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19048415 No.19048415 [Reply] [Original]

How come in Genesis god creates women just so they fuck over man? If only man existed he wouldnt have eaten the fruit and furthermore why did women even exist since procreation was not necessary?

>> No.19048455

Because it’s allegory to tell you women are fucking dumb and will lead you astray.

>> No.19048458

Adam was meant to reign over Eve. You can also ask the reverse question, "Why did God create Eve just so that man could fail to rule her?" If Adam just did his job we would all be fine. The truth is that both parties are responsible for human corruption and both failed in different ways.

>> No.19048482

show me the exact passage where it says adam should have reigned over eve chud

>> No.19048518


>> No.19048534

And why did God design women to be dumber, less moral, overall inferior to men? It makes no damn sense

The existence of women is unironically a great argument against the existence of a benevolent God, no benevolent God would have designed half the species so badly

>> No.19048551

It is not good for man to be alone.
All the seething "tfw no gf" incels are proof of that

>> No.19048576

Ephesians 5:22-33 and Genesis 3:16-17. The role of Adam is respect to Eve was always to be the head of the marriage just as Christ is head of the Church.

>> No.19048577

Do you think I'd care if I was immortal in the garden of eden? What is the purpose of women in eden? Man lacked nothing

>> No.19048579

Yhwh is a massive fuck up.
The end

>> No.19048580

It is meant to be a reflection of Christ and the Church. Women are subserviently to men just as the Church is subserviently to Christ. Men are loyal to women just as Christ is loyal to the Church.

>> No.19048648
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Man is the prototype God made, Woman is the perfected final creation and TOGETHER they are the image of God.

The snake chose to talk to Eva because she was in charge and as a result she gained Knowledge first.

>> No.19048662


>> No.19048694

Adam listened to Eva right away while in paradise. The implications are clear. This is how God designed the perfect relationship between men and women.

>> No.19048698

No. Everyone is made in the image of God, Eve was the first to fall, but Adam sealed the fate of mankind. This is cringe feminist/gnostic portrayal of Genesis and no one is buying it.

>> No.19048705

Because it's based on the Canaanite myth of Adammu and makes no sense in a monotheistic context

>> No.19048715
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>> No.19048727

Wow, are you coping in every thread about Genesis? Being a coping christcuck sure is hard work

>> No.19048731

Doesn't have to be gnostic. It's all God's plan.