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19074859 No.19074859[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>r/Buddhism is having yet another cope session on how smoking weed and taking psychedelics totally doesn’t violate the fifth precept and can actually lead to enlightenment
Am I the only westerner interested in Buddhism that isn’t either a degenerate hippie drug addict or bored soccer mom?

>> No.19074872

weak bait

>> No.19074876

How is this bait?

>> No.19074879

why are you interested in buddhism? Its just reddit atheism trying to save itself from its own despair. The buddhist movement was nothing other than the dawkins of its time reacting to hinduism, if you want actual metaphysical system that are good and can provide knowledge look into christianity hinduism, and dare i say Judaism

>> No.19074895

You have no idea what you are talking about. And neither does reddit.

>> No.19074898

What if you are? What if you aren't? Why does this concern you? Why are you asking 4chan?

>> No.19074900

Go ahead and scratch your ass on the footsteps of some Ashram for 50 years to get the same experience as hitting DMT on time.

>> No.19074901
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Start with the jeets

>> No.19074909

For one, because I’m interested in tantra (the real kind, not the western sexual kind) and Tibetan Buddhism, out of all systems of eastern spirituality, has done the best to preserve it. Hindu tantra is near extinction because of it being historically suppressed by the Brahmin caste. What little remains of it is hard to find and not nearly as comprehensive as tantra in Buddhism because so much of it has been lost.
For another, I like that the ultimate aim of Buddhism is to eliminate suffering and that it provides means to do so. I’m aware there strains of similar thought and practice in other religions, such as Catholicism, but none of them place a focus on it the way Buddhism does.

>> No.19074917

didn't read because you posted a frog

>> No.19074925
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The entire buddhist movement was a force of mid to upper class neets that justified their anxieties about achieving their true potential by claiming that there was no God, and you need not worry about anything at all. Buddhists do not reflect on anything at all, because there is nothing. It is a natural depressant for those that are tuckered out and anxious. It therefore corresponds to declining civilizations, so it is no suprise that we have ridiculous amounts of it in the west now.

>> No.19074961

>they said there was no god so they're a bunch of bad poopoo reddit incel neet people
Grow the fuck up

>> No.19074967

>I like that the ultimate aim of Buddhism is to eliminate suffering and that it provides means to do so.
I just think its cringe. If youve ever talked to a Buddhist monk, you will realize how vapid they are. They are nothing but clever charlatans that engage in a nihilistic skepticism that never allows knowledge to get off the ground. Notice that all Buddhist doctrine and knowledge involves deconstructing concepts that we conceiver before its time. There is no knowledge in buddhism that cant be attained by just negating everything you think.

>> No.19074968

>he clings to muh precepts

>> No.19074985

It has nothing to do with reddit, though reddit is an example of what im talking about.

>> No.19074992

>admitting to browsing Reddit
cmon man. Also for any anons interested in Buddhism, beware all the pitfalls of getting into Buddhism due to all the bullshit out there written about it. You'd be better off starting with something like Evola's book on Buddhism than anything you can find recommended on Reddit or in your local B&N. And I'm not saying that as an Evola fanboy or even as an endorsement of that work entirely.

>> No.19074999

>christfag posts something retarded

>> No.19075015

>everyone that disagrees with me is a christfag
anon your buddhism is showing

>> No.19075019
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>> No.19075027

Just sit, faggot.

>> No.19075031

Is this actually any good?

>> No.19075038

I'm pretty sure Evola does not really understand Buddhism
t. Evola fanboy

>> No.19075042

You have no interest in understanding it on its own terms. Your sympathies are obviously with theism and priestly caste systems since you're the average /lit/ poster who classifies everything as based/cringe.

>> No.19075052

Start with the Jeets. Or the Japs. Or even the Llamas. But don't start with the Californians. Or the theosophists. Or the tradlarpers. Go to actual Buddhist sources for Buddhism

>> No.19075065

>Hindu tantra is near extinction because of it being historically suppressed by the Brahmin caste.
This is just nonsense, Tantrism still has a pretty wide following, it sometimes merges with other schools. Sri Vidya Shakta tantrism is one of the main Shaktist schools in India and has many followers even today across southern India. And Brahmins have not uniformly suppressed it but some medieval Brahmin writers/philosophers were learned in both Tantra and other schools too.

>What little remains of it is hard to find and not nearly as comprehensive as tantra in Buddhism because so much of it has been lost.
There are still a large volume of Hindu Tantric writings which have been preserved, not all of the Kashmir Shaivism writings have even been translated yet for example, yet alone the Shaivist Agamas that latter Buddhist tantra is derived from.

>> No.19075072

>You have no interest in understanding it on its own terms
Neither do actual buddhists
Im telling you anon, they are really bad hypocrites because the core of buddhism is just so contradictory.

>> No.19075081

What is contradictory in Buddhism that makes it uniquely bad among religions?

>> No.19075083

Sri Vidya has many of its elements removed because they were considered too transgressive when the Brahmins began practicing it. In fact, that's why its the only one of all the original schools of tantra to have survived - the Brahmins began to practice it and they were able to remove everything they disliked. As for Kashmir Shaivism, that died alongside Swami Lakshman Joo. He was the last living guru of the tradition. Most, if not all, of the the texts of Kashmir Shaivism may have survived, but they're useless because there's no one to initiate you into the practices of those texts.

>> No.19075112

Western Buddhism was always a hopeless, perverted butchery. It's cut off from actual Buddhist communities and is drenched constantly in the modern western worldview.

>> No.19075117

Mostly for the reasons Ive mentioned: In buddhism, nothing fundamentally exists. Not even the self. The only thing that really is talked about is suffering, and the ways one suffers. From these axioms every particular buddhist just goes off on his own direction, constantly speaking in platitudes that have no logical meaning. They are like the ultimate pessimists, instead of reinterpreting what it means to have knowledge, they stay dug in, insisting that nothing exists and that this is profound. Again, you can draw lots of parallels here between western nihilists that think that they are seeing "behind the illusion" of meaningfulness. I really think if you take these ideas to their logical conclusion, this is exactly what you get, a midwit that dosent understand himself or the world, yet has convinced himself he does.

>> No.19075129

What texts have you read that led you to conclude Buddhists are nihilists?

>> No.19075193

ive read a few of the canonical sutras and of course the Nietzschean criticism. Also the social and historical conditions of the rise of buddhism.

but im also heavily drawing from actual buddhist monks Ive met, interviews ive watched, and the psychological types that express sympathy for Buddhist values.

>> No.19075201


>> No.19075215

>smoking weed and taking psychedelics totally doesn’t violate the fifth precept
Why do people always come up with these bad copes instead of just admitting to themselves that they don't meet all their own standards? I can't imagine that level of self-delusion. It's a vice guys, everyone has them geeze.

>> No.19075226
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Get on my level