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19055044 No.19055044 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19055098
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protip: that's a good thing

>> No.19055134

WHY were they so mean to the whale.

>> No.19055184
File: 55 KB, 1024x892, sadhab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He chomped a guys leg off.

They didn't have disability in the 1800s so the guy got REALLY MAD that he was a cripple now.

>> No.19055208

When they killed the old whale with one fin it was really sad. Same when they waifed the whale but it came loose and it slashed around and killed the other whales in the pod. Fuck the white whale though

>> No.19055226

Because the whale served as a mirror for all of ahab's demons as well as representing the silent, destructive divine forces ahab sought to conquer

>> No.19055988

>but it came loose and it slashed around and killed the other whales in the pod
that scene really fucked me up for some reason

>> No.19056166

Whales don't have teeth.

>> No.19056206

Are you retarded? Dolphins, porpoises, sperm whales, orcas, belugas, and several other types of toothed whales have teeth

>> No.19056319
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>> No.19056357

"oceanic dolphin" - not a whale. Some whales do have teeth though.

t. seacreature

>> No.19056364

First off, dolphins are whales, second off, orcas are not dolphins

>> No.19056376

Moby Dick was the mask of some demonic deity. He acted only out of pure hate and malice. The book is about a foolhardy quest into the depths of hell to destroy the cause of man's suffering.

>> No.19056481

Both false, sorry. Dolphins and whales are both cetacea but aren't equivalent. They aren't mutually exclusive terms. Dolphin refers to a few specific families; of which some contain names like "pilot whale" but are actually dolphins. Taxonomy is different to common names - I don't really care what you "think" is a dolphin, the name refers to specific creatures. Look it up.

>> No.19056520

this. It's obvious that Moby is not a normal whale or animal for that matter

>> No.19056591

Cetus = whale
All cetaceans are whales. Dolphins are a type of whale

>> No.19056673

Maybe with a sort of folk identification, but by that logic I could say "all whales are fish" because someone a thousand years said so. Taxonomically you are wrong.

>> No.19056699

If I wanted taxonomic autism about whales I'd just reading the fucking book

>> No.19056737

All whales are fish. How would you define fish that somehow excludes cetaceans?

>> No.19056764

>Taxonomically you are wrong
Yeah you already said this but you haven't given me any evidence to support it

>> No.19056772

read a book called "Moby Dick"

>> No.19056813

>Because in this manner the term "fish" is defined negatively as a paraphyletic group, it is not considered a formal taxonomic grouping insystematic biology, unless it is used in thecladisticsense, including tetrapods.
I will now accept your apology

>> No.19056854

A dolphin is an Odontoceti (toothed whale), but somehow not a whale? This makes no sense. Dolphins and sperm whales are more closely related than sperm whales and right whales

>> No.19056967

The whale was the demiurge

>> No.19056975

amyone else think its the most kino novel
and does anyone like to daydroom about alternatives scenarios for the crew

>> No.19056980

these fellow schizointerpreters are completely correct.

>> No.19057440

I prefer to daydream about life on the open sea. Being so vastly driven with revenge I plunge myself into a pointless quest endangering everything and everyone around me purely for my own selfish revenge

Shame it's one of those books that really suck if you're forced to study it in high school or something

>> No.19057475

wrong, wrong. The whale represents man's struggle for recognition in the eye of God. Ahab wants to look into the black abyss of the whale's eye and see someone looking back, and not just indifference. He wants the whale to recognize him as him, he wants the whale to have taken his leg and remember that he took his leg, he wants the whale the universe to be intelligible, for there to be a soul behind those eyes that he can read, understand, and for it to have taken his leg because it was him, and not for no reason.

>> No.19057488

I like it, I like it. Who was Ahab in the bible?

>> No.19057552
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Jezebel's husband.. persecutor of Elijah the prophet....

>> No.19057577
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>> No.19057587

I like whales, is Moby Dick a good read if I like whales?

>> No.19057622

it's been almost 5 years and I still haven't gotten over this story. it really is one of those rare experiences where I feel like I was on that journey in the flesh.

>> No.19057699

Impossibly good

>> No.19057709

>Elijah the prophet
who is he?

>> No.19057727

Yea, I'm "diving in" after reading that the author was a man of faith and was inspired by the Bible.

First human being/prophet recorded in the Bible to had gone to heaven without having to die. He did some gnarly things too, battled occultists in a battle of whos God will provide results. The battle consisted of placing an animal sacrifice on the altar and seeing who's God would strike the sacrifice with fire. The occultists went first and nothing happened. Elijah, knowing full well he had this in the bag went on and poured a ton of water over his sacrifice, just to spite the occultists. Despite it being soaked in water, God struck it with fire and it burned.

>> No.19057743

Inspired by the Bible yes, and there are lots of biblical references, but Melville himself was more of a gnostic, and the book is not doctrinaly sound

>> No.19057751

>and the book is not doctrinaly sound
What do you mean by this?

>> No.19057756

Melville was not really a Christian

>> No.19057769

>Nathalia Wright, in Melville’s Use of the Bible,
says that Melville knew the Bible so well that ”he
could smell the burning of Gomorrah and the pit;
hear the trumpet in the Valley of Jehoshaphat,...
taste Belshazzar’s feast, feel the heat of the fiery
furnace.” 7 She adds that Melville’s “mind seems
to have been saturated with its [the Bible’s] sto-
ries, its ideas, and its language.”8 Melville’s per-
10 Pro Rege—June 2019
sonal Bibles are heavily marked by the author,
who has numerous underlinings devoted to the
book of Job and Ecclesiastes. In a letter to his
friend Nathaniel Hawthorne around the time he
was writing his whaling novel, Melville wrote, “I
read Solomon more and more, and every time see
deeper and deeper meaning in him.

>> No.19057775

His passion in scripture and the Bible overall is something that seems to draw me to this.

>> No.19057790

maybe the true maps were theplaces we met along the way.
something can chomp something else without the use of teeth anon. still dont want to be chomped by baleen.

>> No.19057862

I don't know what I'm more excited about now, reading Moby Dick itself or looking for any and all references of the Bible in Moby Dick.

>> No.19057881

There's one on every page

>> No.19057886

Stop I need to wait patiently for the book to arrive.

>> No.19058334
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>> No.19058389

Keep in mind part of this is because the narrator is named ishmael
Also be prepared to read a lot of cetology chapters

>> No.19058834

>Also be prepared to read a lot of cetology chapters
I love whales, this book almost sounds like it was made just for me. Of course I'm not being literal, but it's got whales and apparently biblical references on every page. I couldn't ask for anything more.

>> No.19058954

Well, what are you waiting for?

>> No.19058980

For the book to arrive.

>> No.19059025

Taxonomy is a social construct, chud. What is YOUR definition of a whale? Is a sperm whale not a whale? You fucking idiot.

>> No.19059079

Guys I finally made it past the cetology chapter. It's all downhill now right?

>> No.19059082

Yes. Gets really fucking good from there on out.

>> No.19059083

I know I'm probably not the only one who feels this, but I really love the early section of the book where he's just chilling in some random New England town eating chowder. Is there any other stories with this comfy aesthetic?

>> No.19059089

Try Robert Louis Stevenson

>> No.19059530

I think he was the guy who brought the ring to mordor

>> No.19060654

this was the best part of the book for me. if the rest was just Ishmael and Queequeg on whaling adventures i would like it more