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19068432 No.19068432 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best books about fascism?

>> No.19068440 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19068453
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>> No.19068675

Fascism = Socialism/Communism + Nationalism

>> No.19068685

Mussolini – My Rise and Fall
Mussolini's Intellectuals

>> No.19068690

None. It was early 20th century autism. Totally irrelevant now.

>> No.19068692

Fascists don't read.

>> No.19068698
File: 140 KB, 419x614, Giovanni_Gentile_sgr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fascists don't read - they ACT!

>> No.19068712

Fascism is the revolution of the petty bourgeoise.

>> No.19068746
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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Gentile.without a solid grasp of Hegelian Idealism most of the philosophy will go over a typical reader's head. There's also Gentile's actual idealism, which is deftly woven into his writings and is a continuation of Hegel's philosophy. The idealists that understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these writings, to realise that they're not just insightful- they say something deep about BEING. As a consequence people who dislike Giovanni Gentile truly ARE idiots - of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, Gentile's critique of historical materialism.
I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Giovanni Gentile's genius unfolds itself on their e-reader/laptop screens. What fools. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, I DO have a Fascio tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably closer) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

>> No.19068774

>t. commie whose revolutionaries are 90% wealthy malcontents or military defectors

>> No.19068776
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>> No.19068791

A. James Gregor's work. All if it.
Soldiers are petty bourgeoisie?

>> No.19068815

Whereas communism is the Judenrevolution of the bourgeoisie.

>> No.19068833

n.b. Male Fantasies is one of the worst assemblages of Judeo-Historiographical psychoanalysis bunkum that we're all worse off for it having been published. Fun game: guess Theweleit's lineage.

>> No.19068862

The Doctrine of Fascism, duh

>> No.19068884

Renzo De Felice's biography of him in eight volumes.

>> No.19068891
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>And yes, by the way, I DO have a Fascio tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably closer) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

>> No.19068907

>revolutionaries are 90% wealthy malcontents
I am relatively well-off and I sometimes fantasize about running for President as a Communist. There are a huge number of communists in America and the CPUSA never wins anything. If I just copied the Democrat platform and slapped a hammer and sickle on top I’d win huge amounts of support. And because I’d be a communist, the media and academia would love me, ensuring future generations support me. Once I’m in office I’d nationalize everything (aka me and the boys will get all the money), and boom! Successful rule and a life in luxury. I’d just keep winning elections for the rest of my life and being President of the CSA (Communist States of America).

Granted in real life I’d probably get like 4 votes but it’s a nice daydreams

>> No.19068912
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>A. James Gregor's work. All if it.
Reminder that A. James Gregor was a "national security" professor and advisor to Filipino dictator Ferdinand Marcos who just happened to get land a job at UC Berkeley in 1967 when the anti-war movement was running hot -- as a pro-war professor who then wrote a bunch of books talking about why Mao and Ho Chi Minh were actually fascists (woah, dude... wow...) and Marxism-Leninism is fascism... while translating Gentile's books from Italian into English and being really into Evola and wanting to suck Evola's dick until the come came out of the dick.

He was a member of eugenics organization based in Britain and was also named the Oppenheimer Chair of Warfighting Strategy 1996-1997 at the Marine Corps University in Quantico.

>> No.19068918

Americans are allergic to communism since the cold war. There was a chance pre-ww2 but not anymore.

Communism today means miscegenation. Just call for nationalization of big business then slap an American flag on it and you will get the white vote.

>> No.19068922
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>Communism today means miscegenation.
Good news for communism

>> No.19068928

Was this supposed to be a critique? Makes me want to have a drink with him.

>> No.19068930

What was that supposed to prove? You needn't have shown that Gregor was based, we already knew

>> No.19068933

Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe

>> No.19068936

He didn't like Evola, his thesis wasn't that Mao or Lenin were "actually Fascists" but that it makes no sense to distinguish MLs or Fascists as "left and right" or "opposites" when they both share the same genealogy and that Mao and Lenin both departed from Marx's work.

To him Fascists and MLs were both "far right" movements.

>> No.19068945

>Americans are allergic to communism since the cold war.
90% of Americans on Twitter are fanatic communists, they’d all vote commie. Twitter determines the culture so everyone else would follow.

>> No.19068949
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>Was this supposed to be a critique? Makes me want to have a drink with him.

>> No.19068953

>90% of Americans on Twitter are fanatic communists
Maybe in your echo chamber
>Twitter determines the culture so everyone else would follow.
Most working class people don't use Twitter or even the internet.

>> No.19068983

Accept it marxfag, we will always be two halves of a glowing whole <3

>> No.19068992
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Also he's dead btw. But I should have added that he was a "nonpolitical anarchist" who joined the U.S. Army and the eugenicist organization he was part of -- the IAAEE -- was tied up in the "Cliveden Set" who were ultra-rich British aristocrats who supported Hitler along with creepy Americans in the "Pioneer Fund." They promoted a bunch of "race science" stuff back in the 60s and 70s.

He was also a Senior Fellow at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. While he's translating Italian fascists, heading a eugenicist organization funded by millionaires (that also ran lawsuits to preserve racial discrimination by landlords and real estate developers), and while writing for "The European," a magazine published by Oswald Mosley.

See… you're a young person who is going to UC Berkeley -- in the late 60s -- and you sign up for a political science class, and suddenly, here's your professor who just landed the job (again, in 1967) and supports the Vietnam War, and is telling you that the Vietnamese revolution is *actually* being carried out by "far right" people. They didn't follow Marx… they all copied Mussolini.

>> No.19068994

Fuck off accfag. No one cares about your tranny shit.

>> No.19069010

>Also he's dead btw. But I should have added that he was a "nonpolitical anarchist" who joined the U.S. Army and the eugenicist organization he was part of -- the IAAEE -- was tied up in the "Cliveden Set" who were ultra-rich British aristocrats who supported Hitler along with creepy Americans in the "Pioneer Fund." They promoted a bunch of "race science" stuff back in the 60s and 70s.
>He was also a Senior Fellow at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. While he's translating Italian fascists, heading a eugenicist organization funded by millionaires (that also ran lawsuits to preserve racial discrimination by landlords and real estate developers), and while writing for "The European," a magazine published by Oswald Mosley.
As I said, what part of this is supposed to be a critique?

>> No.19069025
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>See… you're a young person who is going to UC Berkeley -- in the late 60s -- and you sign up for a political science class, and suddenly, here's your professor who just landed the job (again, in 1967) and supports the Vietnam War, and is telling you that the Vietnamese revolution is *actually* being carried out by "far right" people. They didn't follow Marx… they all copied Mussolini.
It's an accurate assessment, though not economics wise. Adorno didn't call the May '68 protestors "Sturmabteilung in jeans" for nothing.

>> No.19069071
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Replace pic related with blonde haired, blue eyed germans and it literally becomes Nazi propaganda.

Really makes you think

>> No.19069164
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>nooo he wasn't epic heckin wholesome chungus!! he supported eugenics and dictators, nuuu!
Those are both cool and you're a faggot, btw developmental dictatorships are objectively better than liberal plutocracies at everything

>> No.19069879

how did he praise Evola in any way

>> No.19070251 [DELETED] 

Bump for the WHITE RACE

>> No.19070350

Maoism is Fascism for yellow people

>> No.19070427


>> No.19071087
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>The fact is that as a young man Mussolini accepted all the essential theoretical and interpretive propositions of Marx. His published writings between 1902 and 1914 contain innumerable references to Marx and only seven allusions to Babeuf and eight to Proudhon. Both his published writings and what we can reconstruct of his reading during this period indicate a preoccupation with the ideas of Marx that far exceeds any concern he had for other thinkers. Mussolini's point of departure was unquestionably Marx. No adequate reconstruction of his thought is possible if that fixed point is neglected. Not only was he a convinced Marxist, he was a knowledgeable one as well. His published writings contain regular references to the works of Marx and Engels. He specifically refers to every major piece of Marx's published writings available at that time. He alludes to Marx's writings in the Neue Rheinische Zeitung, the "Theses on Feuerbach," "Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right," A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy, The Class Struggles in France, as well as Capital and the Communist Manifesto. In a number of places he not only alludes to The Poverty of Philosophy, but provides extensive quotations as well. He also provides quotations from the Contributions to the Critique of Political Economy, the Marx-Engels correspondence, Marx's articles in the New York Tribune, and the Communist Manifesto. There are references to Engels' The Conditions of the Working Class in England in 1845, quotations from the Anti-Duhring, and Engels' famous introduction to Marx's Class Struggles in France. He was not only familiar with the most important Marxist authors of the period, including Karl Kautsky and Wilhelm Liebknecht, some of whose work he translated, but he had read the works of theoreticians such as G. Plekhanov and Rosa Luxemburg, and Marx critics such as Werner Sombart. ... Whatever one thinks of his Marxism today, Mussolini was accepted by his socialist peers as a Marxist theoretician. He rose to leadership in the Italian Socialist Party at least in part on the basis of his recognized capacity as a socialist intellectual.

>> No.19071091
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>Bräuninger recounts a remarkable incident in which Mussolini invited the German – and incidentally Jewish – translator of Dante, Rudolf Borchardt, to a private audience in 1933, and quotes from Rudolf Borchardt’s Besuch bei Mussolini (Visit to Mussolini):

>'I could only be astonished that this man, the ruler of Italy, with all the burdens of the day’s work on his shoulders, found time to discuss with me the precise translation of individual words and expressions . . . He opened the first Canto and began to read. “That is a literal translation,” he remarked, and then said, “I understand it is written in a modern German style. Wait, what is this?” He pointed to a word he did not know, and I had to explain it to him. . . . Concentrated willpower and a positive sort of decisiveness mastered in large part the rounded and complete gestures of the kind one might expect from a dignitary of the Church or an aristocratic poet, reminding me of some pictures of the later Goethe. . . . Schlegel, Schelling, Hegel, King Johann of Saxony, Vossler, George – he made a brief appraisal of each. “Now to the fifth circle of the Inferno,” he exclaimed, adding rapidly and almost merrily, “Francesca da Remini.” . . . He went to the last stanzas, read out my German translation, then recited the original Italian verses from memory, read more German, and compared them exactly with the verses which he knew by heart. He pointed to a subtlety of tone in the Italian original and wanted to be sure that I had successfully reproduced it in German, reading out my German version slowly and carefully, with a strong but accurate pronunciation. Finally, he interrupted his own criticisms and suggestions by excusing himself, adding that he was only a layman and a mere reader. He closed the book, opened it once more, and finally closed it for good. “Thank you,” he said earnestly, and shook my hand warmly.' (p. 163)

>So much for the ignorant dictator! It would be interesting to know how many professors of Italian literature today could today offer an informed critique of a translation of Dante’s Inferno, citing stanzas by heart, let alone how many mere laymen and readers could do so. Bräuninger tells us that Mussolini was an avid reader of the Classics and a keen opera aficionado, something which tends to be ignored in post-war mainstream historical accounts.

>Much else tends to be downplayed as well, which Bräuninger highlights, including the enormous popularity of Mussolini’s economic and social policies.

>> No.19072222
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>> No.19072243

Paul Gottfried, Stanley Payne, A James Gregor. Skip Umberto Eco's points. Skip the frankfurt school.

>> No.19073313

power bottom pipeline

>> No.19073480

The guy you're referring to supported eugenics and liberal democracies against those "developmental dictatorships." Nazbol is also a meme and a psyop. The state assets are just being redeployed now that the "alt-right" is dead.

>> No.19073602


>> No.19073804

Sounds like a cool guy!

>> No.19073934

Why did he spend all that time writing about regimes he wants destroy?
Not saying I disagree with you, just curious.

>> No.19075332

they'd better be laminated so you can wipe those greasy italian fingerprints off

>> No.19075807

Sub-human iq levels on display

>> No.19076172

Thread derailed, great job JIDF. Anyways, to put it back on track, I recommend reading direct sources. Historians will inevitably have some bias so reading from the source material is your best bet.

I recommend The Doctrine of Fascism by Benito Mussolini and Fascism: 100 Questions Asked & Answered by Oswald Mosley. These books are all readily available in PDF form on the internet archive.

If you're interested in Nazism too there is Mein Kampf, though it's a bit more of an auto biography, it's also a political manifesto. If you read Mein Kampf, make sure you read the Ford translation, as it is the most accurate. This is also available in PDF version on the internet archive.

>> No.19076195
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>Thread derailed, great job JIDF.

>> No.19076277
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>kike/redditnigger can't reaction image properly
kek, I didn't even use animu in my post, even if i did, anime website. Don't you have IR to post on /b/ shlomo?

>> No.19076291

>kike/redditnigger can't reaction image properly
You are retarded and also a newfag. Leave me alone.

>> No.19076298

>Leave me alone.
>he responded to my post first
anon, are you retarded?

>> No.19076979

Fascism = Socialism + Civic Nationalism

National socialism = Socialism/Communism + Full-blooded "blood and soil" Nationalism

I can recommend both.
The first half, the rise, is an amazing read. Couldn't put it down. The latter half, the fall, is a bit shit honestly, kinda him just moaning

>> No.19077003

>both the author and all the forwards are by the hook-nosed tribe

Are you sure the nazis were wrong?

>> No.19077057

>deeply sympathized with Fascism for past 13 years but could never reconcile it with materialism/physicalism

I'd be a communist except I've always loathed cosmopolitanism, feminism and racial egalitarianism. What am I supposed to be? Atheists tend to be extremely left or capitalist but I hate how those two systems focus solely on economic matters and nothing else. I'm an outlier and do not fit evenly anywhere it seems.

>> No.19077130

Left-Fascism. It existed and always has. Read the works of Ugo Spirito and Sergio Panunzino.

>> No.19077154


What? Like Strasserism or National-Syndicalism? I've heard of left-nationalism but never left-fascism aside from the aforementioned. I'll check them out.

>> No.19077159
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Why isn't fascism perfect for you then? It's the synthesis of left and right, the third position. It's socialist without being material reductivist and idealist without being bourgeois. Have you read Sternhell's books, Neither Right nor Left and The Birth of Fascist Ideology?

Fascism is also diverse, it's not a single doctrine. You can be a Mazzinian fascist or a beefsteak Nazi or Nazbol or a Peronist or a Legionary or a Falangist. You can believe in hermeticism and theosophical root races or be a materialist race realist, or not be racist at all and simply believe in great cultures or national destinies or folk-souls. Have you read Evola's Synthesis of the Doctrine of Race?

>> No.19077164

no i mean the actual left wing of italian fascism. i just named you ugo spirito and sergio panunzino. those are THE left fascists. mussolini himself was also a marxist.

"left fascism" is applying the dynamic indvidual to marxian socialism. that's all

>> No.19077177
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>I've heard of left-nationalism but never left-fascism aside from the aforementioned
Check out Sternhell definitely. Also Roberto Michels' revolutionary syndicalism which drew him to Italian Fascism, Werner Sombart's German socialism.


>> No.19077214

I came to that conclusion because all of the popular fascists or derivatives e.g. Mussolini, Hitler, dollfuss, franco, Salazar, rex, codreanu were all idealists/mysticists and I just could never believe in any of that stuff.

>> No.19077219
File: 600 KB, 2016x1512, Evola collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My anti-fascism collection is coming along nicely.

Peak aesthetics.

>> No.19077234

"Traditionalism" is cringe fedora nonsense and is no way practical. I just want modernism without jews or trannies or other garden variety of undesirable, not return to backwards, medieval kings and peasants shit.

>> No.19077238

The only real Fascists in history were Mussolini and Ledesma Ramos. Read about them. Both were Marxists at one point.

>> No.19077240

So much retardation in one post. Read a book.

>> No.19077243


And fascism is just cope by white failures. All political systems are a fucking mess.

>> No.19077244

Actually read Fascism. Thank you.

>> No.19077247

>m'lady *tips knight's helmet*

>> No.19077255 [DELETED] 

at least I'm not brown like you.

>> No.19078718

>not recognizing this pasta even if it's been edited
To be fair, it is a massive shitpost, but still anons...

>> No.19078754
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Here you go bro

>> No.19078764

Singapore is fascist and utopian

>> No.19079703

>plutocrat nation is fascist

>> No.19080156

He WAS a marxist but he wasnt one since he became duce.

>> No.19080308

He was unironcially more Marxist than Lenin or any other opportunist spouting Marxist ideas.

He stopped being "Marxist" when the 20th century showed him socialism doesn't have to be scientific.

>> No.19080654


>> No.19080666

Even the author admitted this was dogshit

>> No.19080670

What was wrong with this man?

>> No.19080675

Wrong faggot.

>> No.19080725

The ones that got burnt