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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.29 MB, 1070x800, comfort.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19069024 No.19069024 [Reply] [Original]

old >>19060792

>> No.19069035

Couldn't you wait until it was page ten or something? We should really follow other boards example of having two of the same general up.

>> No.19069038

Am I the only one to think that shilling on /lit/ doesn't work and is ultimately counterproductive

>> No.19069042
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>> No.19069055


>> No.19069061

I'm mister lonely

>> No.19069086


>> No.19069088


>> No.19069097

based and checked

>> No.19069104


>> No.19069111


>> No.19069115


>> No.19069121

Trip confirmed book is based and shitposts are cringe

>> No.19069204

Based on what?

>> No.19069227

I don't know what to read now.
>something from Dostoevsky
>something else
Help me anons, please.

>> No.19069253

https://youtu.be/cLiCHIrXTjA this is the real amerika. this is what it’s all about right here.

>> No.19069264


>> No.19069309

You guys don't understand the politics behind these "Write What's On Your Mind Threads"
Its a race to post the photo you want. Obviously some people are going to jump the gun and make it early.

>> No.19069322

I woke up on a park bench at 5am this morning with an almost empty bottle of Jamie at my feet. We are not living the same life. We are not living in the same world.

>> No.19069329

>want to paint something
>Everything i can think of is boring, too difficult or beyond my experience
How do i get creative and not give a fuck? It feels like i have to come up with a funny joke on the spot and i become indecisive. I also completely cut off anything i saw on the internet like memes etc. as inspiration because it feels fake.

>> No.19069332

trying to understand why google recommends The allegory of a cave by Plato for people who liked Matrix
also, any other recommendation? just watched the trilogy and would like something similar

>> No.19069452
File: 393 KB, 360x574, Dog wearing human clothing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The positive mindset. The active mindset. The depressive mindset. The mindset affects a person's actions in the same way that the knowledge of performing in a tragedy or in a comedy affects an actor's acting. It is said that he who has a winning mindset has half won. What I should acquire is a mindset of philosophical tranquility, christian love, and a sense of humor.

>> No.19069518

>something from Dostoevsky

>> No.19069573

I just woke up from a very vivid dream where I was aware of my capability to do things. In it I raped a women and I had to constantly pull out and calm my heart down so didn’t wake up, at my climax I woke up. I feel fucking gross even tho it was just a dream, it was so real.

>> No.19069584


>> No.19069671

These two. Greatest books ever written, after all.

>> No.19069718
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There is no god and that's a good thing
In the end, there is only nothingness also known as peace
We are all alone in this world and this enables our freedom

>> No.19069740

When did this shit start?

>> No.19069862

A while ago but the war seems to have dialed down a bit.
It was especially bad when the DBZ poster had the monopoly over the threads.

>> No.19069918

Meh, I liked DBZ, so I never got the fuss about it.

>> No.19069967

There's this girl at work... whenever I talk to her and she's sitting down, she spreads her legs wide open. Like manspreading but almost comically exaggerated? But only for a split second when she starts talking then she sits normally then after several seconds she does it again almost involuntary. It's like gesturing but by spreading her legs. I never seen this before. Has anyone?

>> No.19070012

Who are some good short story writers? Dubliners is one of my favourite books so I'd like to find some of the same caliber

>> No.19070026

faulkner and pushkin but they are of higher caliber

>> No.19070076

Not really. They are good but can be at times extremely boring and repetative.

>> No.19070077

Same. And I think the OP would stay active in the threads too which was nice.

>> No.19070088

nice. I read a shitty paperback, myself. didn't have any illustrations

>> No.19070094

Too repetitive and autistic. I like variety not a moron spamming his children cartoons obsessively. You don't get it because you're a NPC

>> No.19070111

it becomes really annoying when some sperg takes over and spams the same images. if you really want to be the OP for whatever reason, just post various things and it's all good, how difficult is it to pick a unique image every time

>> No.19070122

perhaps she can't contain her craving for your cock

>> No.19070169

started with the guy who posted asian girl feet and lamented over his gf breaking up with him over his foot fetish

>> No.19070233
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My girlfriend should have birthday soon. I don't know what to do. Maybe I'll go on a trip walking or driving until midnight.
She's not here anymore, so I can't even say anything. I mean, not in this world anymore. I just spent some time in bed looking at her picture and I feel weird, empty like a vessel. I would sell the whole world just to hold her for a few seconds. I would die just for one touch, one handshake. I want to go to her. I can't do this alone anymore.
And I started to cry again. I'm sorry.

>> No.19070236

Stoooop deleting the threads I'm interested in you DUMB bitch

>> No.19070242

How does she even come up with this shit?

>> No.19070258

Look, I just think we can be good friends who can get alone with each other well. Why ruin that?

>> No.19070262

I don't understand what you're asking.

>> No.19070279


>> No.19070282

Your feelings will never go away and your pain will never leave you. Godspeed anon.

>> No.19070288


>> No.19070289
File: 85 KB, 570x619, ab67706c0000bebb069734e0af7e7984bf794a0f (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a few hours I'll go buy myself a bottle of vodka and chug that shit all night long. I am quite capable of enjoying myself alone and look forward to it every weekend. Play some vidya, eat junk shit and shitpost while drunk... Ah, what simple things does happiness depend on.

>> No.19070297

>muh feels

>> No.19070300

>With a woman

>> No.19070302

>is this what he's doing i-is that what h-hes thinking

>> No.19070313

I'm sort of interested in the sociological concept of segregation. If you ask why it happens in a typical contemporary academic setting you will get a non-answer that the cause of it is bigotry. But the existence of bigotry explains nothing. It's simply an emotion, a belief or prejudice, which have causes.

What is segregation? It is an attempt among incompatible groups, value complexes, and social orders to coexist without mixing, like oil and water. Almost always, the excluded group, who is the recipient of segregation, is deprived of power in their host country . There is never segregation between two groups of equal social power, though if they are unable to find a middle ground, there may be worse relations between them such as open conflict.

Though violence and segregation are often related, both sides would seek to inflict violence on each other and the only reason one fo the groups is "oppressed" and the other is the "oppressor" is because of the power imbalance.

I find it interesting how multiculturalism presumes that all cultures are mutually compatible, even though many cultures embed animosity towards others as part of their central tenets through inexorable processes of historical sedimentation.

You really do sometimes have oil and water, at which point the best you can hope for beyond institutionalized segregation is a kind of implicit self-segregation in which incompatible groups refuse to interact with those they don't get along with and simply walk past each other in a state of low simmering tension that would otherwise explode if prompted.

>> No.19070329

Bitch fucking answer, how "busy" can you be that you can't text back with a fucking "oh wow that looks cool" or something FUCK
You must be busier than a hebrew slave building the fucking pyramids to not have the decency to send back a message fucking BITCH ASS SHIT

>> No.19070330

It's funny, no matter what I do, I just think of how fun would it be to do that with her. Shopping? I'm thinking on doing that together. Maybe reading books? She's here and we laugh at passages. Walking around? Together.
I cannot do anything without thinking about doing that together. I can't enjoy anything anymore because she is not here.
What's the point of all of that? Of doing anything if I'm alone?

>> No.19070357

But I don't even want to stop thinking about her because without the sole thought of her I will fall apart.

>> No.19070387

Yes, what's the problem with that? Either that or nothing.

>> No.19070392

Ask historians instead stupid.

>> No.19070399

You're too immersed in brain dead teenage normalfaggotry.

>> No.19070401

I’ve spent the last several years as a NEET, barely leaving my room. My aunt, who comes over daily, blames it on “the racist books” because she saw me reading Evola some years ago. She keeps saying shit about how I’m wasting my youth, how any girl would kill for someone like me (I’m 6’5”, have nordic features, with broad shoulders and a chiseled jaw). I don’t give a shit about girls though, I just want to read in peace without some wine-aunt annoying me. Yesterday she saw me reading Violence and the Sacred by Girard and thought it was an ultra-facist manifesto. Shit sucks

>> No.19070407

You also spend too much time daydreaming.

>> No.19070409

I have not communicated with my friend, I have continued avoiding him. I want to talk to him when I want to talk to him. I worry he will come seek me out this weekend. This would be misguided. He may well be interpreting what is happening as some sort of health crisis. Is isn't, really, I'm angry at him and I don't know how to express it and I don't want to be rushed. I could write him and let him know these basic things, but I don't want to, but I also really don't want him driving here this weekend.

>> No.19070414

Only sloution would be beating I'm afraid

>> No.19070419

I just want to experience love, man. Or a resemblance of it.

>> No.19070423

Never thought that this type of shit drives you further away?

>> No.19070434

I like pissing, and reading books, and listening to music while hugging my blanket in bed sometimes. I really just like my bed most of all. And pissing. Maybe books.

>> No.19070442

listening to ug and reading cioran feel goood man

>> No.19070443

All the time lol but what gives, I only post these deranged ramblings anonymously on this board and act calm and normal to them.

>> No.19070449


Men and women can't be friends.

>> No.19070456
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What is this thing behind my eyes? My mind, my spark, my soul, whatever. Why was it put into this body at this time? Why not some other century, or species?

Animals must have some similar experience of a 'thing behind their eyes', they have thoughts and desires, emotions, ect. So why was I even born human? Why not a dog, or an insect? Or why not even a lifeform on another planet?

I don't mean 'me' as the person I am now, with all of my memories and experiences, but my spark of consciences. I could have been born anything at any time and place, but I was born as a homo sapien in the modern age on the planet Earth.

Could I have been born something else? Does anybody know what I'm talking about?

>> No.19070458

Never seen someone as shy for this much time period.

>> No.19070460

There are only two things in life War and Politics, with Politics being the only thing holding back the flood of the later. Walking through a day in the life of modern man:
He brushes his teeth so they don't fall out, serving to impress the ladies to bear him sons to further wage war, or daughters to make political alliances. He may be worried about his oral health, wanting to be able to chew meat at the table with statesmen, fuel for the edification of his body.

>> No.19070462

>Men and women can't be friends.
False, I think we can.

>> No.19070463


>> No.19070468

Most of my friends are girls.

>> No.19070470

>False, I think we can.
Ayy yo look at dis bluepilled nigga LMAO

>> No.19070473

>do you have female friends
There, hard?

>> No.19070476

Not currently.

>> No.19070482

Happy to hear it.

>> No.19070493

Happy to hear what?

>> No.19070503
File: 361 KB, 1597x900, mai_lai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is America such a violent, warlike country ?

>The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted
-D.H Lawrence


>> No.19070508

Think for yourself asshat.

>> No.19070510

V.I. Lenin - Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism

>> No.19070515

Does it suck because she is wrong or because she is sullying your sterile environment? I think you may enjoy reading even more if you were to expand your perspective.

>> No.19070532
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Well whaddya know

>> No.19070542

I know what you're talking about. my best guess is that we were born into this because this serves to give God a chance to manifest what He is. This is why we are both moral agents, know that we're moral agents and are still quite awful morally speaking. God knows himself in our search for Him, this being the search for salvation from our wretchedness. That's what I think. The form you are conscious of exists in order to do service in Gods knowledge of Himself.

>> No.19070580
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>> No.19070602

I'm going to talk to a cute girl today. Hope it goes somewhere.

>> No.19070636

I've got ideas for novels which are quite ambitious and would be difficult to pull off. I feel very strongly about them.

Should I just try to write them over the next few years knowing that they won't be up to scratch, and then make another attempt at them later? Or would working on smaller, less ambitious projects to cut my teeth as a writer be better?

I'm leaning toward the former, since I might come to find those ideas unappealing down the road anyway, and there's nothing to stop me from throwing everything away from a story and starting from scratch.

>> No.19070643

If you are sitting on a bench with a girl (friend) and she pushes up against you (we were watching a video together) does it mean that she likes you, or am I overthinking it? If so, how can I be more physical? I am terrible with touch

>> No.19070650

>does it mean that she likes you
it's possible
>how can I be more physical?
brush up against her the same way she did to you next time you sit next to eachother. try and be subtle though.

>> No.19070664

why not?

>> No.19070683

Women only know how to use men for easy attention when they're not in relationships with them. Men have little interest in women they are not attracted to and will want to be with the women they are attracted to no matter how much they hide it as "friendship".

>> No.19070705

The more I go without this victory the more I seem in need of a savior. The more desperate I seem, the more distant that victory therein becomes. I must save myself.

>> No.19070761

Grief always catches up to the man who ignores it.

>> No.19070803

Start on less ambitious projects to hone your skills. Especially if you've got ambitious ideas for future projects. Make sure to take good notes. Giving the ideas time to stew might also give you time to reflect on them as well.

>> No.19070811

why would they leave like that if they care
but why would they come back if they didn't
would they have ever come back if I didn't say something?
I don't know, but I have doubts

>> No.19070833

Hang in there anon. I dont have any advice but here is your (you).

>> No.19070841
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I am becoming an alcoholic and honestly I don't see a reason why it should bother me, at the moment. I like being slightly drunk. I like how I act and am. It keeps my mind off bad shit, too, while making the good shit even better.

>> No.19070979

What's the edition with the illustrations? Never seen one before

>> No.19071002

I don't really see how you can love a woman if she has been with other men, especially her first time.

>> No.19071003

Inhibition of thought.

>> No.19071011

who /gay/ in this thread

>> No.19071014

>It was especially bad when the DBZ poster had the monopoly over the threads.
As opposed to when the board decided to bully the schizo who can't handle anime?
It's been a few months. Apparently the start was some anon saw three (?) threads with anime OPs and had a psychotic break where the anime mafia was out to get him and for some reason he thought posting a new thread with a picture of a Czar in it would keep him safe. The situation deteriorated from there with anons posting anime to convince him there was an anime mafia. This is kind of a mellow period. The schizo hasn't posted any DBZ sexy fanart to prove there's a problem with the anime mafia in almost a week.

>> No.19071025

Yeah, exactly. I love this shit.

>> No.19071037

Sometimes I think that being settled for is worse than dying alone.

>> No.19071039 [DELETED] 

holy shit the nicki minaj ballsgate controversy is getting spicy!

>> No.19071062

I don't think that pic's from Mai Lai. They killed everyone in Mai Lai.

>> No.19071068

All me.

>> No.19071455
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I am a scientist yet I think astrology is legit. Based or nah?

>> No.19071476
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a girl hasn't touched my pp for over a year

>> No.19071493

>Apparently the start was some anon saw three (?) threads with anime OPs and had a psychotic break where the anime mafia was out to get him and for some reason he thought posting a new thread with a picture of a Czar in it would keep him safe.
How does someone have a psychotic breakdown on a peruvian glove-knitting forum over anime of all things?
>The situation deteriorated from there with anons posting anime to convince him there was an anime mafia
I refuse to believe this. Do you have a link or something?

>> No.19071535

>be me fa/tg/uy
>35 yrs old, finally pretty much over vidya
>been into TTRPG/Wargames/Mini Painting
>new to both /lit/ and delving into actually reading since I was in school
>listening to 40k/WHFantasy audiobooks past year every day on drive to and from work
>want to actually read a book now
>love fantasy/SciFi
>want to jump right into ASOIAF
>reviews either say "kek don't try it if you're a shit reader" or "ez pz lemon squeeze"
so anon's....do I go for it or start elsewhere.

>> No.19071542

You need to know some Hegel before asoiaf. Start with the phenomenology of spirit. Its a simple easy fast read.

>> No.19071554

Just read it anon, the first three books are Kino.

>> No.19071571
File: 248 KB, 1920x1080, 1627319412146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing gives me more joy than working on this big story of mine. The origins of it date back to when I was in high school, and it really grew and flowered as an idea, with its characters and themes, when I was an undergrad in college reading great literature. I'm now in my 30s and have finally begun to write it. I finished the first book last year and am almost finished with the second book. Every minute of writing it, editing it, rereading it, and contemplating it is a delight. Writing this story brings me more joy than anything else in my life. I could literally just keep writing it my entire life and be fufilled. This is one big reason why I want to get it published. Obviously I write it when I can, and I'm in grad school now so I'm not working and have free time to devote to it. But I would love to make a living off this story so that I'd have the freedom to do nothing but devote my days to writing it.

I mean, if I got rich by some other means, and didn't have to work as a result of that, I wouldn't mind that, either. But I think the story's actually pretty good, and I think people will like it, if I can just get it out into the world. So that, too, is a reason why I want to get it published.

>> No.19071626

Going to University tomorrow. Worried I'm going to continue being a friendless loser

>> No.19071641
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Just you sodomite

>> No.19071670
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What a hell of a year so far. Much more exciting then last year. Things are happening so fast it's a wonder how i'm able to keep up with it all. But then again i'm not just fucking anyone else. Work is good and life is better.

>> No.19071697

Are you sure suicide is a no no? I'm tired of being here I'd like to go somewhere else now.

>> No.19071698

I like my bed too. Last week I was wrapped up in my blanket for a late afternoon nap and as I slowly drifted off I felt a blissful awareness of leaving myself behind as my conscious thinking fragmented. All there was was the blanket and it's warmth, no longer any me. It was odd to realize in one moment both how much I despise and am sick of myself, and how nice the simple experience of sleep can be.

>> No.19071724

Would if I could but, in my life currently, it seems like a dick move. I have a suicidal (or, at least, previously) friend. Young children around me, though I haven't fathered them. Family that would be sad. As much as I hate the idea of my grandparents dying before me, I'd hate even more dying before them. Shit.

>> No.19071725

I have noticed, with increasing frequency, that there are people who believe that depictions of things is an endorsement of them. This is most common with rape, but I have seen it used to attack authors who have written scenes where anything steps on the toes of a social justice cause, even if the perpetrator is clearly a villain. The most recent one that struck me was when a guy said that the Bible could not be sacred because there were disturbing scenes inside of it. Most of these people are university educated. I think we will continue to see this "art must be therapeutic at all times" mindset grow.

>> No.19071742

I hate the university educated but I also hate rural cousinfuckers, where do I meet people in the middle? Military?

>> No.19071745
File: 1.15 MB, 3200x1783, TapScanner 08-14-2021-14.04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /lit/ think of my impressionistic painting? Aside from reading, painting is one of the things I like to commit big chunks of my day to.

>> No.19071750

I've experienced this a depressing amount of times when talking about reading history books. Some people assume that you can't read a biography of Hitler without being a neo-nazi, even though every widely read biography of Hitler is the complete opposite of that. It's somewhat worrying because this kind of thing could poison the next generation of history writers and completely destroy the exceptional quality of thoroughly researched work we have now.

>> No.19071754

I left my bag at the shop, the bag that had my journal. So I'll type here. I am separated from my painting supplies so instead I just think about painting. I think about pulling fat crispy lines across the cotton paper with a round nib. I think of the colors I will use. Groups of three are preferred. Soft rose pink, brown, and olive green is one I'll do next. I like the slow nights at the shop when I can get stoned off my ass and lean over the glow of the light box for hours. Just me and my stumps of red pencil, ink bottles, tattered roll of tracing paper. First the red line, then the hard line drawing, then to the cotton rag with the nib. A cup of hot water for rinsing and another for achieving smooth india ink fades. My brushes laid out on a towel, paper taped to the board, paints poured in tiny ink cups. All that shit's at the shop.

>> No.19071761

Therapists often say reliving the event leads to more offenses. Depends if you trust them or not. I'd rather not, but maybe I am a lesses, affected man.

>> No.19071771

Midwit browsing but the word that came to mind upon seeing was 'Desolate'. It made me feel lonely, but hopeful. I like the colors.

>> No.19071801


>> No.19071864

I would try to make a move on just about any reasonably attractive and nice woman who paid any attention to me. But I don't even know any at this point.

>> No.19071889

at least for a year, the worst was the guy spamming kpop and vtube gifs.

>> No.19071894

I’m the guy from a few threads ago that had his 7 y.o. dog die. We head home from out vacation tomorrow and I don’t know how it’s going to go. I’m worried I’ll be pretty torn up since I’d drank a shitload of vodka on this vacation for fun but more to suppress the ache.

On a side note I just switched from Samsung to iPhone and I’m not sure if this was a good decision or not.

>> No.19071902


>> No.19071906

iktf bro

>> No.19072008

What the fuck is the problem with that trannie with the butterfly insignia? What's its issue?

>> No.19072020

Been browsing these threads since 2018. Back then they would take 2-3 days to hit the bump limit and sometimes there wouldn't be a new one for most of the day. I started a few when I was bored.
Sometime in 2020 an anon started new threads before anyone else with anime, then a schizo who hated animefag began creating threads when there were less than 300 posts. Now there's the DBZ fag. I've seen two threads up at a time with 100+ posts. There's more drama to it I don't care to describe.

TL;DR This niche type of thread reached grew too popular then becomes overrun by schizos. Such is the fate of most generals. They all hit a "critical mass" of sorts.

>> No.19072023

Don't forget the time a tripfag tried to take the rein but was told to fuck off.

>> No.19072027

Man, to think I've been blogging about the same problem in these threads since 2017 or so
How time flies

>> No.19072073
File: 10 KB, 1080x2160, background.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder if this "4chan blue" has a name. i can't seem to even find it's exact HTML or HEX color code. it's a nice blue. i am using it as my phone wallpaper

>> No.19072084

Life is good. The world is opening up to me. I see the ugly, the sick, the suffering, yes, but what is beautiful is overwhelming. If you remain open in the most beautiful ways, you can't help but be taken with it.

>> No.19072093

Career-wise? Tradesmen and small business owners/workers, by small businesses I mean 100-500 employees usually
Reconsider scorn for "rural" America, sounds like cityfag talk. When people say rural areas they're grouping together three types of regions
- farmland, which is full of genuine people, you'll find the best company at a farmer's market but you probably don't want to live here
- small towns lacking jobs but full of junkies and dead ends - not gonna sugarcoat it because the stereotypes are true here
- exurbs, closest thing you'll get to affordable white paradise (suburbs are just cityfag yuppies who've settled down or boomers)

I would say the exurbs surrounding mid-sized cities in states like Wisconsin are nice. Full of tradesmen and middle class people just trying to live their own lives and raise their families. Economically afloat but mostly safe from the prestige-driven upper middle class uni folks

>> No.19072105

be a gangster

>> No.19072124

Norm MacDonald's death hit me harder than I thought a celebrity's death could ever hit me. He was a public personality I resonated with. While not from Canada, I grew up in North Dakota (which is quite similar in many ways) and the crude, clever Canadian man was someone I looked up to. While I'm not as well-read as I'd like to be, I like to read and like to discuss others thoughts on what they read. My problem with that is that my flyover state rural upbringing doesn't mix well with most people I have met who profess to love literature. Not just their opinions but their aesthetics and mannerisms as well. I'm a pretty simple, most of my possessions, including clothing are utilitarian. The lit clubs at my collages were full of flashy fags who were just trying to show off to each other and show who had the shiniest leather patches on their courderoy jackets or whatever. They would talk in such ornate and flowery bullshit ways without saying anything. They exhausted me. Norm was someone who while being well read wasn't a feelsmart retard who needed to prove it to everyone. He was also very crude and that spoke to my blunt channer sensibilities. Norm made me laugh harder than anyone else ever did. I used to watch his internet podcast years ago and I was (naively) excited when it was bought by Netflix. I think another reason why I'm so saddened is that I like to think I don't get attached to media figures but I was wrong.

RIP norm, I'm going to re-read some Tolstoy just for you, you deeply closeted fuck. Hope my drunken thoughts reach you sometime and somewhere.

>> No.19072221

I feel the same way anon. I imagine this is how older people felt when George Carlin died, I never grew up with him and only watched his videos after he died but he was a gem. More abrasive and political but he spoke facts.

Here's a video that'll make you laugh and hit you in the feels:

>> No.19072235


Oh, poor baby! POOR BABY!

Is the ickle bickle baby SAD?

>> No.19072240

Be like Goethe and wait until you're 80 to wrap it up

>> No.19072298
File: 16 KB, 673x451, 2021-09-18-004425_673x451_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found the hex code for this. it's #d6daf0 "Yotsuba B" which should have been obvious enough since that's the color scheme name on the website duh

>> No.19072360

I should have grabbed that stupid cunt by her pixie cut and fucked her mouth in the bathroom. She looked at me like she wanted it, I know she did, dirty slut. I was busy browsing the CD’s, as if I cared about music. I was there for one thing - college girl cunt. But when this pixie whore smilied my way I turn my head in shame, disgusted by her rank easiness and her rank pussy. Every man within a hundred feet could smell the pungent aroma, screaming “fuck me fuck me!!!” I should have fucked her ass in plain view, everyone watching and wishing they could masturbate, in out in out I fuck her ass. I take it out and make her clean it off, smells like shit, there is shit in your teeth you slut. But I look away, like an impotent faggot. Stupid sluts and smelly slits, I hate you

>> No.19072363

Climate change is gonna fuck us royally and no one seems to give a shit. People around me just pretend like everything's fine and that the CONSOOM will continue into infinity.

>> No.19072376

Grow up

>> No.19072401

Nah you're fine unless you're retarded or something. Worst that happens is you put it down, so why not give it a shot.

Maybe with a "high concept" series like Dune or Hyperion, I could see it. More for reasons of density and having less instant gratification than other scifi, than actually being out of your mental league. But even there, again, what's the worst that could happen? You just put it down if you're finding it too steep to climb in a leisurely way. I'd easily recommend Hyperion to a bright teenager or preteen to spark his interest in reading (although maybe not its sequels). From what I hear, ASOIAF's density is mostly a function of its character POV chapters dragging if you aren't interested in that character.

I can see some wisdom in starting with something easy and breezy instead of committing to a massive series. If you're already used to going through schlocky fantasy books quickly, something like the Black Company series might be an easy step "up" from absolute potboiler-tier YA like the Horus Heresy books. Still schlocky and fun, but the kind of thing you can read in a couple days.

For scifi, if you don't mind taking a step back from the 80s/90s grimdark turn and into more golden age optimistic feeling scifi, the Foundation series is not at all intimidating, and is fun and breezy. At least the first few. Older, more optimistic golden age stuff may feel quaint at first but if you explore it a little you may find its conceptual horizons are surprisingly larger than more trope-ified post-80s stuff. You sort of assume that the development of conceptual nuance in science fiction must have developed gradually, and that old stuff was "Wowee gee-whiz a rocket ship!" quaint and one-dimensional... and then you start reading Olaf Stapledon's Star Maker (1937). Or Lindsay's Voyage to Arcturus (1920). Or Bulwer-Lytton's The Coming Race (1871). Or in fantasy, Robert E. Howard's syntheses of Conan fantasy stories with H.P. Lovecraft cosmic horror settings. Early speculative fiction was often much more weird because anything was possible, and middle science fiction had the best of both worlds of refining the technical tools of the genre but keeping its openness, before the kitsch/schlockification really set in with commercialization.

Other fun authors/books to start with: Robert Heinlein (Starship Troopers and The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress are both great and classic). The Hobbit obviously (it's more whimsical and conventional than LOTR). Jack Vance if you like weird. PKD if you like a different kind of weird, dreamlike gnostic books where you can't tell what the fuck happened sometimes. Barsoom books if you like sword-and-sandals, aforementioned Conan stuff too. Neuromancer is a great read and has a nice audiobook version.

Sorry for longposting, I think scifi and fantasy are a great way to read more. You can read your way through a whole author's or genre's catalog. Good for motivation.

>> No.19072422

whats wrong with that?

if you cant do anything about it might as well go out partying

>> No.19072483


I see this sort of thing posted a lot. I'm genuinely curious. How did you get this idea in your head? Like, where do you get your view from... ? It seems quite strange to me.

>> No.19072493

Not op but I instantly lose any feeling for a girl when I imagine another mans cock entering her It can drive me to madness, but is also an effective method for getting over a breakup or hopeless crush

>> No.19072498

>imagining another man's cock
are you gay or something

>> No.19072502

As to where it comes from, I imagine it’s primordial. A gut reaction I have no control over and has always been with me. Perhaps I’m just insecure and neurotic

>> No.19072509

>psychotic breakdown on a peruvian glove-knitting forum over anime of all things?
But it was three whole pics of anime girls. It's clearly a life and death situation.
>a link
kek you have no idea how worn out the schizo's f5 button is.
This is one of the bullying the OP for starting threads early threads

Here is the vtuber/anime girl debate that shit up sffg too

Here's anon explaining that nobody wants to know the difference between anime and vtubers, because nobody cares, and what everyone would really like is for the schizo to stop talking about girl cocks and anime/vtubers/discord
That's only a selection of threads. He's been shitting up these threads and /sffg/ and /wg/ threads daily for months.

>> No.19072511

>Perhaps I’m just insecure and neurotic
Everyone here is.

>> No.19072517


I'm made of the same primordial stuff as you bro. I don't have these feelings. Must be difficult - especially when you know it's an irrational thought. Bit of a cope to say you don't have control over it tho. Lol

>> No.19072521

I think it all started because that one dude tried to make the OP of every general a vtuber pic. He must be loling now at how successful he was

>> No.19072529

Fuck off

>> No.19072532

>implying anyone noticed the pic except vtuber OPs and the schizo
The schizo's most of the results for vtuber. He's pretty prolific on the subject lol

>> No.19072543

You’re obviously of lesser genetic stock, fucking whatever whore looks your way. And it’s very rational, I don’t want STD’s or damaged goods, some psycho who will drown my kids in the bathtub for one more night out on the town. I’ll question a girl thoroughly on her sexual history on the first date. How many? Any niggers? Fetishes, fantasies, abnormalities? How tight is your pussy? Have you been raped or molested? Have you ever done anal? These things are of upmost importance to me, more so than personality or chemistry. And you know you think the same thing, I just have the courage to say it out loud.

>> No.19072551

I want to own her completely, she's given the most intimate of physical acts to another, I can't own her.

>> No.19072556

You have to fuck her mouth, make her beg for your cock, she wants it inside her. Refuse, come on her face and then abandon her. This is the only way you will escape these feelings of inferiority and move on. Godspeed anon, you can do it

>> No.19072560

It's not about inferiority, it's about finding a wife.

>> No.19072566


LOL. Everyone - URGENT MESSAGE. Send all virgins to this anon. QUICK. He has stellar genetic stock. Don't want to waste that shit

You are on a more noble journey than me bro. I will go back to crying at my inferior genes.

>> No.19072573

She’s not the one anon don’t be ridiculous. You have to ruin her, conquer her, embarrass her, turn her to shit. You fuck her face, you’ll see. You’ll become a better man, trust me. Then you find wife.

>> No.19072576

>implying you could get a first date

>> No.19072584

Had sex with my neighbor again. She handcuffed me, made me call her mommy, then gagged me while she rode me and then played with my cock. I still couldn't cum. AGAIN. This is the third time in a row I've had sex and couldn't cum. Is it her? Is it me? Maybe both. Maybe it's because I've seen too much porn. Maybe I just don't really like her that much. She's definitely caught feelings though. This whole scenario can't possibly end well for anyone but at least I don't feel like an untouchable incel anymore.

>> No.19072587

Yes, I’m glad you understand now. Perhaps I’ll let you watch, beating off behind louvered closet doors. I’m sure you’re into that kind of thing.
You’d be surprised how women respect this straight foward approach, squirming around in their seat making a mess in their lace panties, they can hardly wait to get fucked raw for the first time.

>> No.19072589

Why would you let a woman dominate you?

>> No.19072593

I like it

>> No.19072596

Yea but why? Genuinely curious

>> No.19072603


I'll pass mate, cheers. Sounds like you're pretty keen for a dude to watch you fuck tho..? Maybe have a think about that. Lol

>> No.19072606

Makes me feel wanted and wanted only for me, like I'm not just being humored in exchange for something else. Goddamn i loved it when she spit in my mouth and called me a good boy.

>> No.19072618

Interesting, I wonder if the same reasoning applies to women. Ngl I’m disgusted by men who are into this, but carry on brother.

>> No.19072631

>ponies are ponies
Ah, the philosophical side of genre fiction we hear so much about.

>> No.19072663

i have a lisp but i'm not gay

>> No.19072682

For someone who hates "vtubers' the schizo seems well acquainted with them.

>> No.19072699

Did that guy seriously made a second thread of Write what's on your mind because of the anime? Oh fuck, that shit is hilarious. The fuck is wrong with him.

>> No.19072707

At the base of male sexuality is raw irrational feeling that women are special and intrinsically important, like they're points of light and pure niceness softness sweetness in an otherwise drab world. Most average men just want to penetrate that and inundate themselves in it at a sensuous level. They don't think much of "roles," just animal desire to grab fistfuls and mouthfuls of the magic pink energy women are made of and stick their dick in it for some reason. Some men fixate on possessing and degrading it in more elaborate ways. Submissive guys just do the opposite, expressing the differential between male animalness/mundaneness and female specialness by either worshiping the woman, debasing themselves completely as worthless in relation to her, or letting her take charge in some symbolically stereotyped way like maternal authority. Or sometimes by inverting gender roles.

In every instance men are essentially trying to make sense of the differential between the anonymous animal that they are, in a herd of other similar animals who all want the same thing too, and the inherently special and desirable object that a woman is. The tension created by that differential has to go somewhere. Men aren't just looking for the physical release of orgasm, they can get that from masturbation. Male lust is much more chaotic than that, it's an instinctive craving to dissolve their own infinite anonymous animal mundaneness, their pure desire with no necessary satisfaction, only satisfaction that is earned and fought for, and to some extent feels like a stroke of luck and "there but for the grace of God go I, and tomorrow it's right back to the desperate grinding neck-and-neck struggle with the other lusting animals" every time they acquire it, while also penetrating into pure specialness and pure desirability, the total and partly inconceivable converse of what they are.

No man is fully aware of this as it's happening. Also it's all mediated through symbols he can't control and didn't choose, more grew into as his sexuality awoke and tried to make sense of itself, probably through untraceable processes. Fetishes don't seem to be primarily correlated with personality or character so it's probably some combination of arbitrary imprinting mixed with developing fantasies over time. It's not logical, it's years of accumulated associations that allow urges to be channeled into expressions that make sense and dispense the urges. For some guys grabbing handfuls of ass and booba and ejaculating like a wild animal in heat is enough, but for some reason for other guys everything coalesces around a symbol, and then even expressing the base urges like wanting to put face or dick in nice woman ass is mediated through that symbol.

>> No.19072717

It's a Folio Society edition. Easily my favourite book I own.

>> No.19072720

Society is becoming increasingly reliant on a scientific or technological understanding of everything including the self Every experience has to be rendered first in scientific terms in order for it to have significance. An example of this is the rhetoric around mental health. Such rhetoric presumes to view one's feelings and experiences through the lens of "health". But I would argue such a shift comes with a real loss of empathy because the language only distances and objectifies its subjects. We're told the mind is a muscle that must be exercised. Yet I cannot think of a more depressing embodiment of contemporary culture than this line. There is no aesthetic beauty here, nor even the faintest consideration of ethics--feelings exist purely to be maximized for no other reason than that we can.
And with the proliferation of ever more categories to describe human experience, people change their own self-understanding to fit their self into these created categories. With the end result being the cultural death of any artistic and romantic sensibilities (individuals might still have the capacity, but societally such a perspective is not valued).

>> No.19072729

Beautifully written anon.

>> No.19073189


>> No.19073206
File: 149 KB, 512x423, 1622650502983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Culture and Art throughout centuries

1800s : The Golden Age
1900s : The Silver Age
2000s : ... ?

So what age is the 21st century gonna be, lads?

>> No.19073216

Oh, how I wish I could express myself so people could understand me! If only I had the gift of eloquence.

>> No.19073304

I feel like a fraud. I get complimented heavily on my writing and it doesn't make me feel good. I immediately discount the opinion of anyone who compliments me because they surely don't have a fucking clue what they're talking about. It scares me, because I am an extremely ambitious writer. I read the greats and I style myself directly after them. Even that's a half-truth. I want to be better than them. I want the mentally exhausting n-ring circus of Pynchon to meet the prosecraft of McCarthy and the raw humanity of Faulkner; and I want it all to find conflux in my writing. I want to write the greatest novel of my generation and I want to never take credit for it. I don't want to be complimented. I just want to be anonymous, and I am. I'm consumed by my cognitive dissonance.

>> No.19073305

That joke is a classic, he really knew how to play an audience and take people along for a ride.

The interview people have been sharing about how he felt about people in the public sphere talking about their struggles made me think. He felt that going up on stage and talking about your battle with cancer wasn't brave, it was fishing for sympathy, and real bravery was dealing with it by yourself, in order to not let anyone else worry. He gave that interview while he had cancer but he didn't tell anyone outside of a couple people. I admire him for that, he dealt with cancer for 9 years and he could have reached out for not only public support and sympathy at any time, but a majority of his friends didn't know either.

>> No.19073471
File: 692 KB, 389x498, c68fd3c377f7cc6ed90cbea037483692.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dancing is what to do
Dancing's when I think of you
Dancing's what clears my soul
Dancing's what makes me whole
Dancing is what to do
Dancing's when I think of you
Dancing's what clears my soul
Dancing's what makes me whole

>> No.19073501
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>> No.19073622

My pipe is cracked. It's old. It's misshapen in its stem. It skews to the right and the bowl sets to the left. It is deformed. A smarter man may have gotten a new one. Not me. Maybe I am not a smart man. I puff on simple Royal tobacco. Six dollars a pouch. With my dogs in the cool air I smoke and enjoy it. I think my pipe has personality in its defects.

>> No.19073729

This friendship is over and I'm the only one who gives a fuck.

>> No.19073781

That's how it starts, anon. It gets much, much worse.

>> No.19073941
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>> No.19073965

Just lost a significant (to me) amount of money trying to swing trade. I feel like an idiot, but at least I've learned my lesson while the stakes were this comparably low.

>> No.19074014

to give a name to god is to limit an abstract, giving an angle to an all encompasing thing
waffles are best paired with a tiny bit of butter put on top, a pinch of salt sprinkled on the melted butter and then with some honey added
blue tastes funny

>> No.19074017

I’ve decided to enlist in my country’s military. I’m writing here to solidify my thoughts and allow them to become reality.

>> No.19074026
File: 4 KB, 2560x1581, Gay_Pride_Flag.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the genetic potential, the personality profile and some other very specific traits like a gifted, hyper-creative LGBT+ movement supporter, a feminist, extreme nerd, leftist with neurodiverse traits, etc. while I very uncharacteristically grew up with that potential in a more far-right/conservative household instead. Not in the way of some random Polish guy who identifies as gay/bi/trans, but as a creative genius who agrees with his parents in a nuanced, messy way and is not directly gay/bisexual/trans, but finds himself able to absolutely fall prey to their ideologies if raised under different circumstances. I recognize myself, my siblings, everything in some of these people. The LGBT+ movement is a systematic murder of those with a certain kind of creative potential which goes strongly hand in hand with a weakness for falling for this nonsense. A pseudointellectual substructure, a pseudo-critical examination of traditional values, semi-sophisticated argumentations, all this has a tempting effect on especially young people with this potential, it feels like truth. Stop hating the weirdos in the movement or prematurely judging people with your primitive Nazi disgust sensitivity, of course our eccentrics are behaving in strange ways, but they are absolutely necessary, they contributed significantly to the inventions, the cultural achievements, which in turn are misattributed by collectivist middle class nationalists. It is the degenerates who are essential. We must save them, absolutely.
Creative and gifted people are disproportionately transsexual. Transsexuals are not all creative or gifted, but the most creative people are disproportionately represented in these or similiar circles. Our best minds are being destroyed and eradicated by this culture.
LGBT+ -> systematic murder of eccentric talent

>> No.19074129

I think this site is a waste of time but for some reason when I come back here sometimes I feel as if I've returned home. it's a feeling I can't get in real life. like the truth is here and everyone else is a fraud.

>> No.19074146

your way to beautiful girl thats why it will never work..

>> No.19074168

Good luck anon.

>> No.19074172

iktf. even if it is working, universe intervenes somehow

>> No.19074185

>LGBT+ -> systematic murder of eccentric talent
I get what you're saying and I don't disagree, but this is hardly something that's unique to any one subculture. It's the rigidity of doctrine itself which leads to this narrowing of the standards for normalcy. I bet that sounds strange since the LGBT is so far outside of what's conventionally normal, but if you think about it, I'm pretty sure you'll find at least a nugget of truth to that statement. It's ideology itself which is the enemy. It has nothing to do with intra-ideological adjustment or outgroup pressure, and everything to do with the far more basal social structure which manifests itself every time human beings congregate in sufficient number.

You think you're protesting some kind of treatment specific to your ingroup, but what you don't realize is that the issue is a human one couched within your social narrative. Everyone who considers themselves a part of a tribe in this manner experiences the exact same dynamics from ultimately superfluous, circumstantial differences in specific preconditions.

>> No.19074346

I feel the same. It's a low risk forum where people discuss similar interests. None of the awkward foibles or ingratiation or complications of IRL or even social media conversation. People in the real world are vapid and unoriginal in a lot of ways (though in the back of my mind I hold back my judgement knowing that they may find me wanting in things that they value, like social skills or likeability)

>> No.19074362

Where do you live?

>> No.19074416
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i am being coerced to go socialize and shag by fucking krauts of all people

>> No.19074460

Age of Solipsism

>> No.19074505

Started reading the idiot, i now remember why i once thought Dosto came second to only the illiad in terms of throwing around names

>> No.19074653
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Knuckle tats that say : COOM / LIFE

>> No.19074659

I hate being so emotional and sensitive.

>> No.19074681

how do you tell the difference between allergies and the rona

>> No.19074685

Literature with this feel?

>> No.19074774

It's ok to show your feelings girlie

>> No.19074813

im not a girl.

>> No.19074857

the silicone age

>> No.19075049
File: 113 KB, 827x812, 624CC2A0-C4C0-447C-939E-9B09429BCEBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99 problems all gone in that 1 joint……………………………………………………

>> No.19075156

No great man is still close with his parents into adulthood.

>> No.19075166

Alexander the Great and Olympias.

>> No.19075175


>> No.19075190
File: 51 KB, 384x313, oldman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it comes to porn/hentai, vanilla is what makes me cum the hardest. Yet for some reason I would find myself looking at other degenerate shit, even when it doesn't make me that sexually aroused (but intrigued).
Why is this?

>> No.19075196
File: 35 KB, 300x250, 1618994169600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot stop eating spicy pistachios. They sell these big bags of them at the grocery store and I go through about a bag a week.

>> No.19075203

Is Palahniuk worth a read?
Where do I start?
Fight Club?

>> No.19075214

Pistachios are too much work to open but buying a pre-shelled bag just seems so stupid and they don't taste as good.

>> No.19075246
File: 2.04 MB, 3065x1149, pepe14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your pistachios man.

>> No.19075307

everybody wanna be cyberpunk but nobody wanna do what must be done to be cyberpunk

>> No.19075351

genuinely tired of the ubiquity of porn on the internet in fandoms
I say fandoms but this covers basically everything that exists visually, it's uncanny
no matter how innocent and sex free something is people will think about it in sex terms, porn literally lives rent free in people's heads
I like sex and I have a sexual imagination but this is frankly excessive, everyone speaks like a total sleaze about everything
This site is particularly dire in this regard but even if you look at a strictly SFW context there's so much constant hinting at porn and "what if they had sex" and all this shit. It's almost impossible for people to think of clean romance without trying to imagine the fucking and plowing
why can't people keep this shit to themselves? why are there literal armies of mercenaries who draw this shit for a living?
maybe I should abandon everything that lends itself to this sort of thinking and limit myself to nonfiction and didactic manuals

>> No.19075359

animal-men are the majority, trained from their youth to give in to impulse and be prideful of it.

>> No.19075442

Just got back from the local used book store. Grabbed 1st 2 books of ASOIAF as well as Neuromancer. Good looking out anon's time to read

>> No.19075448

>nobody wanna do what must be done to be cyberpunk
False, I'm taking the HRT

>> No.19075520

I know but what disarms me is that it seems like truly nothing seems to have a chance to be treated with any respect anymore. People have always been horny and degenerate but they at least seemed to have a sense for things that were sort of above animalistic pornographic thoughts. I don't care if the internet revealed people for what they truly are of it managed to break this barrier, this is deeply disturbing. Something very similar happens on a broader level with irony, and pornography runs parallel to irony in many ways since it's parodic in nature. Nothing is sacred, nothing is worth respecting, nothing is truly good, nothing is worth anything. I am so incredibly burned out on this constant all-pervading cynicism and the last couple years have made me think that at the foundation of all my unhappiness and my suicidal thoughts is having to resign that I live in a world where nothing is to be taken seriously except a designated few things that the system decides are important in order to further itself. I am so tired, I want that "sincerity" that DFW was talking about so incredibly bad but when I see the constant mockery and the cackling of hyenas I just think it's pointless. I would just feed more fodder into this entropic engine for no results at all at the cost of my own sanity and health.
I can't believe that finding people who are tired to bits of this crap is so difficult. It makes me feel so alienated.

>> No.19075599
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>> No.19075617

At this point this site and the internet at large seems to be a giant psyop to do as damage as possible to the person browsing it
and everyone is hooked to it
I have to fucking leave, find another outlet that is as divorced as possible from the rest of the internet and leave

>> No.19075668

I want to start the Wheel of Time series since I've been putting it off long enough. If I buy the books, does Amazon or Sanderson get any cut of it or does it all go to the publisher/Jordan's estate?

>> No.19075677
File: 149 KB, 1280x826, 10-things-you-need-to-know-about-the-norwegian-forest-cat-before-you-buy-one-5dab10a3bd954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the deal with modern Anglo Christians? Why do they cuck themselves out so hard for Jews, a total reversal from traditional Christianity?
Saint John Chrysostom, an important early Church Father, wrote very harsh words against the Jews. But now in modern times, Anglicans like James Parkes bend over backwards to apologize. Who do they think they are, going against the Church Fathers?


I even heard of an Anglican priest removing all crosses from the church because it is offensive and a symbol of oppression to Jews.
This is absurd! Why do they even say that they are Christians at this point???

>> No.19075679

Everything you lived is a lie.
Get ready to scream until your lungs are sore.
Surprisingly, you actually don't want to burn in hell. You were merely fooled.

>> No.19075682

seizure warning

>> No.19075694

It's a struggle, I've found that sincerity isn't wanted by most(or at least most people my age, 23). Everyone is just absolutely miserable and acknowledging or being honest about said misery is not desirable. They'd rather suffer through it and then find some way to numb themselves by way of sating some trained unconscious system's desire so that they can momentarily forget. It doesn't matter what cope it is because they all feed back into perpetuating whatever it is making them miserable. People would rather feed into this and make it a part of themselves than try to be conscious and it perverts everything.

>> No.19075707

I understand how you feel. Just recently I experienced similarly and I'm still disturbed. Was playing a tabletop game with my lads and I audibly considered getting a horse for my character, we were basically playing a light fantasy game. A couple of them smirked to each other and quipped; "a horse? Oh nooo". Had to ask what was the issue but I figured it out by the look they had. Can't even talk about animals anymore.

>> No.19075752

This is the kind of shit I was referring to. Everyone is addicted to porn and this shitty deconstructive irony and has no intention of changing it. It's really grating and unpleasant and fundamentally hostile to everything good because when there's this kind of mindset in action it's always destructive.
Wouldn't you like to join a community of people who are also sick of this?

>> No.19075825

>Wouldn't you like to join a community of people who are also sick of this?


>> No.19075888

why? wouldn't you like to find a discourse unsullied by this postmodern crap? is it because you think it would be bleak?

>> No.19075960

Is there any requirement for happiness besides believing you are happy?

>> No.19076045

don't think. paint.

>> No.19076092
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What's some lit with horny pubescent kids jerking off?

>> No.19076098

Nah it's not sexual

>> No.19076168

Wish I had something to obsess over
Every weekend I just sit on 4chan all day, maybe there's a youtube video to watch if I'm lucky
Everything else is too boring

>> No.19076206
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Watch this absolute kino!

>> No.19076220

You're just a midwit NPC. Normal people don't find 4chan entertaining because they're not autistic. There's nothing interesting in endlessly reading the same pseud takes on the same topics daily. Learn Latin, write poetry, read philosophy and theology, do your civil duty towards your local community, etc. Maybe one day you'll grow up but chances are you'll forever be a loser. See you next week when I check this forum again for 30 minutes. Fag.

>> No.19076271
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So there's a freshman girl from my phil class with whom I had a short conversation while walking around campus after class. It went well so I got her number and texted her, intimating that we should hang out sometime (likely a mistake to show that much investment from the get go in retrospect). She said sounds good but since then we've exchanged texts like once a day (today no response) and I am feeling like I'm making her uncomfortable. And right now I'm less afraid of her not reciprocating interest (which is a trivial and obvious matter, and one that I care less about) but that she'll drop the class entirely due to what she perceives as a creepy upperclassmen hitting on her and feeling no other way out of the situation. I am this close to sending her a text saying 'Sorry if I was being too much, don't get the wrong idea, I just wanted to get to know you, but if not mutual that's cool', because one time a girl completely changed her tutoring hours because of my interest. I am also weighing the option of just not giving a fuck whether she drops the class or not, and just taking it on the chin and moving on (I guess that's the most masculine, independent option I could proceed with, but knowing myself if she dropped the class I'd be mired in self-loathing and guilt).

>> No.19076305

I need help please help

>> No.19076379

Just be upfront, tell her that you're interested and suggest something to do. If she's not interested she will tell you, that will be the end of it. Talk you stupid fucking retard and stop playing this games in your head. How do you have it this bad man?

>> No.19076501

Just did that. Thanks brother. Feels good to be upfront like that.
I have been feeling somewhat confident with women lately after reading part of Models by Mark Manson and improving my looks but this whole situation has brought me back to earth. I think it's the fear of being seen as a creep which holds me back in all this. With this girl I tried doing a subtle touch for emphasis (just a friendly one tap on the arm, not even sexual) while we were walking/talking and she seemed perturbed. I know I sound like a fucking neurotic loser here as these are thoughts that are just a degree below unfiltered but I really do hide it when I'm out and about and try to think that I am a worthwhile person and that everybody has no reason to dislike me.

>> No.19076524

With women the only thing separating a creep from a potential lover is attraction, your behavior doesn’t matter

>> No.19076537
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Would you?

>> No.19076551

You ever feel like you’re in a creative prison, or any sort of life prison? Like nothing you do matters and no matter how hard you try, you can’t penetrate the bars the separate you from the conditions where that’s not the case?

>> No.19076552

The thing is I don't mind being perceived as a creep so much as being the reason for why someone dropped a class (that feels like it goes beyond just creep and verges on subhuman, tho if I were a woman I'd probably want to do the same)

>> No.19076602

why is that your ptoblem? you seemed perfectly respectful, she seems like a finnicky bitch who wanted another guy to string along. i would be amused if i got some girl to drop a class

>> No.19076618

Just move on and ignore her what the fuck is the issue retard? Grow up and stop being a child. Don't text her anything

>> No.19076624

Women have business studying philosophy so you'd be doing a public service but you're just imagining scenarios in your obsessed head. She has her own life and you should get on with yours

>> No.19076630

no* business

>> No.19076656

>With this girl I tried doing a subtle touch for emphasis (just a friendly one tap on the arm, not even sexual) while we were walking/talking and she seemed perturbed. I know I sound like a fucking neurotic loser here as these are thoughts that are just a degree below unfiltered but I really do hide it when I'm out and about and try to think that I am a worthwhile person and that everybody has no reason to dislike me.

I must admit I haven't thought about such things since I was 13 and consciously touched a girl I thought was cute on her shoulder to point her towards where she needed to stand for dodgeball. Since then it's become instinctual, women will give you cues when they want to be physical with you and it usually takes longer than 1 day if she isn't a whore. And is a result of you endearing yourself to them and making them feel comfortable around you.

>> No.19076717
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>> No.19076738

She's not a finnicky bitch tho, she's kinda shy and booksmart and commutes from home. Cute but also the type that seems a bit uncomfortable with male attention. Though of course keep in mind I barely know her.

Too late. I'm not simping tho, I've learned that the hard way in the past. I'm willing to hear a clear no (or even a vague, blunted one) and try my luck with the thousands of other girls at school.

Yeah, well, I'm not experienced enough and have lots to learn but I always appreciate a challenge!

>> No.19076754

Airport toilet sucks and I wanna take a massive dump.

>> No.19076828

A lot of people would prefer unique stimuli over repeatedly doing the same thing and getting the same result. Most people start with vanilla shit but get tired of it soon enough. Doing something shocking or more unique is easier to achieve with unusual fetishes than it tends to be with artists who just make vanilla stuff.

>> No.19076840

>Wish I had something to obsess over
Oh... Become autistic

>> No.19076842
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Whenever I try to write an essay about a subject, I often find myself noticing that my opinion relies on a given premise that was never justified beforehand, and that premise too relies itself on other premises, and all of a sudden I'm going on massive tangents that will without a doubt bore the reader. How do I deal with this? Do I just take the premises of my argument for granted?

>> No.19076846

Me when I was finger fucking myself today for three hours

>> No.19076860


>> No.19076867

Think back to when you were a kid: what were you really into, or did without being told?
It's hard, but really think about your inclinations as a child and you'll get a good idea of what will work out in becoming an obsession as you seek.

>> No.19076873

For like the past week I’ve been remembering 2-3 dreams every night without even trying or doing anything and they are greatly affecting me

>> No.19076877

There are lots more big names
Get the obvious ones out of the way

>> No.19076887

I find it distasteful too to see so much obsession with sex in unsuitable settings, but nothing has ever been sacred. The internet has made this more apparent and achievable but its always been that way.
Also, being around a group like that sounds miserably boring.

>> No.19076921 [DELETED] 
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this is a real author. shilling your terrible self-published crap on 4chan is not going to cut it.

>> No.19076937

Why did I decide to be a contrarian for 25 years? It's very difficult to understand people now

>> No.19076942

If you don't find that thing now and fix this, the activation threshold of "not boring" is going to get higher and higher until you are trapped in a hole too deep to get out of. Being bored makes you boring which makes you more bored.

You have to exercise your ability to take interest in things and start making connections ASAP so that it will build up to critical mass and become an active part of your personality. Every person's journey to do this will be different, and you will have to fumble around at first, so the sooner you get started the better.

You really don't want to end up on the other side of your youthful years with no interests and a general problem of "nothing interests meeee!" With every month and year the interestingness that a thing has to have to activate your interest will get higher and higher, and the list of things that could shock you out of your torpor and make you interested in the world in general will shrink, and the possibility of chaining enough of them together to overhaul your life will become more and more remote and unreasonable.

>Man lives and evolves by 'eating' significance, as a child eats food. The deeper his sense of wonder, the wider his curiosity, the stronger his vitality becomes, and the more powerful his grip on his own existence.
>The main trouble with human beings is their tendency to become trapped in the 'triviality of everydayness' (to borrow Heidegger's phrase), in the suffocating world of their personal preoccupations. And every time they do this, they forget the immense world of broader significance that stretches around them. And since man needs a sense of meaning to release his hidden energies, this forgetfulness pushes him deeper and deeper into depression and boredom, the sense that nothing is worth the effort.

>> No.19076947

Same. I took up smoking because of non-smoking signs.

>> No.19076953

Hang in there for another couple of decades and you can start complaining about how the youth is impossible to understand

>> No.19076960

He can be fun if you enjoy his style. Fight Club is a decent starting point but it's not all that important, most of his stuff feels pretty similar.

>> No.19076967

I was really into trains...

>> No.19076977

That's a good way to look at it. I'll try to practice that more

>> No.19077029

checked and based

>> No.19077033

I wonder if this anon is pissed yet. have a good one B^)

>> No.19077044

Me too, funnily enough.
You could probably also buy model trains and get a kick out of them if you were into Thomas the Tank Engine sets like I was.

In addition I would recommend that you find all about trains- buy at least 5 books on trains if you can afford it, and not leave your house until you finish all of them. Then go on the internet and find niche communities that specialize in the particular aspects of trains that you enjoy most. Learning about trains could easily fill a lifetime- you could explore their historical development and effect on major world events, the different kinds of trains currently used in the world (like Maglev, which has really interesting superconducting properties), the depiction of trains in fiction, the history of big railroads like the transcontinental railroad, the way our concept of global time was revolutionized by trains, learn about how they work if a mechanical understanding appeals to you, or watch segments of 10 hour videos of train journeys to the Norwegian Arctic Circle during the winter.

And this beginning piece always sounded to me like a train ride through the Russian countryside.

>> No.19077058

I picked up; Damned, Snuff, Invisible Monsters, and Rant, today at a charity shop.
Which of those would be best to start with?

I've already seen Fight Club movie, and people have told me that I shouldn't bother with the book unless I really like Palahniuk's style.

>> No.19077063


>> No.19077067

Invisible Monsters is my favorite of those, give it a go

>> No.19077072

Snuff is hilarious.

>> No.19077110

I just want to be happy.

>> No.19077116

I want you to be happy.

>> No.19077133

Thank you.

>> No.19077142

Makes sense. Explains why some people commision weird shit for exorbitant prices. I've been left with a distate or a lingering regret after jacking off to some odd shit. I guess it's a constant fight against my consciousness and my need for a stimuli

>> No.19077153

I totally embrace irrationality now after the world has become exceedingly rational. Every dumb, short-sighted action is worthy of praise. Just to get back some humanity.

>> No.19077303

What's the best post you saw on these write what's on your mind threads?

>> No.19077323 [DELETED] 

i like hermes anon. i dont read his long stichomancy posts but seeing them feels comforting somehow

>> No.19077335

Idk. The best post I ever read was in some place I never expected, in some shitpost thread on /tv/ probably

>> No.19077337



>> No.19077362 [DELETED] 

Some post about whitehead and his son.

>> No.19077390
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I feel like the only person in my life with a moral code. I work hard and I'm kind and I've gotten nowhere. Lately I'm having a hard time not justifying giving up on humanity and angling for advantages. I start a new job soon, if shit doesn't work out, crime will be next.

>> No.19077402

I was watching this show on moths and it was enlightening. You know how skunks spray in defence? Moths -- these insects -- also spray in defence. They squirt this stuff against like bees and stuff, like bats and stuff that eat them. To throw off their scent they squirt this stuff. Doctors have found this stuff that moths squirt to be a cure for a virus that we get. Now, what is a virus? I mean, have we proven what this is? We look at them under microscopes, but what if a virus is like an evil spirit? I mean it could be, couldn't it? We rationalize everything so it's concrete.
>a virus is bacteria!
WHAT IS BACTERIA? We don't know it. We can't see inside this stuff's soul, inside this stuff's mind. But then listen to this: that's so random, isn't it? That this stuff that moths squirt can cure us. I mean, think of the potential that could be out there. What if we took mud, wiped it on maple branch, left it there out in the sun, scraped off the mud, stuck it in our noses, drank Mountain Dew, and then snorted the mud. Who knows! Maybe THAT could do something. But how would we find this out, do you know what I mean? I mean it's so random, it's so coincidental.

>> No.19077423

nigga. these ppl are made to suffer

>> No.19077440

true 100%

>> No.19077503

Just gonna test something real quick.

>> No.19077510

Okay, now I can vent.
Does anyone else go to Carleton College?
I just wanna say I hate it immensely.

>> No.19077553
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>> No.19077563

its hard desu

>> No.19077972
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>check social media like instagram
>notice some people, of whom I barely even talk to, have added me in their "close friend" lists

>> No.19078009

Valuing myself and putting my wants and needs above those of strangers is selfish and wrong and I am a bad person for doing so.
I know this is stupid and ridiculous but I can't shake the feeling.
This has done a number on my mental state over the years.

>> No.19078042
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140 pages done, and Amazon came out with a program to make hardcovers of your books.
I got all five of my books hardcovers, and ordered a set that'll be here early October! I've always preferred hardcovers to paperback books so this makes me pretty happy.
I also learned today that if you take a dead, plucked chicken that still has its legs that if you push the leg into a standing position the claw opens up in response to the tendons getting pulled.
Pretty cool.

>> No.19078077

Work on the smaller projects, but keep notes and continuously think about and work on the bigger one as you go along. it's really important to write down ideas that pop in your head, because who knows how long you'll actually be able to remember them. I already forgot the original name of my protagonist's love interest that came to me in a dream.

>> No.19078086


>> No.19078093

Crap I made the new thread early, I thought 310 was the bump limit

>> No.19078130

God I wish I was American.

>> No.19078160

Thank God I'm not American

>> No.19078780

canadian crew ftw

>> No.19078920

i fucking hate canadians so god much i can hardly stand it

>> No.19079184

Fuck you Anon. Fuck you for getting hit while riding your motorcycle a few weeks ago. And fuck you for dying. You have left such a big mess for you're mother and sister. And mostly, for me. I have had to deal with your crying family members and friends for weeks. Now my basement, is filled with all your junk. Your stupid, unfinished bus, is in my back yard, and your stinky grieving alcoholic mother has been LIVING with us since the police came and knocked on her door told her you were dead.

Mostly fuck you for ruining the happiness of my new family. Watching my wife nurse our 3 month old son, while she cries, mourning over her dead little brother, is just awful.

We were in such a happy little bubble, away from all the insanity of the world, and you had to go and pop that with your stupid, crotch rocket party boy bull shit.

Mostly, and this may sound selfish but, it is, what it is. Fuck you for absolutely destroying my sex life, and the happy condition my wife was in. I would fuck my wife, THE MOMENT I woke up, for YEARS. Dick is hardest right first thing when you wake up. It was such a nice way to start the day, it was such a relief, I wasn't worried about fucking, all day long, I finally felt calm and at peace through out the day.

Then the pregnancy came, and the morning sickness, and the cramps, and the swollen pregnant body pain, she was sick for most of the 9 months, which isn't that uncommon. So our sex life suffered, and I was patient because of course what else can you do.

Then the baby came, and all went well, but she had some minor vaginal tears and we had to wait to fuck for like 3 months.

SO then finally when I can fuck my wife again, full and hard, the next day your stupid fucking shit head hobbies end up killing you, and sending her into a depressed spiral, and now im sitting here with achy balls, and a house full of the crying women and a crying baby. And I look out into my back yard and there's your stupid bus we tried to convince you not to buy, and I'm just like fuck you Anon.

I had to tell your girlfriend you were dead, and when I talked to you about how driving bikes in Atlanta is dangerous, you just looked at me like I was the idiot.


>> No.19079585

viruses and bacteria are completely different things.

>> No.19079602

Well, in general, I'm surrounded by shithead liberals that can't take a fucking joke and are usually activists for some bullshit; Especially BLM.
On a more specific level, I can't stand seeing the pseudo-intellectual bullshit I run into on occasion. I wish I could give details but I don't want to expose myself.
To be somewhat honest, I've been on this campus for a week and I've never had a casual conversation with anyone. I'm surrounded by pairs or even entire groups of people having casual convos, yet here I am, alone with my thoughts, a hidden intruder to others since I can't openly trade. It's sad. And it angers me. I hope that changes with my job.