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19062036 No.19062036[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"Do not believe just because the samana or preacher, the speaker, is "our teacher." The Buddha's purpose regarding this important point is that no one should be the intellectual slave of someone else, not even of the Buddha himself.
>The Buddha emphasized this point often, and there were disciples, such as the venerable Sariputta, who confirmed this practice.
>They did not believe the Buddha's words immediately upon hearing them, but believed only after adequately considering the advice and putting it to the test of pactice. See for yourselves whether there is any other religious teacher in the world who has given this highest freedom to his disciples and audiences!
>Thus in Buddhism there is no dogmatic system, there is no pressure to believe without the right to examine and decide for oneself.
>This is the greatest special quality of Buddhism which keeps its practitioners from being the intellectual slaves of anyone, as explained above. We Thais should not volunteer to follow the West as slavishly as we are doing now. Intellectual and spiritual freedom is best.
You stupid jew worshippers can seethe and fabricate revenge fantasies all you want, the truth is nobody would hear your bullshit if you didn't force people to adopt your dogmatic fanatical death cult throughout history

>> No.19062061
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>> No.19062085

>in buddhism there is no dogmatic system
uhhhhh pratityasamutpada means like uhhh things depend on each other and uhhh this indefinitely uhhhhh just don't ask questions

whatever you nihilist

>> No.19062103

Reminder that Buddhists simp for Jesus at every given moment, the Dalia Lama literally said Jesus was an enlightened person

>> No.19062108

Buddhacucks absolutely BTFO by Sri Śaṅkarācārya (pbuh)

>"No one, they (Buddhists) claim, can possibly deny this chain of causation (Pratītyasamutpāda) beginning with nescience. And once the whole causal chain beginning with nescience is admitted to exist, and to be revolving continually like a wheel with buckets at a well, it is found to imply that the formation of aggregates must be possible. But this is not right, as the causes so far mentioned lead to production (of the next effect in the series) only (and not to aggregation of any kind). An aggregate could be admitted if an intelligible cause were assigned for it. But it is not. Nescience and the rest may cause one another mutually in your cycle, but they only cause the rise of the next link in the chain. There is nothing to show that anything could be the cause of an aggregate. True, you claimed that if nescience and the rest were admitted, an aggregate was necessarily implied.

>To this, however, we reply as follows. If you mean that nescience and the rest cannot arise except in the presence of some aggregate and so are dependent on it, then you still have to explain what could be the cause of the aggregate. Now, we have already shown in the course of our criticism of the Vaisesikas that aggregation is unintelligible even when supported by such assumptions as that of the existence of eternal atoms along with eternal individual experiencers who serve as permanent loci for the conservation of the effects of past action. So it will be all the less intelligible in a theory in which only atoms of momentary existence are admitted, without any permanent experiencer or any permanent locus for anything. If the Buddhist now claims that it is this causal chain beginning with nescience that is the cause of aggregation, we ask how this causal chain (pratītyasamutpāda) could ever be the cause of aggregation (of its constituents into a united whole that can produce nescience etc) when it depends on (that) aggregation for its own existence?

Brahmasūtrabhāṣya 2.2.19.

>> No.19062111

pagans also liked Jesus, doesn't mean they liked the abominable atrocity that is "Christianity" or more accurately "Paulinism".

>> No.19062123
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Every religion wants Jesus because they know he is the way, the truth and the life. Every cult, heresy and would-be Christian subverter wants Jesus, whether it’s Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists or Communists.

>> No.19062126
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OP filtered by dhamma language.

>> No.19062133

Just like every religion wants Buddha

>> No.19062143

Anyone against Paul, who worked with the disciples of Jesus and converted huge amounts of people to Christianity, as well as being himself a great testament of the power of Christ to change lives, is invariably a Jew, a Muslim, a feminist or some sort of Jew-loving heretical Protestant.

>> No.19062149

Cope. No non-Buddhist cares about the Buddha outside of yogis sitting in their own shit in India

>> No.19062165

You're resentful christcuck so no justification will work with you.

>For two thousand years, Jesus has revenged himself on us for not having died on a sofa.

Cioran, All Gall is Divided

>> No.19062167
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Jesus Christ isn't God and he never claimed to be God.
>inb4 b-b-b-but scripture!
the jews corrupted it.

>> No.19062192



>> No.19062211

a dying religion

>> No.19062227

Muhammad was actually a Jewish homosexual. The Quran clearly says this but Christians hid this information for nefarious purposes.

>> No.19062229
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>nooooo you can't have 12 links you need 13

>> No.19062246

Christians are retarded but that doesn't mean Jesus wasn't an enlightened man and teacher. He is a prime example of an authentic and enlightened human being who lives and dies through what he preaches. It is no suprise then why he emotionaly moved so many people with his life and death in a singular manner in human history. His deification however is indeed completely stupid , I agree, but that event is complicated by the cultural background of the hebrews and the political events in Roman occupied Palestine.

>> No.19062251

Why do christians become so vulgar when a based muslim points out the fact that they are trusting a tribe of people who were blatant enemies of God with scripture?

>> No.19062263

??? I'm Jewish and have no problem with homosexuals

>> No.19062647

Your shitty heresy was revealed by fallen angels

>> No.19062680

>Your shitty heresy was revealed by fallen angels
"Say, "Whoever is an enemy to Jibreel - then indeed he brought it down on your heart by (the) permission (of) Allah confirming what between hands (before it) and a guidance and glad tiding(s) for the believers." Al-Baqara 97

>> No.19062703

>fallen angels
there are no fallen angels btw. satan was a djinn who was allowed into Allah's angelic court because of his steadfastness. The angels would never disobey God.
"But if they are arrogant (disbelievers), then those who (are) near your Lord (angels), glorify Him by night and day. And they (do) not tire." Fussilat 38

>> No.19062713

Christers don't need buddhism to get btfo, common sense refutes every single tenet of their shitty false teaching lol

>> No.19062739

> It's another post by a white buddhist