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19062000 No.19062000 [Reply] [Original]

Matthew 18:3 (KJV) "Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven."

Will neet virgin manchildren be guaranteed salvation?

>> No.19062413

>Will neet virgin manchildren be guaranteed salvation?

I wouldn't say "guaranteed" but I'd say they have a better chance than most people.

>> No.19062453

> I'd say they have a better chance than most people
i dont think so, manchild virgins tend to be extremely susceptible to filling the void in their life with sinful acts

>> No.19063914

Cute image and nice digits, anon <3

>> No.19064155

Children are playful, active, social, not perverse, not cynical----why do you even compare the two???

>> No.19064158

modern children corrupted by the industrial society are so

>> No.19064166

Damn, this Matthew guy stole directly from Nietzsche. Was it not Nietzsche who told us, verily, we must transform ourselves into the child?

>> No.19064175

What is the point of Heaven? Do you just sit around and pray all day? What incentive could I possibly have for wanting to waste my earthly life praying in order to spend my eternal life praying?

Islam had it correct if you truly want to make devout followers. Give 72 virgins as a reward. No beating around the bush.

>> No.19064226

>What is the point of Heaven? Do you just sit around and pray all day? What incentive could I possibly have for wanting to waste my earthly life praying in order to spend my eternal life praying?
You don't know how it feels when you are praying because you've never prayed honestly (I guess). The only prayer you have the ability/experience to make is a dead word on the paper, so it is not really heartfelt.

>Give 72 virgins as a reward. No beating around the bush.
Don't you think any finite number of brides is just not enough for the whole eternity?

>> No.19064243

I assumed that the 72 virgins are eternally virgins, but that 72 just means you have all possible varieties to choose from based on your mood, ie blondes, brunettes, short girls, skinny girls, etc.

>> No.19064288

>Do you just sit around and pray all day
No, you'll be living as God originally intended

>> No.19064326

Which is what?

>> No.19064342

>Mama, come look, I made a whole thread of it this time

>> No.19064348

Like Eden before the fall

>> No.19064656


>> No.19064687
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>and become as little children
So this is straight up saying the religious converts are abdicating existence as responsible, reasonable adults to become infantilized and believe in children's fairy tales? Shit, I didn't know it was so explicit in the bible that this is what you christfags are about.

>> No.19064699

"we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles"
-1 Corinthians 1:23
The New Testament admits several times that its central message is nonsense to non-believers

>> No.19064714

But it's not just that in OP. It's literally telling the believers themselves that they must become infantilized into little children. Freud is 100% right, it's purely an appeal to a daddy complex where you want to be a little baby and have daddy in the sky take care of you. EXPLICITLY SO. It's just embarrassing. Grow up, in the most literal sense possible.

>> No.19064745

gooo gooo gagaga