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19068451 No.19068451[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the "atomic blackpill"?

>> No.19068457

Women are only attracted to the top fifth of men. If you aren’t part of this fifth, you will never experience a woman’s love.

>> No.19068464

This guy was cucked by his wife lol how's that for a blackpill.

>> No.19068473

>even ultragigacosmic-Chads are at risk of being cucked in 2021
That's as brutal a blackpill as it gets

>> No.19068478

Not a single nuke will ever be fired against human targets ever again but government don’t reveal this because it serves as a useful Damocles’ sword to prevent war from breaking out and upsetting the status quo.
The black pill is that even when you point this out people never listen.

>> No.19068482

He’s a baldcel

>> No.19068485

Truly the blackest pill

>> No.19068486

Fifth? That's foolishly generous.

>> No.19068491

Nukes don’t even exist

>> No.19068501

There has been plenty of serious deliberation by those in charge over the use of nukes, with expected retaliation, as it's not reasonable to expect total annihilation of your population, and if it eradicates your rivals nation, then you still win

>> No.19068509

Take your meds schizo

>> No.19068510

Fucking so brootal

>> No.19068514

Prove to me nukes exist. I’ll wait

>> No.19068518

Actually there’s a positive correlation between attractiveness and likelihood of getting cucked.
It’s an open secret that models get cheated on all the time.

>> No.19068520

Hiroshima and Nagasaki happened

>> No.19068606

All wrong

The "ATOMIC" in atomic blackpill refers to atoms. The blackpill is this: materialism is real we all just atoms lol

>> No.19068623

Can you losers start blackpilling normies? Why do blackpills like these need to be stated, when assumingly everyone on here is either male, lesbian, or a mental case. Literally no one can deny this. And I'm sure subconsciously, anyone living outside the internet is aware.

>> No.19068640

>The blackpill is this: materialism is real we all just atoms lol
we all just what?

>> No.19068642

Refuted by Sri Shankara (PBUH) and Rene Guenon (PBUH)

>> No.19068651

never gonna happen, its only ever gonna be the bottom of the barrel that will come across the blackpill sadly, others lives are less difficult they attain the relationships or whatever the fuck they're chasing with women so they'll simply cope with just world fallacy and go about their day.

>> No.19068679
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Materialism was wrong in the17th century redditoid, if we're all atoms governed by classical mechanics explain interaction at a distance i.e. gravity

>> No.19068709

>Can you losers start blackpilling normies?
Normies are immune to blackpills. They are capable of instantly curbing all thoughts that would get them down a rabbit hole. I guess this counts as a blackpill of sorts. When you're a "thinking" type it's like you are affected by a tumor. There's something in your head that grows and grows and you cannot stop it from growing. Normal people can just turn that off while you get obsessed over irrelevant shit. Moral implications? The meaning of things? The afterlife? Our role in the universe? Time? Existence? Not a problem, and perhaps there's a reason why this option exists in the heads of the majority of people, because it's a useful evolutionary trait that Nature itself willed onto its creatures. Imagine if Nature bestowed the tiny insects, who live horrible cruel life of being eaten alive, with intricate philosophical thought. I have watched an earwig getting caught in a spiderweb once, and watched it for a long quarter of an hour unsure if to intervene to help it in its struggle against the spider or let the spider have its meal. How cruel would it be if the earwig were able to think about why this terrible thing was happening, this being buried alive in silk by a horrific monster. What if the spider himself were able to judge whether or not he should've ended the creature's life as painlessly as possible. If these animals were configured to have ethics or think about meaning it would be as cruel as a plant designed to have a need for running. Thinking is a disease of the mind.

>> No.19069064


This mechanism evolves in order to avoid hill-climbing optimization. If women are too loyal to the chads, then the whole process gets stuck to the current chad-genes, which may be only a local maximum, and not the best we can reach. The tendency to cheat on the chads with the underdogs guarantees that other paths will be tried. I don't know if this is an official theory, I discovered this while I was deep into experimenting with genetic programming for creating trading algorithms.

>> No.19069094

Human relationships aren’t economic transactions, STEMbug.

>> No.19069134


>> No.19069181

The blackpill so minute yet so explosive we fail to recognize is that Der Normie is subhuman. Die Der Normie has never understood anything. Only impulse in vicacity and force as well as frequency. Hume's elaborations on CREDULITY in Human nature are at the core of every deception and thus our financial reality and thus our industrial output and thus war and thus communications and thus breeding and all free assembly and finally the material of ourselves. My kindle isnt cooperating so I can find the spicy quote.

>> No.19069639

That's 'cognitive dissonance' and I will admit that we're plagued by it in our current western society. It doesn't matter how well you present your case, doesn't matter how much you corner them intellectually, like clockwork, they will just ignore it.

From what I noticed, those that at the very least get uncomfortable by the discussion, still have potential, but you need to push them - and even then they might just lash out.

I don't believe that it is possible to redpill/blackpill an individual without some sort of trauma existing within the equation. Basically if they're not ready for it, don't even try.

>> No.19070014

It doesn't matter how hot the girl is--you get bored after a while. The girls I dated were 8 and above and I still cheated on them (frequently with 7s). That being said, as you get older and mature up even novelty gets boring and that's when you just settle down (and start feeling bad about being a dick when you were younger). So I guess the black pill is you're only missing out if you think you are--even a hot girl ends up just being wallpaper and if you end up in a final long-term relationship that's the best endgame for most people anyway. (Unless you're a lifelong incel...but then that's probably your own fault anyway).

>> No.19070115

one incel has really been spamming the board with the black pill shit. fuck off back to 2018 loser. go read a book or something. Stop complaining. Thats the blackpill, stop complaining. try to swallow that one. stop complaining.

>> No.19070142
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If reading books turns you into this anon, I dunno I think i might be good bro. where's your wife time to force feed your ego on the couch with a nice book!