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19051100 No.19051100[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

That nigga is 100% true, bitch ass haters just try to keep him down cause he drops truth bombs.

>> No.19051114

that's always been my opinion. no one wants to discuss it because his theory hits too hard

>> No.19051132

This is why Lacan and Jung are epic

>> No.19051161

>The fact you don’t believe Freud actually means you unconsciously think he’s right noooo

>> No.19051202

When you've got nothing to go on, you compensate by being a try-hard mess like OP

>> No.19051275

Is it that men have a Oedipus complex or that an entire generation was conditioned to pornography at a young age so that essentially what we’re left with are a bunch of puer aeterneus seeking comfort and security from anything they can grab which often times is pornography and the internet until eventually they resort to more extreme forms of comfort such as pic related.

>> No.19051284

Nothing makes me laugh harder than some pathetic anon calling him a neurotic Jew lmao

>> No.19051287

Pretty sure this guy was suffering from foreskin envy so that invalidates everything he has ever said.

>> No.19051293
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>> No.19051307

Fucking this. All "refutations" of Freudian theory are misunderstood takedowns of overgeneralisrd strawmen, and utter cope.
One of the few truly based Jews

>> No.19051312

What do you think of Sartre's criticism of Freud in Being and Nothingness

>> No.19051521

Should I read Freud or Jung?
Pick one and just one.

>> No.19051526

This is how I feel about holocaust denial as well, peoples reluctance to talk about it is clearly a sign that it didnt happen

>> No.19051531


>> No.19051540

Jung, because all of Freud's essential insights can be derived from Jung and he goes deeper. That said, don't be a brainlet and read both

>> No.19051678

The mass child rape theory of Vienna > Oedipus Complex theory.

>> No.19051693

Both is the only correct answer. But if you're insistent on being a shit and reading one and only one, then Jung, because he builds on Freud's work. Freud established the field, Jung expanded it

>> No.19051717

btfo popper. coon faggots need not apply

>> No.19051737

He's rejected today for the same reason he was rejected then -- puritan "don't talk about sex". Doesn't help that 80% of the psych field is women. "Freud's been debunked!" "He's obsessed with sex". Retards.

>> No.19051827

>truth bombs
You and every other zoomer ITT: neck yourself NOW!>>19051132

>> No.19051835

Watch a Dangerous Method and get back to me.

Jung failed to incorporate his father loathing and became unscientific.

>> No.19051837

Lacan is epic because he informs Zizek fucking your mother and D&G fucking you are dad.

>> No.19051838

It couldn't be the total lack of evidence for anything be said

>> No.19051852

Zizek is curdled milk at this point m8. D&G still go hard tho

>> No.19051858

He's right but his mistake is in his universality. Freud identified a common trend, but not an all-powerful theoretical rule about psychology

>> No.19051863

Which is why you read both

>> No.19051896

We're not here just to rape our patients, we are *ALSO* here to become their fathers by mastering science. This is why Jung will never be relevant. Unless you're gay.

You like Guitary, right? I know you do. Lube up for me. Now shave your sack.

>> No.19051902

What about those of us into Mom NTR?

>> No.19051908

shut up retard you're literally using a movie to support your argument.

>> No.19051913

This, I don’t even know what this guy believes in but I just say that he’s irrefutable just to piss off my psych major gf who follows the collective in trashing this guy

>> No.19051916
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Freud was proven right by this man's existence

>> No.19051937

You clearly haven't read either Freud or Jung

>> No.19051961

I'm sorry mate, but you're wrong. I have read them, I am just Australian. You're welcome, you can wipe my cock drip off on your moustache.

>> No.19051964

>using a cultural work to defend a claim about the sub-conscious

Oh right, I'm sorry, the Oedipus complex is real.

>> No.19051980

>I'm Australian
I just got bantered into oblivion, didn't I?
I kneel
(You're still wrong though)

>> No.19051987
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>>using a cultural work to defend a claim about the sub-conscious
fuck you not listening fuck you not listening fuck you not listening

>> No.19052012

Don't fuck with us, we're full of seamen.

But more seriously, Jung is engaging in a fantastic exercise; whereas Freud while incorrect is bothering to rigorously refer back to repeated patient observations.

Now run a basic history of science over the field.

>> No.19052036

>mass child rape theory of Vienna
Care to explain?

>> No.19052080

So Freud's initial theory was that the mass reports of child sexual experience with adults in Vienna were a result of adults having en masse sexual experience with children in Vienna.

He viewed this as impossible. So he theorised the kids were making it up.

>> No.19052087

I don't get what you're trying to say.
So what actually happened?

>> No.19052105

Where can I read about this?
t. pedo

>> No.19052128

I am not sure what he is talking about but it might be that Freud in his practice found that a staggering high amount of his clients where sexually abused as children. Making him realize that child abuse was way more common then what people thought. Because they where very uppity about sex in those times that triggered people really really hard and did not want to hear about that or believe it.

>> No.19052130

Even Freud him self was disturbed at how common it was.

>> No.19052147

Abusing children is not good but children are hot. What a shame.

>> No.19052211

Must not have read the rear naked choke called Ordeal of Civility

>> No.19052534

Only midwits demand evidence
Someone post the bellcurve

>> No.19052613

No, he was aware of its occurrence, and knew and was told that if he released/published his findings, being that many of his patient children were being abused and raped, he would be blackballed and have his career ruined.
His clients were generally well off, especially the families of the children he saw, as most people couldn't get therapy, nor even knew of it. These powerful families would have made sure that he didn't allow people to know about this theory of his, so he decided to rid himself of it and destroy all his findings, and from then on, ignore it.

>> No.19052653

Freud was IsTJ much better. Jung loved mysticism and edginess but Freud was empirical and only used intuition sparingly

>> No.19052889

Jung is exponentially better than Freud imo, and able to divorce himself from sex long enough for post nut clarity, plus he gives an entire framework to legitimize religious influence in a rationalist worldview.

>> No.19052897

>legitimize religious influence in a rationalist worldview
This is meaningless.

>> No.19052908

It's valid to demand evidence for a theory predicated upon evidence. Topwits don't bother with scientific theories though, so evidence is a non-factor.

>> No.19052909

>lying over science
And there you have it, the Oedipus complex: designed to conceal bourgeois paedophiles.

>> No.19053357


>> No.19053433

Has already been debunked by me not wanting to fuck my mother
You're welcome anons

>> No.19053445


>> No.19053467

The first commemorative Soviet monument said 1.7 million victims, then it mysteriously became 6 million. Fun fact, the only country for the Jewish population to increase by a lot (it doubled) between 1930 and 1970 was France, and they claimed 9 million Jews died, they were the only country to officially claim over 6 million died, extremely curious

>> No.19053551

it's ironic, because nothing turns a girl off faster than a guy looking for a mommy ersatz

>> No.19053589

Running shit in her face usually does the trick faster.

>> No.19053656

lol waht?

>> No.19053893

the only response freud has ever gotten from me is a "ok and?". thats better than most other psychologists i guess.

>> No.19053945

"Nexk" yourself is zoomer lingo. leave this life in excruciating pain you faggot.

>> No.19053949

>and able to divorce himself from sex long enough for post nut clarity
The exact reason his work has no value, this is the psychoanalysis version of those cringe atheists going on about reading the Bible for vague secularist ethical reasons.

>> No.19054198

is it better to simplify religion as a longing for a father figure?

>> No.19055519

Is there a chart for getting started with Siggy?

>> No.19055526

But he's a crazy person

>> No.19055629

Either way Freud is right. That’s what psychoanalysis is all about.

>> No.19055637

The international success of Evangelion is proof he was right