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1907512 No.1907512 [Reply] [Original]

A Dance with Dragons embargo is lifted. Glowing reviews everywhere.




DailyBeast calls it the best yet.

Thank you GRRM. With 5/7 of the books being great, looks like this will end up being the best fantasy series of all time.

>> No.1907566

To those who've actually read it on /lit/ where would you place it amongst the series?

>> No.1907577

Personal opinion (from the pics of the pages):

God tier: 3>1>5>2

Bitch Tier: 4

>> No.1907594

How are Theon's chapters? He's my favourite character and I heard he has the most chapters apart from Tyrion or Jon?

>> No.1907663


EW in there Q&A yesterday said Theon has some of the most "heart wrenching" chapters in the entire series.

Sounds like GRRM will try to redeem Theon.

>> No.1907666


2 and 3 three just seem like one long book. It's hard to rank 2 so low when it has the awesome Blackwater battle.

>> No.1907679

Wert's review.


This review just got me majorly hyped.

>> No.1907681

Confirming this. Theon goes through some fucked up shit.

>> No.1907694

Bran and Arya have had my favorite chapters since book 2, so of course in AFFC and ADWD they only have a couple chapters each. Shit sucks.

Jon chapters are 10x better than in the previous books though, so that's a plus. Dany's are meh as always, and Tyrion's range from good to boring-but-still-alright.

>> No.1907698

oh and yeah, Theon's are among the best this time around. I always liked his chapters though.

>> No.1907727


I'm okay with this, since I'm not a fan of Arya.

Can't wait for Theon, Jon, Tyrion, and Jaime, despite his small number of chapters.

>> No.1907727,1 [INTERNAL] 

I thought it was terrible book. Placing last in the series. To be fair i havent read it the whole way through. im at page 700. And the first half was such a bore to read through. I didnt mind AFFC because my favourite characters had POVS and since Dany and Jon never were my favourites and they get a considerable portain of this book it took me a while to get through it as they barely did anything. Tyrions chapters for once in my life i took no pleasure in read either until he met up with Jorah. I mean its lose that appeal for me. I truely hope it gets better. It is starting to now. I suppose its just a buildup book. But it seems nothing new is being offered. and its just repeating what AFFC did. I enjoyed AFFC i didnt enjoy this book thus far.