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/lit/ - Literature

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1907413 No.1907413 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ is the worst 4chan board that deals with some kind of cultural medium in terms of discussion depth.

/mu/ might be hipster as fuck, but at least they know something. If /mu/ was in the level of /lit/ all the discussion would be around The Beatles and power metal, with some kids that decide to listen to all classical music possible in one summer vacation.

I have to admit that I am one of the anons that worked very hard on getting this board (remember /v/-literature threads?), and man oh man, this is not what I had in mind.

>> No.1907416

it is awful, but it is definitely not as bad as /tv/

>> No.1907415

Shit, brah, want to play some Mass Effect and read George R.R. Martin?

>> No.1907420


>> No.1907424


Well, I may agree that the average thread in /tv/ is even worse than the /lit/'s one, but on /tv/ there are some people who actually understand a thing or two about cinema between all the pedos etc.

>> No.1907426

we have the worst tripfags

>> No.1907427

Without meaning to sound like too much of a whiney bitch.... Books are a little more time consuming than music. (reading/listening)

But I do agree with you about the repetition....

>> No.1907429

OP, come back and complain when the tripfags are circle jerking. That's when /lit/ is at its peak of faggotry.

>> No.1907431

actually, i once went there and asked for some recommendations with where to start with 'new german cinema', and the only reply i got was links to some nazi propaganda films.

>> No.1907432

I vote that we make it mandetory that we ignore those fuckers... most of the time.

I don't mind them being here I just fucking hate their arrogant trolling

>> No.1907434
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I always try to better this board and always felt like I'm tilting at windmills when I see /lit/'s first page filled with the (now) usual religion, politics, racist and feminist troll threads.

>> No.1907435
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>> No.1907443


>> No.1907446


>> No.1907448

OP; what would you prefer the board to be like?

Personally i think there is too little discussion on the proper classics of literature...also, too many recommendation threads, not enough actual conversation.

>> No.1907449


Ironic considering you're a sagefaggot.

>> No.1907458

Are you an elitist and want us to talk about Ulysses 40 times a day, or do you want to talk about Drizzt Do'Urden?

I got scimitars son

>> No.1907529

>know something

Ah, yes, an excellent jest indeed! The verbal irony your prose conveys is quite clever, and it would appear to the proletariat, who is uneducated in matters of humor, that you were wholly serious. Quite clever, indeed.

>> No.1907553

The anons on this board are relatively intelligent in comparison to the rest of 4chan, but the tripfags are some of the most pretentious and irritating on the entire site.

>> No.1907582

I'm pretty sure reading books just makes people arrogant and pretentious, even the people who don't have tastes that suit elitists try to be elitists.

>> No.1907584

WOW you are prob right, but not really. I don't give a fuck about peoples opinions if they are contradictory to mine. Doesn't make me or then elitist just different.

Anon just allows people to be pricks... Your post is a prime example.

>> No.1907674

>/lit/ is the worst 4chan board that deals with some kind of cultural medium in terms of discussion depth
>If /mu/ was in the level of /lit/ all the discussion would be around The Beatles and power metal
But that's not an example of discussion depth, that's an example of discussion BREADTH

Jesus fuck /mu/ you don't even know proper english. No wonder you're so fucking afraid of people who read books.