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19054660 No.19054660 [Reply] [Original]

Say what you will about either Zizek or Peterson; you must admit the merit of introducing the zoomers to real philosophy.

>> No.19054670

that's the worst part about them.

>> No.19054671

Define "real philosophy"
But sure, I get your point. They could be a gateway to "real" philosophy.

>> No.19054691

As in, without them, zoomers would probably stick to shallow YouTube edutainment like Vsauce or Contrapoints.

>> No.19054775

this was a good debate because both guys have a similar ratio of good points to being completely full of shit. 4 hours of Peterson admitting he hasn't read any Marx outside of the manifesto and Zizek giving a mostly unrelated talk he would have given in any context interspersed with him calling Peterson a moron. 10/10 would watch again.

>> No.19054825

that's like saying 'its okay to encourage children to read harry potter tier books because they atleast read something'
in the words of harold bloom'let them not read mediocrity'

>> No.19054866

He called him a moron? All I heard was a bunch of pandering from both sides the whole time
>oh isn't it so wonderful that we can all come together and have a conversation, my good sir I venerate thee!

>> No.19054877

difficult to watch with the friends laugh track in the background

>> No.19054899

I still haven't even seen this. Triggered Anthony Fantano, I remember. Is it good? I don't know, maybe I'll just have to watch it.

>> No.19054937


>> No.19054944

No, it wasn't good

>> No.19054974

Peterson doesn't know shit about philosophy tough.

>> No.19054988

Worth a watch but it's not what'd you'd hope for.

>> No.19055016

In a way, it is good because my deeply loved philosophy department is dying so we need more people to be interested in philosophy. On the other hand, I see new students choosing immature topics to research. There is a girl a few years younger than me how wants to write her thesis about harry potter.

>> No.19055020

What is Zizek contribution to philosophy that's not just memes? Quiero decir nada pero ...

>> No.19055031


>> No.19055035

Peterson literally started with Nietzsche instad of the greeks. He's peak boomer.

>> No.19055056

Imagine your criticism of someone being that they didn't fall for a 4chan meme.

>> No.19055092

I'm not an expert on Zizek but just off the top of my head. Reading Hegel trough Lacan. Offering an interesting reading of cartesian dualism. He also has really good criticism of the French post modernists and post modernism in general
You also have is theological side but i don't know anything about that.
He certainly is a serious philosopher unlike Peterson.

>> No.19055140

Has Peterson ever claimed to be as such? He's a psychologist first by amy self description I've heard.

>> No.19055149


>> No.19055377

It's just funny how Peterson does not follow his own rules/advice.

>set your house in PERFECT order before your criticize the world
>got addicted to benzos and came near death
>still doesn't stop him from decrying how the neo-marxist postmodernists are destroying the world

>do your homework
>procrastinated and crammed a pamphlet to a Marxist debate the last day

>> No.19055392
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Neither of them are real philosophers or serious intellectuals.
Zizek is a funny meme man promoting Marxist and globalhomo agendas.
Peterson is a motivational speaker promoting liberal and globalhomo agendas.

>> No.19055393

Has Peterson read Hegel? If not then he will miss a good amount of what Zizek is saying

>> No.19055407
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Jay Dyer would BTFO both of them.

>> No.19055431

I don't know if zoomers really care or even about them though
None of the zoomers I've seen seem to have any care for anything resembling philosophy at all

>> No.19055466

That's like saying Harry Potter novels are good because they got kids into reading

>> No.19055500

Plenty of extremely online uni aged zoomers into Peterson and Zizek because of memes and youtube compilations. Peterson became a hero of the "anti SJW" Shapiro crowd. Think incels who wear ahegao shirts to school, nasal voiced debate kids and the like.

Zizek appeals to undergrads and socialist larpers, which is trendy right now with young people.

>> No.19055537

>reading hegel

>> No.19055567
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Why does Ben Shapiro have such a nasally girly voice

>> No.19055595
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Both Peterson and Zizek are very middlebrow and neither of them have very sophisticated arguments.
Peter Sloterdijk would own both of them.

>> No.19055600

He constantly admits that he struggles to follow them just like everyone else you stupid fucking idiot

>> No.19055616

Never thought of it like that. That's a really good point

>> No.19055622
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The real irony is that Peterson himself is a postmodernist. He doesn't even have a solid grasp of what truth is. His definition of "truth" is just whatever is evolutionarily beneficial. He literally said "what is truth?" in a debate and dismissed any sense of metaphysical universals in favor of total pragmatism.

>> No.19055644

I know they helped introduce me to philosophy. They should absolutely exist and are overall a good thing for society (except Zizek)

>> No.19055651

There really is nothing redeeming about Peterson. Hes just a walking contradiction.

>> No.19055676

Jay Dyer has made really good critiques of Jordan Peterson and classical liberalism from a traditionalist and Orthodox Christian perspective.

>> No.19055704

How did it trigger fagtano?

>> No.19055725

I know. I'm a big Jay fan as well.

>> No.19055739
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I want to join the Orthodox Church because I think it is the one true church, but there is no Orthodox Church anywhere near me and I live with my parents and my situation doesn't really allow me to go anywhere.
I don't know what to do.

>> No.19055753

They should have talked about Jung vs Lacan since that is where their actual knowledge intersects

>> No.19055771

>sniffly jew
>nasaly jew voice
Do people actually listen to these hacks?
As a zoomer, I attribute none of my interest in philosophy to these quacks. Rather, my interest was piqued by the likes of HHH, Sadler, a handful of professors, /lit/, and, of course, the greeks.

>> No.19055795

you have no idea how bad this sounds

>> No.19055807

No, I understand completely.

>> No.19056092

Maybe his entire philosophy is shit. Ever thought about that?

>> No.19056096


>> No.19056099
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>> No.19056137

He's never claimed to be a philosopher. Ever. He always introduces himself as a Clinical Psychologist (except for the time he referred to himself as an Evolutionary Biologist, which was hilarious). He has an undergraduate understanding of philosophy which he maximizes by mixing together a melange of psychopharmacology and Jungian analysis. It can be a fun synthesis, but that's about it.

>> No.19056145

It has abysmal sound quality because the microphones are garbage and Zizek keeps snorting in mucus like he has a permanent cold as always. I've met cokeheads and amphetamine junkies who snort less than he does. I don't know how anyone can listen to this shit for more than five minutes.
Along with this you have to listen to the crowd cheering everytime one of them finishes a point. They behave like they're at a boxing match or something.

>> No.19056159

>Triggered Anthony Fantano, I remember
who the fuck cares about that bald faggot

>> No.19056349


>> No.19056355

are you literally me? How old are you, what is your family like and what is your education?

>> No.19056362

Peterson wouldn't want to hurt you (or anybody else for that matter), you know.

>> No.19056422

Then why is he so explicitly anti-white

>> No.19056508

>zoomers would probably stick to shallow YouTube edutainment like Vsauce or Contrapoints.
implying these two hack frauds didn't drive the zoomers into these hackier frauds

>> No.19056698

Peterson pushing far right "cultural marxism" conspiracies is one of his biggest pitfalls. He unwittingly is doing work for fascists with that rhetoric.

>> No.19056707

contrapoints actually knows philosophy, unlike peterson

>> No.19056716

bloom sucks, you need to read virtue ethics

>> No.19056727

yes i'm very sure you are a professor and not some channer trying to guess what philosophy undergrads are like

>> No.19056739

Knows philosophy? Contra couldn't even comprehend Blanchard's (accurate) Typology and deflected with anecdotes. A degree is meaningless without the ability to process new information.

>> No.19056747

that debate wasnt philosophy. that was two shitthrowers throwing shit over each others heads intentionally so that neither would be able to answer a question due to lack of scholarly knowledge in the other's field.

It was pure obfuscationism and beating around the bush.

>> No.19056750

Nietzsche failed to follow his own philosophy, ever thought about that? I don’t care for Peterstein in the slightest, but your argument is a meme

>> No.19056761

Peterson is a psychologist. Zizek is a philosopher. The debate only happened because the internet memers wanted to see it and they knew they could make money off of it

>> No.19056762

knows philosophy =/= is an expert on every philosophy topic she ever talks about. she did graduate study on kant's aesthetics and has never erred on that as far as i know. she tends to just get continental philosophy wrong

>> No.19056775

>she tends to just get continental philosophy wrong
also, sometimes she doesn't even get it wrong when r/badphilosophy grad student types think she does. she is just trying to explain philosophy to laymen which is pretty difficult without butchering the ideas

>> No.19056784


>> No.19056800

gaslighting faggot
I don't even like Peterstein but cultural Marxism is real.

>> No.19056811

Cultural Marxism is an anti semitic conspiracy theory that originated with the Nazis "cultural bolshevism" concept

>> No.19056823

where are the marxists?

>> No.19056827

Its a man not a woman.

>> No.19056836

>this nigga hasn’t read Gramsci

>> No.19056841

Neither has Peterson or the rightoids that go on about "cultural Marxism"

>> No.19056844
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In France

>> No.19056850

Meh, doesn’t matter if they have or not, the ideas of Debord, Gramsci, Spectres of Marx are basically the Marxist scare in a nutshell

>> No.19056861

nah she's a woman, see here: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/feminism-trans/

>> No.19056867

>this Stanford article proves male socialisation is a myth
How about no

>> No.19056891

It's amazing that people allowed this, even as a qualification. Everything about American culture is dying. I just want some to jack me into a Matrix-esque program pre-2010.

>> No.19056912
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Go back.

>> No.19056914

But it's true.
"Conspiracy theory" was coined by the CIA to discredit anyone who disagrees with the established narrative.

>> No.19056938

And? You haven't shown why it's wrong.

>> No.19056956
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Frankfurt School = cultural Marxism

>> No.19057005

Because he is a boomer liberal

>> No.19057089

>introducing the zoomers to real philosophy
pick one, lmao

>> No.19057110

>Real Philosophy

>> No.19057171

That's because you're a retard and lack understanding. Jordan Peterson is conceding to the counter argument with his actions. Zizek pointed this out in their debate. Peterson realizes it's not enough to just tell others to clean their room. He feels compelled to go out there and talk about these societal ills that exist in the world cause there are larger forces at play here the individual alone can not surmount.. Yet he decries when other people do the same thing. It's a clear contradiction.