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19070717 No.19070717 [Reply] [Original]

there have only been two truly "great" men in the entire history of philosophy: plato and Kant. Am I wrong? Can you name literally one philosopher who wasn't a derivative of one or the other, directly or indirectly, who didn't just ride their coattails, who would have existed at all if it weren't for those two, who wasn't just a result of their influence?
derivative of Plato
>Plotinus, proclus, etc
derivative of plato
derivative of plato
>Aquinas, averroes, etc
derivative of aristotle, therefore plato
>the empricists (locke, hume, bacon)
reactionaries to plato and aristotle, therefore to plato
he comes close to being original, but did nothing truly revolutionary
close, but nowhere near plato and kant
>fichte, schelling, hegel
derivative of kant
derivative of kant
derivative of schopenhauer, therefore kant
derivative of nietzsche and hegel, therefore of kant

It seems like true genius is one in billions. Even all these other geniuses are just brain children of the real, original thinkers. I literally can see nothing truly original and new between plato and kant and after kant, except the empiricists, but even though they were new, they were still derivatives because they were reactionaries to the thought created by plato.

>> No.19070728

wow you've got it all figured out

>> No.19070755

it seems I do

>> No.19070762

the buddha, jesus

>> No.19070766

and the guys who wrote the upanishads

>> No.19070784

They're just derivatives of the Buddha and/or derivatives of the Jains, who you could make an argument are also whom the Buddha derives from. It's a bad argument, but you can make it.

Anyways, I'm going to say one guy from India and one guy from China. The Chinese guy can be Confucius (but, hmm, perhaps he's just derivative of Sagacius Zhu, who was just derivative of the Sage Wen... hmm...). We could also add one guy from Mesoamerica to be fair, because we know they had smart dudes, even if we lack most (but not all) of their works.

>> No.19070813

ok I can probably grant this, I think the category I'm looking for is people so great the spawn other great people, like Alexander inspires Caesar and Napoleon, Jesus comes and suddenly all these people John, Paul, seem to tap into their own ability, that must have been there but had to be activated by someone "truly" great.

>> No.19070819

wow, this is embarrassing, the Upanishads predate the Buddha by centuries

>> No.19071238

kant is extremely derivative of plato
it’s all p much either plato or spinoza or nietzsche

>> No.19071277


>> No.19072392

Mt Stupid post

>> No.19072429


>> No.19072468

>so let me get this straight
Stoped reading right there

>> No.19072478
File: 139 KB, 600x401, B6849C58-81AF-4392-A6C3-119A4CC968AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dog posting

>> No.19072486

you have to be 18+ and also have actually read philosophy

>> No.19072487

you're not the real caterpillar are u

>> No.19072500

Wolff is a major influencer and predecessor of Kant, unacknowledged by Kant. And then you have Hume, the acknowledged predecessor. Wolff studied under Leibniz, who had his Aristotle and Plato read.
It is Platos all the way down.
No Plato - no philosophy as we know it, only bullshit and simulacra.

>> No.19072527

The people that created and contributed to all ancient religions.

>> No.19072537

>derivative of Plato
read him please
>derivative of nietzsche and hegel, therefore of kant
you legit have no idea what youre talking about

>> No.19072712
File: 64 KB, 515x752, DFD45C9B-0B15-4630-B7BF-3D445C09960B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am.

Are you the real Zeta?

>> No.19073244

>>fichte, schelling, hegel: derivative of kant
They literally all refuted Kant

>> No.19073256

Kant is derivative of Protagoras.