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19045661 No.19045661[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I don't hate gays (I am one) but why does the current narrative have to be homoerotic and suicidal... is that what we've come to?

>> No.19045669
File: 194 KB, 470x600, faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gay cunt

>> No.19045673

Misogyny is latently homoerotic, and this is one of the most misogynist websites. Idk what you expected

>> No.19045675

Current narrative?

>> No.19045693

gay people experience social death and have bad lives, especially now under neoliberal productivism, what did you expect

>> No.19045737

If environmental estrogen doesn't make you gay feminism will make you prison gay.

>> No.19045750

Why are you gay?

>> No.19046148
File: 186 KB, 482x511, 56945-069-04564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one bites the dust


Can you give some more specific examples

>> No.19046263


>> No.19046423

youre gonna have to elaborate bro

>> No.19046502

>Died of COVID
There is justice

>> No.19046535

That's just teenagers man... people have been gay and suicidal for all of history, even authors claiming to be super straight are gay

>> No.19046562
File: 38 KB, 567x376, B2F9DAAA-8D0A-4C3D-8FA6-3904B3317EAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one bites the dust

>> No.19046576
File: 31 KB, 399x581, 6157A1A5-1911-4978-B711-20950B19480F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can confirm, gay people under Stalin and Mao were treated amazingly, try translate this sign

>> No.19046579

"I burned the fried rice"

>> No.19046607
File: 2.24 MB, 330x166, 1610221539704.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't hate gays

>> No.19046874

I honestly don't give a fuck. I don't know why it's so important who you want to fuck as long as it isn't kids

>> No.19047012

The current narrative isn’t gay, it’s faggy.
The point is to integrate homosexuals to the coom-consoom cycle hence why they pigeonhole them into a certain mold.
Never mind that homosexuals differ wildly between each, the only thing linking them together being their sexual orientation, the mainstream want some to present this very narrow image of homos as “le friendly harmless liberal gay neighbors”.
As if every homosexual had the same liberal views. Plenty of homos are misogynistic, a lot are racist af or display traits that would be called “toxic masculinity” in a straight man.
There’s also a deliberate whitewashing of their culture, ignoring the bug-catching community and other detached shit homos get to behind closed doors, because it’s not advertiser-friendly.
It’s the same as with every other group, (((they))) want to turn everyone into liberal consumer cattle that doesn’t question their corporate overlords.

>> No.19047040
File: 115 KB, 474x600, Filippo_Tommaso_Marinetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related had the right idea.

>> No.19047044

What was his idea?

>> No.19047046

intense hate of women

>> No.19047063

Well he said he's gay so he wants to fuck kids.

>> No.19047082

Didn't realize Jeff Epstein was homosexual.

>> No.19047087

fucking 12 years old was okay for most of human history in most cultures

>> No.19047126

People who harbour strong feelings against homosexuals probably just don't feel that secure about their sexuality. That's why they call it homoPHOBIA, they're scared of what they don't understand, even in themselves.

>> No.19047132

Be gay. Just don't be so gay about it.

>> No.19047187

Slavery was ok too, should we bring it back?

>> No.19047204

Keep telling yourself that, most people feel disgust

>> No.19047236
File: 48 KB, 850x400, quote-the-best-slave-is-the-one-who-thinks-he-is-free-johann-wolfgang-von-goethe-92-88-35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It never left. Idiot.

>> No.19047237

Disgust is a form of fear. It's okay to be scared of things that you don't understand, it's just unfortunate when you're close minded as well. My advice? See a therapist.

>> No.19047252

No it isn't. It could be, but that doesn't mean it is.

>> No.19047265

You just interpret fear as hate/disgust because you don't understand the way you feel. It's not normal to feel so much hate, but it's normal to not understand things (even about yourself). Trust me, see a therapist, or at least just meet someone who's gay and you'll see there's nothing to be scared about.

>> No.19047280

You just interpret hate/disgust as fear because you don't understand the way we feel about homosexuals.

>> No.19047295

No, YOU don't understand the way you feel about homosexuals. The way you feel isn't normal, it's not normal to hate people the way homophobes hate people. It's not a healthy way to live. It's actually making your unhappy. The comradeship you may feel with /po/tards isn't worth how it contributes to ostracising you mentally from the people around you.

>> No.19047304

You are just bamboozling me with sound waves. What are you on about? HATE??
I just think it's gross. That is is literally it. The same way other people have weird fetishes. I don't hate them, if anything I feel bad for them. Having your sexuality commodifed must be humiliating.

>> No.19047320

thats a reddit argument mate

>> No.19047325

Who's sexuality is being commodified and what does that mean? And didn't you realise that you were speaking the language of hate? Don't you know that people who would do actual violence to homosexuals would use the same language as you?

>> No.19047339

>YOU don't understand the way you feel about homosexuals
Who are you to tell me about my perception and interpretation of a group of people? Simply lashing out at those who disagree with your opinions with
will get you nowhere.
>The way you feel isn't normal
Normal to who's criteria, exactly? To yours? Or to mine? I don't blindly "hate" homosexuals are you assume me to, I simply believe them to be following a completely degenerative life-style that produces nothing but their own death. Not only that, but I would not like my children to become homosexuals, and the prevalence of the LGBT agenda/brainwashing is making much more difficult to avoid.
>It's not a healthy way to live.
Sodomy, playing with literal shit and having pinworms in you is not a healthy way to live either.
>ostracising you mentally from the people around you
again, who are you to say that about me? Why are you lashing out in utter bitterness, and mentioning /pol/ of all things?

>> No.19047347

The homosexuals. Their sexuality became a product and a label. Which you should feel bad about.

I don't appreciate violence against homosexuals either, but if you are living in the western world today this problem is virtually non existent.

No one actually "assaults people because they are gay", but assault them because they don't like the person.

>> No.19047359
File: 209 KB, 906x1024, 23238577-925C-46B9-9074-CBDFE1CC91A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, if you're so fixated on "that's no healthy way to live", I recommend looking at this image.

>> No.19047369

its always been that way, kys faggot

>> No.19047395

> I simply believe them to be following a completely degenerative life-style that produces nothing but their own death
> I don't hate homosexuals
Ok. Please just see a therapist or talk to an actual gay person.
Heterosexuality is just as commodified as homosexuality, my dude. Probably even more so. Literally every ad is trying to sell you that buying products will make your love life a success.

You are wrong about violence against homosexuals, just Google it. And the language that you're using contributes to that violence.

Most of these are just homophobic talking points, please don't live your live based on images made by /pol/tards.

>> No.19047407
File: 4.33 MB, 498x280, ezgif-3-c669290f0c4b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont care did not ask

>> No.19047415

>Heterosexuality is just as commodified
Where did i say that it wasn't!?!?! You are arguing with an invisible person.
>You are wrong about violence against homosexuals, just Google it. And the language that you're using contributes to that violence.
I am sorry that you live in such a shithole.

"Gayness" should be a private thing. Like all fetishes.

>> No.19047416

>Ok. Please just see a therapist or talk to an actual gay person
Right, I expected that I wouldn't get a single good reply from you.
>Most of these are just homophobic talking points
Again, completely ignoring the facts sticking your fingers in your ears, dismissing it as homophobic talking points instead of, you know, facts.

>> No.19047425

I am not the person you were talking to, but I laughed so god damn hard looking at the picture. I mean, is that supposed to prove that "gay=bad"? This is a pathetic attempt to rationalize hatred towards a determinated category of people, a feeling which finds its nature in the needed exploitation of the other as a target for past mental conditions (by that I mean traumas or other forms of discomfort). I wish you best luck in becoming better than this

>> No.19047426

not a real source, a bunch of these stats are entirely meaningless (24% - 90%? how is that useful at all?) also cherrypicked (1 in 8 gay men IN LONDON - who cares about London, give me global stats)

In general if you see stats like these it is best to ignore them until you see them better presented in a more serious light.

>> No.19047441

In any "sexually progressive" city such as london. The stats will be right around the same.

>> No.19047452

>gays do so much fucking around they bring HIV into the world
>gay not bad tho

>> No.19047455

The more you refuse to work on yourself and to educate yourself, the more you will hate, and the more you will hurt. No one should have to live like that.

>> No.19047466

>The more you refuse to work on yourself and to educate yourself, the more you will hate, and the more you will hurt. No one should have to live like that.
What a completely unrelated tangent full of projection and effeminate slop.

>> No.19047469
File: 61 KB, 467x424, 4895613486465156465315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NO !!!
>NO IT ISN'T !!!
whether you're a closet case or not, caring this much about people's private lives is a sign of deep insecurity, and entirely non-constructive

>> No.19047471

>The more you refuse to do what I say and to buy my propaganda

>> No.19047493

oh look he's brought out the wojak's and the old "if you dislike the way group behaves then you just must want to be like them", AND the childish "stop caring about people's private lives bro lol".
he's done you, sorry >>19047252

>> No.19047495
File: 271 KB, 1600x1494, Marinetti (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No because i care about creating healthy society and homosex is not so healthy. I don't actually care if people have gay sex. I care that society thinks emulating this is a good thing, and that ultimately a society which deals with "homosexual issues" is decadent per naturam.

>> No.19047504

>current narrative have to be homoerotic and suicidal.
This does not at all seem like the current narrative. The whole "gay misery" theme is more reflective of a time when it was less accepted and the closet was more widespread. The gay narrative seems to be more about romance (call me by your name etc) or more the more risqué side