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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 75 KB, 640x853, idiocracy irl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19044486 No.19044486 [Reply] [Original]

>the average Americuck reads and writes at this level
How do we fix America's mass illiteracy crisis?

>> No.19044492

literally 1984

>> No.19044494 [DELETED] 

Remove niggers. You know as well as I do that's who wrote it. Do not equate a cancer to its host.

>> No.19044499

Get them to read this almost famous little number by George Zimmerman. It's called 1984

>> No.19044501

clearly the answer is to completely eliminate literacy aptitude tests. That's what Commiefornia is doing.

>> No.19044507
File: 20 KB, 112x112, 1626836118740.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

china next superpower and they all have 150 IQ

>> No.19044508

Uninvent smartphones

>> No.19044512

Well it all stems from the fact that everything is context and nothing matters, we killed god and shat in his house of worship and build computers out of his corpse. Why bother fixing the writing and prose of what amounts to illiterate bums? Everyone dies. No one derives meaning from anything anymore. Everyone is fueled by opinion and facts are no longer objective sources. Value is measured in cash and blood. Everyone says “fuck you I got mine.” Who needs to write in the age of visual mediums? Who needs to think clearly in the age of social media and skinner boxes?

Who gives a shit anymore, anon? And even if you do care, what’s the point?

>> No.19044519

its a warning, not an instruction manual. someone should make a thread about it

>> No.19044546
File: 2 KB, 125x100, 9113ACEC-A19C-48AF-9DB5-25B5C1C311C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a tutor at Columbia University. Lots of diversity hire students who literally couldn’t write a sentence. It was sad to see.

>> No.19044551

Proposition to fix our education system
Kindergarten: learn basic writing and reading skills
1st grade: F Gardner and Waldun
2nd-3rd grade: read the greeks
4th grade: read the romans
5th grade: king james bible
6th grade: medieval philosophy
7th grade: early modern philosophy
8th grade: islamic philosophy
9th grade: eastern philosophy
10th grade: schopenhauer, marx, nietchze, and doestoversky
11th grade: hegel
12th grade: jung

>> No.19044569

this, but only work that is older than 60 years

>> No.19044576

so no F Gardner and Waldun?

>> No.19044586
File: 358 KB, 2500x1545, AMERICA · NORAM CENTRAM SOUTHAM · U S A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19044587

you can't understand hegel until you understand f gardner.... everyone knows this baka, you've outed yourself

>> No.19044595


My co-workers regularly type up notes with misspellings but I just let it go usually, not something worth getting cunty over. Occasionally during a work meeting if someone is looking for "that one right word" I'll interject it, and that seems to go fine.

At one point earlier in life I held down two shitty jobs in order to rapidly pay down student debt. I was good enough at both so this butch Wal-Mart manager lady asks if I want to go full-time. I said "No, I'd like to maintain the status quo." Without missing a beat, she said "Status Quo? What's that?" It was very, very difficult for early-20's me to do this, but I recognized that the smart thing to do was not be snarky or sarcastic. I collected myself, and politely repled "I'd like to keep things the way they are now." With equal courtesy, she concluded our interaction: "All right, sounds good!"

>> No.19044604

just laugh at the retards and look forward to being one of the last literate people in this rotten fuckhole

>> No.19044610

Public schooling should be science, math, and PE.

However, no amount of school can overcome the dumbing down social media does to the brain.

>> No.19044639
