creation: to fashion the sublime miracle of the human face, the mysterium tremendum of radiant female beauty, the veritable goddesses that beautiful women are; to bring this out of nothing, out of the void, and make it shine in noonday; to take such a miracle and put miracles again within it, deep in the mystery of eyes that peer out-the eye that gave even the dry Darwin a chill; to do all this, and to combine it with an anus that shits! It is too much. Nature mocks us, and poets live in torture.

Ernest Becker, The Denial of Death

>> No.19080117

Blonde girls are demons disguised as angels

>> No.19080152
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I see a woman. She's like this: artsy, cute, petite. You see her and want to cuddle her, perhaps take out your credit card and buy her a flower. Me? I pin her down on the table, bite her neck, and thrust my cock in her pussy. It tightens and grasps my cock with the death grip of a king cobra. Her simp sitting across the table snaps a picture. His intention is to produce photographic evidence to help convict me of rape, but I snatch the phone out of his feeble hands and post that shit on Instagram.

>> No.19080167

>man invents thictional scenario and gets barely semi-hard about it

>> No.19080244

I just see a bunch of paint.

>> No.19080254

So there are several problems with that statement.

The first problem is that nobody can agree on what beauty is and what exactly is denoted by the term "subjective". So already your statement is nonsensical when unpacked as its composed by three terms of which two, namely, "beauty" and "subjective" are two key unsolved philosophical problems. We could initially agree that the term "is" is the only intelligible term in your statement, but once divorced from its sisters "beauty" and "subjective" it denotes nothing at all. But upon further inspection even if that were not the case, and that instantation of "is" *did* denote something, we would realize that even the term "is" itself is a philosophical problem, as there is no singular accepted meaning that would explain what it means for something "to be". In fact, we do not even know whether this is a linguistic or an existential or a cosmological or a theological problem, so we cannot even agree on the tools to be used to solve this problem. With this in mind, it is clear that the term "beautiy is subjective" is the kind of term that can only be approached in silence. That is, there is no possible reaction to that statement, not even in a meta-sense since we cannot say that the logic underpinning the *interpretation* of the statement is perhaps relativistic, subjective, or to be analyzed as a logical statement, linguistically, in that sense we do not even have the tools to say whether that is a logical, linguistic obstacle or something else entirely. And this analytical regress never ends until at arrives at first principles of existence as it were. So in the absolute sense the interpretation of the statement "beauty is subjective" and whether this is of an objective or subjective quality is co-dependent on the fundamental subconscious interpretation of first principles by any person doing the analysis, but of course as part of community the statement has a communal objective reality that is not subjective, but because the community is made up of individuals, it allows for just enough fluidity in personal interpretation for someone to claim that it is subjective entirely (though it is clearly not). But this is all a very surface level analysis, to know that beauty is objective would be to say that beauty is in the mind of God who knows it as such. But there is nothing to say, that in this objectivity is infinite fluidity that accomades personal individuality of created things, so beauty could very well be objective to God through his omniscience but infinite as part of his infinite existence. In short, I am brought back to the fact that the statement "beauty is subjective" is nonsensical, the only possible approach to the experience of beauty qua beauty, is to bow down before God and to perceive it through the faculty of MEDIATION by Holy Spirit as a direct experience, rather as an analytical object of linguistics, logic, aesthetics or any compartmentalization of finite, natural reason.

>> No.19081260

she's gonna poop all of that food out eventually

>> No.19081264


Fear and Trembling mostly

>> No.19081381

It’s the casually masculine body language and broad shouldered coat.

>> No.19081395 [DELETED] 

I need to quit the job before I just kill myself, but what am I so afraid of? Well, it’s the fact that I’m too inadequate to anything else in particular and there’s nowhere to run really.

>> No.19081618

completely untrue

>> No.19082016

subjective does not mean arbitrary

>> No.19082041

I would destroy the plebs

>> No.19082143

This seems a pretty retarded statement. Please explain.

>> No.19082192

Not him but you were still objectively wrong in your metaphysical claim though.

>> No.19082205

>Language and grammar are contingent
>Yet still presupposes that words will convey meaning when used
You're inconsistent.

>> No.19082206


It Depends on if the Woman is near her bleeding or not.

deal with it,
get hard with it.

>> No.19082221

We got a winner.

>> No.19082258

>to do all this, and to combine it with an anus that shits!
I came to this realization years ago and I still can't shake it. I actually fucking hate people who make vulgar jokes about it as well. I can never look at women who do the same. What's wrong with me, /lit/?