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File: 116 KB, 660x1024, atomic-habits-book-1-660x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19057021 No.19057021 [Reply] [Original]

I can't believe /lit/ fooled me into reading this self-help garbage. The only helpful thing in this retard book is habit stacking and a single page would be enough to explain it.

>> No.19057038

I’m gonna habit stack your mom tonight. Please make yourself scarce.

>> No.19057047

so when you stack habits, are you a top habit or a bottom habit?

>> No.19057053


>> No.19057057

Thanks for letting me know when to laugh.

>> No.19057059

t. op

>> No.19057068
File: 696 KB, 984x500, 176E698A-2FC0-4C59-9F62-2802764C9880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep seeing this book and others in the same vein get shilled on Instagram.
Like this woman explaining how every morning she wakes up and goes for a walk every morning listening to audiobooks, and she name drops this book and some others like pic related.
They seem like a total grift to me.
You’re not going to become a CEO by reading a bunch of books

>> No.19057075

>shilled on Instagram.


>> No.19057104

So the point of this thread is that you had a different opinion of a book than some other folks? Fascinating.

>> No.19057113

You just have to read ONE more self-help book and you will figure it all out!!

>> No.19057119
File: 75 KB, 494x968, habits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole book, you're welcome

>> No.19057121

>So the point of this thread is that you had a different opinion of a book than some other folks?
Isn’t that the whole fucking point of a literature board? To discuss our opinions of books?

>> No.19057138

Whose encouraging playing the bass? Fuck that.

>> No.19057142
File: 52 KB, 494x716, habits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, whoops

>> No.19057143

Simmer down there, bottom habit boy.

>> No.19057173

lol I won’t tell.

>> No.19057175

Rich Dad Poor Dad is a decent financial book if you don't know what you're doing. It's not about making yourself a CEO, just not being a complete retard with money

>> No.19057239

Explain habit stacking please

>> No.19057329

You attach a habit you want to form with a habit you already do. If you want to start a meditation routine and you have a habit of brushing your teeth each morning, stack ten minutes of meditation on top of (after probably) brushing your teeth.

OP is still a fag. It’s a good book and the author seems like a legit dude.

>> No.19058350

now you know, dont read anything that is new.

it needs to pass the lindy test

>> No.19058394

You just learned a valuable lesson:
never read a generalized self-help or instructional book unless it directly relates to a project, process, or problem you are currently, repeatedly, or about to experience in your life.
Generalized books about 'habits' or 'communication' or 'wealth' - no.
Specific books, say about learning an instrument or quitting smoking, communicating with your SO or the chain of command in a company, or investing in FX or Supply Chain management in a retailer - yes.

>> No.19058455

It’s self-help you got what you signed up for. Next you should read one about accepting responsibility, anyone got a good one?

>> No.19058692

it's the anon who made the self-help chart. he keeps shilling this book. ignore him and all self-help posters. self improvement is impossible. chads are born. simple as

>> No.19058746

>You’re not going to become a CEO by reading a bunch of books
Nor do any of these books say that you will. Straw man argument. Books contain knowledge, the application is up to you.

>> No.19058750

>earnigger books instead of real books
This is how you know a person is full of shit.

>> No.19058755
File: 748 KB, 1017x1024, anonhelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed mindset detected. You need to read the top middle book here.

>> No.19059400

There's two decent books there. I'm convinced you made this to troll.

>> No.19059429

Self-help is all fucking garbage, but someone will always say "no wait, I know self-help is garbage but THIS one book is not like the others" then you read it and it's fucking garbage and you realize that the person who recommended it to you was a retard. Self-help is literally the anime of literature, more than actual anime themed shit.

>> No.19059448

Mindset and A Mind for Numbers are the only self help books that anyone should read.

>> No.19060794

These books will help if you think they will help you.
The actual techniques are secondary.
That being said, I wonder what these peoples goals are who read these books.

>> No.19060826
File: 33 KB, 474x463, tim wiese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it can be read in 3h
>omg you wasted my time!!1
shouldnt be a big deal for someone who posts on lit

>> No.19060974

I read it.
Goal was weightloss. Have since lost 25 kgs, hard to say if the book was the deciding factor in it, but it helped a little.

>> No.19061309

>a single page would be enough to explain it.
This the books repeats itself so much i didn't completely finish it because of that

>> No.19062096


>> No.19062141

The only good advice from this book is to enjoy and celebrate your progress inmediatly after completing it. It creates a reward for your brain and makes you want to do it again the next time.

>> No.19062171

this thread has explained the important concepts from this book in their entirety in less than ten seconds.

>> No.19062237

Mindset is a terrible book
I'm halfway in and it's all anecdotes
Could literally be summed up in a couple of pages

>> No.19062243

All you need to know: Bee yourself :^)

>> No.19062353

You know full well that these books are marketed towards people’s insecurities about having what it takes to succeed.
>See this really successful guy here? You can be like him if you just read his ghostwritten book