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19046030 No.19046030 [Reply] [Original]

ITT useful sexual improvement books

>> No.19046035

yup this works, have had sex with 30 women licking their pussy. Still a virgin though

>> No.19046036


>> No.19046038

my diary desu

>> No.19046039

The Joy of Sex

>> No.19046097


>> No.19046114

The Joy of She Comes First Sex: The Dick and Balls revisions, (with a foreword by Madame Testiclegroper), co-written by Muffma'am Niggertits

>> No.19046127

Who Cares If She Likes It Or Not: The Man's Guide to Not Being A Faggot

>> No.19046138

Is there a chapter which will help me stop cumming so fast?

>> No.19046158

Sex with you sounds like a sad affair.

>> No.19046182

>implying sex with a sweaty neckbeard feminists isnt sad
Topkek mate. I am sure the women you sex are very impressed and talks about it to all their friends and stuff.

t. Not the anon you quoted.

>> No.19046189

step one: have a big dick
I can't believe people actually eat pussy

>> No.19046191

People are going to say do kegels and reverse kegels. Personally it kept lasting longer if I had sex fairly often and didnt really care. The average sex lasts for 15 min. Don't compare yourself to porn. Get fit and learn to get boner again fast after you nut.

Try to realize that sex isn't that special and that could help. Jerking off (no porn) once in a while might help, but I don't know.

>> No.19046201

Nice assumptions, projection maybe? Did you relate to what I said to that other anon?

>> No.19046203

first of all, how do i get gf

>> No.19046204
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For me? Its slow sex.

>> No.19046238

>Who Cares If She Likes It Or Not
I think you have watched too much "mainstream" pornography, we've all been there.

>> No.19046269
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>> No.19046280
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"Penis Genius"
I'm definitely using that one

>> No.19046286
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This book improved my sex life almost overnight.

>> No.19046305

Not really. I would argue that you were projecting towards the other anon first. Were my assumptions wrong though?

>> No.19046349

> I would argue that you were projecting towards the other anon first.
Well, you must be pretty shit at arguing. "Who Cares If She Likes It Or Not" is the type of stuff that people who are bad at sex say, i.e. because that attitude pretty much guarantees that their partner won't enjoy it. That's why I said "sex with you sounds like a sad affair." That's not projection, that a direct inference from a statement that person made. Pretty annoying that I had to spell it out for you, how can you be on a literature board and have such weak reading comprehension skills?

> Were my assumptions wrong though?

>> No.19046500

I'm still reading it. 30% in. The exercises are fucking magical and changed how people react to me A LOT. But man is it ever a drag to read the actual book.

>> No.19046521

I just read the wikipedia article and still have no idea what that book is about/teaching

>> No.19046565
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>psycho cybernetics

>> No.19046590

>I did zero work to understand very complex topics
Thats because you need to read book in order to grasp book

>> No.19046611
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>> No.19046616
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>> No.19046846

By the amount of mad you are showing, I think I was right. If I didn't hit a nerve, why would you be so mad? It is okay man, I am sure girls love to have the sex with you and you do it alot.

>> No.19047089
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Just downloaded the epub from genlib, what am I in for.

>> No.19047113

> u mad ?
Is this the amount of effort you put into sex as well?

>> No.19047139


Is this going to tell me to get a robot cock or something?

>> No.19047190

Can you give an example of an exercise from the book?

>> No.19047201

Have a look at the good read reviews. It's literally 'just bee yourself' but tells you how to just be yourself and be happy with that, leading to an enjoyable life.

>> No.19047243

Wtf are you talking about. Have you read it? No? Then stfu retard.

>> No.19047294

One is to keep replaying past successes of your in your minds eye for a couple of minutes everyday. Do this before you meet people or do stuff. It will charge up your unconscious awesomeness-meter.

Another one is to imagine the ideal you inhabiting his world doing day to day stuff. Thats all I know so far.

The book talks a lot about an unconscious goal-seeking mechanism. He explains it really well and that shit makes tons of sense if you have some life experience.
In the end it is all about how you see yourself is the factor that is limiting how much you get out of your life. Its not about just beeing yourself at all as that other anon, who read some dogshit on goodreads, thinks.

>> No.19047313

>muh sjws

How to spot the virgin

>> No.19047338

is it really worth the 150 pages or could it be narrowed down to a buzzfeed article?

>> No.19047371

it could be narrowed down to that post actually

>> No.19047398

>Another one is to imagine the ideal you inhabiting his world doing day to day stuff. Thats all I know so far.
Man I got my head full of pathetic success fantasies daydreaming already, it doesn't really help my psyche.

>> No.19048880

Stephen King?

>> No.19048947

He mad lol.

Sorry that I hit the nail on the with another one. Didnt mean to offend you.

>> No.19048951

>le based narcissistic misogyny
Why does this attitude trend on 4chan

>> No.19048968

Unless she has a 99th percentile perfect porn pussy, it ain't happening.

t. Coomer

>> No.19048990

Anything that will get censored elsewhere trends on 4chan. Doesnt even have to be actually funny, it becomes "funny" simply for being taboo

>> No.19049021

Sexual improvement is an oxymoron. It can only be reinforced and that isn't a boon to your soul but a detriment as one becomes filled with more and more carnal experiences, infecting the memory and driving the will to pursue them. In the words of St. Augustine, lust is an enemy that makes war on all and few prevail. Stop masturbating. Delete tinder. Remove any occasion for pornography. You can invest a lifetime in sexual indulgence and have nothing to show for it. It is a transitory and unfufilling pleasure that lowers one to the level of brute animals devoid of reason.

>> No.19049071

I get that but it seems like many people actually believe its based to hate women and simp-like to get married. Its like I expect the popular opinion on an uncensored platform to be closer to the truth, but perhaps the majority of people here have a pathologized relationship with their mother or have failed so badly in relationships they resent females for their nature to an almost homosexual degree.

>> No.19049114

>expect....closer to the truth
Only in a very vague sense, eg. feminism is obviously an over correction. But there is no "truth" about gender relations really. Is the truth what the Taliban do? What England did 300 years ago? What modern Israel does?

>> No.19049167

Usually people who loved and were loved by their families get a general sense that bonding with other people is the most desirable experience in life to the point of necessity, and having that bond with a wife and children of your own is the ultimate form of success. I think the issue is that people are becoming antisocial.

>> No.19049179

>tfw "slow sex with youmu" is the superior doujin

>> No.19049212

It is what you make it though.
Lust is an enemy because you made it that and thus it becomes your reality. You merely adopted the ideas of people who lived hundreds of years ago to give meaning to your suffering. Or atleast that's how I see it. So to each their own.
This is how your post can be interpreted:
You tell others what to do because in reality you still feel the need to push your own insecurites on others to feel validated. You think you have overcome some sort of carnal desire but in reality you're still entangled in its existence. The need to tell everyone how to live their lives is there because you have yet to understand solipsism and you adopted these ideas to cope with your own reality.
also see:
>Master-slave morality

>> No.19049228

Tell me please I don't want to read gish gallop.

>> No.19049254

She comes first can be summarized in a page, download the ePub and I think there’s literally an in summation chapter at the end. It’s very concrete and specific advice. I have had mixed results with it though. Most girls love it but some find the approach too harsh.

>> No.19049262

>too harsh
Too harsh???

>> No.19049290

No. It's a book about the mental aspects of BDSM.

Best one I've come across.

>> No.19049307

There’s a lot of emphasis on heavy pressure, both from your lips and tongue. Most girls like it but I have been with some who find that level of pressure uncomfortable.

>> No.19049616

>have failed so badly in relationships they resent females for their nature to an almost homosexual degree
what. Take your head out of your ass please. We dont take kindly to pretentious nimrods here.

With the rise of techonology and easy access to new partners, it is no wonder men become antisocial and refuse to engage. The top 20% meme isn't a meme. The sexual revolution didnt make sex more equally distributed, it just made it less shameful for women to be their hedonistic selves.
Who in their right mind would get married when you see the divorce rates and know the price you have to pay? And don't forget that woman tend to choose a partner on their own level or higher. With more women getting higher education, they will have to lower their evolutionary standards, but nobody talks about that and if someone did say something like that there would be outrage. Women are taught that they are special and have so much worth just by existing. Men have worth only in what they can provide.

inb4 t. incel

>> No.19049628
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>> No.19049659

Song of songs?

>> No.19049679

>pleasuring a woman
Whew. Lots to unpack here.
First of all, women don’t feel physical pleasure in any form. They get psychological pleasure from manipulating men.
Secondly, there is no such thing as a female orgasm. This is where point one comes in. They gain pleasure from making you think you are “getting them off” even though they feel absolutely nothing physical

>> No.19049703

Some girls actually try to hide their orgasms because they're embarrassed at the little faces they make(as they should be)

>> No.19049802

>they will have to
no one has to do anything, they'll die hedonistically and get replaced by the next batch of kids to be indoctrinated by school/media.
kids from the religious minority and immigrant families from countries with functional social constructs with birth rates above replacement level

>> No.19049847

>be me
>addicted to porn since 14
>find gf
>unable to perform, I keep getting soft
>we try a least a dozen times and nothing
>we keep trying
>magically the problem fix itself
>now I'm hard as a rock wherever I want just like when I watching porn
>I somehow have extremely endurance
>I can last 30 minutes to 1 hour easily
>I don't even get soft when I cum
I feel like I have a superpower

>> No.19049856

You are going to be called an incel, but I am convinced that female orgasm is just a psyops. Literal placebo. I have had sex with women and they seemingly have gotten orgasms based on convulsions and stiffening of nipples, but how can we ever know for sure? Female orgasm doesn't make sense from nature standpoint either.

>> No.19049886

Good on you, anon. I think the best advice is to take your time and keep trying with the same partner. At some point you will not feel as aroused and anxious anymore and then it is no problem. That takes time and trust though. I have only had two partnes. The first one I could only fuck for a few minutes the first times, but she didn't mind. After some weeks I could just keep going and get back my erection fast after nutting. Sometimes I couldnt even nut the second/third time.

>> No.19049928

>find gf
>unable to perform, I keep getting soft
shit this is me
except I didnt keep trying and the problem never magically went away
I just assumed there was something wrong with me and gave up

>> No.19050058


Mr. Pussy Licking's how to lick pussy tutorial videos

>> No.19050087
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When I learned about orgasms as a kid I never once doubted the female orgasm is real. What drives people to unironically believe it's a hoax?

>> No.19050090

It's not wrong. Just be yourself.

>> No.19050098

How sure are you that she is not slipping viagra into your food? What you are describing is not impossible, but the overnight change is suspicious.

>> No.19050174

Women who lie that they have one when it is obvious they did not. However, sometimes women orgasming is just plain hard to tell. I had an ex gf that had very strong and obvious orgasms. She would need to have sex in a specific way to achieve them though. Very slow and making out while she was riding me. When she did orgasm she would break the kiss, arch her back, and practically scream while being racked by strong rhythmic convulsions. One time, for no discernable reason, she tells me that I made her orgasm when I was missionary fucking her. I was too absorbed in my own world to notice, but the point is that I was extremely familiar with her orgasms and she was not very subtle compared to other partners and one slipped by me.

Another observation is that women on antidepressants/antipsychotics have weak orgasms. I can't be compatible with these women because their already low female sex drive is chemically diminished further.

>> No.19050212

viagra don't work that way anon. Besides we like to had sex first in the morning right after waking up. If she it's puting something on my food I want to know what it is because I can get rich selling this stuff

>> No.19050295

ngmi. Reflowed pageless OCR spitout . Either get a PDF capable device (as in size) or go home. Last I checked the Onyx Boox Max 3

>> No.19050317

You're a slave to your dick. Masturbation and sex even seize 100% control of the mind, and acting on it leaves you tired and thirsty for more.

>> No.19050626

The nature of women makes it’s hoax-ness a near certainty

>> No.19051021

>he doesn’t want to nibble on a long, flappy labia

>> No.19051044

Had a similar experience. Talked to a doctor, turns out the “le men last 5 minutes” meme is a fucking lie. Average guys can go half an hour no problem, and since we’re in such bad shape in this country, the limit tends to be running out of breath rather than nutting. The reason you cum so fast jacking off is that you aren’t physically exerting yourself and there’s no pressure to appeal to a partner, so all your mental energy goes straight to your dick. Sex is basically the opposite of this if you do it right, so you naturally last longer.

>> No.19051151

I guess the truth is that misogyny and violent tendencies towards women are a real thing and not a meme. It's why we continue to see men randomly attack women in public in practically every country on earth. I guess 4chan tries to legitimize those impulses using the incel narrative, the failure of feminism and general neoconservative dogma to justify it. I sometimes resent women for being vapid whores but I don't hate them.

>> No.19051452

Rub the clut with your fingers, tongue, big toe, elbow, FUPA or pretty much anything else.
There, saved you a few hours.

>> No.19052314

have you never observed a girl orgasm when she rides you

>> No.19052391

Women love being used like whores, especially well-bred ladies.

>> No.19052467

>implying only faggots are good at sex

>> No.19052523
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How does one come to terms with this? As it stands it's seriously damaged my view of women.

>> No.19052696

I don't need sex advice. I'm unsure of my dick size. What do you guys consider average?

>> No.19052809

I just read it and it seems pretty straightforward, so much so that you could skip the book itself.

>> No.19052831

>people who are bad at sex
Retarded concept. If you somehow aren't enjoying sex, but you're with someone you're supposedly attracted to, you have a mental illness of some kind.

>> No.19052844

I subscribe to the Elliot Rodger school of penis sizes

>> No.19052898

if you're not at least 6.5 inches you will need an azn gf

>> No.19052903
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I read it many years ago. There’s some unpalatable (heh) Freudian nonsense; but the main idea helped me in my coomer days: communication.

>> No.19052904

For a bottom like you are, smaller will mean less tearing. So 800 to 900 mega liters or fewer.

>> No.19052950

Woman is responsible for her own pleasure. she has all the freedom in the world to achieve it

if she doesn't then maybe she could try getting pregnant and producing milk to give her life meaning beyond muh organism

>> No.19053080

For you.

>> No.19053885

You did not address anything he said.