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19074436 No.19074436 [Reply] [Original]

Will manlets ever learn?

>> No.19074492

But short people are more desirable for air force and tanks. They can fit without being uncomfortable. Shorter means better in the army.

>> No.19074525

they also eat less, are able to stay in shape easier, are less prone to joint and back pain, and (for males) often carry in some degree a level of rage due to their height or that Napoleon Complex, which might drive them be more competitive in order to outdue and outshine their (taller) peers

>> No.19074534

What do you mean? It says the rumors that he was rejected for being short are false. Also for his time he wasn't even very short. Besides, manlets write the best literature.

>> No.19074559
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Dixiebros, we got too cocky...

>> No.19074575

Based. Never became a ZOGbot, but milked patriotism for all its worth

>> No.19074579

also you're a smaller target if oyu're from infantry

>> No.19074592

Short people not being allowed in the military is a silly concept. Maybe it made sense when some combat was physical, but since guns and vehicles were invented being small isn't clearly a disadvantage. It can even be an advantage in a lot of situations.

>> No.19074620

The only people who think combat isn't physical and can be properly performed by women or the generally unfit are people who have never fired a gun, put on body armor, carried another person, or been outside for more than a few hours at a time

>> No.19074650

Most of the gun fanatics I know are overweight and couldn't run a mile in under 10 minutes. Shooting a gun isn't that demanding.

>> No.19074656
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>> No.19074677

Are you retarded? Combat is physical, sitting at a range for hours plinking is not combat.

>> No.19074690

You dont just stand in place and shoot a gun in combat. And back when you did it required laden marching for days or weeks in order to get to the spot where you stood and shot.

>> No.19074697

Yeah you can't be an astronaut if you're over a certain height either, there's a cutoff.

>> No.19074748

this, vehicle crew should ideally be jockeys