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19073219 No.19073219 [Reply] [Original]

you lack basic reasoning ability.

JRRT himself acknowledged they are "problematic". Yet even channels like Tolkien Lore, which are very good, can't bring themselves to admit it. It's painful listening to them tie themselves into knots trying to explain why no, it totally makes sense dude.

You can still rate the work very highly even though the author fucked up bad on this one point.

>> No.19073222

Everyone makes mistakes.

>> No.19073223
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>muh plot hole

>> No.19073229

Tolkien to deez nutz

>> No.19073240

>Everyone makes mistakes.
Right. That's why it's so weird the fanboys can't admit it.

"Bro, the Nazgul would instantly sense it!" The same Nazgul that couldn't sense the ring when Frodo was hiding 10 feet away in some bushes in the Shire? Who, apparently, is just endlessly circling around Mount Doom even though Sauron didn't even bother to put a single guard there on the ground?

>> No.19073420

it's like gsp, when you are zoomed out it easier to navigate but once you are very close it's very confusing

>> No.19073443

Why didn't they just give the ring to Tom Bombadil and convince him to walk into Mordor? Another plot hole right there. Wait, I only watched the movies, how do I even know who Tom Bombadil is?

>> No.19073452

Kek saved

>> No.19073458

Open your mouth

>> No.19073703

Taking the eagles would be spotted by the eye or sensed by it. The eagles had magical gandalf tier spirits or some shit, so Sauron would have sensed them coming. Even landing outside Mordor would only serve to give the enemy a rough area to look for you in. Walking might have been slower, but at least you can hide easier that way.

>> No.19073735

the eagles are not a plot hole. Tolkein created a mythology. You might as well be complaining about "why didn't Odysseus tell his men not to open the sack of wind?" or "why didn't God just not bet on Job and let him be happy?" Yeah, they could have done that, but the book explains why they didn't, and if they did and the story ended there the author wouldn't be able to deliver their message or explore their themes.

>> No.19073768

Because it’s nearly always presented as a challenge and people get a kick out of trying to justify it and prove their knowledge of a book and franchise they enjoy? It’s just a little light-hearted internet fun you faggot.

>> No.19073783

it's completely irrelevant either way. 'plot hole' and the like are buzzwords for retards who don't understand what literature is to pretend that they de.

>> No.19073794

This thread's a reminder that conceptualizing even middlebrow 20th-century fantasy novels eludes people who have not read the Bible.

>> No.19073798

i'm not a tolkein expert or anything but i thought that its rebutted by the fact that the eagles would be too proud to not be corrupted by the ring?

>> No.19073809
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in WWII why didnt the allies just fly a plane to Berlin and shoot Hitler in the head?

>> No.19073836

There's a continent crawling with living gods just an ocean away from Middle Earth, why didn't they stop Sauron?

>> No.19073992

Because the last time they did they pretty much blew up the continent.

>> No.19074037

apparently literature is supposed to be the equivalent of an 5 year old's imagination game he plays while running around his back yard

>> No.19074068

Why didn't they just take the ring west, away from Mordor?

>> No.19074254

Honestly a fair question

>> No.19074277

Sauron was powerful, even without the ring, he was in command of the Nazgul and armies of orcs and men. The ring itself was a threat. In a letter Tolkien said that Gandalf would have been far worse than Sauron. The ring would have been an extremely dangerous weapon in the hands of a 'righteous' person

>> No.19074292

Big giant eye. They were sneaking.

He's not invincible. He has power in his forest and over the spirits in the land but he can't dingle dongle fol-dol the dillo through an army of orcs and trolls. They'd just shoot him. It would also be practically impossible to convince him to leave his forest, it's shown that he didn't even comprehend the evil in the ring when he held it.

Same reason they didn't just give it to Tim Bumblefuck, Sauron could have defeated Gondor and Rohan without it.

>> No.19074324 [DELETED] 

Bombastic doesn’t give a single fuck about the war. He’s a total waste of his power. He’s like a medical genius who moved into a trailer-park in Florida and smoked weed for all eternity instead of saving lives. A total waste. If you gave him the ring of power he’d lose it somewhere, frolicking.

>> No.19074338

Bombadil doesn’t give a single fuck about the war. He’s a total waste of his power. He’s like a medical genius who moved into a trailer-park in Florida and smoked weed for all eternity instead of saving lives. A total waste. If you gave him the ring of power he’d lose it somewhere, frolicking.

>> No.19074357

Keked. Did you make thus anon?

>> No.19074377

Enjoy spending 200 hours carefully plotting out a way home for your characters while Tolkien just teleports them on some birds and becomes the greatest fantasy author in history.

>> No.19074687

Gandalf led them to Mordor. Exactly how he was going to lead them there, he did not have time or did not want to say. It was not even known whether to bypass Gondor or not. Maybe he had a "window" at the border and a corrupt Nazgul of the border service with ready-made passports.

>> No.19074891

He should have had the eagles imprisoned by some magic that released when Sauron fell. That would have been symbolic of liberation and it would have solved the problem.

>> No.19076169

Bruh the fact you asked this shows you don't know anything about the lore. This is made pretty obvious in the Hobbit alone

>> No.19076199
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That's like saying "why didn't Lodin just use his fiery eyes on Finn?"

>> No.19076240

Do you actually think the author wouldn't have thought the whole flying the ring to Mordor thing after decades of creating this world?

You're outing yourself as a midwit. If the Eagles wanted to take the ring to Mordor they would've volunteered. Also the Eagles do not really have free will in the same way men or elves do as they are servants of the in-world seraphim. If you actually read JJR's other works you would know that the higher powers have a strict non intervention policy as regarding removal of evil from the world by their own strength. This is because it already caused three (3) apocalypses with the wars of the first and second age, and the fall of numenor.

That's really just two of the reasons why you are wrong, there are many more that you don't know because you haven't even read the books kek.

>> No.19076243

I saved it myself

>> No.19076489

no but you are also not a 5 year old and can suspend your disbelief for 5 seconds while reading an otherwise fantastic story and universe. people who hinge their enjoyment of something based on how many "plot holes" or whatever the story has just aren't paying

or just read the books and know that the eagles could be seen by Sauron'sy eye

>> No.19076495

*paying attention to the actual story and just looking to nitpick for brownie points like a loser

>> No.19076526

One does not simply walk into Mordor. Same applies to flying.

>> No.19076777
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Gandalf told them: "Fly, you fools".
They were to meet the Eagles after exiting Moria, but Gandalf was the only one of the fellowship who knew this, because they could not risk the plan leaking if someone were captured or betrayed the mission.
When Gandalf was reincarnated he did not have a specific enough memory to recall the plan, nor did anyone know where Frodo was regardless.

>> No.19077280

goddammit, this is the most retarded literary theory i've come across since the pseud in my college humanities course said that the last line of the iliad ("and thus buried hector, breaker of men and horses") was foreshadowing the actual trojan horse.

it's extremely clear what "fly, you fools" means in context, you ruin the book by pulling yourself out to think such retarded thoughts. i'd recommend aging up a bit, maturing a little, but i fear that day is too far in the future to do you much, if any, good.

>> No.19077282


>> No.19077425

You're a gay nigger my theory is good

>> No.19078476

I like your theory desu

>> No.19078496

There's a dozen very good and clearly established reasons why the eagle option isn't viable.
>JRRT himself acknowledged they are "problematic".

>> No.19078550

Sauron had spies everywhere, e.g. in the wild animals. They would have informed him that Eagles were coming to Mordor for some reason and he would have a defense ready. They had to get to Mordor in a way that was under his radar.

>> No.19078942

I don't understand this. Doesn't the Nazgul on dragons just make this point null? Let's fly on the eagles and get instantly spotted by the fucking guys on dragons.

>> No.19078972

>Big giant eye
Jackson came up with that. In the books Sauron has a physical form.

>> No.19078983

shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.19079143
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- It's fiction, anything can happen;
- It's written like a myth, grab any mythology and try NOT to find plot holes in it;
- It's supposed to be hard for the characters, there would be no story to tell if not for the eagles.

There is no reason to dwell on it. As you said, I can still rate the piece highly for its merits. Were the eagles used to solve the problem in 2 days, there would be no piece to rate highly because no one would have enjoyed the story.
So instead of "admitting the error", I propose you offer a solution. Which is what the people "in denial" do, they try to fill in the blanks to strike the balance needed for the story of the ring to remain entertaining, instead of simply trying to tear an entire pyramid down because one tile is slightly darker than the rest.